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Release notes

ADOC N@vigator

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction Page 5

2. Version 3.19.5 Page 5

2.1. Evolutions Page 5

2.2. Corrections Page 5
3. Previous versions Page 6

1. Version Page 6

1.1. Evolutions Page 6
1.2. Corrections Page 6
2. Version 3.19.4 Page 6
2.1. Corrections Page 6
3. Version 3.19.3 Page 7
3.1. Evolutions Page 7
3.2. Corrections Page 9
4. Version Page 11
4.1. Evolutions Page 11
5. Version Page 11
5.1. Corrections Page 11
6. Version Page 11
6.1. Corrections Page 11
7. Version 3.19.2 Page 12
7.1. Evolutions Page 12
7.2. Corrections Page 13
8. Version 3.19.1 Page 13
8.1. Corrections Page 13
9. Version 3.19 Page 13
9.1. Evolutions Page 13
9.2. Corrections Page 14
10. Version 3.18 Page 16
10.1. Evolutions Page 16
10.2. Corrections Page 18
11. Version 3.17.2 Page 20
11.1. Corrections Page 20
12. Version 3.17.1 Page 20
12.1. Corrections Page 20
13. Version 3.17 Page 20
13.1. Evolutions Page 20
13.2. Corrections Page 22
14. Version 3.16 Page 23
14.1. Evolutions Page 23
14.2. Corrections Page 24
15. Version 3.15 Page 25
15.1. Evolutions Page 25
15.2. Corrections Page 25
16. Version 3.14.2 Page 26
16.1. Corrections Page 26
17. Version 3.14.1 Page 26
17.1. Corrections Page 26
18. Version 3.14 Page 27
18.1. Evolutions Page 27

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18.2. Corrections Page 29

19. Version 3.13.3 Page 31
19.1. Corrections Page 31
20. Version 3.13.1 Page 31
20.1. Corrections Page 31
21. Version Page 31
21.1. Corrections Page 31
22. Version 3.13 Page 32
22.1. Evolutions Page 32
22.2. Corrections Page 33
23. Version 3.12.1 Page 35
23.1. Evolutions Page 35
23.2. Corrections Page 35
24. Version 3.12 Page 36
24.1. Evolutions Page 36
24.2. Corrections Page 37
25. Version 3.11 Page 37
25.1. Evolutions Page 37
26. Version 3.10 Page 37
26.1. Evolutions Page 37
26.2. Corrections Page 37
27. Version Page 38
27.1. Evolutions Page 38
27.2. Corrections Page 38
28. Version 3.9.3 Page 38
28.1. Evolutions Page 38
28.2. Corrections Page 39
29. Version Page 39
29.1. Evolutions Page 39
29.2. Corrections Page 40
30. Version Page 40
30.1. Evolutions Page 40
30.2. Corrections Page 40
31. Version 3.9.2 Page 40
31.1. Evolutions Page 40
31.2. Corrections Page 41
32. Version Page 42
32.1. Evolutions Page 42
33. Version Page 43
33.1. Evolutions Page 43
33.2. Corrections Page 43
34. Version Page 43
34.1. Evolutions Page 43
34.2. Corrections Page 43
35. Version 3.9.1 Page 43
35.1. Evolutions Page 43
35.2. Corrections Page 45
36. Version Page 46
36.1. Corrections Page 46
37. Version 3.9 Page 46
37.1. Evolutions Page 46
37.2. Corrections Page 48
38. Version 3.8.2 Page 50
38.1. Corrections Page 50
39. Version 3.8.1 Page 50
39.1. Corrections Page 50
40. Version 3.8 Page 50

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40.1. Evolutions Page 50

40.2. Corrections Page 56
41. Version 3.7.1 Page 59
41.1. Corrections Page 59
42. Version 3.7 Page 59
42.1. Evolutions Page 59
42.2. Corrections Page 62
43. Version 3.6 Page 64
43.1. Evolutions Page 64
43.2. Corrections Page 68
44. Version 3.5.2 Page 69
44.1. Evolutions Page 69
44.2. Corrections Page 70
45. Version 3.5.1 Page 70
45.1. Evolutions Page 70
45.2. Corrections Page 70
46. Version 3.5 Page 71
46.1. Evolutions Page 71
46.2. Corrections Page 73
47. Version 3.4.1 Page 74
47.1. Evolutions Page 74
47.2. Corrections Page 77
48. Version 3.4 Page 78
48.1. Evolutions Page 78
48.2. Corrections Page 82
48.3. Limitations Page 85
49. Version 3.3.3 Page 85
49.1. Evolutions Page 85
50. Version 3.3.2 Page 86
50.1. Evolutions Page 86
50.2. Corrections Page 86
51. Version 3.3.1 Page 86
51.1. Corrections Page 86
52. Version 3.3 Page 86
52.1. Evolutions Page 86
52.2. Corrections Page 89
53. Version 3.2.1 Page 92
53.1. Corrections Page 92
54. Version 3.2 Page 93
54.1. Evolutions Page 93
54.2. Corrections Page 97
54.3. Limitations Page 100
55. Version 3.1B Page 101
55.1. Corrections Page 101
56. Version 3.1A Page 101
56.1. Evolutions Page 101
56.2. Corrections Page 101
57. Version 3.1 Page 102
57.1. Evolutions Page 102
57.2. Corrections Page 106
57.3. Limitations Page 109
58. Version 3.0A Page 111
58.1. Corrections Page 111
59. Version 3.0 Page 112
59.1. Limitations Page 112

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1. Introduction :
This document is AWN (ADOC N@vigator) V3.19.5 release notes.

2. Modification list for version 3.19.5

2.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Impossible to remove update in offline mode.

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR0068 module: AWN

Description The user can remove a file in the list of update files in the offline update panel.

Short description Unable to get applicability mode (hidden or hatched)

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1260 module: AWN

Description PACAT need to have access at the applicability of the publication with indicator's help. Indicators must be applied
on TOC nodes.

Short description Implementation of Jillus 3.0.503

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1266 module: AWN

Description New Jillus 3.0.503 was provided which corrected the issue of X2PAC (symbol display) and distorted image

Short description Version upgrade generates issue

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1268 module: AWN

Description Removall of the upgrade mode in the installer.

Short description License tool: Stop when an issue is detected during license creationc
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1276 module: AWN

Description If an exception is raised, during license generation, the license tool shall be stopped and a message shall be
displayed to indicate which file contains the error.

Short description ADs with same keys must be managed by AWN

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1283 module: AWN

Description During import of for a specific publication, keys of some ADs can be sometime the same. This problem is
caused by the fact the AD's key are taking on the parent's node during export. AWN is configured to prohibit
displaying ADs with same keys

2.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Silent installation does not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1227 module: AWN

Description Silent installation by using a script file (created during a first installation of AW) does not work.

Short description Mapping file documentation is not up to date

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1244 module: AWN

Description Mapping file documentation is not up to date

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Short description Asterisks overlapped

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1264 module: AWN

Description Green star are overlapped

Short description Content of tabular view not refreshed in Hatched mode

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1265 module: AWN

Description In applicability hatched mode, when changing publication applicability, tabular view is not refreshed. Rows not
applicable are not hatched

Short description Impossible to attach an AD on blob

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1269 module: AWN

Description Display the real causes if we can't add an AD on blob

Short description License tools : documentation update

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1275 module: AWN

Description After discussion with Prod Chain and Support, the previous behaviour with the -l option could be disappears So,
to generate a license with -l option, the user shall indicate a file, which contains the license information.

3. Previous versions
1. Modification list for version

1.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Server.lock comparison shall be improved

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1282 module: AWN

Description For a unknown reason, the server name in server.lock is sometimes in uppercase and sometimes in lowercase.

1.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description AD button disappears

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1280 module: ICS

Description Attach a AD to an illustration, the button is correctly added. Go to another node in the TOC and return to the
illustration, the AD button is no longer displayed.

Short description Server Shutdown raises a NPE

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1281 module: AWN

Description When a server is in UPDATE mode and this server is stopped a NullPointerException occurs.

2. Modification list for version 3.19.4

2.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description [SUPPORT] Table display > shift of some cells

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1228 module: ANG

Description Some cells have been discovered shifted in a table. Cells must be not shifted.

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Short description MP - Error when reaching MP via FIN menu

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1239 module: AWN

Description Error " matching end-tag "/div" is missing" correction.

Short description Not possible to open an AirN@v Line Maintenance client during Offline Attachment installation
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1253 module: AWN

Description When we launch an OFFLINE update on a publication the last one is consultable during the update

Short description Update documentation about PDF

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1272 module: AWN

Description the user manual have been updated for taking in count of using Acrobat Reader

3. Modification list for version 3.19.3

3.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Highlighted elements in graphic

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR117 module: AWN

Description The action of the button "Highlight selectable elements" in the binary viewer has changed

Short description A useless empty viewer is opened wen opening an excel file
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR700 module: AWN

Description No more empty floating window is displayed when a blob is opened in an external viewer

Short description License Tool: optimization needed for CID Generator perfo
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR939 module: AWN

Description The license tool can now generate multiple licenses or certificates at once.

Short description Error with history

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1065 module: AWN

Description The field LINK of the table TABLE_HISTORY is now a CLOB. There is no longer any constraint on the number of

Short description "Back" button does not work when navigating between Maintenance Procedures
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1168 module: AWN

Description The PACAT can now disable the addition to the history of form results.

Short description No scroll to function for internal links inside an embedded viewer
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1177 module: AWN

Description It is possible now to use the the scroll in step by step inside embedded viewer

Short description Useless AWN pop-up displayed on Admin Console after attachment installation
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1182 module: AWN

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Description The popup display after an update finishes can now be disabled

Short description [PERFO] Create an internal scroll to function without re-transformation

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1183 module: AWN

Description A new function permit to scroll to an id in current document without reloads it.

Short description The 'History' panel should be reworked to display the 'Title' column as big as possible
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1193 module: AWN

Description The width of the 'Title' column in the 'History' panel is increased.

Short description An auto-tabulation on the Acess data module be code/zone fields should be implemented
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1194 module: AWN

Description A new integer attribute is indicated for a field in a form: "max-length"

Short description Timestamp server has changed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1211 module: AWN

Description Add a new timestamp URL for JAR signing and the means to authenticate on the JAR signing proxy.

Short description Use Acrobat Reader to open PDF

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1213 module: AWN

Description Acrobat Reader is used to display PDF when it is installed

Short description Some attached files are not opened

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1215 module: AWN

Description File with extension docx, pptx and xlsx will be opened with system application successfully.

Short description Review documentation about authentication in command line

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1219 module: AWN

Description "awn-encrypter.jar" is available in tools folder when AWN is installed

Short description An attachment shall contain one document at least (HMI)

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1231 module: AWN

Description The OK button in the Create/Edit AD will be activated only when there is at least one attached document in the
attachment list.

Short description Attachments (AUTO and replacement) shall always be printed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1233 module: AWN

Description AUTO and replacement AD will be printed whatever the option selected by the user.

Short description Manage the applicability of the attachment

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1236 module: AWN

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Description AD applicability is managed visually now by AWN

Short description Log level [xquery-local-functions]

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1241 module: AWN

Description The log level is set to DEBUG in ICSClassLoader.

Short description Portal default password change

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1258 module: AWN

Description Protal DMZ and LAN default password change is taken into account.

Short description Update documentation about OS compatibility

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1266 module: AWN

Description In "Software Installation Manual" the following sentence has been added "Please be advised that ADOC
N@vigator is a Java based application. Technically, Java is platform independent and the usage of a particular
OS should not be a restriction. However, Windows 10 and Windows 2012R2 are not tested by Airbus and could
result in misbehaviour while using the ADOC N@vigator. In case you face any issues, do not hesitate to reach
out to the support team via TechRequest" in "Microsoft Windows 10 and Microsoft Windows 2012R2
compatibilities" part.

3.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description getConsultationContexts() with empty container

Identification type: correction ref: ISR0351 module: AWN

Description The exception management on the getConsultationContexts method has been reworked.

Short description Fault isolation - embedded frame not refresh (case: multi-link)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR0820 module: AWN

Description Correction of the embedded viewer creation, in the case where two tasks have a similar node identifier.

Short description Prefetch simultaneous user, defaut value is not correct

Identification type: correction ref: ISR0839 module: AWN

Description The number of users which can use simultaneously the automatic prefetching feature has been increased to 10.

Short description [PRINT] Graphics not appearing in printout in Word Search mode
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1152 module: AWN

Description Correction of a NullPointerException on server when printing a figure in Word Search mode

Short description [GPI]-Export of Airline Comments failure.

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1158 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue with the AD Export function where blobs are exported multiple times instead of once.

Short description Logs about CANCEL

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1173 module: AWN

Description Correction of a log requalified in INFO instead of ERROR when canceling an XQuery

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Short description [PRINT] Task 26-22-XX-00001-320A can not be printed due to error occured while rendering PDF.
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1185 module: AWN

Description No error during the print while redering PDF

Short description [PRINT] A330 SRM 51-10 _ Problem with XSLFO source stream or FPC component
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1201 module: FPC

Description Correction of an issue on FPC that makes some tasks unprintable.

Short description PCT Print - error message displayed when printing the condition List Per MSN
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1202 module: AWN

Description Remove unjustified error popup from warnings coming from FPC

Short description Last Search Result button does not work for ASD/AWD business categories
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1203 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue with 'Last Form Result' feature that does not work well when a form is executed without
being displayed.

