On Screen b1 Workbook Book Answers

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Workbook cw F Module 7 3 , 1b) The correct answer is D sa araphrased to with a uforonce’ " fae ne t0 the contestants’ = pase e bs 58 C)1 coat 2 boots 3 bell 4 scar Para a: RAPA (), Busy ~vey (ag) c iia Importance ~ value (n), ashamed — i Pera c: oe ene! chatctic aie 5 appearance 9 dishonest display (v), attractive — appealing (adi) 4 interesting 8 properly Para E: ‘ap —lighty hit), whiing - sping () ‘exhausting — ting fac), song tough (ad) 1¢ - Grammar in use (p. 6) Para F: endurance - power (9) highlights ~leatures a piesa aa ac 4+ have just recowved 6 we tery sta 1) 2 are always complaining = 7 am meeting 4) seoctira areca, resets 3 dont so 8 ave been looking colourful = dull stroagih = weakness, See haved eee 5 havebeen saying 40 is running a c 2 1 amthinkng dort ink 4 see, am seeing ee ee ee val es eagle eae ath cpm ‘haven't seen just leit, is having re you loking 6 1 region 4 elaborate: 7 offort SSSI NRE RO cae fae Eats: 31 thehardest 4 tallerthan 7 more slowly/ Scorinsents a6 hoo 2 nesthion 5 fast as slower 3. sooner 6 theneest @ the best ‘1b — Vocabulary (pp. 6-7) 1A) 1 od 3 average 5 staight 7 winks 4 1. colder 2 warmer 5. worse, worse 2 late 4 bears 6 long 2 lowas 4 toughest 6 most important 8) 1 teenage 8 curly 5 thin 5 1 What 3 How Whet 2 plump 4 round 2 How 4 What ©) 1 bate 3 oval 5 tl Grammar Revision (Module 1) (p. 9) 2 sim 4 wavy 6 freckles 4 1 doyou look, have been studying 2 Have you invited, havo boon wring 2 1 van 2 shorn 3 way 4 sim 5 fat Eile: soca decsovntain 4 Have you seen, has just ft 3 1 on 3 about 5 down 7 out 5 haven't heart, haven't spoxen: 2 with 4 to 6 10 6 Has Dan been looking, hase found 4 4 honest 3. forgetful 5 imoatient 2 1 have been travelling 5 is 2 carefree 4 open-minded 6 generous 2 amstaying has just come up 3 have been ving 7 amjeining fi paet, waste, ace 7 Oe 4 fas changed 8 havent felt 2 4 protly 6 friondy 8 generous ney 3 1 lately a yet 5 next week 4 away § out 2. on Thursdays 4 just 6 always, et wp = 2 aay 3 5 4 by far the nicest has beer learning ; old2r you get the more 5. is less expensive ‘han 8 under 10. for 7 than 1 is reach: 8 wilh becoming 9 havebeen 12 these nave develope: ving 13. since ‘Ad ~ Listening skills (p. 10) WK2 1 2 3 4 1 A's the conect answer Uh 20 50 an 8 155 ees Cues Spesker! F Speateré © Specker2 H Speakers E ‘Speaker3. Te ~ Speaking skills (p11) $ teenagsts 3 happy 5 Tshie 2 casually 4 gootlooking 6 care a) Peture 8 2 ) | can see trree people wearing sad business Gathes. There is blue sky behind them, An oléer man has goths bock towards the camara and hee shaking hands with the woman. A younger mans {ching them. They musi have just agreed on 2 SORE desl.o pathaps they have ust mel. They af@ al smiing and cos relaxed, 2 family stung atthe table, cae PaePs West baca.so Hey are inking ‘range juice bight pink T-shirt baby. a black T-shit, relaxed, poy. SOU) 2hteee ss 82a en Af— writing (p. 12) 1 Key we ehiden shot 90 1 rursary sehoot 588, teacher, opinion 4 Fireuy 2 Forinstenco 3 Moreover 5 tncom 4 As aroun et 8 Alin at £, Wat ate th tenets o nursery schoo 2 In opinion, Havering Resa st ‘school in Englend, amet, nec e 4 a) Key words: teacher, essay opinion, outs "onh ofr wake yp Sant Far Tia roranettskesen-arra(onins texlveeoae MNES oissvtnnivase Mager hy parttime [obs. ) Viewpoint 4 ~ Examples/Reasons: being n charge! build set-contidence, Boing charge can help teenagers buld their sell confdonce. Viewpoint 2 - Examples/Reasone:sove ity ‘ings they need, They ean also save up for hp Future or have enough money to buy the things they need in their dally lives Opposing viewpoint - ExamplestReasons: eg trechobbieseodialing, On the other had hay