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New Writing turning later to a description of the development of

"intellectronics" on Earth. My imagination gathered momentum,

A Challenging New World as the following chapter titles show: "Prolegomena on
Omnipotence," "Phantomology," and "Creating Worlds."
An extract from "Lampoon on Evolution" completed the work.
A Blink of an Eye This work reflected my tendency to observe the past from a
Stanisław Lem bird's-eye view. Maybe the distance in space and time was
even greater for me. There was not much point, however, in a
formulation that attempted to present future human endeavors
Introduction in detail, together with the dangers that arise as a result. The
innumerable predictions made in the second half of the
In 1993, a study titled Technology of the Twenty-First Century twentieth century have been tripped up by attempts to describe
was published in Germany under the auspices of one of the the future in detail. Detailed predictions are simply impossible. I
federal ministries. [1] Specialists working on the project for the do not say this to defend myself, but rather because we know
ministry cited the following areas as most important for activities now about futurology's failures when attempts have been made
in the field of technology: to go beyond generalizations.
To demonstrate the difference between theoretical knowledge
and practical human activities, I recall the words of an
1. Nanotechnology—molecular and atomic architecture
outstanding scientist, Richard Feynman, who worked in Los
that allows switches and fully functional mechanical
Alamos on the atom bomb project as one of a select few. In his
parts to be made extremely small.
memoirs Feynman noted that all the theoretical knowledge
2. Sensor engineering—the construction of microscopic about atomic and quantum phenomena had proved insufficient
sensors that imitate models in nature. to determine which elements would slow neutrons down. This is
essential for initiating or halting the chain reaction process. In
3. Adaptronics—understood as a bridge between modern order to obtain such data, scientists had to examine the
materials and systems displaying structural properties of a great many elements. Eventually, they
intelligence. discovered that one of the best absorbents of neutrons—
4. Photonics—foreseeing that photons will replace especially those that accelerate an atomic reaction—is
electrons in collecting, processing and transmitting cadmium. It should be realized that there is still a huge gap in
information, thus achieving a higher speed than current our knowledge, even today, between theoretical physics, which
microelectronics. is able to construct an atomic model for a given element, and
the chemical properties of that element, which are manifested in
5. Biomimetic materials—the imitation of materials complex molecular structures.
originating in live tissues, of which a commonly cited For this same reason, however unwittingly, my work falls into
example has been recent attempts to reproduce spider two categories: general prognostications and science fiction. In
silk artificially, a natural material that demonstrates a the latter I could indulge in shows of audacious bravery. As I
degree of elasticity and endurance exceeding near the end of my life, it seems that I have thought and acted
everything our technology has been able to develop up with respect for the principles of the natural sciences. Only
to now. rarely did I find myself at a dead end. Now it is time to confront
6. Fullerenes—the third elemental form of carbon, my positions as essayist, those in Summa Technologiæ and in
together with diamond and graphite. The brochure Dialogues—with the realities that face us on the threshold of the
predicts that fullerenes will be utilized in the future—for twenty-first century, and with the new areas of human activities
example, in electronics. and knowledge that are beginning to take shape. I do not mean
to make myself out to be an omnipotent sage, just a writer who
7. Neuroinformatics—aimed at developing artificial is free.
intelligence which will be able to take data processing
a step further by actually creating knowledge.
It is worth noting that the brochure has no separate section on
the revolution in the field of global communication (the World Dilemmas
Wide Web) or biotechnology, which has stirred up interest in the When those two books of mine were
ethics of technology. In fact, its authors do not even mention Man's published, they were met with a
these issues. The above example shows how thankless a task
"autoevolution," deathly silence. Now, at the
predicting future technologies can be. Even more difficult is beginning of the twenty-first century,
what Americans call "technology assessment," in other words, repainted to suit
the situation has essentially changed
predicting the civilizational, social and cultural effects of new the times, has for the worse, since the problems
technologies. become a that I discussed alone several
In my current analysis of what has happened over the past forty catchword. decades ago have now been
years or so (since I wrote Summa technologiæ, and an earlier accosted, with particular alacrity, by
book, Dialogues), I will refer to various chapters of Summa—but hordes of laymen and ignoramuses ignited by the fire of fashion.