Short description AWD illustrations: when clicking on a wire link, the result is displayed in the back instead uo front
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1205 module: AWN

Description When clicking on a wire link, the main window shall be displayed in front of the others windows

Short description Word search - Freeze on search on multiple contexts when manuals are already opened
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1206 module: AWN

Description Correction of frozen client issue with Word Search, when launching a search on two opened contexts.

Short description Word seach - Search on mutiple context

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1207 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue with the Search where opened contexts are not refreshed when the search is launched
from the catalog tab.

Short description Update default value of forms-pool-size

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1208 module: AWN

Description The default value of forms-pool-size in server-settings is updated to 1000

Short description Loading of SAS library raises an error

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1214 module: SAS

Description No more error is raised during AD application when the server is restarted from Windows tray command.

Short description Print of attachments list

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1216 module: ANG

Description Correction of a wrong display of some OK and CANCEL button labels.

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Short description Loading of SAS library raises an error

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1217 module: SAS

Description No more error is raised about stdc++ DLL loading during AD application

Short description TOC static

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1218 module: AWN

Description The Word search density in the TOC is correctly displayed when the TOC is indexed statically. The paperclip icon
showing that there is an attachment document is correctly displayed.

Short description Useless log in KillTimeOutSessionsRunnable class

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1232 module: AWN

Description The log level is modified to DEBUG

Short description Hourglass shall be appear during the attachment adding

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1234 module: AWN

Description The user will has a feedback when he clicks on the OK button during AD creation/modification.

Short description Disconnection when publication opening

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1249 module: PDOM

Description No more error about data inflater during opening PDOM data container

Short description Attachment button is not displayed in illustration

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1252 module: AWN

Description The attachment button will be displayed in the binary viewer when it is attached on an illustration.

4. Modification list for version

4.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Decrease the split limit and split blob into two DVD
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1251 module: AWN

Description The max size of blob base file will not exceed 3.5GB. The creation of two DVD with two blobs file is possible by
adding a part of blob folder in the first DVD.

5. Modification list for version

5.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Advanced table cannot be displayed

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1247 module: AWN

Description The command permit to get the applicability on advanced table is permit to authenticate user.

6. Modification list for version

6.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

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Short description "Operation in progress" Pop-ups remain displayed

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1225 module: AWN

Description Correction of the progress pop-ups management, that remained displayed on board.

7. Modification list for version 3.19.2

7.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description [Tabular View] Tabular view filtering by effectivity

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR258 module: AWN

Description PACAT can define an applicability for each row in advanced tables, non applicable rows are hidden/hatched

Short description Attachement information

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR520 module: AWN

Description The columns Type, Status, Server and Attachements have been deleted in the publication selection table of the
"Manage attachements" panel.

Short description Check read only publication during update

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR544 module: AWN

Description The publication update process is no longer launched at all if the target publication is in Read-Only.

Short description Multi choice selection

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR676 module: AWN

Description On all tables, the column control popup allows the selection or unselection of several columns without automatic

Short description Blinking spurious alert message referenced page contains no information
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR951 module: AWN

Description The message "Warning: The referenced page contains no information, or its content does not comply with current
filtering options." does not blink when the prefetch is set to value greater than one.

Short description Compliance with others JRE version

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1047 module: AWN

Description AWN can be launched with the following JRE versions : jre1.8.0_66 and jre1.8.0_112.

Short description Word Search density in results window

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1107 module: AWN

Description AWN allows now density displaying in word search form results.

Short description Perfo - Issue on client opening during installation of Airline Comment
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1150 module: AWN

Description Administrator can now disable the fragmentation rate update during Online and Offline updates in order to
improve the performances.

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7.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description ADS freeze on AFI opening

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1069 module: AWN

Description The issue of waiting dialog "Operation in progress" is fixed.

Short description Impossible to print Advance Copy from TR

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1120 module: AWN

Description When printing a pdf the print is delegated to a delegator if defined.

Short description WS - Highlight in the title of a figure

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1153 module: ANG

Description With Wordsearch, the highlight is now correctly done on figure titles.

Short description Session time-out in administration console

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1165 module: AWN

Description The client time-out will be reset only when the client clicks on OK button in the time-out pop-up.

Short description User cannot access to the end of DM in embedded viewer

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1175 module: ANG

Description The user will be able to use the next page extraction button in embedded viewers.

Short description [RNE] Table CALS not correctly rendered in main view
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1198 module: ANG

Description Correction of table CALS shifting issue.

8. Modification list for version 3.19.1

8.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description JNLP modification to provide a workaround when several JRE exist
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1196 module: AWN

Description Avoid JNLP execution problem when several JRE are install on client side.

9. Modification list for version 3.19

9.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Robustness of publication remove

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR458 module: AWN

Description Administration console and command line tool can force unregistering a publication.

Short description [DaFA Installation] Optimization

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR649 module: AWN

Description The COTS commons-io is now used in version 2.0.1 instead of version 1.4

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Short description Plugin elements have caused an error: awn_kernel

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR692 module: AWN

Description AWN is more robust when an error happens during user connection.

Short description Publication List: ALL model is not correctly filtered

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR799 module: AWN

Description When sorting models in publication list, always display "ALL" model.

Short description AWN should give the possibility to deactivate the statistics mechanism
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR837 module: AWN

Description The statistics are now deactivable via an attribute in the server-settings.

Short description BACK button - Goes to the 1st e-page and not to the e-page
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1025 module: AWN

Description AWN saves the scroll-to in the source document when the user clicks on a link

Short description 3D Print - Remove header

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1039 module: AWN

Description Printed 3D illustrations no longer contain ADOC N@vigator headers and footers.

Short description CPA - In 3D zoning, the applicability selection is set to the last MSN instead of the 1st one.
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1116 module: ANG

Description When the user has to choose only one applicability, by default the selected applicability is the first one of the
current selected applicabilities.

Short description Automatic loading closes some part

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1122 module: AWN

Description The Multi-switch expanded nodes shall remain expanded after extracting the next page of a document.

9.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description SynchroToc manual using a linkToBlob

Identification type: correction ref: ISR365 module: AWN

Description MImprovement of the Table Of Content synchronization management.

Short description Publication de-referencing warnings

Identification type: correction ref: ISR586 module: AWN

Description There is no longer a Warning after unregistering a publication deleted from a repository.

Short description Robustness on Publication rev-date

Identification type: correction ref: ISR607 module: AWN

Description Publication revision dates that are incorrect are no longer parsed before being displayed in the header and About

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page of AWN client, they are displayed as they appear in the configuration file.

Short description [Menu item] call to pluginAction - logs

Identification type: correction ref: ISR648 module: AWN

Description The case where a plugin action is called without parameters is now correctly handled. The logs concerned by this
case are correctly displayed.

Short description Some Logs feedings are incorrect

Identification type: correction ref: ISR652 module: AWN

Description Log writing improvement when the server is stopped and the client try to communicate with the server.

Short description [TR deployment] remaining temporary files after the cleaning
Identification type: correction ref: ISR705 module: AWN

Description On server side, temporary file used for conversion of smgl file is now well managed.

Short description Note icon in displayed in front of the applicability instead the expected line
Identification type: correction ref: ISR0865 module: AWN

Description Correction of a display issue with notes on rows having an applicability row over it.

Short description Field in DM by Code/Zone with soft-dependency are deactivated where they shouldn't.
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1044 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue where the reset button in a form deactivate input fields with soft-dependency set to true.

Short description Service stopped when uninstalling an old version

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1054 module: AWN

Description Correction of the method that checks if the windows service is running.

Short description PRINT - AMM task - TASK 57-21-00-200-021-A not printable

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1089 module: FPC

Description Correction of an exception in FPC.

Short description Customization of attachment buttons does not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1091 module: AWN

Description Custom button colors specified in the file are now properly taken into account when
adding attached documents.

Short description DocumentViewer$DocumentAppender.doInBackground > An exception occurred during HTML document

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1128 module: AWN

Description The issue is fixed now and the consultation by step works correctly.

Short description Negative sessions in session statistics

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Identification type: correction ref: ISR1137 module: AWN

Description Several corrections have been made to prevent negative values to be displayed in the session statistics panel of
the administration console.

Short description Session statistics performance is bad

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1138 module: AWN

Description Displaying the session statistics in the administration panel is now faster.

Short description Perfo - Too long time (about 20sec) to activate TR or AC

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1149 module: AWN

Description Switch time after offline update is optimized by removing the de-fragmentation rate computing.

Short description Font size ratio not taken into account

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1160 module: AWN

Description The font size of the AWN client is now updated correctly.

Short description Bad revision bar management

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1162 module: AWN

Description A correction has been made to revision bars management in order to fix a table row issue.

Short description Modification of Compilation Scripts

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1170 module: AWN

Description Modification of all generation script to take account new variable for EXCHANGE and REFERENCE folder.

Short description AFR encounters an error on attaching TR

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1171 module: PDOM

Description PDOM correction: now the SAS Parser is created only once during the parse.

Short description XSD Schemas are not generated

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1172 module: AWN

Description XSD schemas are generated in AWN final developer guide

Short description PDF release note

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1174 module: AWN

Description PDF release note must be present in folder doc in final installation.

10. Modification list for version 3.18

10.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Integrate AW_SERVICES v2.3

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1134 module: AWN

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Description Update AW Services version from 2.2 to 2.3.

Short description Different node title for the same element and the same viewer
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR292 module: AWN

Description The document viewer title is synchronized with the title of the node selected in the TOC.

Short description 3D illustration - Navigation mode switched in "Pan" when 3D scene loses focus
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR822 module: AWN

Description Correction of a display issue for 3D display.

Short description Effectivity must not be separated from its contents

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR846 module: AWN

Description When printing a document, the effectivity is always on the same page than at least the beginning of the content it
is attached to.

Short description Remove automatic search of the first occurence

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1097 module: AWN

Description During the Word Search, the first occurrence of the searched word is no longer automatically displayed.

Short description Several admin

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1024 module: AWN

Description The login of the connected administrator is added in the error message when a second administrator tries to open
the administration console.

Short description Landscape printing Option by default

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR5 module: AWN

Description The default printing orientation can be set to landscape for some contexts.

Short description In Hatched mode, the figure title is not hatched

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1094 module: AWN

Description Blobs are correctly hatched when they are not applicable in print mode for AWN print and JCP print.

Short description Release Notes shall be provided in PDF format

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1115 module: AWN

Description The user release notes are now provided in PDF and HTML format.

Short description Tree/Path button

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1021 module: AWN

Description The switch mode button in the Table of content is no more available.

Short description 3D Viewer - Use the anti-aliasing

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1040 module: AWN

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Description Anti-aliasing in 3D context is enabled

Short description TOC shifting shall be be removed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1029 module: AWN

Description When the user expands a node in the Table Of Content by clicking on the + icon, the Table Of Content viewer
does not scroll automatically to the right anymore.

Short description TOC indexation

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1087 module: AWN

Description Table Of Contents can now be created during publication generation to improve performance during consultation
if publication parameterization has activated it.

Short description Printing result of a form - need header footer

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR588 module: AWN

Description If specified by publication parameterisation, a header and a footer is added when printing a form result.
Otherwise, the form result is printed as usual.

10.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description AIPC - Error while consulting several figures

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1163 module: AWN

Description Avoid error when opening a page with automatic link

Short description BAW issue : impossible to open a publication

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1157 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue when opening a publication with a timestamp problem.

Short description [LAYOUT] Hyphenation ignored in the print

Identification type: correction ref: ISR531 module: AWN

Description Correction of an overflow in PDFs generated with FPC.

Short description Revision bar on the printed document covers more text than displayed on AWN
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1099 module: FPC

Description In printed documents, revision bars that cover several consecutive table rows are no longer merged. Each row
appears revised separately.

Short description Hostname value is incorrect

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1081 module: AWN

Description The hostname is now correctly displayed in the Configuration test section of the administration console, even in
portal mode.

Short description Number of simultaneously executed forms not reinitialized

Identification type: correction ref: ISR946 module: AWN

Description No error message is displayed if the form size limit is not reached.

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Short description Word search cancellation to improve

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1102 module: AWN

Description The cancel in word search context was improved to response to user actions.

Short description PRINT - Print_Node java exception (RNR V3.3.3, AWN 3.14, SA Dec 2015 rev)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1001 module: AWN

Description Correction of an IndexOutOfBoundsException in FPC.

Short description A Table CALS is not correctly formatted

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1060 module: AWN

Description The management of table display has been improved.

Short description [Wordsearch] When searching content included in a link, the link is deactivated
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1070 module: AWN

Description When searching a word, the link still works even if it contains entirely the searched word.

Short description Gap between html and print on revision bar on applicability in table
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1077 module: AWN

Description A correction has been made on revision bars in tables when the revision bar ends on a row with a single cell.

Short description "open base" client crash

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1127 module: AWN

Description Avoiding client freeze when changing publication by clicking on "open base"

Short description Form hidden columns

Identification type: correction ref: ISR280 module: AWN

Description A new parameterization option allows form result columns to be completely hidden from the user.

Short description [WordSearch] Error on external link in WordSearch mode when using linkToDocument
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1111 module: AWN

Description In wordsearch mode, document containing links to another publication are now correctly displayed.

Short description PRINT > Applicability is empty in header when different than ON AC/ALL
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1118 module: AWN

Description Applicability in the header of a printed pdf is now correctly displayed.

Short description AWN portal subgroup management

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1135 module: AWN

Description User's groups and sub-groups management is fixed now, all user's groups will be taken into account during

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Short description Concurrent access on PrintManager

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1117 module: AWN

Description Improvement the printing of documents.

Short description Automatic links management improvements

Identification type: correction ref: ISR977 module: AWN

Description No more empty drop lists appear when executing a word search form.

