As A Future Nurse, What Is The Importance of GEC 10-Environmental Science To You?

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As a future Nurse, what is the importance of GEC 10- Environmental Science to you?

Environmental Science focuses in the many aspects of the environment with a focus on

the preservation of its quality through the conservation of biotic and abiotic resources. It covers

all aspects of the environment, from health and hygiene to ozone depletion and climate change.

We all know that Nurses play a critical role in providing safe, high-quality care to patients and

the healthcare system as a whole. Nurses must solve problems, make decisions, establish goals,

and work together with their colleagues. Nurses must identify and resolve care gaps that could

jeopardize patients' health. Through the course Environmental Science, we can be all aware on

how to maintain our community safe and clean to prevent harm to our patient and also to help

our mother earth as we are serving its care taker and that is the other people, because The nurse's

duty includes assisting with cleaning, determining cleaning requirements, monitoring cleaning

quality, and supplementing cleaning as needed.

Environmental Science
Environmental Science

What is Environmental Science?

The word "environment" comes from the French verb "environner," which meaning "to

envelop or surround." Our environment is made up of everything that surrounds us, living or

non-living. As a result, environment refers to the whole of all elements, forces, and conditions

that influence an individual's life. The term ‘science' comes from the Latin word scientia, which

means 'knowledge.' It has evolved to denote the methodical gathering of data relating to the

observable cosmos and its constituent parts and processes.

Environmental science is described as the study of many aspects of the environment with

a focus on the preservation of its quality through the conservation of biotic and abiotic resources.

It covers all aspects of the environment, from health and hygiene to ozone depletion and climate

change.[ CITATION Jun19 \l 1033 ]

What is Earth Science?

The study of the Earth's structure, qualities, processes, and four and a half billion years of

biotic development is known as Earth science. Understanding these occurrences is critical to the

survival of life on Earth. The growing global population necessitates more resources, puts more

people at risk from natural disasters, and discharges more pollutants into the air, water, and land.

It is necessary to have a scientific understanding of the natural elements and processes that
connect the geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere in order to sustain our existence.

At the Earth's surface, where various habitats collide, life thrives or perishes.

The study of the earth's atmosphere (meteorology or atmospheric science), the water

flowing on and beneath the surface of continents (hydrology), and the world's seas and oceans

(earth science) are all included in the phrase "earth science" (oceanography or ocean sciences).

Earth science is defined by the NSF organizational taxonomy as "solid-earth" science (geology,

geochemistry, and geophysics) plus continental hydrology.[ CITATION Jun19 \l 1033 ]

Structures of the earth and its Characteristics

The main physical components of the environment are:

a. The Atmosphere or the air

b. The Hydrosphere or the water

c. The Lithosphere or the rocks and the soil

d. The Biosphere or the living communities taken together. This component is sometimes studied

as a separate type of environment and is known as Biotic environment.

Structure or layers of the atmosphere: The Atmosphere is divided into different layers which show

different patterns of temperature.

Troposphere: It is the lower most region of atmosphere which is in contact with earth’s surface
is called troposphere. It extends up to a height of 20km above the equator and about 8km above

the poles. The temperature in this layer drops with height and becomes as lower as -80°C at its

upper limit. It is very important layer of the atmosphere and all weather changes take place in this

layer. The tropopause is the boundary between the troposphere and stratosphere.

Stratosphere: This is the layer next to troposphere. It is about 30km in thickness and is very

important zone of atmosphere as it contains the vital ozone layer. Temperature in this zone rises

as with height from-80°C to 0°C at its upper extremity. This rise in temperature is due to the

formation of Ozone from atomic and elemental Oxygen and absorption of the heat by the Ozone

gas. The boundary between the stratosphere and mesosphere is called as the stratopause.

Mesosphere: This zone is about 40km in thickness. This region is characterized by a gradual

decline in temperature from 0°C to -90°C at its upper end. It is the layer where most meteors burn

up upon entering the atmosphere.

Thermosphere: The thermosphere extends upwards to a height of several hundred kilometers till

the outermost limits of the earth’s atmosphere. Temperature in this zone rises with height. The

temperatures in the thermosphere may range from 500°K to 2000°K.

Ionosphere: Most of the constituents in this layer are in ionized form and temperature rises with

Exosphere: the outermost layer of the atmosphere which is very rarefied. It extends even beyond


Ozonosphere: The ozone layer is contained within the stratosphere. It is mainly located in the

lower portion of the stratosphere from about 15–35 km (9.3–21.7 mi; 49,000–115,000 ft), though

the thickness varies seasonally and geographically. About 90% of the ozone in our atmosphere is

contained in the stratosphere.[ CITATION Jun19 \l 1033 ]

How does planet earth differ from other planets?

Earth is a little more than 12,000 kilometers in diameter. It differs from the other planets

because it has liquid water on its surface, maintains life, and has active plate movement. It

rotates on its axis every 24 hours (a day) and revolves around the Sun every 365 days (a year).

The Earth has one moon.

What are the present serious problems that Mother Earth is facing?

Climate change is one of the current issues that our mother earth is dealing with, and it

has a significant impact on our environment. Climate change happens because of the Carbon

overloading of the atmosphere and ocean waters. CO2 in the atmosphere absorbs and re-emits

infrared-wavelength radiation, resulting in warmer air, soils, and ocean surface waters, which is

beneficial because the earth would otherwise be frozen solid. Which can cause Droughts that are

more frequent and severe, storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, and warming

oceans can all hurt animals, ruin their habitats, and disrupt people's livelihoods and societies.

Dangerous weather events are growing more common and severe as climate change progresses.

Jazib, J. (2019, February). BASICS OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. Retrieved August 24, 2021, from
Research Gate:

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