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© 2021 IJRAR February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 1 www.ijrar.

org (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

A Study of Consumer Behavior towards E- Banking

Services In Faridabad City
Rajni Aggarwal, 2Dr. Shallu Aggarwal
Research Scholar-Commerce,2Assistant professor-Deptt. of Mgt. and commerce
Baba Mastnath University, Asthal Bohar (Rohtak)

Abstract: Fundamental requirement of every industry is to provide ease to customers and use of technology is prominent way to
satisfy the customers. Financial institutions have also been highly influenced by technology. The initiation of internet technology has
drastically revolutionized the way of banking. It is not sufficient to develop new technologies; there is a big requirement to spread
awareness about these technologies for successful implementation of new techniques. At current stage although all banks are offering
electronic banking services but there is a need of study about awareness and adoption level of customers regarding e-banking. This
study is conducted to know the awareness and adoption level of bank customers of Faridabad city. The information is collected from
251 bank customers of Faridabad city through online questionnaire. Analysis of data is done through IBM SPSS 21, by using
descriptive analysis, multiple response analysis and cross tabulation.
Keywords: E-banking, awareness, usage, frequency of use, e-banking apps
‘Internet banking’ or ‘online banking’ means to provide banking services by use of internet technology and every transaction is
modified electronically. Each financial institution has websites for delivering all information and by use of ICT fast communication
with customers proves helpful for both bank executives and customers. Despite of all the threats in banking industry, there is an
enormous opportunity for under developed banks to reap the advantages available from internet banking.
Many ways like Automatic Teller Machine (ATM), Mobile Banking (MB), Debit and Credit cards, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
make banking transactions very easy to customers. They can perform transactions without bounding time limit, without visiting bank
offices or branches, without use of physical money. By using mobile banking money transfer, business transactions, payments and
receipts can be easily performed. Internet banking quality includes customer service quality, bank service and product quality and
internet system quality. Internet banking is a cost effective delivery channel for banking sector. All financial transactions are encrypted
and using multi-layer security system. In online system user ID and password is working as a shield to protect financial transactions.
Internet banking is differ from P.C. system and provides all banking services even after working hours of bank.
Indian banking industry has got tremendous growth due to technological development. Every banking transaction is operated by
electronic means or by using various devices. Customers can access round-the-clock to banking operations. Indian customers are
moving towards e-banking but they are much concerned about privacy and security of banking transactions. At current stage although
all banks are offering electronic banking services but there is a need of study about awareness level of customers regarding e-banking.


(K.Suma vally, 2018) examined the impact of age, education and income of customers on digital payments. Study was based on
primary data. Sample size was 200 and collected using convenience sampling. The responses were analyzed by using simple percentage
analysis and Chi square test. The result indicated that there was a positive relation between age & digital payments and education &
digital payments but there was not any significant relation between income and digital payments. The result indicated that the use of
technology had improved the performance of banking sector and recommended to expand the awareness towards e-banking.
(Nayanajith et al., 2020) explained the significance of subjective norms towards intentions of user adoption of tele banking. It also
examine the differences and similarities between 3 subjective norms groups that were family, friends and control groups for intention of
use of tele banking. Primary data was collected through questionnaires and sample size was 279. Data was analyzed by using different
statistical test as MANOVA, ANOVA and discriminate function analysis. CRA was used to explain the behavior of user and TPB was
adopted to examine health and sports related behavior. A theory of diffusion of innovation (DOI) was used to explain the reasons of
adoption of new ideas and technology. After analysis it was revealed that there was a significant difference between SN groups in terms
of intention and action. It was also found that there was a positive relation between all three groups and subjective norms had a
significant effect on adoption of tele banking.
(Singh et al., 2020) described about a conceptual model for determining the most significant factor affecting the intention,
satisfaction and recommendation for adoption of mobile wallet. Sample size was 206. The study indicated the effect of innovation,
stress and social influence on user’s satisfaction and adoption of mobile wallet. TAM (technology acceptance model) and UTAUTZ
(unified theory of acceptance and use of Technology) models were used to examine the behavior of users regarding intention and
satisfaction of using mobile wallet. After study it was revealed that ease of use, usefulness, perceived risk, attitude etc. we’re affecting
the intention of user about using mobile wallet. The study proposed a model to identify the behavior. It used perceived risk and stress
for measuring ‘intention to use’.
(Amutha Das, 2016) identified the socio economic characteristics of customers of e-banking. It studied the reasons of adopting e-
banking and customer’s perception regarding various service qualities and problems of e-banking. Study was based on primary and
secondary data. Sample size was 90 e-banking customers. Data was analyzed by using simple percentage analysis, average, F-statistic
Chi square test and probability analysis. After study it was revealed that convenience, reliability, ease-of-use, saving time etc. were
main service quality dimensions. Out of which convenience was most influencing factor in comparison to other dimensions. Customers