11. Modification list for version 3.17.2

11.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description "open base" client crash

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1127 module: AWN

Description Avoiding client freeze when changing publication by clicking on "open base"

Short description Open Base does not work after plugin use
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1130 module: AWN

Description Correction of an issue with "Open Base" feature, when comming from the TSP viewer plugin.

Short description Query executed on the wrong publication

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1133 module: AWN

Description Query are now always executed on the correct publication.

Short description Impossible to launch a client (cause .airnav writing)

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1142 module: AWN

Description It's now possible to launch a client if the user.home folder isn't writable.

12. Modification list for version 3.17.1

12.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Silent Acrobat print preview when users use Acrobat Pro does not work
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1072 module: AWN

Description Now we can launch the silent print with ACROBAT PRO.

13. Modification list for version 3.17

13.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description FORM] Form result appears/disappears/reappears

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR271 module: AWN

Description When calling the last form result, the form does not appear anymore.

Short description [Word Search] Occurrence in a embedded view

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Identification type: evolution ref: ISR321 module: AWN

Description Now, word search covers occurrences in embedded viewers.

Short description Server FileChooser does not work when using JCP in AWN standalone mode
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR390 module: AWN

Description AJCP issue fixed when user opens an A350 publication.

Short description User session is sometimes killed after WP production

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR398 module: AWN

Description Client will no more be disconnected during long tasks.

Short description Help the user to extract the information

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR919 module: AWN

Description The next page is now extracted automatically when at least 75% of a document is reached.

Short description Publications are not available then they are registered by an user
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR974 module: AWN

Description In portal mode, publications can be invisible in publication choice window just after referencing them. They will be
visible when License daemon check them (at worst after 15 minutes).

Short description PermGen

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR981 module: AWN

Description Stability enhancement for the client in the case of successive publication changes.

Short description Out of memory during bookmarks/note check

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1004 module: AWN

Description The memory error during bookmarks/notes check is now fixed.

Short description AirN@v displays a revision bar on "unchanged" graphics (Schematic and MP)
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1015 module: AWN

Description BLOB's revision management has been improved for A350 publications.

Short description Stripes of hatched mode are too thin

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1032 module: AWN

Description The width of the stripes used to cover inapplicable documents has been increased.

Short description Alternatives to "Hit" number - Density of findings

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1062 module: AWN

Description Wordsearch results now display the density of results inside the node.

Short description Email during installation must be modified

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Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1074 module: AWN

Description The mail is no more valid, its references have been deleted and replaced by the new

13.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Bad performances/freeze when consulting big data units (Page Block, DM TASK,..)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR431 module: AWN

Description Improve displaying page performance.

Short description Focus goes back to root when selecting and opening a node in the TOC
Identification type: correction ref: ISR821 module: AWN

Description When we expand a node in the TOC by clicking on "+", this node is still highlighted.

Short description Top border is not displayed

Identification type: correction ref: ISR950 module: AWN

Description Border of cell's table management has been improved.

Short description Issues on text field with regexp configuration

Identification type: correction ref: ISR975 module: AWN

Description When a field is not correctly filled in a form, the user can no longer launch the Search by pressing the Enter key.

Short description When searching Tasks in TSP null sent from "getDocumentNameFromNode"
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1019 module: AWN

Description Session initialization is correctly managed now for business module services.

Short description Error when coming back to unapplicable manual

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1061 module: ANG

Description When the user opens a consultation context and opens another tab, and then changes the applicability that let
the first context not applicable anymore and try to redisplay it, it is now correctly refreshed.

Short description AWN server threads deadlock

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1066 module: AWN

Description The application should not block during an AJCP production, the log management has been improved.

Short description Hatched and Hidden mode must be managed by the same functions
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1067 module: AWN

Description The management of hidden mode for applicability has been improved.

Short description Display an applicability with more than 4000 msn

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1084 module: AWN

Description The revision bar from a table containing a lot of msn is now well displayed.

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14. Modification list for version 3.16

14.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description [TSP] Enhance 'Add to print basket' API

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR169 module: AWN

Description Business modules can now add an element to the print basket that will be printed before the element content.

Short description Hard to customize the width of colum in result form

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR216 module: AWN

Description When resizing a table column in a form window result, now only the resized column and the columns to its right
are resized.

Short description Hotspot overlap

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR332 module: AWN

Description In case of a hotspot overlap, a popup is displayed which allows user choosing which link must be opened.

Short description "Word Search" result window

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR463 module: AWN

Description Now form result dialog no longer shows the label "X" result(s) found" in the case of word search.

Short description WordSearch - Problem on the next result on a list with one result
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR551 module: AWN

Description During Word search, no user input is needed to continue the document extraction when the end of a section is
reached. A waiting dialog with a cancel button is displayed until the next occurrence is found.

Short description "Print current display" must be improved

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR678 module: AWN

Description In the blob view, "Print current display" will now work as the "Print global view" with the same header and footer
but with the current display in the print page.

Short description Double applicability filtering capability = MSN/PN for same publication but in different manual
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR857 module: AWN

Description Now, applicability header can change when changing consultation context if those ones have different

Short description Word Search: Cancel do not work

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR907 module: AWN

Description Word search forms and navigation can now be cancelled immediately.

Short description Compliance message of Java version

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR916 module: AWN

Description JRE check message will now be displayed according to JRE and AWN version.

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Short description Preferred size in table area for the word search
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR934 module: AWN

Description The table area can be size with the content of the table.

Short description IPD Thumbnails : long time to load blobs

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR953 module: AWN

Description Performance has been improved when loading a lot of blobs in the thumbnail.

Short description HIDDEN shall be the applicability default display

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR958 module: AWN

Description Not applicable elements are now hidden by default.

Short description AWN doesn't respect the width of column

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR982 module: AWN

Description When printing a form result table, the relative size of the columns is kept in the print ouptput.

Short description Improvment of Catalog Page structure

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR1009 module: AWN


14.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Revision Bar not long enough in html but ok in the print (zone list)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR911 module: AWN

Description Revision bar must go at the end of document if any end of revision is defined.

Short description Vertical Scroll bar on right side not synchronized by default
Identification type: correction ref: ISR948 module: AWN

Description On next page extraction, the viewer stays on the current content.

Short description Revision Mark missing on node with REVST/REVEND even numbers
Identification type: correction ref: ISR959 module: AWN

Description Correction of the revision marks for effectivities.

Short description Table cals display issue on ESPM

Identification type: correction ref: ISR985 module: AWN

Description Solve column display issue with a cell on several column.

Short description Revision bar in AirN@v covers more text than expected
Identification type: correction ref: ISR990 module: AWN

Description Revision bar is now well managed even if some revisions are nest.

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Short description The revision bars cover the applicability when the change mark is on the node
Identification type: correction ref: ISR992 module: AWN

Description Multiple revision bars management has been improved.

Short description Hidden Mode - AFI - incorrect applicability displayed in hidden mode for the fault confirmation
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1005 module: AWN

Description In Hidden mode, not applicable tasks opened in the embedded viewer are now correctly handled.

Short description Error if DM context is already opened (Target has not been found)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1057 module: AWN

Description Unnecessairy error popup is not displayed any more during word search when searching node has been found.

15. Modification list for version 3.15

15.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description No tooltip on the link

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR214 module: AWN

Description Tooltips on links in 2D Graphics are now supported.

Short description No highlight in illustration header or footer

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR497 module: AWN

Description Word search is now available in title and footer of binary viewers

Short description Message when the viewer initialisation has failed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR574 module: AWN

Description No error message with "{0}" must be displayed to the user anymore when an error happens when initializing a

Short description Toogle buttons are not user friendly

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR811 module: AWN

Description Improvement on behaviour of toggle buttons. It is now possible to define background colors (selected and
unselected). It is now possible to select/unselect them from API as well to unselect automatically after the action.
A new button menu is available which display the icon of the menu entry selected when the menu is collapsed.

Short description Rename 'Silent Print' label

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR828 module: AWN

Description The "silent print" option has been renamed "quick printing" in user preferences.

15.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description When there are several TR overall, only one is correctly opened
Identification type: correction ref: ISR701 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to open several an attached document in different floating windows at publication startup.

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Short description Pdf header not corretly display with AWN PDF viewer
Identification type: correction ref: ISR830 module: AWN

Description Take into account different font configurations on Airbus environment.

Short description Display of COC rev in AFI

Identification type: correction ref: ISR866 module: AWN

Description Correction of revision bar display.

Short description Display of COC rev in MP

Identification type: correction ref: ISR867 module: AWN

Description Correction of revision bar display.

Short description Unable to launch AWN3 with jre 1.7.0_80 at server side
Identification type: correction ref: ISR920 module: AWN

Description User can open the AWN publication choice with a JRE1.7u80 whatever publication referenced.

Short description Applicability not display in the viewer

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1010 module: AWN

Description When consulting a publication, applicabilities are now correctly displayed if a page break occurs during the
computation of a table.

Short description AIRMAN-web AirN@v link ("failed to initialise the application" when clicking a TSM link in AIRMAN-web.)
Identification type: correction ref: ISR1014 module: AWN

Description Issue fixed: In some case, a client cannot be launched when opening it with a link that changes applicability of a
publication with some non-applicable home page links.

Short description table CALS issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1017 module: AWN

Description In a table, solve column display issue with a cell on several columns.

16. Modification list for version 3.14.2

16.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description table CALS issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR1017 module: AWN

Description In a table, solve column display issue with a cell on several columns.

17. Modification list for version 3.14.1

17.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Freeze after clicking on 3 TSM hyperlinks to IPC

Identification type: correction ref: ISR984 module: AWN

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Description There is no more client freeze when user opens a second link to the AIPC context already open.

Short description ANG NPE on CCT search

Identification type: correction ref: ISR986 module: AWN

Description Avoid error during displaying a table with revision bar.

Short description Search-Transverse_0002_Print_001_Step5_Error_On_Printing_Launch

Identification type: correction ref: ISR987 module: AWN

Description Avoid error during Blob printing in AssoData publication.

18. Modification list for version 3.14

18.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description AWN does not allow to set minimum of characters in a dropdown lost
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR59 module: AWN

Description Form input combo-boxes can now have a minimum input-size constraint.

Short description Combobox filtering

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR62 module: AWN

Description Combo-boxes possible values filtering can now be fully disabled by the PACAT.

Short description HomePage Manuals not applicable is not hatched

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR90 module: AWN

Description Non applicable labels on homepage are hatched if user preference is "hatch" for applicability.

Short description [FORM] No result found message

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR263 module: AWN

Description If form result contains no result, a cell containing "No result found" is displayed

Short description Revision bar is displayed in the middle of the applicability

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR465 module: AWN

Description Revision bars, note and Applicability have now a predefined margin value.

Short description Print document should print 3D image when available

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR501 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to have the 3D viewer content in the printed PDF corresponding to main viewer.

Short description Server-settings.xml modification bout group shall be robust

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR566 module: AWN

Description The publication choice window is well displayed with no publication when a user tries to open a publication
through its link.

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Short description Robustness issue during print of big image content

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR690 module: AWN

Description Printed documents are not truncated anymore.

Short description Unable to recover variables (DataBase Issue)

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR733 module: AWN

Description In case of error to retrieve user variable, default values are used. H2 database configuration is improved for
higher concurrency access.

Short description Some parts of original document might be missing

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR735 module: AWN

Description Print errors were refactored: classification of errors that might make some parts not to be printed was reviewed,
as well as the dialog messages wording.

Short description Publication should be unreachable during online update

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR748 module: AWN

Description Publication access is now blocked during an online update (in standalone, cluster and multi standalone

Short description Memory consumption for print must be better managed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR749 module: AWN

Description When Adobe Acrobat Reader is installed on client machine, it is now used to print PDFs, to improve memory

Short description A specific item can't be selected after click on a hotspot 3D ITEM_REFERENCE
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR770 module: AWN

Description Now, all matched words are highlighted when following a link with the "HIGHLIGHT" decoration.

Short description MSN filtering - performance

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR787 module: AWN

• A new button "Apply" has been added in the publication choice window, this button filters publication list
according to the given MSN quicker than refreshing the entire publication list.
• In the publication choice window, Refresh button has been moved to the right.
• The MSN input text in the publication choice window will contain the initial MSN filter (if exists).

Short description 'Optimized print' use does not permit to display the preview
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR791 module: AWN

Description The print must now be launched manually by the user in Acrobat Reader and the document will not be closed if
the print is cancelled.

Short description Print overflow

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR796 module: AWN

Description The text will not be truncated anymore when printing the current display for a figure.

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Short description Add revision mark on the footer of the displayed figure
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR818 module: AWN

Description The footer of BLOBs attached to a revised node is now revised.

Short description Tree node attribute is not well managed

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR847 module: AWN

Description Improve management of displaying node in home page.

Short description MSN filtering - new behaviour

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR965 module: AWN

Description Now, only publications which contain the asked MSN (or ACN) will be displayed when filtering by MSN (or ACN).

Short description Vertical Scrollbar wrongly updated

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR968 module: AWN

Description On change applicability per context, only specific context are refresh.

Short description Special Regex to manage

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR978 module: AWN

Description User can write some special characters non alphanumeric in the word search text field.

18.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description [FORM] Empty search

Identification type: correction ref: ISR130 module: AWN

Description The values * and "" are forbidden in the "Full text Search" field.

Short description Effectivity and FO rupture in a table

Identification type: correction ref: ISR485 module: AWN

Description Template matching REVST/REVEND tag (in ATA publications) are well managed by AWN even if they are empty
(ex: "commons": revstrevend.xsl).

Short description Access issue to one publication of publication list

Identification type: correction ref: ISR669 module: AWN

Description Improved robustness against invalid values in consultation preference database.

