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Computer for Business _ Homework 1_2021


Submission deadline: before 23:00 pm on Friday 12 November 2021

This homework has two parts:

PART 1. Using Mail Merge (2 points)

Objective: To create a document that will be sent to people whose information provided in a list
(e.g. an invitation letter, a thank you letter, a confirmation letter). The document sent to people has
the same content except some fields such as the name and address of the recipient.

Tools will be used:

- Mail Merge
- Font and paragraph formats


1) Access to BkeL system, Homework_1

2) Download 2 following files into your computer

File name Explanation

INVITAION letter This file is to create letters
Student list This file is used to add recipient information into the letter
3) Open file ‘INVITATION letter’. In the letter, below the date of the letter you will insert 3 fileds:
the full name, the class group of students, and email address of people you want to send the
letter to. The information of these people is contained in the file ‘Student list’.

4) Take a look on Video 6_ part 2 about the mail merge to Follow the instructions.
5) Format all inserted fields in red colour and bold
6) Now, go to menu Mailings> Finish & Merge> Edit Individual Documents…, select All and
press OK

Computer for Business _ Homework 1_2021

7) Save this file with the name of ‘Your student ID_First name_HW1_part 1’. For example,
8) Submit the file through the BKel system

(see next page for Part 2)

Computer for Business _ Homework 1_2021

PART 2. Format a long document (8 points)

Objective: To format a long document into different sections with different formats. Students are
required to make a draft of contents become a final version that should be the same with a given

Tools will be used:

- Break sections - Insert page numbers - Insert list of

- Heading styles - Page orientation figures/tables
- Multilevel lists - Insert caption - Insert pictures, tables
- Header and footer - Insert table of contents - Insert Citations
formats - Font formats

1) Access to the BkeL
2) Download 9 files in the folder to students’ computer

File name Explanation

The sample This file is the sample, the final version to complete
Draft of contents This file will be used as an initial file and process it become a
final document that is the same with the sample
Figure 2.1, Figure 4.1, Table 4.1, These 5 files will be used to insert in the main document
Table 4.2, Table 5.1
Summary of Tools This file provides a review of main tools students will use to
format the document.
References for part 2 This file is used to insert in-text citations
3) Rename the file ‘draft of contents’ to ‘Student ID_First Name_HW1_part 2’
For example, ‘182356_Thuy_HW1_part2’
4) Open file ‘The sample’ and have a look at its structure and format. Note that the document
has 10 sections (students should know why it has 10 sections!)
Cover page Section 1
Acknowledgements → List of Tables Section 2
Chapter 1 Executive Summary Section 3
Chapter 2 Situation Analysis Section 4
Chapter 3 Marketing Strategy Section 5
Chapter 4 Financials, Budgets, and Forecasts Section 6
Landscape page Section 7
Chapter 4 Financials, Budgest, and Forecasts Section 8
(after the landscape page)
Chapter 5 Controls Section 9
References Section 10

5) Open file “Student ID_HW1_Part2’, insert Page Breaks and Section Breaks to make the
document have the same layout as the table above. Refer to the file ‘Summary of Tools’ and
Video 6-part 1 on BkeL for the guidelines.
6) Using Multilevel list to apply headings and subheadings to the chapters’ title and subtitle of
the document (refer to file ‘Summary of Tools’ to know how).
Heading 1 is applied to following titles:

Computer for Business _ Homework 1_2021

Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 to Chapter 5
Heading 2 is applied to subtitles in each chapter (look at the file ‘The sample’ as a reference).
Remember that Heading 2 includes the level of heading 1, e.g. 1.1,1.2… for chapter 1; 2.1,
2.2,… for chapter 2 and so forth.
Students have free choices to format the heading 1, heading 2,…
7) Format the cover page, put your full name in ‘Student name’ at the last line of this page.
Cover page has bold and centre texts. Free choice for Font and Font size.

8) Look at the file ‘The sample’ to know the positions of Figures and Tables, use the files
downloaded in step 2, insert 2 figures and 3 tables to the appropriate positions.

9) Insert figure caption and table caption for the names of 2 figures and 3 tables (refer to file
‘Summary of Tools’ for the guidelines). Remember to format the numbering of figures and
tables that include the chapter number (e.g. Figure 2.1, Figure 4.1…). These captions will be
used to create list of figures and tables.

10) Make sure the Table 4.2 Marketing Expense Forecast is in one separate page (it is the section
7). Make this page to landscape orientation

11) Insert page numbers in the footer and on the right

- Cover page has no page number

- Pages of ‘Acknowledgement’ to ‘List of Tables’ have page numbers of i, ii, iii,…

- From Chapter 1 to the end of document, page numbers are 1, 2, 3,…

12) Insert your full name in ‘student full name’ in the footer on the left

13) Insert chapter names in the header on the left, each chapter has its own name. Section
‘References’ also has its name in the header

14) Insert two citations in the text (one is at the end of the page of acknowledgements, the
other one is at the end of section 3.5- positioning). Take the file ‘References for part 2’ as a

15) Apply Numbering and bullets for the contents in each chapter look like the file ‘The sample’

16) Insert a table of contents in the page of ‘Table of Contents’

17) Insert a list of figures in the page of ‘List of Figures’

18) Insert a list of tables in the page of ‘List of Tables’

19) Insert a bibligography in the page of “references”

20) Check again all the formats and appearance of the document to make sure it looks like the
file “The sample”

21) Save the file again and submit the file into the BKel system

Good Luck

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