cn ‘be too ved to take partin hobbies or scciisa, ©) Suggested Answer In today’s world, more and more teenagers wen! have a degree of financial independence trom shes paenis and are keen to work partsime io achieve this. | personally fee! that a parttime joo is an ‘xcelent idea for them, fora couple cf reasons Inthe fist place, naving a job helos make teenagers {Stow ino mors restonsible adits For exampe, hey ‘may be putin charge of something or be expected ta hanele money. By taking on tis extra responsi they not ory fear practical management skis but {hey also build up thelr set-confidence, Flathermore, many teenagers feel a sense of Satisfaction in being able to eam their own money, As 8 tesull they can put aside an amount regulary a6 Savings for tho future. Atematvaly, they have encogh ‘money 10 buy the things they need in thei dally Ines Nihout having to ask their paterts to cantoule. On the olher hand. some parents may not want hit hiéren We have a parttime jab They arcue that besa leave tem encugh tee te Theres, they EF [2° Tred to do hobbies or social actiates, ncn Je 2 important part oftheir develogment fall however, | believe hata parttime jb isa {Aable asset for a teenager io have. As Wl 26 Skills Work + (p. 13) tie eMC A 5-6 They bunt, animals and gather plant foods. ¥ rely on the Tainiorest for ‘everything they need tollve, an pon 8 WEI wing 16 shee evyteg wh * Suggested Answer en my day st Pear thg erga doa always see tha sun, Gommeo EDSUGH halite lcnncivon te Ban of 0 yeas, el dark uber can sm ey 22 Mes Sn different things, we are a close family, happy where we Language Knowledge 1 (pp. 14-15) 11 up 4 make 7 from re ie 4 ie Soe 8 os Ue th gk teas ae a a 2D aA anaes e aA Module 2 2a - Reading (pp. 18-17) 1 The corroet answers or 8 — suring quick ustrating Pe 50 2 Aas ivoayetion: 10i°9 upsetind give, attaching connecting Para A: picture ily, eunning out ~ ara B: Hosted me ll, ac exparorco air Nera tsere) ae key Para C: panicking - becoming Consisting o,inoredbiy - extremely Para D: risen ~ increased, fogged ip - cloudy, ‘moisture humesty ous, mada up of 4 beneath « above sale # dangerous ilferert » iratar luckily # unfortunately secure 2 ose tiny lage slows fast 5 1 cary 3 locked 5 wumming 7 fy 2 floaiod 4 fogged 6 head 6 1 expelimenis 4 oxygen 7 safety 2 cables 5 disconnected 3. aviock 6 moisture 2b ~ Voeabulary (pp. 18-19) 11F 2A 36 48 SE 60 Die wc les as Bs o2 Ft He ‘nthe picture, wo can soe a car crash 31 of 4 fom 5 up T of 2am 4 in 6 fom 8 wth 4 1 chipping 3 song § lose 7 head 2 bot 4 desp 6 teal 8 normal $1 suvves 3 jumpea 5 twisted 2 sefaiched 4 injured 5 escaped 6 1 reeoue, colapoea 4 services, respond 2 casualties, accident 3 ground, shake 5. conditions, poor 6. injured, assistance soaked 2 shine Sees 4 sheker 5 ded 5 weather 2 ~ wrackad, b ~ spoiled 2 ~ damaged b ~ crushed a~hacm, b~inury disaster, b— catastrophe 9. Rain: downpour, drizzle Sun: heatwave, hot set Snow: snovilakes, blizzard Wind: gale, breeze 10 1 explosion 4 survival -——7._orgarisaton 2 succussid 5 saloty 8 exploration 3 dangerous 6 natural 2c ~ Grammar in use (p. 20) 1.1 was diving, sav dl you phone wore you doing, ware watching ‘caused, crashed, broke le stat. wast snowing ‘was slicing, was talking, eu, dd she do, fainted, took Wk3 Speaver 4 E 3 Speaker! 