Short description On A|W, a publication was unavailable, cause locked

Identification type: correction ref: ISR800 module: AWN

Description If a publication lock is released while the lock is checked, no error happens.

Short description Interbase link on AW

Identification type: correction ref: ISR814 module: AWN

Description Fixed a problem with inter-base links on Airbus Portal environment: remove unnecessary login/password

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information from requests in case of Airbus Portal environment

Short description Slowdown of print in multi-users context

Identification type: correction ref: ISR815 module: AWN

Description Performance for simultaneous prints is improved.

Short description AD - TR cannot be visualized when attached with attach-ment tool + user connected on the updated task
Identification type: correction ref: ISR833 module: AWN

Description After a publication update, connected user on this publication can open new binary content added.

Short description In hidden mode, some table are not correctly displayed in case where several lines are not applicable
Identification type: correction ref: ISR854 module: AWN

Description Now, retrieving publication list (from API, pub choice, or admin console) takes less time than AWN3.13

Short description A350 ASR - Table display issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR855 module: AWN

Description Tables with row span and column number will be well managed.

Short description In Hidden mode, a IPD DM is not displayed and an error occurs when filtering
Identification type: correction ref: ISR862 module: AWN

Description Fixed some cases where AWN displayed an error message instead of the document when displaying a table with
applicability mode HIDDEN.

Short description Error when clicking on links and no target opened

Identification type: correction ref: ISR882 module: AWN

Description Solve issue where all link text do not work, only part of it.

Short description Text is display as a link with AWN 3.13

Identification type: correction ref: ISR887 module: AWN

Description Solve issue where text around a link are included and displayed as link by error.

Short description [WordSearch] Word search loops and cannot be stopped

Identification type: correction ref: ISR908 module: AWN

Description The word search will stop on the next document result after a blob extraction.

Short description Word Search does not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR925 module: AWN

Description Issue fixed where in some case, word search stops to navigate to next occurrences.

Short description RevisionMark : no revision marking on consultaion but available on PDF

Identification type: correction ref: ISR906 module: AWN

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Description Correction of revision bar display.

Short description [AirN@v Layout] Applicability marking moves into the cells of the row if the applicability display is set to
Identification type: correction ref: ISR961 module: AWN

Description Applicability in table header will not be displayed if it's the same as the applicability before the table.

Short description Vertical Scrollbar wrongly updated

Identification type: correction ref: ISR968 module: AWN

Description On change applicability per context, only specific context are refresh.

19. Modification list for version 3.13.3

19.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Client freeze on link between two manuals

Identification type: correction ref: ISR943 module: AWN

Description Client consultation has been improved when user navigates between two manuals.

20. Modification list for version 3.13.1

20.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Client freeze at startup on A|P prod with AWN3.13

Identification type: correction ref: ISR883 module: AWN

Description Performances of publication choice window has been improved.

Short description Access denied javax.xml.bind.JAXBPermission with JRE7 and JRE8

Identification type: correction ref: ISR884 module: AWN

Description Java Security permissions are no more checked in JavaWebstart environment, even with JRE7 and JRE8.

21. Modification list for version

21.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Effectivity and FO rupture in a table

Identification type: correction ref: ISR485 module: AWN

Description Improve applicability management in table when applicability visibility is in Hidden mode.

Short description In hidden mode, some table are not correctly displayed in case where several lines are not applicable
Identification type: correction ref: ISR854 module: AWN

Description Now, retrieving publication list (from API, pub choice, or admin console) takes less time than AWN3.13

Short description A350 ASR - Table display issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR855 module: AWN

Description Tables with row span and column number will be well managed.

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Short description In Hidden mode, a IPD DM is not displayed and an error occurs when filtering
Identification type: correction ref: ISR862 module: AWN

Description Fixed some cases where AWN displayed an error message instead of the document when displaying a table with
applicability mode HIDDEN.

Short description Error when clicking on links and no target opened

Identification type: correction ref: ISR882 module: AWN

Description Solve issue where all link text do not work, only part of it.

Short description Text is display as a link with AWN 3.13

Identification type: correction ref: ISR887 module: AWN

Description Solve issue where text around a link are included and displayed as link by error.

Short description Freeze after clicking on 3 TSM hyperlinks to IPC

Identification type: correction ref: ISR984 module: AWN

Description There is no more client freeze when user opens a second link to the AIPC context already open.

Short description ANG NPE on CCT search

Identification type: correction ref: ISR986 module: AWN

Description Avoid error during displaying a table with revision bar.

22. Modification list for version 3.13

22.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Support JRE 1.8

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR57 module: AWN

Description AWN JNLP allows to be launched using jre 6, 7 and 8 updates. AWN client must be compatible with JRE8u25.

Short description Accept any kind of object attached to an AD

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR275 module: AWN

Description Now AWN3 delegates unknown type files to the underlying desktop system for display. DOCX, XLSX and PPTX
attached documents can be viewed if a suitable application is installed on the client machine.

Short description Support JRE7u80 (last JRE7) Server and client side
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR442 module: AWN

Description Now, XINI supports JRE7u80.

Short description Security breach with JNLP file for client deployment.
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR443 module: AWN

Description Checks are done when publication parameter file is uploaded into AWN server (in
http://[AWN__Host]:[Port]/awn-server). Size and extension are checked in both server and client.

Short description AWN banner

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Identification type: evolution ref: ISR509 module: AWN

Description Modification of logo and colour of header in CPP mode.

Short description V-JCR-4635-VSKR-427 - Airnav Line maintenance- Difficulty to use Widget to expand A/C breakdown
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR556 module: AWN

Description Increase\decrease size of "+"/"-" in TOC according to font size.

Short description COTS version in JNLP

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR684 module: AWN

Description Now AWN3 supports JNLP version-download protocol and incremental jar update. In JNLP files, all COTS used
by AWN3 are versioned using their own COTS version number. As a consequence, connecting to AWN3 using
JNLP is faster and user experience is improved.

Short description Admin console displays a blank page with only the two buttons
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR832 module: AWN

Description Java 7 update 25 is no more supported for AWN Client.

22.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description DM1298: Value of "usr.print-preferences.printAttachedDocuments" is sometime incorrect

Identification type: correction ref: ISR107 module: AWN

Description Session properties are now correctly handled between multiple extractions.

Short description [LAYOUT] Several click on TOC level

Identification type: correction ref: ISR259 module: AWN

Description Several click in toc has to work properly.

Short description [Applicability] Revision Applicability not displayed in documentary extraction

Identification type: correction ref: ISR320 module: AWN

Description Applicability during a page break in the middle of a table is now correctly handled.

Short description Freezing popup progress

Identification type: correction ref: ISR334 module: AWN

Description Adding new API method for Business Modules to display error popup.

Short description [TOC] TOC node opening issue when associated cgm file missing
Identification type: correction ref: ISR380 module: AWN

Description Bug fixing: If there is a link to an image that does not exist, the TOC will not generate errors.

Short description [Tabular View] Width property for the column

Identification type: correction ref: ISR396 module: AWN

Description Width can be set on advanced table but it's a preferred width.

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Short description Revision bar issue on wire list

Identification type: correction ref: ISR591 module: AWN

Description Correction of revision marking display in table.

Short description Jillus3D: Allow the display of texture and correct the font display
Identification type: correction ref: ISR600 module: AWN

Description Textures and font rendering for 3D images have been improved.

Short description SIPD: The revision marking displayed in AirN@v is different than the revision marking displayed in the
Identification type: correction ref: ISR624 module: AWN

Description Fixed the display of revision markings on table headers in case the table is longer than one page.

Short description Tables in the AWN viewer incorrectly displayed

Identification type: correction ref: ISR631 module: AWN

Description Correction of displaying table with another table inside.

Short description [MIPD - revision bar display] The revision bar is not the same between AirN@v and the print
Identification type: correction ref: ISR663 module: AWN

Description Revision bar corrected between print view and main viewer.

Short description HTML preview is not correct. PDF is correct

Identification type: correction ref: ISR664 module: AWN

Description Revision bar corrected between print view and main viewer.

Short description Issue on 2D thumbnails for SRIPD

Identification type: correction ref: ISR691 module: AWN

Description Thumbnail viewer is correctly updated after clicking on next sheet button.

Short description COC revision on figure of fault confirmation is not correct

Identification type: correction ref: ISR704 module: AWN

Description COC revision bar must be correctly displayed.

Short description Manage applicabilities in searchForm

Identification type: correction ref: ISR711 module: AWN

Description Applicability in form in hidden mode has been improved

Short description COC revision bar on the printed document is not correct
Identification type: correction ref: ISR713 module: AWN

Description Correctly render image resources specified with an URI "url([classpath relative resource path])" in printed

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Short description COC revision green stars are not displayed for a line
Identification type: correction ref: ISR714 module: AWN

Description Correct several revision bar display errors:

• Extraneous revision bar portions on empty lines
• Missing revision bar portions on page break

Short description 3D loading and rendering slow down after several scene loading
Identification type: correction ref: ISR724 module: AWN

Description 3D graphics consultation has been improved (Jillus3D version has been upgraded to solve memory issues)

Short description [JPedal] PDF content cannot be saved

Identification type: correction ref: ISR747 module: AWN

Description Save a non-linearized pdf file or open it in system viewer shall not throw an error.

Short description Wrong applicability value returned at card content check

Identification type: correction ref: ISR776 module: AWN

Description When executing a query using the API, result nodes possess the correct applicability.

Short description FO extraction fail for unknown reason

Identification type: correction ref: ISR793 module: AWN

Description When a business module ask several extractions to AWN in a multi thread context, there was synchronization

Short description [AirN@v Layout - MIPD] Applicability marking moves into the cells of the row if the applicability display is
set to HIDDEN
Identification type: correction ref: ISR809 module: AWN

Description When an applicability is written before a table, this applicability is not repeated in table cell anymore.

Short description The revision bar with note and bookmark is not well managed
Identification type: correction ref: ISR810 module: AWN

Description Adding a note in table does not make a double line.

23. Modification list for version 3.12.1

23.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Highlight Table Print is truncated

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR627 module: AWN

Description The default values for print size have been updated:
• the LOW value to 2000000 (2M)
• the MEDIUM to 6000000 (6M)
• the HIGH value (print size in preferences) to 12000000 (12M)

23.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

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Short description Issue with comboboxes alignment in pub choice

Identification type: correction ref: ISR756 module: AWN

Description Correction for alignment with combobox filter in publication choice screen.

Short description Issue with comboboxe display in pub choice

Identification type: correction ref: ISR757 module: AWN

Description Improve table option display in publication choice screen.

Short description Identical items in pub choice (combo boxes)

Identification type: correction ref: ISR785 module: AWN

Description No more duplicate item in Revision Date filter in Publication choice screen.

24. Modification list for version 3.12

24.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Update text Cus by Customer

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR205 module: AWN

Description The label of the custo column in the publication choice and in the publication tables in the administration console
have changed from "CUS" to "Customer".

Short description Print - Result forms : no mention of truncation

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR223 module: AWN

Description Prints of form results indicate when results have been truncated.

Short description [AD] Print of attached document

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR451 module: AWN

Description "Attached Documents" in the form of CGM images can now be printed. If an Attached Document cannot be
printed, a warning message is printed in its place. If an Attached Document is too big to fit in a page, it is re-sized.

Short description Loose mode with LDAP

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR472 module: AWN

• User preferences are not saved for guest users.
• Airbus Portal only: guest users can be connected with the same login on different machines at the same time.

Short description [Airline Comments] Attached document link appears twice when clicking on AIRLINE COMMENT button
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR561 module: AWN

Description If a node that has an AD (attached document) is matched several times, the
ADManager/FoContentWithAncestorsCondition modules are called only once for this node.

Short description Splashscreen display

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR610 module: AWN

Description The same splash screen is now displayed from the launching of the client to the opening of the publicat

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Short description New Publications List

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR613 module: AWN

Description Update publication choice.

24.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Revision marking issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR589 module: AWN

Description Correction of revision marking display.

25. Modification list for version 3.11

25.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description DM1043 Word search waiting display

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR161 module: AWN

Description Creation of a waiting popup dialog when executing a document link.

Short description [Word Search] Non terminal element

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR359 module: AWN

Description Word Search has been improved, publication configuration allows TOC node with green thick.

26. Modification list for version 3.10

26.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description [Word Search] Button back/Reset does not work

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR94 module: AWN

• Fix Back button to select previous selected values in table forms.
• Fix radio button to select default value when clicking on reset button.
• Tooltip reset button will be customized by PACAT.

Short description [Word Search] Occurrence found in a floating window

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR102 module: AWN

Description AWN highlights occurrences of word search results in floating windows. Links that opens that windows are also

Short description An error message is displayed if you create two AD with the same Ids
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR403 module: AWN

Description When a user try to attach an AD with an identifier that is already used at this location from the consultation, he is
shown an information window with a clear message.

26.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Bad filtering in combobox

Identification type: correction ref: ISR388 module: AWN

Description The title is also used (prior it was only the value) when comparing form keys.

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Short description [CMY] Impossible d'attacher un AD en environnement r?el.

Identification type: correction ref: ISR461 module: AWN

Description Adding Attached document for ATA publications is now optimised and errors handling is corrected.

Short description Bad anchoring of the AD

Identification type: correction ref: ISR471 module: AWN

Description Fixed a problem with AD import when the defined anchor uses wildcard character '*'

27. Modification list for version

27.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Connection impossible on LooseMode (QUATAR).