not because I wrote it, or as an indulgence in self-praise. Man's "autoevolution," repainted to suit the times, has become a
Readers should bear in mind that, during the half-century that is catchword. We are dealing here with a flood of information,
now coming to an end, I found myself in a terrible situation, cut often coming from scientific charlatans. In such a situation, it is
off from information, scientific or otherwise, by the system in easy to get lost in the vast new field of biotechnology. These
power in Poland at the time. Today, however, it seems that my can no longer be limited to discoveries about genes, because
way of getting around this was especially fortunate. I started by an indisputable fact is the universal uniqueness of the genetic
showing the similarities between two kinds of evolution, nucleotide code, always comprised of four nucleic acids in
technological and biological. Then I began to consider the as various combinations, which controls the origins and extinction
yet unresolved problem of extraterrestrial civilizations, then of all living species in the biosphere. We are already talking
Stanislaw Lem - A Challenging New World - Review of Stanisław Lem's Okamgnienie 1
here about macro-genetics, a field still only in its early stages. cost of production drastically reduced. Components are being
One of its specific tasks is to develop a map of the human produced, based on silicon microelectronics, which are one-
genome, together with the minor changes in it that determine thousandth the thickness of a human hair, that is, about one
the formation and existence of the visible variety of phenotypes hundred nanometers thick (a nanometer is one billionth of a
(characteristics that superficially meter). However small that may be, molecular electronics will
differentiate an Eskimo from a black man, make it possible to reduce the size of components to a single
for example), as well as with the nanometer. In five years or less, computer design will be based
microgenetics that determines the on an entirely new technology, which will mean an industrial
constitutional makeup of particular revolution as big as the one that resulted from the move from
human individuals. Because of the vacuum tubes to transistors in the 1950s. If all difficulties are
enormous complexity of life's overcome, the new digital technology will find itself having to
determinants, ensconced in the genomes grapple with the principles of quantum mechanics. The outcome
of all plant and animal species, I will only will be a veritable revolution that turns the global semiconductor
be able to mention a few select examples industry upside down.
that are not directly linked to knowledge Up to now, chips have been produced by etching pieces of
about the human genome. silicon. The dimensions of these chips are becoming inversely
Spiders (Araneida), for example, thanks proportional to their production cost: the smaller the chips, the
to a group of specific genes, produce silk many times more more expensive their production. It turns out that the huge
elastic and tear-resistant than that of the silkworm—or than manufacturing plants which use lasers to etch individual layers
steel and all known synthetic polymers including nylon. Spider of connections on silicon bases are now outmoded. An entirely
silk was already being used in telescopes a very long time ago. different kind of method is looming up before the specialists,
Certain genes are responsible for the synthesis of spidroins. An one based on chemical reactions that will be able, at very low
individual strand of that remarkable silk is comprised of a large cost, to assemble numerous molecules into infinitesimal circuits.
number of these interlocking spidroin molecules produced by This could lead to the ruination of manufacturers, as their
the spider's glands. Compared to spider silk, the material made expensive production methods begin to resemble a candle-
from synthetic polymers turns out to have an unusually simple manufacturing plant rather than a fluorescent-lamp factory. The
and primitive structure. Although it is extremely difficult for our Clinton Administration has considered embarking on the
technology to reproduce silk similar to that of spiders, a rich "National Nanotechnology Initiative" early in the year 2000 in
scientific literature on the subject has described the microfibrillar order to organize and supervise research in this developing
structure of the silk, thus enabling production of materials specialist area of molecular architectonics. Perhaps
similar to the spider. The synthetic production of spider silk has "quantechnology," having no name other than the one I have
at least one practical use. Any line released from an orbiting coined myself, will soon move from laboratories into industrial
spacecraft to Earth would tear under its own weight. Learning plants.
from spiders, however, we would be able to create lines so light The silicon era seems to be nearing its end. At the same time,
and strong that the spacecraft could use them to raise loads this next phase in micro-miniaturization seems to suggest that
while in orbit, like an elevator. we will be one step closer to the type of construction methods
This would be only one of the numerous effects of that have been employed by living beings for billions of years.