8 ns hes reaker? O Speaker's A > were devin 7 t aa 3 escaped 8 4 had you Doon wating 1h (mene a car accident is the most teryig becaven yoy & has worbod a 1 es eo uhor Kevan happen. YOU cout wh ty Te anolher drvat may ba speedec er -ay tne 348 3 ¢ 4k corte! of thaw yorecla and crash into you It can hagge, emis and you could be serous inured ° bled. Tag aye & area 7 unl before SE ictints are fe2e common and there are wary 2 oe 5 she € never ropate for hem andlor avo them happening a ou 2 299 6 yet 5 1 NO 3 NO 540 2 YES 4 Yes 6 Nd 8 1 haddpenwre 8 remembered 2 hed'dnever exparences @ rad/d seen 6 Avotcana ented in Japan, There was a huge 23h 3 cueges 10 ran that wont up in te a and boulders wore olin down 4 we sting 41. stood tmountaingde. Nobody was myjured Dut peopis Pave t 5 ek 12 rebood Cary umbrelas to protect themselves from the ick st wes staking 43 heaboken ‘The goversment has sent in water sprnkiers to wash i= 7 wore coreaming 14. were asnawy. Grammar Revision (Modules 1-2) (p. 21) 2e - Speaking skills (p. 23) 15 90 on go 6 istnnkng 44 both 3 whereas 5 as 2 heave known 7 has Mike 2 and 4 whle 6 Incontrast % leaves been loarnng 4 are st trying © ere you wearing, 21 swwman 6 jackets 11 pected Bi ss tng sree 2 posing 7 tousers 12. background right 8 wooly 13. garden 21 the riot 4 carchulyas 4 dressed 9. scart 2 Dover ‘§ the messiest of 5 woar mie. +3 the notsest 6 the hottest a so 31 man 31 had noveriown —§ opened 2 a warm wivar jack, a hat, gloves and ears 2 rast mage 6 had been pouring 3. snoveling som, has snowed 8 had been oraang 7 bicke, were swimming 4 umappy had missed 8 travelled $ covered in snow 4 1 Ghd novaan" stap snowing heavily 4tb 2 © has mies town since bp 3b 4a Sa | the laneat parvon 2 4 ynnte hasang lune when 1 5 cid nots’ use 10 go have nathavent boan campy for Grammar in Focus which 4 Hoang 13 tor oe cae 1S bote innear 8 tt 18 Was shakng 10 was 18 wie twig No Svat hat dane tan tac we a get waming % people to stay in, Se W2E COMing our a “ae Sasenertat nah wt any te adie ay the anna Sopped faling and the omomeney comet yimd Somnng ean up ses Ouuco secant HeMY covered nash Ha shoot, ballet god ‘everyone was al right . ‘Skills Work 2 (p. 25) AWB 20 Sa ae sk 2 1 They have to be able to handlo any weather ‘condllons and get the Ifeboat oul quickly as every ‘eecond counts, 2 He helps to raise money through sponsored events. ‘8nd elas fo promote the RNLI by Giving safety ‘ake, He is vary proud of what he does snd he enoys very much, 8. The weather wes fine as we sailed out, but there were dark clouds in the distance. Tom and | were going sxa ‘ishing forthe frst ime and we were happy and not worried at al, ‘Vie caught lot of ish and t wes deepy excting, 1 Fact, we were so o0cURIO’ wit’ te fish we were calching We ‘dig noice thet dark clouds wore gatherng night abow & struck the bost and the power wen Se econ tie mien gh. We cou get back 10 shore because there was circa! falure and we couldn't radio tor help Tiled ae | phone and so he ealied the ‘Lapkiy, Tomn bad ote iy and pulled us bach to omega TR I Workbook LY eth ak 5 Bo 4e 6 BVA 48 70 we we 26 §0 865 18 wo 9B 6A 0O RA Module 3 3a ~ Reading (pp. 28:29) 1) degree, education scheteg. university cwtcate ©) The coroet answer 6 A. ac aD 50 78 4A 88 bc WO amazing - imorsesws. aricts- creative 0b = postion, only ~ merely. show = prove. ‘sks — hazards cost ~ pice Text C: tacks - dues, history - background, sey — dangerous Text D: tasty —delcious, discover ~ event, usahil = Grammar in Focus banker 6 reporter 7 our 12 at explorer 5 biologist 1 will change a isimproving 13 is i pamoe 9. longer 14 growing 8 anion 7 te 6 areca Pe oo ion 5 havedisappeared 11 most 6 isadvancing mor SVE OF fe at dd = Listoning ais (0.94) : m4 va 3 flrglide 5 sirwet sneeper E~ drama Aa oles § On sesson 1 4 manayer 5 cooperate 9. serurty 2 e cued! (0) Fier Fae 4 oven 7 final s 7 muswien 2 professional 5 community 8 work 4 3 proficcenal a luswe 6 theatical 8c ~ Gremmar in use (p, 32) ee 4 9am 11 val 4 ligig 7 a ee 5 night 2 amgoingto 5 am going to going to 3 television cameras 6 £248, 3 al 3 vl ow er i 2) Suggested anower Coa Ys, | Wold cnsiaer apg for ths post. hink the canara eee fy tounds extn, and | weld the fo ben | eS ieee avert sles arama but Ihave acted I many soho Plays. Also, | worked as an ‘extra’ on a film set last ee Yost, 80 | have been in fot ef talousion camera, See eee However | fink T wil bo very anvaue. str the have tinished 5 will have wacked audition, waiting to see #1 have a callback! | am a luca th moment so they nese s Feb 45 smpenomg 5 wago ad March fd have to arango tome ime ct tor am moving 6 wil have seen universily, The pay is very good but really 'm more 2 will change: T will be fiying Interested in tha experience. | love acting, and this 3 am staring 8 will phone could be my big break! 2 tte 2 wiles ‘ 5 4 mon wath acre stan? 2 wl bohotdg wnt i Asser ston fe oe 3 When wi ey 5 yalualhave Wasted by ‘Grammar Revision (Modules 1-3) (p. 35) i sl erwin) 6 bavi) 2 upward 7 aero 5 wae uining & covtoane 4 Compiled” 9 bok Daa 216 BA 5 8 Zioleas Aileen AI Us ia ee pe 2 since Ji graduated 3 wilravelnhed ge - Speaking skilis (p. 95) 4 4 both 5 However? 2 while! whereas On the other hand 3 Also 6 rather than, 4 whoroas /whilo 7 instead at © Dicedvantage 2 7 Advantage 8 8 Disadvantane 4 Disadvan 9 Advantage 5 Disadvantage 10 Advantage 31 talk to los of diferent people, got the chance tobe creative, people might not like thelt new siyle, stand feet all day 2 dive to mleresting placos every day, go outside in ‘ad weatis:, doesnt pay well can be repetitive 4 1 Ploase take a seat 1 2 Well need a part me job. S Iworked in 8 grocery snop last year and 4 Ithnk in nardworking and responsible. 5 What are the working hours? 6 [can work after college, then 3f - Writing (p. 36) HAG CH Ves Ge iz B6 O05 FS H3 21 Ending 3. Ending. 2 Beginning 4 Beginning 31 Lam currently studying History at university. 2. {have no experience, but im ving t lean. 3 | consider myself to bo responsible and punctual 4 |wouldbe graft you woud considarmy appicabon 4 |whatébing) Oualfications Character now ‘Experience qualities ‘Studying [Footbal coach at | Energetic, woable, ‘sports —_fyoulh club, ent usiasie, good selence at [Organising with chiloren. Lie university jaciviies being outdoors 5 Suggested answer Dear Ms Farrell, {1am witing 19 apply for tne job of camp counselor “which appeared on jobs.com yesterday. 1am 25 years ofd and | am current studying sports ‘sc.ence a the Univers of Bath. {have previously worked as a football coach at my ocs! yotth cli, wher | worked with chidren ftom ages 9 14 While | was there, 1 demonstrated excelent ‘elebilly and good organisational skis. I believe | would be sultabie fo this job boas I 27 vory enthusiastic and encigotc. | also enjoy working vith chilsten end being outdoors. He a Coty of my ¢ any Hm. | have incu imerview at ‘Yours sinceroly, Pv hears for Thomas Witiams Skills Work 3 (p.a7) (ecto) eins | ap 2 3 1 Foden 2 Feo scarce ne a Intastorae mg a lood priver so p00, 2 a Language Knowledge 3 (2.20.20) 1 1 rot 4 wien 2 for 5 on 3 any 8 eh 24 explores demanding 7 cen 2 produsien 5 tranny 3 appicans 6 nrg 3 1 noverhas 8 amstariog 2 andlare 7 youanve 3 far rom 8 beter ren 4 raving mestng 9 isnt 5 am vating 10 eretveotees 445 9c 5A 74 DANS 2h 40 6D 3a CE RE 518 4A 7D 10D 198 20 SA 8A tA C Bcmecun occ Module 4 4a — Reading (pp.40-41) 18 Ecc MES =o see seh woathy + ueky~ fortunate = prays = 4 120 aaa aL bark ~ materia! that 6 Gopiets * mada up of ~formad «| overs the outside ota tree footed = deceives J piended ~ meant «entertain ~ amuse * eereales = ily doitoly + version adel reproduces + antl 15 hgh oarted ful # weak seriou ot echt | _ meeebage simple «dif oldest nots! + meworent. A pevertdl | | toimeneriec? 