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR507 module: AWN

Description Now, in loose user mode, the client identifier is based on [machine_user]@[awn_role]#[digest of 32 characters]
instead of [machine_user]@[awn_role]#[machine_name]; the digest is based on all machine LAN adapters

27.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description [TSP] No AFI button available since AWN3.9.3

Identification type: correction ref: ISR517 module: AWN

Description When opening an AFI on TSP, button are now displayed correctly in the AFI.

Short description [TSP] AFI Procedure not correctly displayed since AWN3.9.3
Identification type: correction ref: ISR518 module: AWN

Description Now, the AFI procedure is correctly displayed on TSP.

28. Modification list for version 3.9.3

28.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Errors occured when 16 th form has been executed.

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR23 module: AWN

Description The number of simultaneously executed forms by a user is limited. This limitation can be configured by

Short description Word Search Form is troncated on board

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR24 module: AWN

Description A form now has scrollbars to see all fields without having to resize it.

Short description No attached documents on note

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR35 module: AWN

Description No attached documents on notes

Short description Support W8 instead of Win XP

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Identification type: evolution ref: ISR295 module: AWN

Description The shortcuts creation has been modified to support Windows 8. Windows XP is no more supported.

Short description Publication filtering correction

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR296 module: ICS

Description During publication filtering, _LAST and _FIRST value on rev-date are now correctly taken into account even if all
criteria are not filled.

Short description Temporary revision cannot be activated

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR370 module: AWN

Description If a hard shutdown occurs during an update, the publication is now correctly cleaned.

Short description Upload a TR from a client

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR389 module: AWN

Description When updating publication, update files are uploaded into server.

Short description AWN3 SERVER main functionalities must be supported on Windows Server 2008
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR407 module: AWN

Description AWN is compatible with Windows server 2008 OS.

28.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description [LAY] Revisions bar

Identification type: correction ref: ISR273 module: ANG

Description Adjust positioning of revision bar.

Short description Revision bar issues

Identification type: correction ref: ISR420 module: AWN

Description Revision bar on same line no more displayed.

Short description When the page size is not big enough, revision marking are wrong
Identification type: correction ref: ISR466 module: AWN

Description Revision marking is now correctly handled during page breaking.

Short description Information partially revised

Identification type: correction ref: ISR474 module: AWN

Description Correction when end of revision bar not well placed.

29. Modification list for version

29.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Message shall depend on the use case

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR12 module: AWN

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Description A specific message is displayed in the graphic viewer if the BLOB is not applicable or if it is not found.

Short description Update LDAP group with for Line maintenance environment
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR457 module: AWN

Description The publication "AirN@v Line Maintenance" is now available on Airbus Wolrd portal.

29.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Notes in Table Of Content do not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR72 module: AWN

Description When a note is added on a Table Of Content node, the go to link of this mark is the target of this Table Of
Content node.

Short description Wrong MSN filter on publications in Portal mode

Identification type: correction ref: ISR383 module: AWN

Description Filter by MSN functionality in Oracle database context has been corrected.

30. Modification list for version

30.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description WordSearch navigation problems on JRE 1.6_20

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR408 module: AWN

Description AWN client no longer supports JRE6u20 and below.

30.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Refresh problem on multi-viewer

Identification type: correction ref: ISR404 module: AWN

Description Viewer refresh is now correctly handled.

Short description Automatic launching problem in the form results

Identification type: correction ref: ISR405 module: AWN

Description Link execution issue in search form results have been fixed for results with no links.

31. Modification list for version 3.9.2

31.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Results in results windows shall display 500 distincts values
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR8 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation has the possibility to set the maximum number of results which will be displayed in
the form result table.

Short description D A400M DM n?379 - The print basket content has a size limit
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR9 module: AWN

Description The print basket maximum size is defined as preference from the administration console. When the maximum

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size is reached and a new document is sent to the print basket, a warning popup is displayed.

Short description DM1377 - Handle correctly Attached Document in clustering mode

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR16 module: AWN

Description Attached Document are now correctly handling in clustering mode

Short description DM1359: Modify form result message

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR112 module: AWN

Description In a form result window, the number of results found by the current search is displayed as "X result(s) found"

Short description DM1369 AW Portal filtering issue

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR118 module: AWN

Description In a LDAP context, a user with several authorized publication filter have now access to all publications matching
these filters.

Short description Check hardware recommendations are up-to-date

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR119 module: AWN

Description Hardware recommendation is up to date.

Short description DM1384: Optimize publication list initialization

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR136 module: AWN

Description The publication license cache contains only necessary information in order to reduce memory impact.

Short description [AWN3_DM973] SGML parser must support UNICODE

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR248 module: AWN

Description AWN now supports UNICODE characters.

Short description Check hardware recommendations are up-to-date

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR119 module: AWN

Description Hardware recommendation is up to date.

Short description Allow customer to import AirLine Comments,... exported from V2

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR277 module: AWN

Description Now it is possible to convert Attached Documents exported from AWN2 to Attached Documents compatible with
AWN3 using "AD-v3-converter" tool.

Short description New icons and splashscreen

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR348 module: AWN

Description Several icons have been updated.

31.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Integration of Jillus 3.8.38

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Identification type: correction ref: ISR43 module: AWN

Description Integration of Jillus3D new version to improve 3D graphics printing.

Short description Improvement of automatic links list management

Identification type: correction ref: ISR63 module: AWN

Description If AWN is extracting a document when the user asks for another one on the same viewer and same context, the
previous one is now totally cancelled (no extra computation will be done).

Short description Extraction should be done in a separated thread.

Identification type: correction ref: ISR65 module: AWN

Description All set content viewer algorithm have been improved in order to avoid synchronization problem, improve client
fluidity and call of unwanted long treatment method in the EDT.

Short description HomePage wrong repaint if you change effectivity

Identification type: correction ref: ISR89 module: AWN

Description Home page repaint has been improved.

Short description ClassCastException when opening more than 100 publications

Identification type: correction ref: ISR127 module: AWN

Description Fixing a problem that prevented users to open more than 100 publications on AWN server.

Short description DM1318: Jillus3D must support Java7

Identification type: correction ref: ISR141 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to consult 3D graphics with Java 7.

Short description Rhino and cortona Context objects are not compatible
Identification type: correction ref: ISR299 module: AWN

Description Integration of Jillus3D new version to improve 3D graphics consultation.

Short description Delete access to page by page mode in administration console

Identification type: correction ref: ISR345 module: AWN

Description The "page by page" mode is no longer supported. The default mode is "continuous" and cannot be changed.

Short description Printing issue with "wires" in graphics

Identification type: correction ref: ISR360 module: AWN

Description Graphic printing has been improved.

32. Modification list for version

32.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Wrong redirect in cluster mode with read-only publication.

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR379 module: AWN

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Description On cluster mode, a read only publication is opened by the server where the client has been load balanced. Same
behaviour for first opening of a read write publication.

33. Modification list for version

33.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description DM1377 - Handle correctly Attached Document in clustering mode

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR16 module: AWN

Description Attached Document are now correctly handling in clustering mode

33.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Airbus World pubchoice filtering issue

Identification type: correction ref: ISR349 module: AWN

Description Now, publication choice window take into account the publication license filter when its URL contains another

34. Modification list for version

34.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description DM1321: Be more permissive on JRE1.6 into JNLP

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR110 module: AWN

Description AWN client is compatible with JRE6u45, JRE7u55 and JRE7u60.

34.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Wrong Effectivity Displays

Identification type: correction ref: ISR239 module: AWN

Description Fixing wrong applicability or missing display in tables across pages.

35. Modification list for version 3.9.1

35.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Airn@v V3 new layout

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR29 module: AWN

Description AWN3 look and feel has been modified.

Short description DM1073: Transfert of Attached Documents between AWN V3 and V2 is not working
Identification type: evolution ref: ISR32 module: AWN

Description AWN3 Attached Document export is now compatible with AWN2.

Short description Font size ratios

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR149 module: AWN

Description Font size ratios values been modified.

Short description Wordsearch - Form dialogs

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Identification type: evolution ref: ISR150 module: AWN

Description Back button has been added on waiting dialog for search process.

Short description Wordsearch - Form stop

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR151 module: AWN

Description The "stop highlight" button closes all searches, included wordsearch.

Short description Wordsearch - Go to occurrence

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR152 module: AWN

Description Word search navigation has been updated in order to used form button on menu bar.
On word search consultation mode, table of content will automaticaly expand selected nodes.
On wordsearch consultation mode, previous match is disabled.

Short description Wordsearch - Consultation mode activation

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR154 module: AWN

Description Wordsearch consultation mode is now activated automatically when a document context is opened or refreshed
and is eligible to current wordsearch results.

Short description Wordsearch - history

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR156 module: AWN

Description If consultation or navigation history opens a new tab, wordsearch consultation mode is activated only if
wordsearch client session exists and manual is in current wordsearch result.

Short description "Word Search" mode is displayed in the status bar

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR193 module: AWN

Description During wordsearch use, the consultation mode is now always displayed to user in the status bar.

Short description Web Services deployement

Identification type: evolution ref: ISR240 module: AWN

Description Web services are now automatically deployed in portal installations.

Short description Display an error window when trying to launch several times the AWN server service
Identification type: evolution ref: DM951 module: AWN

Description When user tries to launch several times an AWN server, a message is displayed to warn him that the server is
already launched.

Short description AD attachment lack of disk space may cause unrecoverable publication corruption
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1152 module: AWN

Description When publication becomes corrupted, all connected clients will be notified by a dialog and will be disconnected.

Short description Use a unique MSN or Aircraft registration number in addition of revision date, model, customisation and
service name.
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1266 module: AWN

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Description It is now possible to open AWN client with a publication filter based on MSN (Manufacturer's Serial Number) or
ACN (ICAO Aircraft Registration Number). Performance improvement for MSN filtering.

35.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description First opening of the 3D zoning does not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR176 module: AWN

Description Correction on first document opening without using form and Table Of Content.

Short description Bad performances in tabular views.

Identification type: correction ref: ISR210 module: AWN

Description Correction of performance regressions on advanced table.

Short description Delete option -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError in command line

Identification type: correction ref: ISR241 module: AWN

Description No more memory report is created if a memory error occurs.

Short description Increase the MaxPermGen

Identification type: correction ref: ISR261 module: AWN

Description The permGen memory is now set to 512M for AWN server.

Short description Error message when printing an empty form-result window

Identification type: correction ref: DM669 module: AWN

Description When user prints empty result form, AWN prints an empty table.

Short description NPE when using ftContains to search on PDF file

Identification type: correction ref: DM958 module: AWN

Description Searching PDFs using a pattern that does not match any PDF does not lead to raise any errors. This case is now

Short description Pubchoice - Wrong choice

Identification type: correction ref: DM983 module: AWN

Description The table in the publication choice is now correctly refreshed after applying a filter.

Short description Abnormale Drop Down List behavior

Identification type: correction ref: DM1071 module: AWN

Description In a form window, the drop down list is really closed after the user choice.

Short description Client fails to launch directly when xmx set to 1500M
Identification type: correction ref: DM1092 module: AWN

Description Administrator documentation about memory dimensioning with a 32 bits Java version has been improved.

Short description FullTextSearch.escapeSpecialCharacters does not escape '.'

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Identification type: correction ref: DM1156 module: AWN

Description Make a search with the character '.' is now possible.

Short description Applicability in tables is sometimes displayed at the wrong place

Identification type: correction ref: DM1248 module: AWN

Description Applicability in table context has been improved.

Short description The Java client does not work after an Open Publication
Identification type: correction ref: DM1319 module: AWN

Description During open base action, publication choice is now always well displayed and does not block the application.

36. Modification list for version

36.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description First opening of the 3D zoning does not work

Identification type: correction ref: ISR176 module: AWN

Description Correction on first document opening without using form and Table Of Content.

37. Modification list for version 3.9

37.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Several type of attachment

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-45304 module: AWN

Description A new type of attachment, BDD with id 22 and colour amber has been added.

Short description revision management

Identification type: evolution ref: FGP-20566 module: AWN

Description AWN now handles the S1000D revision.

Short description Tomcat configuration

Identification type: evolution ref: AGR-48837 module: AWN

Description To optimise resources, Tomcat has been customised in production mode. It is also possible to customise the
maximum number of simultaneous users in AWN.

Short description Multi-criteria search

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40183 module: AWN

Description Text data in dynamic tabular can be filter with function EQUALS, CONTAINS, GREATER THAN, GREATER OR

Short description Search on attributes

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50511 module: AWN

Description The search function is extended to include attributes in the target. This extension may increase the results

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Short description Printing document including binary attachments

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-51604 module: AWN

Description When printing a document, graphics are replaced by an icon when they are not printed or moved at the end of the
document. PDF documents are always replaced by a PDF icon and moved at the end of the document.

Short description Word search Cancel button not working

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1056 module: AWN

Description During Word search process a waiting dialog with a cancel button is displayed until the search process ends.

Short description Word search: a succession of search leads to infinite response time
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1088 module: AWN

Description When the user launches a new word search, old features is now well cleared.

Short description Word Search TOC not refreshed

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1142 module: AWN

Description When the user launches a new word search, old features is now well cleared.

Short description Airline comments do not work

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1171 module: AWN

Description Airline attachments can now be added on publications other than ATA.

Short description Oracle migration from DOD standard to DOD advanced

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1210 module: AWN

Description Now, AWN supports Oracle database Dataguard mode in portal environment. The switch between primary
database in fail over state and standby database is transparent.

Short description Managing small number of distinct values over a large number of context nodes
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1216 module: AWN

Description AWN offers the possibility to compute list(s) of static values like the wire colours at the indexation time in order to
speed up the consultation.