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© 2021 IJRAR February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 1 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)

were also faced difficulties due to less knowledge, less responsiveness and risk in transactions. Recommendations were also given to
improve adoption rate of e-banking.
(Koti, 2016) studied the awareness of customers towards e-banking and perception of customers about e-banking in positive and
negative terms. Data was collected from 100 bank customers. Informations were analyzed by using percentage method and it was
observed that most of the users were males, getting awareness from bank employees, using IB from one to two years. Transfer of funds
was e-banking service that was widely used by customers. Customers were highly satisfied about quick response in e-banking but many
security threats were discouraged customers for using e-banking.
(Santhanakrishnan et al., 2020) Analyzed and compares the satisfaction of customers towards e-banking in private and public sector
banks. It was a descriptive research. Sample size was 1000. Samples were distributed equally among private and public sector banks.
SBI and ICICI banks were selected for study. Various Statistical Techniques were used for analysis as S.D., Z-test and Standard error
etc. Study has been conducted for three main service quality dimensions that were tangibility, reliability and responsiveness. After
study it was revealed that in both public and private sector banks customers were satisfied towards tangibility. But for reliability and
responsiveness customers were more satisfied in public sector banks as compared to private sector banks.
(Amsaveni & Kanagarathinam, 2017) studied the customer awareness about e-banking services provided by public sector banks.
Data was collected from 458 customers of various banks on the basis of convenience sampling method. Percentage analysis and
Ranking method was used to analyze the data. After analysis it was found that most of the respondents were male & graduate and more
than 75% have accounts from more than 5 years. Awareness level about RTGS and internet banking was the highest. The study
revealed that Indian banking sector was in changing process from man to machines and dependency to automation.
(T.Sumathi, 2020) studied the role of trust and perceived risk in adoption of electronic banking services. It also studied the
mediating effect of perceived risk between trust and adoption of e-banking. The study was descriptive and quantitative. Sample size
was 374. The parameter for sample was university students and entrepreneurs. Multistage sampling technique was adopted. Data was
analyzed by using CFA or measurement model and structural equation model. Confirmatory factor analysis was adopted to find the
reserves. After study it was found that trust and perceived risk have significant effect on intention to adopt e-banking and there was also
existence of mediation effect by perceived risk between trust and adoption of e-banking.
(Akilandeswari & Malliga, 2019) measured the perception of customers towards online-banking services. It also measured the level
of satisfaction towards online banking. Data was collected from customers of 3 public sector banks. 50 respondents from each bank
were taken as samples. Information was collected on 5 point Likert scale. After study it was found that most of the customers were
satisfied with the services provided by banks.
(Harikanth, 2020) Studied and analyzed the perception of bank customers regarding e-banking services. It described the problems
and remedial measures to solve the problems while using e-banking. Data was collected from 50 customers. The collected data was
analyzed by adopting percentage; Garrett’s ranking technique, weighted average-ranking technique and Chi-square test. After study it
was found that ATM was most preferred banking mode and tele-banking & smart cards were least preferred. Lack of knowledge was
most common problem and demographic variables were not significantly associated with customer satisfaction.