2 canvas 8 sxibiled evident 6 rofl wea 3 WK8 composed 4 developed 7 rediscovered had a phiatographer take a photo of her ae having thew NOUse redecorated by ape, have boen having our poo! cleaned by tne hneighnour’s son for yoars, 4 fad his dial eamora eoplaced by the shoe are having the masks made for our play a1 ions 8 rented cross & eampraiow 8 pred ‘3 portrayed = «& royalty Oateche® 4b ~ Vocabuiay (pp. 42-48) 7 3 5 slay 7 brought deage ee ae 5 2 tnloc 4 pomoto 6 presenting & rasa 218 2A ga 4c so.60 31E 2¢ 9a 46 50 4} petine 5 pens aver 2 ates ¢ tense 10 caves Sy iec ce oe tre 5 1 eve a renee 2 fasbeenromitaied § boctng Sie ell © 1 sedges 9 arect 5 cup Seen) teas ea TA ware 4 a, 7) eae ae 2 bat € wiisd 8 1 volume S papemack 5 chapter Zhe 4 len 8 eR ee eee 2 ronmees 3 edgy Bceans ieee 10 1 wmaneran 5 tunaus —& teantew 2 worms 5 toon” yg. fr 2 sehoarscis 7 incredie es ‘Games ponte 40 Grammar inuse(p. 4) 1 wtecanasad— & isos age 2 mrencianwes 6 gear aa 8 Fasbeenvoumee 7 pe ewored Osea 4 lb aac 2A 4 iechwwen 6+ san par Z aesteced Sec 2 bacon, 2 hone 4 Ssh etveo end | BG ermies 9704 2 ma cameos chi aeons 2 2 Anevee or arse yen 4. The exibition ito be tend hy Bs going to have an ioe upture made for hey gallery. peewee 4 48 bo ap / Flevision (Modules 1-4) (p. 45) accu esac 78 25 40 6A 21 hed 4 far 7 themsehes 2 with 5 by aie 3 What © would 34 twice as hare 5 thecinema mee 2 onioyed themselves than the 3 goingio give 6 canbe bought 4 (sinlorested in Grammar in Focus 4 viating 5 for it 2 one 6 wasbult 10. despacares 3 wasdesigned 7 between {1 made 40 8 ot 12 of 4d1~ Listening skills (p. 46) SMe) Nee 70 2 CER 6 6 ac SeRCECECMNESTS 0 4C 5.6 5 couple ol yeors 8 atierent rom 7 store feaich up, |B chillout put murderer, duo, Immysten, : |mvstery, cag. ee Historical drama, ae ‘animated tiny uy Speaker ~ A, # Speaker 5—F Gand H net needed.) dg ~ Speaking skis (p. 47) af Den amusement park E-acub Fa acreus 4 wont expensive 5 _saciable do 6 dos 7 outdoor 8 more 9 ourselves woman make pottery in trort of a table/bench ‘amhite tshirt and an apron a cedi-shit and an apron interested in what he is doing 2 mosaictles on the wall He ze 3a 4s 5:0) Writing (p. 48) Key words: saw an in-fight film, enjoyed, wte your friend, telling, about it, why, recommend it. 1 interesting 5. well-developed 2 fantasy 6 fast-paced 3 man 7 unoxpocied 4 talented 8 oxciting 1 tals 3 theable. 5 sol 2 twist 4 elects 6 disappoint ‘A 4 ere locking for © 5 waste of time 2 make sure 6 don't bother B 3 well worth seeing 4 thoroughly recommend Suggested Answer Film ttieftype: Captain Philips, drarna Director: Paul Greengtass Cast: Tom Hanks Plot: Based on a true story. Somali pirales capture a ‘American ship. The caplain ties to save his crew, but is taken hostage. Evenivally ne is eavod by the navy Comments: Fast-paced and axciting fnala. Very good characters end lots of action. Recommendation: | found this flim well worth 99010. I you ike adventure, | recommend that you 600 6 ‘Suggested Answor Areca si a copurs ot Ceplain Pips ten oan Pettege by tna pate, nha Navy rescues rm The fins very sWery a8 aced amt tar ay os of ‘seenes, The ending is so. He ot Tom Ha i {et actor and the character Cartas Paes believable. = Overal foano ti Hn Wel wonh se acvenre recommend nal ys ton Tom ‘eating fae: te Ue you eo Skills Work 4 (p. 29) i § Scenes as ee ira: r 2 1. They-cen share ideas and advice. Thay may be ‘able to help you get work lates on 2 A showease is where the stucen’s pec ‘crowd of exper. 