Short description Word search: implement TIC into TOC solution

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1218 module: AWN

Description A new word search module has been implemented with TIC into the table of content to indicate items which have

Short description Fix the security warning message when launching the JNLP
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1224 module: AWN

Description The Java Web Start file is now properly signed and will not show any security warning.

Short description AWN must use 3D accelerator libraries

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1294 module: AWN

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Description The Java3D cots is now not included anymore in the AWN installation package.

Short description Inter-publication links without applicability/effectivity

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1304 module: AWN

Description When executing an inter-publication link, if no applicability/effectivity is defined within the link, then a new AWN
client shall open the targeted publication with applicability/effectivity set to ALL.

Short description Word search optimisations

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1351 module: AWN

Description The word search module has been improved for better performance.

Short description No attached documents on note

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1379 module: AWN

Description It is no more possible to attach document in a note.

37.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Table of content synchronisation issue when prefetch mode is off
Identification type: correction ref: DM1009 module: AWN

Description Table of content synchronisation is now well done when prefetch-mode is disabled and continuous mode is

Short description Applicability/effectivity Window - Impact of filter

Identification type: correction ref: DM1079 module: AWN

Description Now, in Applicability/effectivity Window, AWN filters content with all checked applicabilities (even not filtered).

Short description Link not displayed in extraction with applicability/effectivity

Identification type: correction ref: DM1096 module: AWN

Description Link is now well displayed if there is an applicability/effectivity displayed on the same line.

Short description Indexation does not work

Identification type: correction ref: DM1169 module: AWN

Description Indexing a publication that contains a lot of dynamic documents has been fixed.

Short description The hotspot area is not compliant with the source file
Identification type: correction ref: DM1182 module: AWN

Description Blob consultation has been improved.

Short description The highlight selectable elements function does not work at 100%
Identification type: correction ref: DM1201 module: AWN

Description Blob consultation has been improved.

Short description Increment Update Offline mode does not correctly

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Identification type: correction ref: DM1205 module: AWN

Description Updating a document of a publication that had already been updated (in OFFLINE mode) has been fixed.

Short description SM ASNA2051 PDF file not displayed

Identification type: correction ref: DM1209 module: AWN

Description PDF consultation has been improved.

Short description Impossible to launch client after changing laptop timezone

Identification type: correction ref: DM1217 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to open a client after changing the server timezone.

Short description Multi-opened files are blocking the server

Identification type: correction ref: DM1219 module: AWN

Description The streams for the reading of the license files are now properly closed.

Short description Disconnection of a Client when Server has been restarted

Identification type: correction ref: DM1221 module: AWN

Description After stopping AWN server and when user looses the communication with AWN client then automatically AWN
client process is killed.

Short description The display of illustration is not correct

Identification type: correction ref: DM1228 module: AWN

Description Blob consultation has been improved.

Short description Incorrect stop of Client Java Process after a search

Identification type: correction ref: DM1238 module: AWN

Description At server stop, if client still opened, java process is stopped.

Short description Problem applicability/effectivity hatched when we use a background colour for table
Identification type: correction ref: DM1275 module: AWN

Description Both background colour and hatching for applicability/effectivity are displayed at the same time if needed.

Short description Scroll to message when a target is above the page number limit is not comprehensive
Identification type: correction ref: DM1277 module: AWN

Description The warning message when a target is above the page number limit during a scroll to link has been updated.

Short description Web Services: AWN security checks only if the message is signed
Identification type: correction ref: DM1278 module: AWN

Description Web services security has been improved.

Short description Web Services: It was not possible to execute more than one web service call

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Identification type: correction ref: DM1279 module: AWN

Description Web services calls have been improved.

Short description Fix the problem of the automatic publication list refresh to avoid some requests to take tremendous time
Identification type: correction ref: DM1281 module: AWN

Description Solved a performance issue when AWN server has a large number of publications and is accessed by a large
number of clients.

Short description AWN no install - error when trying to open Preferences

Identification type: correction ref: DM1305 module: AWN

Description There is no more error when opening preference window if AWN is launched from a DVD.

Short description Applicability/effectivity bad behaviour in hatched mode

Identification type: correction ref: DM1327 module: AWN

Description The applicability/effectivity management has been improved.

Short description The page extraction takes more and more time
Identification type: correction ref: DM1340 module: AWN

Description Links are now calculated only once.

38. Modification list for version 3.8.2

38.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description openURL function KO

Identification type: correction ref: DM1380 module: AWN

Description It is now possible for a non administrator user to launch an external application from AWN.

39. Modification list for version 3.8.1

39.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Regression with Step by Step on Line Maintenance

Identification type: correction ref: DM1309 module: AWN

Description Trouble Shooting Procedure step by step consultation has been corrected.

40. Modification list for version 3.8

40.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Custom reanchoring handler for Attached Document should be able to override the default AWN one
Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-20505 module: AWN

Description AWN provides a way for publication parametrisation to add S1000D Attached Document (a new type of
attachment) which is managed like TR.

Short description AC File Mapping for attachments

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Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-45295 module: AWN

Description The attachment mapping file to identify the publication to attach Attached Documents has been updated.

Short description Attachments management

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-53205 module: AWN

Description Attachments management has been simplified:

- there is only one panel in administration console
- airline attachments, TR and TFU have same fields: identifier, context, title, effectivity, attachment list, date,
activation type and attachment type.
- all fields can be updated thanks to a text edition mode

Short description Attachment details content consultation

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-53194 module: AWN

Description Attachments details content can be consulted through a dedicated icon in a button bar or a specific menu,
managed by parameterisation.

Short description Standard document management

Identification type: evolution ref: FGP-5977 module: AWN

Description AWN3 developer documentation has been improved with more S1000D examples.

Short description Marks display

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-12951 module: AWN

Description When several users are opening the same publication with the same context and a user create/update/remove a
note or bookmark from the table of content, then all clients are updated/notified with the note update, so a note
icon will be added/removed from the associated table of content node.

Short description No tooltip displayed

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45285 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation has the possibility to not set no tooltip for a link in a document, a form or the table of

Short description Tooltip displayed on several lines

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45292 module: AWN

Description A tooltip can be displayed on several lines, carriage return can be set by publication parameterisation.
By default, the tooltip size is set to 80 characters.

Short description Cell content displays on several lines

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-46015 module: AWN

Description In form result window, in simple table and advanced table, the cell content can be displayed on several lines if the
cell type is text or link.

Short description Automatic links

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5927 module: AWN

Description The automatic link execution does not change the current tab focus anymore.

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Short description Print current display mode improvement

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-45313 module: AWN

Description For figure printed in "print current display" mode, new information are added: document name, figure referenced,
figure title, applicability/effectivity and printing date.

Short description Printing document including PDF attached

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-51604 module: AWN

Description PDF documents are printed at the end of the document, an icon replaces the original PDF location. The printing
preferences are also taken in account: if set to none, only icons will be present in the document, the PDF content
will not be inserted.

Short description Publication installer

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-42240 module: AWN

Description By default, the publication installer copies the certificate provided by the publication.

Short description Compatibility with JRE7

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-53166 module: AWN

Description AWN is now JRE 7 compliant.

Short description AWN delivery without certificate and licence

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-53979 module: AWN

Description Certificate or licence are no more delivered with AWN Package delivery.

Short description Airbus People User profile

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-45068 module: AWN

Description Update of portal modes installation scripts and LDAP portal authentication groups process in order to support
new portal infrastructure and rules.

Short description Function "Consultation History" must be equivalent to Airnav Engineering V2 implementation
Identification type: evolution ref: DM732 module: AWN

Description AWN gives the possibility to business modules to add a new navigation history element to the AWN system.

Short description Add the possibility to set a tooltip different from the node title
Identification type: evolution ref: DM801 module: AWN

Description In Table Of Content, it is now possible to set a tootip different from the node text.

Short description Combobox management

Identification type: evolution ref: DM839 module: AWN

Description When the user is editing the combobox field, no tooltip is displayed. If the user is not modifying the combobox
field, the complete value of the chosen option is displayed in the tooltip.

Short description Generation with partial data

Identification type: evolution ref: DM909 module: AWN

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Description Generating a publication with missing input files (XML, or SGML) is now possible (Settings option).

Short description Specific footer from printing preview

Identification type: evolution ref: DM994 module: AWN

Description During blob consultation, if the footer line length is too long, the line is truncated with "...".

Short description Automatic link from binary viewer not working

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1012 module: AWN

Description If source of automatic link is in a detached window then the automatic link will not be executed. If source of
automatic link is in the main view it will be executed.

Short description Print systematically Attached Documents at the end of the document
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1013 module: AWN

Description Any Attached Document, meaning any type of attachment, is always inserted at the end of a document during
printing. PDF type is inserted first, other type follows.

Short description No right management for Attached Documents

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1017 module: AWN

Description There is now a permission group for adding attachment (TR, TFU, airline comment, supplement document...).
Only members of "AWN Administrators group" have access to the "Add attached document" function.

Short description PDF error problem with the dialog window

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1025 module: AWN

Description When a blob is not found during document printing, AWN will print the graphic "image not found" without any
error dialog.

Short description Administration console information Path is not pertinent

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1033 module: AWN

Description In administration console, in manage attachments panels, the path information value is now the node title if
defined, otherwise the context.

Short description Word search on empty field or *

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1038 module: AWN

Description AWN offers the possibility to settings actor to define the empty-default-value for a form key. This value will be
used in order to compute form results in case of:
- the form key has not been set to a custom value (by user),
- partial input is false,
- contain input is false.
AWN offers also the possibility to settings actor to define the min-characters for a form field (text-field or
text-search only). This value define the minimum number of characters mandatory for this text field. The search
cannot be performed until this condition is not true.

Short description Make access to filtering function contextual

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1069 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation has the possibility to customise button activation and header labels depending on
the selected context.

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Short description List of publications for the attachment of documents

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1075 module: AWN

Description When a attachment document update matches several publications, a list is displayed to the user to make him
able to choose on which ones the update should be applied.

Short description External link to all customized databases

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1081 module: AWN

Description On inter-publication link, "_LAST" and "_FIRST" values are only used for revision date parameter which is last
parameter used to make the filter.

Short description Print graphics in a table

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1084 module: AWN

Description When printing a table which contains graphical blobs, if user select "In text" for "printing graphics mode" in
printing option dialog, graphical blobs is now inserted just after the table.

Short description The non-effective applicability/effectivity above a task are not hatched
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1086 module: AWN

Description In hatched mode, the applicability/effectivity above non applicable content is also hatched.

Short description SDATA entity not defined should not make indexation stop
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1091 module: AWN

Description Indexation errors are now logged in a dedicated file.

If an entity does not exist, indexation will continue, an error/warning will be traced and the entity will be replaced
by a default one.

Short description COMMON Word search on displayed elements

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1093 module: AWN

Description Publication parametrisation has the possibility to define a list of elements whose value (child text nodes) shall not
be part of the Full Text search.

Short description Search Data Module by code first level result window
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1094 module: AWN

Description Publication settings has the possibility to set the title of form result window to a combination of the selected
values in the search form.

Short description Reduce as much as possible client/server requests

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1097 module: AWN

Description Some AWN client/server requests has been improved to reduce as much as possible the server load.

Short description Get the current user applicability/effectivity in BLOB context

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1100 module: AWN

Description Publication settings has the possibility to display the current user applicability/effectivity for a graphic in the blob

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Short description Revision bar on the effectivity

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1123 module: AWN

Description AWN provides abstraction functions to ease the revision bar management on applicability for publication settings.

Short description Replacement Attached Document

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1124 module: AWN

Description By default, an Attached Document is defined as a replacement one if its activation mode is automatic and the
target is current.
In this case, the corresponding section in the manual is no more visible, the paragraph is replaced by the
Attached Document.

Short description Linked combobox

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1135 module: AWN

Description Default values defined by parametrisation for form input fields are now displayed at the form opening. So linked
comboboxes might be available at the form opening.

Short description The Goto Note function displays only the note without the context
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1151 module: AWN

Description In the mark management screen, the "Go to document" action opens the document the mark is attached to. The
link opens the document in the same consultation context and in the same condition than when the mark was

Short description IGR-51381 implementation do not cover all cases

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1161 module: AWN

Description The automatic link generation has been fixed to take into account the description. It is also possible to set an
empty or null tooltip in case of multi links description.

Short description Form search with hidden fields

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1190 module: AWN

Description A form key can be configurable to indicate if it can be resettable or not.

Short description Incorrect command line return status in cluster mode

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1211 module: AWN

Description Error cases in command line administration tool have been improved. A new error case has been created to
manage the case where the publication descriptor does not match any publication referenced in the server.

Short description Manage Marks shall not be filtered by user

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1227 module: AWN

Description The user can now see all the accessible marks in the "Mark Management" dialog.
A user can now consult the documents attached to notes he did not create.

Short description Group notes from deleted user not accessible

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1254 module: AWN

Description When opening a note or a mark that belongs to as deleted user, but with a visibility restricted to its group, the
group list from the note/mark window detail will be empty.

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Short description Group private notes may be deleted by anybody

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1286 module: AWN

Description Now, a note (even public) can be deleted only by its creator or an administrator.

40.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Information number per page limitation

Identification type: correction ref: DM676 module: AWN

Description The developer guide has been improved to introduce fo:keep* attributes.

Short description UNKNOW entry in history

Identification type: correction ref: DM808 module: AWN

Description In History some "UNKNOW" entries appeared when the image was not found, now it is the name of the
illustration window which is displayed.

Short description Double click in Table Of Content

Identification type: correction ref: DM889 module: AWN

Description A double click in the Table Of Content corresponds to a simple click.

