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Harris, C 1996, 'Guidelines for so-called western civilisations and western

Christianity', in A Pattel Gray (ed.), Aboriginal spirituality: past, present,

future, Harper Collins Religious, East Melbourne, Victoria, pp. 66-78. Guidelines for So-called Western
Civilization and Western Christianity
Charles Harris
Copyright Regulations 1969 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
WARNING This material has been reproduced and
communicated to you by or em behalf Df Tabor
Ad~laide pursuant to Part VB of the CO!'Yright Act
1968 (the Act). God Was Already Here
The material in this communication may be subjeet Aboriginal Spirituality, in the past, as I perceive it, was quite a
to copyright under the Act. Any fwther reproduction umque thing on which a nation and a race of people, who eXIsted
or cOlmnunication ofthis material by you may be the for thousands and thousands of years, was founded. There was a
subj eet of copyright protection under the Ad spIritual foundation for the race and for the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander nations. The foundation, I believe, was a God-given
O<l not remove thi, ut:ltice.
gift to tbe AboriglOal and Torres Strait Islander People of this
land. The splrituality rhat emerged through Western Christianity
is not a spirituality at all but was human-made, human-organized
and something that came entirely from the mind of the human.
I sincerely believe tbat Aboriginal and Torres Strait [slander

~boyi,i~~1 Spirituality IS something that came not from the mind of

humanity but from the mind of God; sometbing that held the
community, the nation and the race together, although tbere were

sri yitu~ I it)' very many tribes witb a great diversity of languages and dialects.
Yet, there was a common oneness, a unity, an10ng the whole of
the nation. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People were
not only united wltb one another, but they were united wltb the
l' Creator God and the environment, with the land and nature. This
unity was disrupted fronl 1788 onward and it is now almost non-
existent 111 tbe Aborigmal community. We see people being
flltur~ divided on every level and it is the church and the government
that have used pollcies of divide-and-rule, divide-and-conquer.
They are the ones to blame.
Edited by Although the division IS still here, tbere are some very basic
Anne Pattel-Gray
things that the entire Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander race

believe in and are united on-the issue of land rights, and the for this is that Aborigmal and Torres Strait Islander People have
parallel issues of self-determination and self-management. Right been hoodwinked .into thinking that Western civilization and
across the land Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People are Western Christianity have the answers to Aboriginal and Torres
wantmg these things and there is a united front m the struggle for Strait Islander problems. They do not have the answers,
them. I would say to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander The dilemma that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People
People, 'Let not anythmg come and divide us On these Issues that face--which is one of total extinction-can be dealt with only by
we hold and treasure so much. Our Ancestors have passed them Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People themselves. We are
down to us, telling us that this is our land, that we are the owners the ones who need to take stock of ourselves and ask,' Hey, is this
of the land. The culture and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait helpmg our communities, or is it devastating them?' Questions
Islander history is something that we will never ever forger. Be like these need to be asked.
united in that'. So I would call for maintaining that unity and One thmg that has not been developed in the Aboriginal and
solidarity across the board. Torres Strait Islander communities is an analyzing body which
The fact that God was here in this land long before 1788 proves continually asks the question, 'Why?' Now, if you asked that
the fallacy of the missionaries who came out and told the question in Queensland you would be branded a communist. I
Aboriginal People that they were bringing God to us. God was remember seeing a poster m one of the Uniting Aboriginal and
already here and with the people. The Aboriginal Law is almost Island'er ChrIstian Congress offices In Western Australia which
identical to the Mosaic law God was here interacting with the said, 'When I gave to the poor I was called a good Christian.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People and they tnteracted When I asked why are they poor [ was called a communist'.' But
with the Creator God, thereby receiving the law, values and I think we do need to develop an analyzing body through which
customs which have great Biblical significance, for mstance the we can analyze all that is happening around us and everything that
system of caring and sharing. This economy of caring and sharing has happened In the past. We need to see if we can decide what
was spiritual in content and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander directions we could take, as a race and as a nation, into the future
People lived by it dally. Their eXIStence depended upon this so that our generation, and generations to come, not only will be
system of caring and sharing. The anthropologists of today have able to survive but also will have a greater position in this country
been bailled (and still are bailled) by the fact that Aboriginal than we have now.
People, who were (and are) hunter-gatherers, were able to survive So, Aborigmal and Torres Strait Islander SpirItuality of the past
for such long periods of time in flood, fire and famme in this land. waS something that was God-given. It sustained the Aboriginal
Yet the fact is that Aboriginal People have survived-not only and Torres Strait Islander race over those nnny thousands of years.
up until 1788, bur also over the 200 years of holocaust since 1788. It kept rhe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations intact.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People will continue to
SUrV1ve. They will outlive the European race. There 1S sophisti- Contact
cated genocide taking place in the European race through drugs, When the White invaSion took place all this was eroded and
alcohol, nicotine, deaths in custody and sicknesses. These and
undermined, and today it is still bemg undermmed and eroded.
other diseases of the White man have also become very prev;:dent
As we look at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander SpirItuality in
In Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cOlnmunities. The reason
the present, we see that past values are no longer being adhered