biotechnology's adoption of methods that nature had developed The biological inheritance of structural traits is, after all, based
over tens of millions of years. The above example allows us to on molecular nucleotide structures, which form the basis for the
appreciate better the audacity of those who have called for the evolutionary transmission of all life forms. We must also take
quick development of an "artificial brain." No one knows how into consideration the fact that that no one knows as yet how life
many neurons an average human brain has. Once I was taught originated: current views range from the hypothesis that life had
that there were ten billion of them, but now there are thought to its origins in the inorganic molten liquid of the Earth's core, to
be many times more. If we then consider that each individual the conjecture that prebiotic compounds were formed in
neuron, via synapses, is in contact with hundreds of other freezing temperatures. Our situation, I would say, is analogous
neurons, and sometimes thousands, then we can see that the to that of a savage who, having discovered the catapult, thought
computer that beat Kasparov in chess, Deep Blue, is that he was already close to space
disproportionately heavy by comparison. The human brain travel.
appears to be "a reliable system comprised of unreliable There is a well-known saying in no complicated
elements," in the words of John von Neumann. Artificial scientific circles that no complicated phenomenon
intelligence enthusiasts still face a long haul ahead of them, phenomenon exists which will not exists which will
fraught with obstacles and traps. turn out to be even more complicated
Perhaps it will be possible to construct artificial intelligence on closer inspection. The current talk
not turn out to be
thanks to the development and implementation of of man's quickly taking control of his even more
nanotechnology. Scientists working in leading American own evolution, which can even be complicated on
laboratories are convinced that we are now at the threshold of a heard even among philosophers of closer inspection
new era in electronics. Recently, they nature, is quite unnerving. When
succeeded in constructing "logic gates," Dolly, the famous sheep, was cloned, after almost three
the basic components of computer hundred unsuccessful experiments, people began to imagine
systems, from a single molecule. Thus, scores of mass-produced Einsteins and film stars. The savage
molecular electronics is no longer a mentioned above was actually closer to constructing his rocket
vague prophecy—the first steps in this than the self-styled bioengineer is to cloning people at will. Yet it
direction have already been taken. This was not only politicians, but also many other people in many
success has been crowned, furthermore, with a new technique different professions who were so taken aback by the specter of
for making conductors only a dozen atoms thick. Molecular replicated human beings that legislative steps were taken to
switches, or gates, must be appropriately linked by microscopic block the experimental use of those totipotent embryonic cells.
conductors. As a result, work is being done on RAM (Random Such measures are also as premature as would have been the
Access Memory) systems that will not only be hundreds of times case if the ancient Chinese had been forbidden to fly kites in the
smaller than those currently produced, but will also have their
Stanislaw Lem - A Challenging New World - Review of Stanisław Lem's Okamgnienie 2
fear that this might lead to fatal collisions between supersonic would allow us to introduce entirely new methods of transporting
jets. active compounds deep inside the body. It would no longer be
There is also the issue of medical therapy based on current wishful thinking, for example, to suggest that a vehicle filled with
knowledge of genetics. From previously secret Soviet materials, a substance the body needs could be transported via the
now published, we learn that attempts were already being made circulatory or lymphatic system. The first rather simple versions
in the Soviet Union in the 1920s to cross higher apes with of this microapparatus technology are already being developed.
humans. Fortunately, nothing came of this. True enough, there Let us suppose, for instance, that these are gases transporting
is only a two percent difference between the materials of blood substitutes. They operate on the principle that very small
chimpanzee and human genomes, but this difference still molecules of
amounts to billions of nucleotide pairs. The question whether we fluorocarbon derivatives transport oxygen from the erythrocytes
can, may, or should remove genes whose developmental to the tissue. In the arterial blood supply, the erythrocyte, which
expression leads to genetic defects is quite in order. Yet there is about one hundred times larger than the molecules in the
has been no definitive answer to this question up to now emulsion, acts as a vehicle loaded with oxygen. Circulating
because we are already concluding that there can be no simple periodically between the erythrocytes and tissue, thanks to the
"yes" or "no" answer when it comes to human genetic defects. normal circulation of blood, the fluorocarbon molecules, which
It seems to me that there is an urgent need for a new, heavily dissolve oxygen well, carry the gas from the erythrocytes to the
revised edition of The Encyclopædia of Ignorance. [2] The blood vessels, from where the oxygen permeates the tissue.