Short description Hotspots on Access Panel / Zone illustrations does not work
Identification type: correction ref: DM907 module: AWN

Description When an hotspot does not exist on a graphical blob, the blob is well displayed and an error is logged.

Short description Bad revision bar display in HTML

Identification type: correction ref: DM925 module: AWN

Description Revision bar display in HTML viewer has been improved.

Short description Wrong numbering page printed

Identification type: correction ref: DM928 module: AWN

Description XSL recommendations have been improved to indicate how to compute the total number of pages in print mode.

Short description CGM could not be printed (display OK in HTML)

Identification type: correction ref: DM1010 module: AWN

Description Graphical blob printing has been improved.

Short description Public note is not accessible while the admin is not connected
Identification type: correction ref: DM1027 module: AWN

Description A public note is no always accessible to all users, even if the author is not connected.

Short description Note is not accessible with the 'Go to' function
Identification type: correction ref: DM1029 module: AWN

Description An internal method has been fixed to correctly compute the document name even if it has been called during the

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transformation of style inheritance.

Short description Manual applicability/effectivity set by business module fails when there is only one MSN
Identification type: correction ref: DM1049 module: AWN

Description Applicability management has been improved when there is only one MSN.

Short description Display of wrong result number in multitab form results

Identification type: correction ref: DM1050 module: AWN

Description The result number displayed in multitabs forms is now correct and coherent with the printed data in PDF

Short description Reconnect VRML Viewer print Action

Identification type: correction ref: DM1062 module: AWN

Description Application is now able to print 3D VRML graphics.

Short description AWN-indexer API file embedded in the awn-publication-indexer.jar causes issues
Identification type: correction ref: DM1063 module: AWN

Description The log4j configuration file from API has been removed.

Short description Too many words highlighted in word search results

Identification type: correction ref: DM1070 module: AWN

Description Highlighting exact phrase in word search has been fixed.

Short description Escape Lucene special words into the ICS escape special characters method
Identification type: correction ref: DM1072 module: AWN

Description Lucene special words "AND", "OR" and "NOT" can now be used when performing a OR-search or a AND-search.

Short description Link Button displayed only when view is refreshed

Identification type: correction ref: DM1080 module: AWN

Description Buttons bar management with automatic links has been improved.

Short description The values specified in the print option are not recovered correctly by AJCP
Identification type: correction ref: DM1090 module: AWN

Description The values specified in the "Print option" as Title and applicability/effectivity are now correctly recovered by
business modules.

Short description PDF printing issue with JPedale

Identification type: correction ref: DM1107 module: AWN

Description PDF printing has been improved.

Short description Issue if user home directory contains a $

Identification type: correction ref: DM1113 module: AWN

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Description If the user home contains '$' character, the AWN client start correctly.

Short description Error when storing applicability/effectivity into consultation history table
Identification type: correction ref: DM1122 module: AWN

Description Applicability storage into consultation history table has been improved.

Short description Server loads the wrong commons-io jar

Identification type: correction ref: DM1145 module: AWN

Description AWN server and client now use the same version of cots software.

Short description Scroll-to performance

Identification type: correction ref: DM1154 module: AWN

Description The scroll to performance has been improved.

Short description AWN crash during CPDF consulting

Identification type: correction ref: DM1160 module: AWN

Description PDF consultation has been improved.

Short description No entry in History on Assodata

Identification type: correction ref: DM1164 module: AWN

Description After click on a link in history table, the entry is moved to top of the table. The clicked link does not change colour.

Short description Different behaviour of applicability/effectivity display following mode hidden/hatched

Identification type: correction ref: DM1167 module: AWN

Description Applicability inside table header is now correctly displayed in hatched mode.

Short description Strange behavior of outgoing-link's target

Identification type: correction ref: DM1168 module: AWN

Description Executing a form does not refresh the table of content anymore.

Short description Synchonisation TOC

Identification type: correction ref: DM1175 module: AWN

Description Bug that causes Table Of Content viewer and document viewer refreshing in loop, in RNE publication has been

Short description Jillus regression: CGM tooltips are not displayed

Identification type: correction ref: DM1223 module: AWN

Description Tooltips on CGM graphics are now well displayed.

Short description Error on note consultation (when server is automatically launched)

Identification type: correction ref: DM1226 module: AWN

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Description When the server is launched in embedded mode, if a user create a note, the administrator can now see the note
content in mark management panel.

Short description Impossible to make a switch publication if plugins are into the publication
Identification type: correction ref: DM1255 module: AWN

Description Now, it is possible to cancel a switch on a 'waiting for switch' publication, even if this publication contains plugins.

Short description Impossible to open on board a publication waiting for a switch

Identification type: correction ref: DM1256 module: AWN

Description User restrictions are now correctly taken into account after a connection using filtering options.

Short description The switch from the admin console doesn't work
Identification type: correction ref: DM1257 module: AWN

Description If the updated publication is open, the switch action is now possible without error.

Short description Fail to launch client with JRE 7 update 25

Identification type: correction ref: DM1287 module: AWN

Description The user manual documentation has been updated to explain the troubleshooting procedure to prevent a Java
Oracle bug with Java7 update 25.

41. Modification list for version 3.7.1

41.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description The scroll to function does not work Thread is blocked
Identification type: correction ref: DM1166 module: AWN

Description The document consultation scrolling has been improved.

Short description Extraction fails when displaying IPD data module

Identification type: correction ref: DM1173 module: AWN

Description The document consultation in IPD manual is now displayed without error.

Short description Severals issues after a search DM (TOC synchro, Tab selection, error)
Identification type: correction ref: DM1188 module: AWN

Description Thread management for publication consultation has been improved.

42. Modification list for version 3.7

42.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Search on attributes

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50511 module: AWN

Description For the full text criteria, search can be perform on the attributes through a predefined list provided by each
AirN@v publication context.

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Short description Servlet check script

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-49539 module: AWN

Description A new servlet is available to get indicators on database access, filer access and LDAP access.

Short description When changing applicability, the table of content is not restored to its previous state
Identification type: evolution ref: DM320 module: AWN

Description On refresh event, the table of content state is now restored to its previous state.

Short description Timeout management

Identification type: evolution ref: DM528 module: AWN

Description When session timeout is reached for a client, a user presence confirmation dialog is displayed. This dialog
permits to reinitialise the connection.

Short description No rev-date in metainfo.xml raises exception

Identification type: evolution ref: DM643 module: AWN

Description Publication parametrisation is now able to customise a publication so that its revision date will not be displayed in
the publication choice window.

Short description SOAP API

Identification type: evolution ref: DM654 module: AWN

Description A mock up is provided by AWN to show how to add SOAP services and scriptable functions through business

Short description Floating window history (limitation)

Identification type: evolution ref: DM663 module: AWN

Description The navigation history re-opens documents in the viewer they were originally displayed (floating window,
secondary viewer...). In floating windows case, the navigation history always opens documents in a new floating

Short description An error occurred while opening a document.

Identification type: evolution ref: DM705 module: AWN

Description When content of a non-focused tab is updated, tab documents shall only be refreshed when it gets focus.

Short description Ability to turn a long URL into a much shorter one
Identification type: evolution ref: DM791 module: AWN

Description AWN provides a mechanism to generate and execute encoded and short URLs with maximum size fixed to 260

Short description AWN service mode and memory management

Identification type: evolution ref: DM820 module: AWN

Description Server memory options defined during install process are now used in service mode.

Short description Context and sorting lost after Attached Documents deletion

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Identification type: evolution ref: DM865 module: AWN

Description Table sorting and context selection in the Attached Documents panel is now kept even if an element is deleted.

Short description Automatic scroll to link target even if not into first extraction
Identification type: evolution ref: DM885 module: AWN

Description AWN now scrolls automatically to a link target even if it is not done on the first extraction of the document.

Short description Allow other URL than awn-server

Identification type: evolution ref: DM898 module: AWN

Description Clustured instances of AWN can be installed on the same physical machine.

Short description Provide an XSL through a linkToBlob

Identification type: evolution ref: DM908 module: AWN

Description It will be possible by parameterisation to indicate a custom XSL file for each BLOB through links to blob. This XSL
file will eventually be used to build the FO document when the BLOB is printed.

Short description No popup displayed in case of ADS server part loss (after kill of ADS server).
Identification type: evolution ref: DM910 module: AWN

Description Business module can now be notified when a client is disconnected.

Short description Visibility of button from current node to all ancestors

Identification type: evolution ref: DM918 module: AWN

Description A new type of module implemented by the publication parameterisation to insert links and banners has been
added. This module is used for example to see Attached Documents buttons corresponding to current node and
all ancestors.

Short description Issue when dealing with revision marking in XSL

Identification type: evolution ref: DM954 module: AWN

Description The publication parameterisation has now the possibility to create a link on a part of the content of a node.

Short description Impossible to deal with both highlights in search and note & bookmarks correct display
Identification type: evolution ref: DM955 module: AWN

Description When adding a mark, a unique icon is added in front of first node of selection (except if a mark already exists for
this node).

Short description Troubleshooting Performance improvement

Identification type: evolution ref: DM965 module: AWN

Description Now, it is possible to parameterise a link in order to compute its target only when the user will click on it (not
during document loading).

Short description Word search when using jokers, highlighted words in content may not be exhaustive
Identification type: evolution ref: DM971 module: AWN

Description The word search functionality can now search part of words, and not just word beginning.

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Short description Results are not ordered in word search

Identification type: evolution ref: DM990 module: AWN

Description Search result nodes retrieved by abstraction functions (called by XSL) are now sorted by document name then
node identifier.

Short description Temporary Revision (TR) are not attached correctly when the anchoring file is not at the root level
Identification type: evolution ref: DM999 module: AWN

Description Attached Documents extension files allowed are now .sgm or .sgml (case insensitive)
Attached Documents ZIP file shall contain one or more Attached Documents files.
Attached Documents files (contained in ZIP file) shall be located in root directory or sub directories.
Retrieving "ad-target-mapping.xml" file is based on root directory and sub directories (only the first encountered
file shall be take into account)

Short description Several contexts are displayed for one note or bookmark
Identification type: evolution ref: DM1036 module: AWN

Description In manage Mark panel in administration console, AWN displays only the context where the mark was created in
the mark table instead of the potential list of contexts.

42.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Buttons of the viewer are disabled if extraction failed

Identification type: correction ref: DM482 module: AWN

Description From the document viewer, when a document extraction fails then an error dialog is displayed and previous page
content is reloaded.

Short description Update a document with attached blobs fails

Identification type: correction ref: DM598 module: AWN

Description Updating a document with the same blobs as those already stored into the blob database now works properly.

Short description Link from zoneRef to CIR Zone - Scroll do not work
Identification type: correction ref: DM773 module: AWN

Description The scroll is correctly managed when a link opens a new context with a scroll.

Short description Personalise embedded view "window" in floating window

Identification type: correction ref: DM775 module: AWN

Description When clicking on an embedded link from a detached window, even if the targeted embedded view is customised,
now it shows in the same detached window.

Short description Exception with library SAS on Solaris 64

Identification type: correction ref: DM794 module: AWN

Description At install process, when custom 64 bits JRE is selected, correct native libraries are used.

Short description Document AWN install & usage in respect to user rights
Identification type: correction ref: DM813 module: AWN

Description AWN installation and administration guide have been improved in order to explain what must be the user rights
when installing and when using AWN.

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Short description AWN Service Mode

Identification type: correction ref: DM821 module: AWN

Description Administrator guide has been improved about Windows service configuration and access rights.

Short description Airline comments are not correctly filtered per context
Identification type: correction ref: DM868 module: AWN

Description The filtering by context of airline comments in the administration console has been improved.

Short description Maximum number of user's log files not taken into account
Identification type: correction ref: DM879 module: AWN

Description The default value for the number of log files is now correctly set to 5.

Short description xinift-contains exception using '(' character

Identification type: correction ref: DM900 module: AWN

Description Full text search has been fixed when value to search is composed of characters to escape and wildcard
character. For example, textToSearch='A(*'.

Short description List permission strings

Identification type: correction ref: DM917 module: AWN

Description Documentation about AWN permissions has been improved.

Short description Exception raised after clicking on a link to search from an embedded viewer
Identification type: correction ref: DM943 module: AWN

Description Embedded viewer is now refreshed correctly after clicking on a link included in the same embedded viewer.

Short description Add Airline comment button raises an exception

Identification type: correction ref: DM944 module: AWN

Description Airline attachment creation has been updated to use the anchor node instead of using the selected node.

Short description Troubleshooting Performance improvement

Identification type: correction ref: DM964 module: AWN

Description Table of contents and main view are now displayed in parallel.

Short description Performance issue in Manage Attachment window

Identification type: correction ref: DM988 module: AWN

Description The display of Attached Document list (TR, TFU) for a publication has been improved (significant time-saving):
- A popup is displayed while retrieving the Attached Document list. End-user can cancel the operation.
- Operation of getting the AD list from data has been optimised.

Short description Exception raised when adding a note/bookmark from an embedded view
Identification type: correction ref: DM991 module: AWN

Description Adding a note/bookmark in an embedded view is now done correctly.

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Short description Exception raised when using FormResultUtils:getResultsNodeWithNoInvariant()

Identification type: correction ref: DM992 module: AWN

Description The word search on multi context has been improved.

Short description Out of PermGen memory

Identification type: correction ref: DM1018 module: AWN

Description An memory error was raised after a several opening and closing publication, it has been corrected.

Short description File handle not closed

Identification type: correction ref: DM1048 module: AWN

Description Requests using a create number of searches are now correctly handled.