to by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People. We have at are we really human?'When made aware c1"iy of the thrust and
mimicked the 'Western Christian' lifestyle and the 'Western drive of humanity towards prosperity and power, and the attempt
culture' much to the detriment and destruction of our own race to get there at any cost, I find myself echoing the words of
and nation. We cannot be what we are not in this land, now called somebody in the past who once said, 'Someone, please stop the
'Australia', When we are aware of racism, prejudice and world; I want to get of['.
discrimination on the part of every level of non-Aboriginal In the rat tace of this technological age we see that many
Australia, we cannot, at any time, or at any place, or in any case, things invented by people ate detrimental to the human tace; for
or in any instance, be like the Europeans, We cannot be White instance, the use of the Pacific as a dumping ground for nuclear
when we are really Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander at heart. waste and an area for nuclear testing, thus ensuring the slow
Some people have reached the top rung of the assimilation genocide of the Indigenous nations of that tegion, When we see
ladder in this country Yet, even though rhey have gained rhat so-called 'development' taking place around us-where highways
height in Australian society, rhe government and [he church have ate being built, air bases ate being established, nuclear bases are
used them until they were no longer needed and rhen have being constructed, and people are being disregarded-it is quite
wrung them out like dirty cloths and thrown them on the dear that the world's priorities are out of order; priorities which
ground, The spirits of many of our people-and I won't mention make things more important than people,
any names, but there are two people that I have ltl mind-have I sincerely believe that the world is on the road of no return;
been broken and crushed by the cruel and vicious system where the world and all humanity will self-destrucL The United
operating in this land, This system does not want to give the States ofAmerica, which is the leading power in the world, has as
underdog a go, it does not want to give the weak a chance or the irs motro, 'In God We Trust'. But the USA does not trust in God
poor an opportumty. at an. It trusts in its Trident Submarines, its nuclear powers, and its
So, at the moment, Abonginal and Torres Strait Islander Stealth Bombers.
Spirituality is still there, but it has been eroded from both sides, We all know that Western Christianity played a major role in
Although this erosion is happening-and has happened-the developing the so-called' civihzed world'. But I would hke to
AbOrIginal and Torres Strait Islander Spirituality is something that state here that 'Western Chnstianity', through Western theology
will never ever be desrroyed. It is rhere for all time. Anything of the and through the church, has never presented to the Indigenous
spintual world is eternal, but the temporal will come to an end. na[ic)fis of the world the true God of the Bible, or the true Christ
of the New Testament. They have not presented a God of libera-
Western Civilization and [ion, or the Chnst who makes people fearless, determined
and strong. A God ,-vho sits Silent in the face of gross injustice,
Christian ity of murder, rape, theft and hes-which have been told and
My personal interpretation of so-called 'Western civilization' is still are being told-IS, to me, defimtely not the true God of
that It values 'sutvlval of the fittest', 'mIght is right', 'White is the BIble,
nght'. The world today has a dog-eat-dog value system, When I The presentation of a gentle Jesus, meek and mild, is defInitely
see people's inhumanity towards other people I am forced into not the New Testament Jesus. A Christ who has made many
asking myself, 'Is thIS the ammality of people commg out of them, lndigc:nous church leaders spineless, weak and supportive of