A. To find out the awareness level of bank customers towards various e-banking modes and services in Faridabad city.
B. To find out the usage level and frequency of use of e-banking modes by bank customers in Faridabad city.
C. To find the relation between awareness level and usage rate of various e-banking modes.
This paper is based on both primary and secondary type of data. Primary data is collected through online questionnaire. Bank
customers of different banks in Faridabad city are taken as sample. Sample size is 251. Questionnaires were distributed to different
customers in online mode. Whole primary data is collected online. Secondary data is collected through various research papers, internet
articles, books and web pages. Analysis was done with the help of IBM SPSS 21. Various tools of analysis as frequency & percentage,
bar charts, multiple response analysis and cross tabulation were used to find the results.
To find out awareness level and adoption rate of e-banking by bank customers some questions were asked and responses were
analysed with help of MS Excel and IBM SPSS 21.

A. What is the level of your knowledge to use technology in banking?

Respondents were asked to tell about the level of their knowledge to use technology in banking transactions. They were given 3
response options. (1 = average knowledge, 2 = Advance computer knowledge, 3 = expert)

Table 1-Level of knowledge of technology

Level of knowledge of technology

Level of knowledge Frequency Percent
Average knowledge 165 65.7
Advance computer knowledge 62 24.7
Expert 24 9.6
Total 251 100.0

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© 2021 IJRAR February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 1 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138)


After study of frequency table-1 it can be seen that 165 (65.7%) respondents have average knowledge of technology in banking
transactions, 62 (24.7%) respondents have advanced knowledge of technology in banking transactions and only 24 (9.6%)
respondents are expert in technology. So, most of the respondents have average computer knowledge.

Figure 1-Level of knowledge to use technology in banking

B. About which of the banking apps you are aware?

Respondents were asked to tell about awareness of different banking apps. They were given 6 response options (1 = Google pay,
2 = Paytm, 3 = Bhim UPI, 4 = Phone pay, 5 = Amazon banking app, 6 = True caller banking app)

They were then asked to choose the option that was applicable and they can choose more than one option as they experienced.
So, it was a multiple response question and data was analysed by using multiple response analysis option in IBM SPSS 21.

Table 2-Awareness of different e-banking apps

Awareness about e-banking apps
Responses Percent of
Apps of e-banking
N Percent Cases
Google Pay 152 21.0% 60.8%
Paytm 204 28.2% 81.6%
Bhim UPI 134 18.5% 53.6%
Phone pay 147 20.3% 58.8%
Amazon banking app 71 9.8% 28.4%
True caller banking app 16 2.2% 6.4%
Total 724 100.0% 288.0%

The frequency table-2 describes that out of total 724 ‘YES’ responses, 152 (21%) reported for knowledge of Google pay, 204
(28.2%) reported for knowledge of Paytm, 134 (18.5%) reported for knowledge of Bhim UPI, 147 (20.3%) reported for knowledge
of Phone pay, 71 (9.8%) reported for knowledge of Amazon banking app and 16 (2.2%) reported for knowledge of True caller
banking app.

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Figure 2- Awareness of different e-banking apps

After study of fig.2 it is observed that Paytm is most prominent banking app that is known by 205 (81.7%) respondents out of
total 251 respondents. Besides it Google pay, Bhim UPI and Phone pay are also favoured by more than 50% of respondents. The
study (Amsaveni & Kanagarathinam, 2017) is not supporting the results.

C. Which of the following apps you are using?

Respondents were asked to tell about different banking apps they were using. They were given 6 response options (1 = Google
pay, 2 = Paytm, 3 = Bhim UPI, 4 = Phone pay, 5 = Amazon banking app, 6 = True caller banking app)

They were then asked to choose the option that was applicable and they can choose more than one option as they experienced. So, it
was a multiple response question and data was analysed by using multiple response analysis option in IBM SPSS 21
Table 3-Usage of different e-banking apps
Usage of different e-banking apps
Responses Percent of
Modes of e-banking
N Percent Cases
Google Pay 120 22.0% 47.8%

Paytm 201 36.9% 80.1%

Bhim UPI 90 16.5% 35.9%

Phone pay 98 18.0% 39.0%

Amazon banking app 31 5.7% 12.4%

True caller banking app 5 .9% 2.0%

Total 545 100.0% 217.1%

The frequency table-3 describes that out of total 545 ‘YES’ responses, 120 (22%) reported for use of Google pay, 201 (36.9%)
reported for use of Paytm, 90 (16.5%) reported for use of Bhim UPI, 98 (18.0%) reported for use of Phone pay, 31 (5.7%) repor ted
for use of Amazon banking app and only 5 (0.9%) reported for use of True caller banking app.