previous edition was already outdated when it appeared twenty This kind of biotechnology would allow us to send therapeutic
years ago: absolutely no mention was made in it of substances into the body directly to the organs which need
biotechnology, nor of the ethical questions arising from such them. Up to now, medicines have normally been delivered
experimentation. Transgenetic experiments allow us to cultivate orally, and thus distributed throughout the body in a rather
many useful plants, though such experiments are accompanied random way. The new method will allow specific organs to be
by a fear of the unknown consequences of growing and targeted for therapy, or to receive the vital support they need to
consuming such modified plant products. One thing can be said continue functioning.
with certainty: this entire field is unusually complex—so complex Although we are far from knowing the processes of biogenesis,
in fact that no one person alone is capable of comprehending it. we already know that in addition to nanotechnology, or
A new branch of medical therapy now in its experimental molecular architectonics, something exists in the biosphere
stages, like the spider silk, shows the kinds of innovations that called picoarchitectonics. The prefix "nano" means one-billionth,
can be expected to result from attempts to live up to the slogan "pico" means one-thousandth of one-billionth in the metric
"overtake and surpass life processes." This phrase, which I system. Thus, summing up this chapter, we must unfortunately
introduced in 1963, is no longer a deceptive dream. It is conclude that everything is far more complicated than the
becoming a promising, though threatening, reality. human mind can comprehend—especially if we move away
Phages several hundred times smaller than a single erythrocyte from experimental science and take refuge in the realm of
parasitize bacteria, such as the bacilli in our intestines. philosophical thought instead.
Biologists say that a phage is neither alive, nor dead. It is not
alive, because there are no metabolic processes going on Stanisław Lem
inside of it. Such a phage has a "head" beneath which, under
magnification, thread-like "legs" can be seen. Having found an Translated by Christina Manetti
Escherichia coli bacterium, and recognized it biochemically, it Special thanks to Stanisław Lem and to the journal Dialogue
thrusts its "head" into it. From that moment, the phage takes and Universalism for permission to publish this extract
over the life processes going on inside the bacterium. By
dominating it in this way, the phage manipulates the
biochemical signals so that the bacterium produces hundreds of
phages. Eventually, it bursts, whereupon the new phages set off Footnotes:
in search of more "victims." 1. Technologien des 21. Jahrhunderts, Bundesministerium für
Many biologists believed a phage met its "bacteria victims" by Forschung und Technologie, Bonn, 1993.
chance. Nowadays, the processes behind this "hunt" are 2. Ronald Duncan and Miranda Weston-Smith, eds, The
thought to be somewhat more teleological. A phage's basic path Encyclopædia of Ignorance, New York, 1978.
is similar to the zigzag-like path of a particle subject to Brownian
motion. Bacteria, however, excrete metabolic waste into the
fluid environment surrounding them. A kind of asymmetrical
concentration of this waste then arises, which provides the clue
which the phage is able to use in order to find the bacteria.
Biologists are inclined to call this kind of phage an "inanimate
chemical mechanism" that reproduces only inside bacteria cells,
after taking over their metabolisms.
Biophysics attributes the phenomenon of phage behavior
described above to Brownian motion, directed by weak
asymmetrical poles. These processes can often be detected in
conjunction with "fibrillar proteins." In a net of fibrillar fibers, live
tissue undergoes a process of energetic charging. A
"fermentation motor," as biologists call it, then moves along
such fibers, guided by the genes of a micromolecule that
exhibits a periodic asymmetry. Groups of this kind—measuring
many microns and thus large in cellular terms—are able to
transport various substances as genetic information is being
built, such as ribonucleic polymers.
With this knowledge about the role of Brownian motion, we can
form some idea of what future biotechnology will be like. It
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