the status quo-this is definitely not the Christ of the New into the wilderness. The Creator God led them on into the
Testament. The New Testament Christ strongly condemned the promised land.
status quo of his day and would do the same today. Christ referred Yes, God is not in our churches; God is out where the rejected
to the status quo as bemg: ones and the sinners are, out with the people for whom God sent
his son to die. For Christ said, 'I have come to call not the
like whitewashed tombs, which on the outside look
righteous but sinners to repentance' (Luke 5:32). Jesus also said,
beautiful, but inside they are full of the bones of the dead and
'Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who
of all kinds of frlth. So you also on the outside look righteous
are sick' (Luke 5:31). No, it was not the well who needed a
to others, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness
... You snakes, you brood of vipers! (Matthew 23:27-8,33). physician, it was the sick people.
In Australia, Western theology has presented a divisive doctrine
'VIper' and 'hypocnte' were the words used by Christ to descrIbe to the Indigenous People of this land-a doctrine which states
and condemn the status quo. If the New Testament Christ were that those who are so-called 'Christians' should not associate with
here today, he would use the same condemning words to describe people who are 'non-Christian'. Now this is not the pattern of
the contemporary status quo. Chnst. Chnst mingled and associated with people who were
In Australia, Western Christial1lty has produced Indigenous outSIde the religious and church structures of the time. He
church leaders who are not only supportive of the status quo, but associated with sinners, publicans, tax collectors, harlots; the
who also want to sit on the sidelmes and benefit from those who people who were frowned upon and who were classed as
struggle for Aborigmal and Torres Strait Islander rIghts m this the 'scum' of the society of that day. These were the sorts of
land. It has produced not only hypocrites, but also parasites- people for whom Christ ultimately died. Christ did not at any
people who live off those who lay their lives on the lme by time conform to the religious system of that time or generation.
struggling very, very hard for basic human rIghts m this land. He saw the need for radical change within the religious and
The Western theology that is presented in this land is 'kinder- church structures of that day. And, in his attempt to change the
garten' classroom theology, whereas the Indigenous nations of the system, he was nailed to a cross.
world are producing a theology that is outside of the classrooms; The divisive religious doctrme that has been proclaimed to the
that IS, it's out where the struggle is taking place against the Indigenous People of this land has the same connotations as the
Pharaohs of today. That IS where God really is, out with the government policy of divide and rule; dIvide and conquer. It is
people. The Creator God 15 definitely neither in the church's subtly dividing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nation
insritutlOns, nor in the church's buildings. The Creator God 'does whose population is only two and a half percent of Australia's
not dwell in houses made With human hands' (Acts 7:48). The population. For this reason the IndIgenous People of thIS land
Creator God is out where the people struggle for dignity, freedom cannot afford to let this happen to them. In this country the
and liberatlOn.The Creator God IS out there struggling with them church is a tool of division not only through its divisive doctrine,
as God W3S WIth the ISr3elites when they were in bondage in which has been and still is being promoted and preached, but also
Egypt. God was WIth them m their slavery. God heard them when through ItS denommationalism.
they cried out in their pain, misery and anguish. God was with The God of Western Christianity in this country is a God of
them as they were led by Moses out of Egypt, across the Red Sea materialism, money, nlonurnent and inhumanity. These are the