3. Dylan thinks his role is cifeut because actingin frontof cameras is very diferent to acting ona sage: 3. Suggested Answer Dear Amy, ‘Thanks for your email Yes, Ihave seen a goos theatre performance recently Last weekend | sav. a version o A Madsurmer Night's Droam by Shakespeare. {really enjoyed it itis ono of Shakespeare's famous comedes, and itis ‘also © romance, Thai's @ very good combaation, | think, The play «© about a group a faires who olay ticks on two young couples, and all the flarous problems that haopen as a result The scenery in the pay was simple, ute actors wore very talented and the costumes were beautiful was well worh sees, It you get the chaneo I recommend that you seo this play. Although somo pacple might find tbonng, | now that you Eko Shakosp0are, 80 you wil ike it for sure. iga goat pay! Yous, Jost Language Knowledge 4 (pp: 50-81) “ai ek RS 7 ee eee" ‘6 many 2 1 e1elno 2 bought 6 te i cre Sete 4 expansive eS 5. imaginery ting wlodule § ‘al was caught in @ ab tap Becaise it es badly damaged, che lst. 2. Dan ane Kevin signe an artical ai toh Winter propery swim again 3 WintersGo! has made aticallimbs more omfetabie for people to use, 1 Winter + ahendones ceserted « chance hope = severe = serious © oradually ~sowly «anil - fake * challenges —cificuties «piytul—lvely ‘ruly—defitely + mly~ ight «successful — ‘popula «inspation -enoauragemen! + lle story 1 sat 3 autores 5 rune 2 atwacton 4 set 6 developed 1 coast 5 damagng worth 2 tap & lim 10. staring. 3 sure 7 deal 4 named ® gripped 5b — Vocabulary (pp. 54-55) + bubs 2 waste 3 fuels 4 gases @ a 7 6 Se 1 2 + patrol 5 dump 2 tuppor 8 th 6 conning, + titeracy 9 Migration 5. Hang, 2 inequity + War 5 Murnane 1 viedeyradable 4 Wdusital 7 op 2 Aud 6 thick 3 earbon 6 extinct 1 unneces 6 darireas 2 emausig 7 starry 3 anesses 8 recycling 4 geal 9 equipment 5 acrommmodalion 10. natural = Grammar in use (p: 56) {tod 9 asked 5 say 7 os 2 sy 4 tod 6 Old 1 Danny said that Kati had joined an nvionmera ‘rou. 2 Frentold us that she was wring herp ‘endangered species 3. Ben's wife told mo thal he used publi transcor to get lo work instead of orving 4. Tho Prime Minisior said that the government rows ive more money to fight poverty. 5. Jolin said he could help out atthe animals that weok, 6 Kelly told me she had seen a sea tute while ‘swimming the day before. Sam asked me whore the aninal shor as. rwighbouriood Both asked (hac) found out about vluewng fer Ox, Davia wondered what he had been saying about coral oe, Anya asked me if | had road the article about homelessness, Fer asked Bob to save al his ots nowsospes. Ben asked when we were taking the used cones ‘ih chan shop, Want fo ay a tow words abou Yo tho reporters, “How did the tanker capsize7* “Van Say for ur, but theo 10 fd OWN. The 6 {oo 921° Tom ais 844th repos pay yg ost The compary is exten tory tore they ate doing varying the, beaches," said Tom. ca 5 over 8 have been planting Fd ke 40 know how long Save the Chidren has ‘been fighting for chicren’s ight, Gaui you tell me which countries you workin? Have you ny idea how many people he invited to the event? {went to know how much you spend on helping chidren and families, 5 Do you know if tis possible to voluntser? 1 {Daisy had soon the news ropor about the smog, 2 whatit said thal the spog was so bad that the government was teling people to keep thet window's closed 4 if tho government was looking for 2 soktion to the problem, 5 thal the government had promised to invest more in public transport that she hoped they would do it soon, 4 1 ‘sberapickedup 4 havent been 2 hashswesietakon 5 asked if Mary was 2 muchmore expense 6 usedtooyde ‘Grommar in Focus + exeryfesenipar 8 weseet 2 ere reeycied 9. works 2 takes no 4 fo 41 the is destroyed 12 ae 7 wile 14 81 5d~ Listening skills (p58) copie vounoor() inet, manager, stat, donor oun 1 eee eo nae nanan a M0 fi laa je eco. ool scant iand ons ‘ere ig 2 mal, on money, vou Ra enews ey 6 Pc8 2 3 Suggested Answer ; seaeetenion wae ebou « catty soled GID Te ae unded by Jerr Toone She ddd Foret chan ator voting ar went vile in Laos. "Erwing Povey, Wevaiiat people to stan epoch mean tS 4 miata car er wong cp See = ‘endangered: at risk of extinction . ogon progam ¢ epanne show pn op apatite aa ‘oar werare are: not common One-off yourly payment: 3 sim of mney tat is altogether once a year 10.000 square mates eassland: an 2re3 of anc Centticate: a piece of pa ich done sometning 51 1058 3 Gtinese Maines 2 on 438 magazine 6 Suggested Answor I belleve the WWF's ‘Adoot an Anima? arogranim i 3 ‘Godd cause, of course, but personaly | would crefer donate money to an ecosystom-based rather than 2 ‘spedes-based conservation programme Ths 8 because large, popular arials get alt of atorsion ux there aro many parts and insects ard even fang) hae ‘are equaly threatened, wich people oten forget about Al of thase creatures that make up the ecnsystom must survive We tly want o save any animal ‘Se ~ Speaking skills (p. 59) 1A 1 outside inthe street forty old dethes: ‘unhapoy {g gling him some manay inher late twentos or earty ites ‘a grey jacket are a Diack skit homeless, utsiga on a bench hale and a grey bears ‘a dark luo short-sleeved shut arn bh coloued trousers ‘a mobile phone and a newspsper job. ‘wortad and anaous i 3 awareness, 4 create ih payen solution suitable rool insted oon oe 8 WK11 Aes aeons 0 0. = Witng (&. 60) pp 48 6A 8D WO 2B b) 1 Topogin win 4 nihis way a > Forinstanao 8 Inconchision ee oe cums ae 3 Another way pn ee es 20 6A 8 C 9 B dies nal ith a main body parBoraPh use i belongs athe ene ofthe hwroduetion Module 6 on Ga~ Reading (pp. 64-65) me iA 28 There ar (reorect orem) La teers) sic nee to hap narod garner) eG ‘andes (ncorec punctuation) £0 thor (incorrect sping) shriek loud & high scream, put up with — experience on ner9ad,(ncoretpentuaton) {sth dicu), agonising extomaly vain, sprays - Tasunnles (wooed ane) Wows drops into he air ams for ~ points rowares people ite (ncoreet spel) aggressive — violent & angty, wanders ~ walks ani eaitie reered eh) around without a particular destination, prey if peopte (roared punctuation) se vel dacrease (noortect grammar) 4 1 weds 4 signals 5 mek 7 invade Dues! Bact 2 hide 4 deep 6 hive ) Suggested Answer The amount ct household vate hat weprosuesison 5. 1 wanders 2. attacked, away tie ease, Most ood cores in pase contaners, «getaway 4 caremony wien retaken o huge landfis wien we ae fished ‘yin them. Lanchis are geting tl, nowever, sownat 6 1 hatmnful 2 beautilul 3 calm 4 bright ganwedo to hel? To bogn wih, We could recycle food containers by 7 +1 Thoylveinnesis, 4 They send out signals ‘nding @ new use for them. Metal tins can be made 2 They spray ace. 5 They lve in baenves. fio something new rathor than just thrown away, In 3 Theylvein forests, ‘Ts aay, thee we ies rubbish going into lat ‘Artie way to help iso composi our ood wasie,For 6 — Vocabulary (pp. 66-67) ‘nstanoo, vegeatlo peo canbe pik ito he Solin 41 open 3 panic 5 crawles tack garden Tis wil rake beter qucry sol ard 2 pubic 4 phobia 6 spaces enable mor plants b gow. inconcksin, thee ate mary ways when we can 21. shakin 3 ‘eduoe ne amount of nish we create, Byrecycing «2 face Se pavecre tsi and meal end seusing food was'e, ve can hop is ‘omske the word a desner pace for eveyone 3 8) 1 isworied 4 started 7 avoids ‘Skills Work 5 (p.61) é ca 5 Suiters 8 screamed 9G) 25) aipy = yom 2 an 5 ores 8 howe awa 3 cat fie a ee 7 tee 2 None 5 a 3 ter 8 even Grammar Revision (Modules 1-7) (p. 81) 110 Ga 658 76 ga 2G 48 6A 88 8 21 Neither 5 How many 9 tke 2 plenty 6 alle 10 am 3 Every 7 few 4 despite 8 olny 31 danthaveerough 4 hag been writen by 2 thetfastestrunnerot 5 nacher bieyco stolen 3 Isonlyclesed Grammar in Focus 1 least 8 makes. 