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MODULE 1 Test Level 1 Name: Mark: .

Vocabulary and Grammar (50 points)

1 Write the opposites of the adjectives below. (3 points)
1. handsome
2. curly
3. light
4. thick
5. long
6. wide

2 Match A to B to make activities or routines. Then use them to complete the sentences. (3 points)
1. go a. messages
2. ride b. lunch
3. download c. magazines
4. have d. home
5. send e. songs
6. read f. a bike

1. I often to friends on my phone.

2. I like listening to music, so I often from the Internet.
3. My brothers about sport.
4. After school, I and do homework.
5. Do you usually to the park or walk?
6. Some students at school and some eat at home.

3 The words in bold are in the wrong sentences. Write them next to the correct sentences. (4 points)
1. I want to get up to see the new action film.
2. Most basketball players are fat.
3. I often make videos before a test.
4. I want to go to the cinema today. There’s a football game at 9.00 pm.
5. My cat eats all the time. It’s old.
6. Jake doesn’t watch TV early at the weekend. He likes to sleep late.
7. My grandfather is 81 years old. He’s tall.
8. Many singers study with friends of their songs.

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MODULE 1: Test Level 1

4 Complete the words. (3 points)

1. put on clothes
2. buy things
3. prepare something small to eat
4. beautiful -
5. not tall or short
6. not young or old -

5 Complete the sentences with suitable phrases. (3 points)

1. After I do sport, I usually .
2. We often with my grandparents on Saturday evenings. My grandmother is a great cook.
3. It’s late and I’m tired. It’s time to .
4. I usually to find information for school projects.
5. On Saturdays and Sundays, I don’t early because there’s no school.
6. I twice a day and I go to the dentist twice a year.

6 Complete the text with the words and phrases below. There are more words and phrases than you need. (4 points)
do sport • play the guitar • meet friends • cute • old • wash the dishes • walk the dog
listen to music • tidy my room • have breakfast • go to school

At the weekend, I don’t 1. , so my parents expect me to help around the house. First,
I . His name is Lucky. He’s a puppy and he is very 3. . When I come
4. 5.
home, I . It’s usually a mess, so it takes me about an hour. Then, I
with my parents. My parents cook, so after the meal, I 6. and my parents go out. They want
to stay young, so every day they . Sometimes they walk and sometimes they play tennis.
I like to and we usually go to the park.

7 Choose the correct answer. (3 points)

1. Mark! Is this book you / your / yours?
2. Susan and I are friends. She / We / They are in the same class.
3. Emma is / has got / have got short hair. It isn’t long.
4. Daniel isn’t / hasn’t got / haven’t got tall. He’s short.
5. This / That / Those girls are my friends.
6. That boys / boy’s / boys’ eyes aren’t blue. They’re green.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of to be or have got. (3 points)
1. Our cat green eyes. They’re blue.
2. Their names Timothy and Michael, but people call them Tim and Mike.
3. The sisters dark hair. It’s black.
4. Mark fat. He’s thin.
5. I tall – nearly 1.9 metres.
6. Max a brother. His name is Alex.

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MODULE 1: Test Level 1

9 Write questions with the words below and to be or have got. Then match the questions to the answers below and
complete the answers. (4 points)
1. you / curly hair

2. Anna / short

3. Ryan / brown eyes

4. the girls / happy

a. Yes, he .

b. Yes, they .

c. No, she .

d. No, I .

10 Write sentences with the words below and suitable verbs. Use the Present Simple. (3 points)
1. Owen / often / to music

2. my friends and I / not / lunch / at school

3. my sister / not / early / on Sundays

4. Emily / her room / at the weekend

5. we / not / online / every day

6. Mr O’Connor / history / twice a week

11 Complete the sentences with the adverbs of frequency and the correct form of the verbs below.
Use the Present Simple. (3 points)
not study • watch • not ride • go • read • not do
1. Katy (often) a bike.
2. Jason (never) to the cinema on Tuesdays.
3. We (usually) homework in the morning.
4. Tim (sometimes) magazines.
5. Kay (rarely) TV in the afternoon.
6. I (always) with friends for tests.

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MODULE 1: Test Level 1

12 Complete the dialogue with suitable verbs. Use the Present Simple. (5 points)
Rick: Have you got Mia’s phone number?
Sue: No, I haven’t. Why 1. you it?
Rick: She’s got my book.
Sue: Mia 2. my books, too.
Rick: Yes. She usually hers.
Sue: Which book you ?
Rick: The biology book.
Sue: Well, you can use mine. When 5. the lesson ?
Rick: At 10.00. Thanks, Sue.

13 Complete the text with one or two words in each space. (9 points)

I 1. 14 years old and I 2. in Iceland. Iceland 3. cold,

dark winters, but in the summers, the days are very long. We English and Icelandic here.
My friends and I many after-school activities during the week, so we are very busy. I 6.
got a sister, but I’ve got one brother. 7. name is Viktor. At the weekend,
8. 9.
we usually spend time with parents. We often go to the cinema
because it’s very expensive, but there are many beautiful places to visit in Iceland.

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