idols worshIpped by Western Christianity in this land. But the rescue the oppressed,
Bible explicitly states that 'You cannot serve God and wealth' defend the orphan,
(Matthew 6:24). It is certain that Western Christianity serves plead for the widow.
mammOn in this land rather than the true God of the Bible.
On behalf of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nation I The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nation of this country
would call the church and the government of thIS land to would say to you, 'Desert yonr idolatry and your pagamsm and
repentance. Both the church and the government of this country return to the true and living God, the God who was 10 this land
are involved in what I would term one of the major national long before 1788, the Aboriginal Creator God who is the eternal
crimes and scandals ever committed in the world: the crime of God and the God of the matriarchs and patriarchs of old. Return
covering up the truth about the 200-plus years of holocaust to the Creator, the God of the Dreamtime, and the Creator will
against the Indigenous People of this land, and the scandal of right the wrong in yonr lives. God will recrilY the past.'
keeping secret the real facts and the truth of this history. But there is a price that must be paid.When Zacchaeus repented
This cnme and scandal has resulted in about ninety-nine he said,'ifl have defrauded anyone of anything, I will pay back four
percent of non-Aboriginal Australia bemg totally ignorant of this times as much' (Luke 19:8). The Aboriginal and Torres Strait
cultural genocide; of Aboriginal dispossession, the murder and Islandet People may not want four times what has been taken from
rape of Aboriginal People and the predicament which the them, but they do want recognition of land ownership, economic
Indigenous Peoples of this land face every day. It has also resulted Justice and basic human nghts to be exercised. They want se1f-
in ninety-nine percent of the world's population being totally determination and self-management; the managing of their own
oblivious to the truth about the Aboriginal and Torres Strait alEurs and the settmg of their own agendas which, on a daily basis,
Islander sItuation in this country. affect their own hves and the lives of their children.
To the church and so-called 'Western Chnstianity' in this land, Western civihzation needs to look to the IndIgenous Peoples
God would say to you, as God said to the children of Israel in and nations of the world because its survival depends very much
Isaiah 1:15-17: upon them. They have to face the fact that Indigenous People, in
Indigenous countries, are in touch \vith the Creator God, with
When you stretch out your hands, the environment and with nature. Indigenous People are greatly
I will hide my eyes from you; concerned about the desecration of the enVIronment, the
even though you make many prayers, destruction of rainforests, and the pollution of waterways, airways
I will not l,sten; and the land. Indigenous People can gIve direction to the Western
your hands are full of blood. world as far as these problems and issues are concerned.
Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; On behalf of the Abonginal and Torres Strait Islander nations
remove the evil of your doings of Australia I would call upon Western Civilization to be honest,
from before my eyes; open and above-bDard in all its dealmgs with other nations,
cease to do evil, especially the Indigenous nations of the world. I would ask It not
learn to do good; to oppress, mampulate, or make rules and policies for the
seek Justice. Indigenous nations; policies which Western civilizatIOn itself
cannot keep or abide by.