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Figure 3- Use of different e-banking apps

After study of fig.3 it is observed that Paytm is most popular banking app that is used by 201 (80.1%) respondents out of total
251 respondents. Besides it Google pay, Bhim UPI and Phone pay are also used by about 40% of respondents.

D. Which of following technologies are used by you?

Respondents were asked to tell about different e-banking modes they were using. They were given 6 response options (1 = Use
of IB at home for doing transactions, 2 = Use of ATM / Debit card, 3 = Use of credit card, 4 = Use of online banking, 5 = Use of
E-payments, 6 = Use of EFT)

They were then asked to choose the option that they were using and they can choose more than one option as they used. So, it
was a multiple response question and data was analysed by using multiple response analysis option in IBM SPSS 21.

Table 4- use of different e-banking modes

Various technologies used by banking customers

Responses Percent of
E-banking modes
N Percent

Use of IB at home for doing transactions 119 17.4% 47.4%

Use of ATM / Debit card 187 27.3% 74.5%

Use of credit card 85 12.4% 33.9%
Use of online banking 132 19.3% 52.6%
Use of E-payments 94 13.7% 37.5%

Use of EFT 68 9.9% 27.1%

Total 685 100.0% 272.9%


The frequency table-4 describes that out of total 685 ‘YES’ responses, 119 (17.4%) reported for use of IB at home for doing
transactions, 187 (27.3%) reported for use of Use of ATM / Debit card, 85 (12.4%) reported for Use of credit card, 132 (19.3%)
reported for Use of online banking, 94 (13.7%) reported for Use of E-payments and 68 (9.9%) reported for Use of EFT.

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Figure 4- Various technologies used by bank customers

After study of fig.4 it can be observed that out of total 251 responses ATM / Debit card is accounted by 187 (74.5%) respondents.
So, it can be said that ATM / Debit card is most popular e-banking mode that is followed by online banking services then use of
internet banking at home. About 35% respondents are using credit card & e-payments and EFT is less favoured option. The results
support the study (Harikanth, 2020).

E. How frequently do you use the following banking services per month?
Respondents were asked to tell about the frequency of use of different banking modes in a month as branch banking, ATM,
Internet banking and Mobile banking. They were given 5 response options for each banking mode (1 = Nil, 2 = 1-3 times, 3 = 3-8
times, 4 = 8-12 times and 5 = more than 12 times).

Table 5- Frequency of use of different banking services

1-3 3-8 8-12
Nil than 12 Total
times times times
Branch banking 113 118 8 9 3 251
ATM 63 101 47 27 13 251
Internet banking 55 118 30 25 23 251

Mobile banking 49 147 39 8 8 251

49 8 8
80% 147 39
55 25
60% 118 30 23
101 27
20% 113 47 13
8 9 3
Nil 1-3 times 3-8 times 8-12 times More than 12

Branch banking ATM Internet banking Mobile banking

Figure 5-Frequency of use of different banking services

This is five point Likert scale question and descriptive analysis is used to find out the banking mode that is used most frequently.
Analysis was done by IBM SPSS 21 and results are shown on basis of descriptive statistics table.

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Table 6- Descriptive analysis

Minimu Maximu
N Mean Rank
m m
frequency of use of
251 1 5 1.69 4
branch banking
frequency of use of
251 1 5 2.12 3
frequency of use of
251 1 5 2.31 2
internet banking
frequency of use of
251 1 5 2.37 1
mobile banking


The five point Likert scale is taken as interval scale. The mean is very significant. From 1 to1.8, it means nil. From 1.81 to 2.60,
it means 1-3 times. From 2.61 to 3.40, it means 3-8 times. From 3.41 to 4.20, it means 8-12 times and from 4.21 to 5, it means
more than 12 times.

