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Data Sampling Screen

(Constant Cycle while bit is ON)


Table of Contents

Contents Page

1. Overview and Operation 3

2. Setting Up the Screen 5

3. Addresses 11

4. GP, PLC, and Screen Creation Software 12


5. Copying the Screen 13

6. Converting the Address 15

7. Precaution 18

1. Overview and Operation

It is possible to read the value of the specified address at constant cycles, store the
data in GP, and display the sampled data on the sampling data display on the screen.
It is useful for comparing or acknowledging data in time series.

When you touch the [Sampling]

switch, the PLC data are
sampled at the set constant
cycles and displayed on GP. At
the same time, the same data are
saved in a CF card automatically.

During saving in a CF card,

2000 (hex) is displayed on the
[CF Saving Status] address.

When you touch the [Right]

button, the whole chart is
scrolled to left and the hidden
items are displayed.

Change the switch from
[Sampling] to [Stop Sampling] by
touching it to finish sampling
data and saving data
automatically in a CF card.

When saving automatically in a

CF card stops properly, the [CF
Saving Status] address turns to
0000 (hex).

■ Data in CF card
* The created CSV file is saved in the folder [SAMP01] of a CF card.
* After sampling data for the number of the designated times, the data of the cycle is
automatically saved in a CF card, and added and written in SA00000.csv f [SAMP01].

(e.g.)Sampling No. of Times : 1000 times

2. Setting Up the Screen

■ Setting Sampling Address and Sampling Cycle

1. On Common Settings Window, select [Sampling Settings], and double-click [1:

2. Open the [Address Settings] tab. Set [Sampling Top Address] and [No. of
Sampling Words].

3. Open the [Action Settings] tab. Set [Sampling Permit Bit Address], [Sampling
Cycle], and [No. of Times].

■ Execution Condition
In this sample, execution condition is set with [Constant Cycle while Bit is ON] to
start sampling when M100 (Sampling Permit Bit Address) turns ON.
There are also more execution conditions as followings.

■ Number of times that you can sample
The number of times that you can sample is different depending on [No. of Sampling
Words], [Sampling Cycle], etc. Please refer to [24.9 Sampling Structure] in
Chapter 24 of Reference Manual for more details.

■ Data Clear Bit Address

When the data clear bit is turned ON, the data that GP has been sampling are
deleted. Therefore, in case that you allot a PLC address etc. to the data clear bit,
please program to turn the bit ON in the ladder program only when necessary.

4. Open the [Display/Save in CSV] tab. Double-click on an item name to change
[Item Name] to display on the sampling data display. After selecting [Item
Name], click [Detail Settings] to set the details of the data.

5. You can save the file in a CF card in CSV file format by putting a check mark
on [CSV Control Word Address].

The created CSV file is saved in saved in the folder SAMP01 of a CF card.

■ Saving Data in CF Card with This Sample
1) When M100 of [Sapmling Permit Bit Address] turns ON,
sampling data starts.
D-Script 2) When M100 turns ON, the command 0020(hex)(=Start
[DS_00000] Saving Automatically) is written in LS100 of [CSV Control
Word Address] in D-Script.

3) The sampling data is saved in a CF card automatically.

During saving, LS100 automatically turns to 2000 (hex)
(=Automatic Saving Mode).

4) When M100 turns OFF, sampling data stops.

D-Script 5) When M100 turns OFF, the command 0021 (hex) (=Stop
[DS_00001] Saving Automatically)is written in LS100 of [CSV Control
Word Address] in D-Script.

6) When saving automatically in a CF card stops properly,

0000 (hex) (=Stop Normally) returns to LS100. If another
value returns, please confirm Status.

3. Addresses

The addresses used in this sample are in the following area. Please change these
addresses according to your system.

Address Detail
Bit Address M100 Sampling Permit Bit Address
M101 Bit Address to delete Sampling Data
Word Address D00036 ~ D00041 Sampling Data
LS100 ~ LS101 CSV Control Word Address
*However, LS101 is not used here in this sample

because the CSV file number is always 0


4. GP, PLC, and Screen Creation Software Version

GP, PLC, and the screen creation software used in this sample are introduced as
below. You may need to adjust the screen position or change the settings for proper
usage, depending on the model type that you use.

GP and PLC
GP :GP3500
PLC :Mitsubishi Electric Corporation MELSEC Q02H(CPU Direct)
(Protocol:Q Series CPU Direct)
Software Version :GP-Pro EX V1.10 or higher

5. Copying the Screen

It is possible to copy this sample and capture it to the project file (the screen file)
that you have created already. In this case, please note not to overlap the addresses
or the screen numbers.
You may need to adjust the screen position or change the settings depending on the
model type that you use.

Copying the Screen

Open the [Project (F)] menu

on your project file. Select
[Utility (T)] – [Copy from
another Project (C)].

The [Copy from another

Project] dialog box opens.
Click [Reference].

A dialog box as left opens. Set
[Look in] and [File name].
Click [Open].

Going back to the [Copy from

another Project] dialog box,
select [Specify Screen].
Specify [Top] numbers and
[End] numbers of the
copy-from base screen on
[Base Screen] and [Window].
Also set [Top] numbers of the
copy-to screen on [Base
Screen] and [Window].

6. Converting the Addresses

If the parts or addresses used in your project file (screen file) and ones used in this
sample are same, you can change them to other addresses at one time by following

Open the [Project (F)] menu.

Select [Utility (T)] – [Convert
Addresses (A)]. The [Address
Block Conversion] dialog box
displays as below.

Click [Individual Settings] to display

the items to set conversion objects

Set screens, screen numbers,
and features to change.

Select [Bit] or [Word] for

Address Type. (e.g.; Bit)

Set [Top] and [End] for

Address Before Conversion.
(e.g.; Top Address M10, End
Address M17)

* You can not set different device addresses in [Top] and [End] for Address Before

Set [Top] for Address After
Conversion. (e.g.; Top Address

Click [Convert]. A conversion

complete message on the
Address Block Conversion
dialog box displays. Click

* If [Symbol Variables] are used for addresses, [Address Block Conversion] may not
be operated properly.

7. Precaution

In case that the model type that you use is different (in case that the screen size
becomes bigger), you may need to edit the screen because the screen position is
different. The supporting model is GP3000 Series, and the supporting screen
creation software is GP-Pro EX V.1.10 or higher.


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