11 what 2 on 7 have 12 about 3 than B be accepied 48 yin 4 geting 9 self 14 best 5 being 10. canimighiieould 7d — Listening skills (p. 82) 1. Team sports: footbal, hockey, water polo, voleyball, cricket {adividual sports: fousing, scuba clving, Karate, weighting, skin 21 6) 2aeeeedcl 3 @) You can learn at your ovm pace, and you don't have to practise you arent fecing well 4A 58 WK1E WK16 ') Suggested answer " Yee, | agree: Ineividun’ sports make tneenssary 10 seh fsa very important kl (0 motivate ee Pc 5 1 immunesystem 3 ico ctoam 2 heart 4 jocalbands £5 6 Suggested Answer : | would attond the gailc festival. ¢ sounds like a renge. | don't think t tition! and interesting ‘woul tate the gal icecream, however Te — Speaking skills (p. 63) ding a form of exercise Jogging outdoors tunning on traci Gotties that are suitable for he open ait wearing sports vests tokeep fil and heathy ‘gat more oxygen better way of cheexing yourperformance vould be best 5 Idoubti rot sure 7. wouldrtbe a good idea dossnthe 8 agree wih you be betier 9 best choice nate in is shoes Serve za) 8a 75— Writing (p. 84) tA2 Bi ¢4# Da 2 In the tit place - to stat withto begin with, In adiiton ~ Moreover, for mstance ~ for example, Allin all~ AI things considered, In my opinion — | beliove, However~ On the other hand, Fisily ~to bogin sito ‘ait with, This means ~ Thorefore, Furthermore — Whats more, As a result ~ Consequently Lot's not forget 5 Secondly many disadvantages to 6 can be boring Totegin with 7 Fortis reason be veryexpensve 8 give up 449 B82 Ci Ds £4 5 8) PROS: Argument 1: To begin wilh, you can practise an indvidual spor when itsuits you, Reason/justitication 1: For this reason, there is 70 "eed to strange a fie to train With others, ‘Argument 2: Also, it encourages independence Pescmstncaion 2: For instance, youbecome ete at modvating youl, Argument 1: Fy, teamwork. YOU do not eam the value of feasonfustification 1: Thersiore, you cant work ‘well with others ‘Argument 2: Furthermore, you have fower ‘opportunities to male fiends. Feasonjustification 2: As a resul, you might eh lonely sometimes: by These days, everyone is talking about hoy portant axercise is for qur health, particularly fr young poopie. Usually. people recommend that thoy get invowved in team spars, due to the many soci! benellis they offer, But there are also. it of spotts that teas can do by themselves. Are these individual sports 9 good id2a too? hare are certainly a numbar of advantages ro Individual sports. To hegn with, you can practice ‘an individual sport when it surts you. For this reacon, itis easy fo exercise because there is no need 19 atrange a time fo train with others. Also, they eneourage Independence. For instance, yo. become better at motivating youtsel (On the cther hard, Individual sports also have cicadvantages. Firstly, you co nat learn the value of teamwork. Thereiere, you might not learn to wark wall with others. Furthermore, you nave iewer ‘opportunities io make friends. As a result, you might feel lonely sometimes. Allin I think the independenes that practising an indvicual sport can give young people easily ‘utweichs the disadvantages of dcing an activity on thelr own, Gotting involved in. individual sports seems ke a great idea. Skills Work 7 (p. 85) Gone Ec se a sAumrsiic 2 Suggested Answor A falcon, Thanks for your emall 'm glad to heer you ere frying to lose weight. You wil soon have more ‘anergy and feel better, mm sure! I think lean gue YOU sora advice Fits of al, exercise is realy important, Exorose Bums aloes, and also helps. to make your Melia Wor beter Its tin, 0! For ese reasons, ft wll help you lose weigat more than anything! else. Also, it is a cating to eat a balanced lt. If you eat a variety of healthy food, you wil net fee) hungry, Therefore, you wort versal, But dort out ou your tavouiie fonds wil fee) unapoy. ms Ht you cat wel ane

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