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MODULE 1 Section B Test Name: Mark: .

Choose the correct answer.

1. Once a week, I … . My mum sometimes helps me.
a. tidy my room
b. go home
c. go to bed
2. I often … after school. Sometimes, we run together.
a. go to school
b. get dressed
c. walk the dog
3. We … with our grandparents on Sundays. My grandfather usually cooks.
a. have a shower
b. have lunch
c. tidy my room
4. The students study from 8.00 am to 3.00 pm … .
a. once a year
b. every day
c. every night
5. We … in this classroom.
a. studies
b. studys
c. study
6. Andy … history and computer technology on Mondays.
a. learnes
b. learns
c. learn
7. We … from Monday to Friday.
a. get up
b. go to school
c. have dinner
8. My brother and I … in the afternoon. We study hard.
a. brush our teeth
b. have a shower
c. do homework
9. My parents and I always … after dinner.
a. wash the dishes
b. go to school
c. have lunch
10. After school, I sometimes … . We do projects together.
a. have breakfast
b. get up
c. study with friends

 Advanced Think Ahead 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  1

MODULE 1: Section B Test

11. Ben … a shower before he goes to bed.

a. has
b. have
c. haves
12. Dad … sport on TV.
a. watch
b. watchs
c. watches
13. Jane always studies with friends after school. They do their homework … .
a. in the afternoon
b. from 9.00 am to 12.00 pm
c. once a month
14. I … at 7.00 am.
a. study with friends
b. go to bed
c. get up
15. We always … in the morning before school.
a. have breakfast
b. go home
c. have lunch
16. I usually … around 11.00 pm. I’m not tired before then.
a. go to bed
b. make a snack
c. do homework
17. The ticket comes with a snack … .
a. free time
b. feel free
c. free of charge
18. Susan goes to bed at 9.30. She … watches TV late at night.
a. always
b. often
c. never
19. Helen and Molly … their room after school.
a. tidy
b. tidys
c. tidies
20. I have a big lunch at school, so I … eat when I get home.
a. always
b. rarely
c. often

 Advanced Think Ahead 1 Photocopiable © Burlington Books  2

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