Western Christianity, through the Australian churches, has ptays, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner" Meanwhile the Pharisee
built structures, rules and regulations, by-laws and laws, looks down upon the fellow and prays, 'God, I thank you that I
committees and suchlike, which have proved to be walls cutting am not like other people: thieves, rogues, adulterers, or even like
it off from the outside world and locking it into its own struc- thIs tax collector'. This is very hypocritical in the eyes of God.
tures. These Christians have not only locked themselves in, they My concern for Aboriginal and Islander church leaders is that
have locked out the people who have wanted to get in to find the we do not become like that; that we do not stand off and thank
truth. There are lots of people out there in the non-Aboriginal God that we are not like the people out there struggling for land
community looking and searching for the truth, but the churches rights. They might be seen to go about their struggle in an
have built great buildings and walls around themselves for unorthodox way, but they are still able to achieve many things.
security. This false security has brushed off onto many Aboriginal The Aboriginal and Torres Srrait Islander services that are
and Islander church leaders. They have become self-secure to the available in the country-for example health, housmg, legal, pre-
extent that they are not concerned about the people in their own school, and educational services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait
community who struggle or cry for help. The cries are a search Islander People--are there because of people who struggled and
for God. In our cries for land rights, we are calling for justice to fought hard and strong for them. The government (out of
be done and for equality. God is a God of justice and a God of conscience really) has glven these services, and the funding of these
equality-everyone is equal in the sight of God. So when we call serVICes, to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People in order to
out for equality we are really calling out for the God of equality. save lnternatlonal embarrassment. So, as Christians. we need to be
When we call for sovereignty, we are calling for self- out there where the 'sinners' are and where the struggle is going on.
determination and self-management by Aboriginals, not by non- We need to be involved in the struggle, and not lock ourselves mto
Aboriginals. When God first made humanity, God made it free to our little parishes, our structures, rules and regulations. laws and by-
choose and free to decide. So when we call for sovereignty we are laws, but to be out there where the agony, the pain and
calling for this God-given principle of freedom which was given the hurt ls-for us to be out there where God is.
in the very beginning, at the creation of humanity. It is a principle
that is not only for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Radical Aboriginal Churc,h Leaders
Peoples but for all people and all races of the world. It appears that
There are a few Aborigmal female and male leaders emergIng m
the Aboriginal People and Torres Strait Islander People are the last thiS land-and they know who they are--who wlll become the
people on the face of God's earth to experience, under Western
radical church leaders of the future. These Indigenous church
Christianity, this divine principle and this divine right given to all leaders are people whose Biblical principles and goals are not
humanity. based on the so-called church structures, but rather are beiug
Aboriginal and Islander church leaders who have been indoc-
solIdly founded on New Testament Chnstlamty, AbOrIgInal
trinated with this 'Western theology' and 'Western Christianity' culture and Abongmal Spmtuahty. These AbongInal church
need to take a good look at themselves and question whether
leaders must spearhead the struggle In this land for AbOrIginal and
they have a Pharisaical attitude towards others. In the patable of Torres Strait Islander nghts and Justice. They must be at the
the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14) the tax forefront of the struggle and must fight for basic human rIghts m
collector kneels with his face down, not daring to look up as he
th,s land.

The message that I would give to these Aboriginal church and strong in our communities--so that our children and our
ieaders comes from I CorinthIans 1:18-25. children's children can walk tall in any situation; where once again
pride can rake over; where people will be proud of the colour that
For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are
we are, and proud to be Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of
People. These New Aboriginal leaders will be the people who
God. For it is written,
wl!! introduce the Aborigmal and Islander community to the
'I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, New Testament Christ.
and the discernment of the discerning I will thwart.'
Where IS the one who is wise? Where is the scribe? Where is
the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom
Edlwr's note: This refers to a statement by BrazilIan Roman
of the world? For since, in the wisdom of God, the world did Catholic Cardinal Paulo Evarista Arns.
not know God through wisdom, God decided, through the
foolishness of our proclamation, to save those who believe. For
Jews demand signs and Greeks desire wisdom, but we
proclaim Chrlst crucitled, J stumbling block to Jews and
foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are the Cd-lied, both
Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of
God. For God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and
God's weakness is stronger than human strength.

The radical Aboriginal church movement has a goal that is

threefold in this country: first, a goal of bringing the Australian
church away from its paganism and Its idolatry and back to the
true and lIving God of the Dreamrime; second, leading rhe
government of this nation back to SOIne form of sanity on issues
such as the enVIronment, pollution and land, which Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander People are familIar WIth and have been
familiar with all theIT lives down through generatIons. I am sure
that rhe radical Aboriginal church leaders can make a
contribution to the Australian government, church and socIety on
these issues. The struggle cannot get any worse, but the struggle
will have to improve, and I see the radical Abongltlal church
leaders playing a major role here.
Third, I also see the radIcal Aborigmal Christian leaders as
guiding the Aboriginal commumty back to a piace where their
culture is revived, where Aboriginal Spirituali ty is once again firm

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