According to above descriptive statistics table-6 ATM, internet banking and mobile banking are used 1 to 3 times in a month by
the respondents and branch banking is not used frequently. On the basis of mean of frequency of use of different banking modes
1st rank is given to mobile banking that is followed by internet banking, then ATM and least rank is given to branch banking
frequency. The results supports the study (Koti, 2016)


Banks are providing a number of e-banking services to their customers. Customers get awareness about these services from
bank executives, friends, relatives, newspapers or other modes of advertisement. It is most important to spread awareness about
new technologies for successful usage of these technologies. Awareness and use of different e-banking services are considered as
independent variables and relationship between variables is determined by using cross tabulation.

A. Relationship between awareness and usage of Google pay

Table 7- Cross tabulation of awareness and usage of Google pay
Awareness and usage of Google pay
Yes No
Count 112 40 152
Yes % within
73.7% 26.3% 100.0%
Count 8 91 99
No % within
8.1% 91.9% 100.0%
Count 120 131 251
Total % within
47.8% 52.2% 100.0%


By study of table-7 it is accounted those 73.7% respondents who are aware also using Google pay besides it 91.9% respondents
who are not aware, not using this app. So, there is a significant relation between awareness and usage of Google pay.

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B. Relationship between awareness and usage of Paytm

Table 8-Cross tabulation of awareness and usage of Paytm
Awareness and usage of Paytm
Yes No
Count 188 16 204
Yes % within
92.2% 7.8% 100.0%
Count 13 34 47
No % within
27.7% 72.3% 100.0%
Count 201 50 251
Total % within
80.1% 19.9% 100.0%


By study of table-8 it is accounted those 92.2% respondents who are aware also using Paytm besides it 72.3% respondents who
are not aware, not using this app. So, there is a significant relation between awareness and usage of Paytm.

C. Relationship between awareness and usage of BHIM UPI

Table 9-Cross tabulation of awareness and usage of BHIM UPI
Awareness and usage of BHIM UPI
Yes No
Count 84 50 134
Yes % within
62.7% 37.3% 100.0%
Count 6 111 117
No % within
5.1% 94.9% 100.0%
Count 90 161 251
Total % within
35.9% 64.1% 100.0%


By study of table-9 it is accounted those 62.7% respondents who are aware also using BHIM UPI besides it 94.9% respondents
who are not aware, not using this app. So, there is a significant relation between awareness and usage of BHIM UPI.

D. Relationship between awareness and usage of Phone pay

Table 10-Cross tabulation of awareness and usage of Phone pay
Awareness and usage of Phone pay
Yes No
Count 93 54 147
Yes % within
63.3% 36.7% 100.0%
Count 5 99 104
No % within
4.8% 95.2% 100.0%
Count 98 153 251
Total % within
39.0% 61.0% 100.0%

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By study of table-10 it is accounted those 63.3% respondents who are aware also using Phone pay besides it 95.2% respondents
who are not aware, not using this app. So, there is a significant relation between awareness and usage of Phone pay.

After analysis of data by using different tools following results are accounted:

A. More than 60% respondents have average computer knowledge. So, they can use electronic mode of banking.
B. Paytm is most prominent banking app as more than 80% respondents are aware about this app.
C. Google pay, Phone pay and BHIM UPI are also favoured by more than 50% respondents.
D. Paytm is used by more than 80% respondents while Google pay, Phone pay and BHIM UPI are used by about 40%
E. ATM/Debit card is most popular e-banking mode used by more than 70% respondents.
F. Online banking and internet banking at home are also favoured by about 50% respondents while EFT is less opted mode.
G. Branch banking is less frequently used option of banking.
H. ATM, internet banking and mobile banking are used 1-3 times in a month by most of the respondents.
I. Mobile banking is most frequently used mode that is followed by internet banking.
J. There is a positive and significant relation between awareness and usage of different e-banking options as Google pay,
Phone pay, BHIM UPI, Paytm etc.

Electronic banking is a growing concept in current banking era. Technologies used in banking have completely changed the
banking business. Customers can efficiently complete their banking transaction with less time and efforts. But a number of customers
are not properly aware about different electronic modes or they have less computer knowledge to use e-banking. It is very important
to spread awareness about e-banking among bank customers to improve usage of electronic mode of banking. In this study it is
concluded that frequency of use of electronic banking modes is more than branch or traditional banking. Awareness and usage of
different e-banking modes have a positive and significant relation. So, banks must take prominent steps to spread awareness among
more customers to make their banking easy and efficient.

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