Short description AWN context is never refreshed (stay busy) when accessing to the Wire Technical Data on A380
Identification type: correction ref: DM1051 module: AWN

Description Some corrections have been added in order to avoid threads collisions during the consultation.

43. Modification list for version 3.6

43.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Several types of attachment

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-45304 module: AWN

Description System allows user to work with several types of attachment. By default, 4 types of attachment are managed by
the system: TR, TFU, airlines comments and supplement manual. Airlines are able to define their own types of
attachment. Attachment types are defined by the Administrator and contain specific label and colour.

Short description Synchronous update

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-50514 module: AWN

Description An update can be launched synchronously or not via a specific setting of the command line administration tool.

Short description Home page definition

Identification type: evolution ref: FGP-41116 module: AWN

Description The home page links can be defined either by static labels and links (default behaviour) or by dynamic (query)
label and/or link.

Short description Deactivating bookmarks

Identification type: evolution ref: FGP-47203 module: AWN

Description In A350 on-board context, note and bookmark management is deactivated.

Short description Deactivating export function

Identification type: evolution ref: FGP-47204 module: AWN

Description On-board in A350 context, all kind of export is deactivated.

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Short description Result window

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-12617 module: AWN

Description It is possible by parameterisation to indicate a default width for each form result window table column. The size
will be defined in pixel.

Short description Drop-down list for criteria

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-26457 module: AWN

Description Search form drop-down list items are sorted by no sensitive alphanumerical order. This sorting will be done on
"values" (not the optional title).

Short description Tabbed display of table of result

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-39853 module: AWN

Description In a form result window with categories, the tabs order can be defined by parameterisation.

Short description Tooltips management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45809 module: AWN

Description In form result window, tooltips is activated when the text displayed is truncated on all the cells without link.

Short description Font size management in consultation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-47201 module: AWN

Description The end-user can change the size of the font while consulting ADOC N@vigator. This functionality is not
activated by default. The font size factor is applicable to the content and the banners (menu, TOC ...).

Short description Window decoration to be managed by Operation System

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-48148 module: AWN

Description ADOC N@vigator uses the Operation System window decoration.

Short description Applicability/effectivity changes according to a specific context

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-49932 module: AWN

Description Business modules are able to change applicability/effectivity according to a specific context

Short description Hidden key management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-49935 module: AWN

Description Hidden keys can be managed through search forms.

Short description Setting of default applicability/effectivity display mode

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-49940 module: AWN

Description AWN provides way for publication parameterisation and business modules to get and set the default
applicability/effectivity display mode.

Short description 3D Graphic specific display features

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50501 module: AWN

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Description Business modules are able to implement their own 3D viewer. All Jillus3D functionalities will be accessible.

Short description Publication indexation without server running

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50505 module: AWN

Description A publication can be indexed without AWN server running.

Short description Notification publication status

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50506 module: AWN

Description AWN is able to notify the publication status during the indexing process.

Short description Attached Documents anchored to blob

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50507 module: AWN

Description Attached Documents can be anchored to a blob.

Short description Transfer of applicability/effectivity setting

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50508 module: AWN

Description Business modules are able to know on client and server side how AWN displays not applicable elements
(hatched or hidden).

Short description Drop-down list specific display

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50516 module: AWN

Description In form, the publication parameterisation can customise the size of the drop-down list.

Short description One context of search

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50517 module: AWN

Description If a Full text search result tab is opened when executing another form (any kind of form), it will be automatically

Short description Link without target

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-50520 module: AWN

Description In a binary viewer, clicking on a link without target opens a warning pop-up window.

Short description Button characteristics setting

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-51381 module: AWN

Description The publication parameterisation can define the label, colour and tooltip of buttons activated through automatic
link. Those buttons are located in the buttons bar of the viewer.

Short description Marks content

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5969 module: AWN

Description The target path of the mark is not displayed anymore. It is replaced by a dedicated icon. Now AWN saves the
context where the mark has been put. The list of marks is now displayed according to the selected context.

Short description Printing of external graphic

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Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-49938 module: AWN

Description AWN gives the possibility to print blobs stored in external storages (database for example).

Short description Print managed by business modules

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-50734 module: AWN

Description AWN is able to delegate to business modules all printing functions.

Short description Secure Delivery - Load ARINC

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-50512 module: AWN

Description ADOC N@vigator delivery can be packaged in a load ARINC for a secure delivery.

Short description "Close window after selection" does not work

Identification type: evolution ref: DM651 module: AWN

Description In a form result window, the publication parameterisation is able to know if the checkbox "close window after
selection" is checked or not.

Short description Remove double results after the truncation in comboboxes

Identification type: evolution ref: DM789 module: AWN

Description AWN offers the possibility for publication parameterisation to set a maximum number of distinct computed keys
based on eligible nodes.

Short description Improve the zipped PDF use

Identification type: evolution ref: DM798 module: AWN

Description When opening a zipped PDF blob, the bookmark is now automatically displayed and stays open when the user
navigates through it.

Short description Impact of extraction AWN refresh on embedded link

Identification type: evolution ref: DM817 module: AWN

Description AWN provides a way for publication parameterisation to keep embedded viewers opened when the parent
document viewer is refreshed.

Short description Add list of variables for the creation of link to blob
Identification type: evolution ref: DM858 module: AWN

Description When adding a document or a blob to the print basket, the publication configuration is able to pass parameters.
These parameters can be used then to compute the content of the print basket columns.

Short description Deleting all airline comments raises an error

Identification type: evolution ref: DM866 module: AWN

Description The deletion of an attachment is synchronous. During the deletion, a modal waiting dialog is displayed to the

Short description Deleting one airline comment raises an error and doesn't confirm deletion
Identification type: evolution ref: DM867 module: AWN

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Description A result popup is displayed to the user after deleting an attachment.

Short description JNLP must reference an extended list of JREs

Identification type: evolution ref: DM950 module: AWN

Description AWN now allows JRE versions later than the supported ones. JRE 1.6 until update 59 are now fully supported.

43.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description XML encoding specification not used when parsing external update document
Identification type: correction ref: DM498 module: AWN

Description Now the XML encoding specification is used when parsing external update document.

Short description Hotspot highlight does not work in some blobs

Identification type: correction ref: DM671 module: AWN

Description Hotspot highlight has been improved.

Short description Error when fiddling with applicability/effectivity selection while an embedded view is opened
Identification type: correction ref: DM696 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to change applicability/effectivity selection while an embedded view is opened.

Short description Table Of Content is refreshed when a decoration is passed as parameter, even if it is already opened
Identification type: correction ref: DM697 module: AWN

Description The Table Of Content is no more refreshed when a decorated link is clicked.

Short description Insert FPC reference manual into AWN developer guide
Identification type: correction ref: DM700 module: AWN

Description FPC documentation is now available in AWN documentation.

Short description Error into embedded link

Identification type: correction ref: DM704 module: AWN

Description Now this particular embedded viewer can be opened without error.

Short description Service Bulletin filtering must not appear when creating a Work Package
Identification type: correction ref: DM709 module: AWN

Description Service Bulletin filtering presence depends on publication configuration.

Short description Checkbox management

Identification type: correction ref: DM755 module: AWN

Description Now in a form the checkbox value set by the user is correctly taken into account.

Short description Session variables are not accessible in some cases

Identification type: correction ref: DM758 module: AWN

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Description Session variables used by the publication parameterisation are now accessible in all cases.

Short description Context Focus changes in case of automatic link

Identification type: correction ref: DM772 module: AWN

Description Now the automatic link execution never changes the current tab focus.

Short description Blob referenced several times

Identification type: correction ref: DM782 module: AWN

Description The blob identifier set by publication parameterisation must be unique.

Short description Memory problem on advanced table

Identification type: correction ref: DM783 module: AWN

Description Memory issues have been corrected on advanced table display.

Short description Memory problem when loading/printing a voluminous PDF

Identification type: correction ref: DM793 module: AWN

Description On client side, the memory is now set to 356 Mo by default (instead of 256 Mo previously). Moreover it is not
possible to launch parallel printing in PDF viewers.

Short description Bad PDF display in viewer: pictures are missing

Identification type: correction ref: DM803 module: AWN

Description The PDF viewer has been improved.

Short description Java code in the JobCard print

Identification type: correction ref: DM836 module: AWN

Description The developer guide has been updated to indicate that using the "call-template" method may lead to an incorrect
behaviour while computing namespace. It is recommended to use "apply-templates" method instead.

Short description Regression in printing when hatching applicability

Identification type: correction ref: DM915 module: AWN

Description Hatching applicability/effectivity has been improved in printing case.

Short description Drop down list filtering does not return the good values
Identification type: correction ref: DM934 module: AWN

Description The combo box filtering behaviour has been improved.

44. Modification list for version 3.5.2

44.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Automatic table of content synchronisation with blobs

Identification type: evolution ref: DM891 module: AWN

Description The automatic table of content is well synchronised with blobs view.

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44.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Applicability/effectivity information display

Identification type: correction ref: DM919 module: AWN

Description When parent node is not applicable, applicability/effectivity computation of current node (child node) was
sometimes not performed. Applicability is now always displayed even if parent nodes are not applicable.

Short description Printing of filtered Data Module

Identification type: correction ref: DM920 module: AWN

Description The hatching of a complete document is now correctly displayed also in printing mode.

45. Modification list for version 3.5.1

45.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Binary view is never collapsed automatically

Identification type: evolution ref: DM659 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to indicate a list of viewers to close when opening a document or a graphic.

Short description Parameterised table of content synchronisation on graphics

Identification type: evolution ref: DM661 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation can realise a table of contents synchronisation on graphics.

Short description Print Basket behaviour

Identification type: evolution ref: DM746 module: AWN

Description Variables defined in the Print basket configuration file are declared by default. This correction is done in order to
avoid XQuery compilation errors.

Short description Group of groups is not supported

Identification type: evolution ref: DM840 module: AWN

Description LDAP Group of groups are supported.

45.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Printing graphics causes an unknown exception

Identification type: correction ref: DM667 module: AWN

Description An error message will be displayed when printing a graphic which is not correctly managed by the publication

Short description Adding graphics in Print Basket

Identification type: correction ref: DM677 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to add graphics in print basket from forms.

Short description Attached document (AD) not visible in administration console

Identification type: correction ref: DM680 module: AWN

Description AD are visible in Administration console even if they concern multiple containers.

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Short description Comboboxes do not return correct values

Identification type: correction ref: DM720 module: AWN

Description The form comboboxes manage correctly filtered data depending on the user choices.

Short description PDF serialisation

Identification type: correction ref: DM721 module: AWN

Description Corrections have been realized in order to display correctly specific PDF files.

Short description Illustrations are printed over the text in some cases when printing
Identification type: correction ref: DM727 module: AWN

Description When printing some specific documents, the text part under graphics disapeared. This problem has been

Short description Problem of applicability/effectivity filtering in forms

Identification type: correction ref: DM771 module: AWN

Description In some cases, lines in form results were not correctly hatched. Some lines, which were not applicable, were not

Short description Opening picture fails

Identification type: correction ref: DM786 module: AWN

Description Some improvements have been realized in order to correct this problem.

Short description AWN generates an exception in the log when starting

Identification type: correction ref: DM792 module: AWN

Description This exception has been removed.

Short description PDF files with links are unreadable

Identification type: correction ref: DM795 module: AWN

Description Corrections have been realized in order to display correctly specific PDF files.

Short description Print of sheet doesn t work on the AWN 3.5 final version
Identification type: correction ref: DM853 module: AWN

Description Some problems occured while trying to print Graphics in publications without applicabilities.

46. Modification list for version 3.5

46.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description LogGen usage

Identification type: evolution ref: FGR-20577 module: AWN

Description All parts of the system use the LogGen system for standard logging purposes.

Short description On the fly generation

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Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45283 module: AWN

Description Result form windows can display simple or enhanced tables.

Short description Table of content frame title

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-47209 module: AWN

Description Table of content frame title can be customised dynamically by publication parameterisation. Currently "Table of
Content" is set by default.

Short description Table of content item title with icon customisation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-47210 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation can customise Table of content item titles and icons. The link does not change.

Short description User preferences: applicability/effectivity tab to make not modifiable

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-48150 module: AWN

Description In ADS Pack context, applicability/effectivity tab shall be read-only in the user preferences windows.

Short description Variables Management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-48825 module: AWN

Description Provide a way for publication parameterisation to store local variables by publication during the user session.

Short description Zoom / Move Management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-48826 module: AWN

Description Provide a way for a business module to handle zoom and move functions on a figure.

Short description Waiting message during publication opening

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-48838 module: AWN

Description During the publication opening phase, a waiting message is displayed.

Short description New Airbus Logo in the banner

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-49010 module: AWN

Description In the banner, the new Airbus logo replaces the old one.

Short description Access via AirbusSupply

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-48073 module: AWN

Description AWN is accessible through the portal Airbus Supply for all AirN@v V3 products. Products are filtered by supplier

Short description Empty tooltip on multiple links to document

Identification type: evolution ref: DM398 module: AWN

Description For multiple links, the contextual menu displays target node's titles if the link "description" attribute is null.

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Short description AWN must integrate LogGen functionality

Identification type: evolution ref: DM426 module: AWN

Description AWN now integrates the source code LogGen v3.1 functionality.

Short description Update content of error message which appears when ADS server is stopped.
Identification type: evolution ref: DM520 module: AWN

Description The following message is not displayed by AWN anymore when the server stops in sandbox mode:
"You have been disconnected from the server. The session is not valid anymore. Client will be closed and no
user data will be saved."
ADS Pack business module will show its own error message.

Short description Administrator is able to interface his own LDAP with AWN
Identification type: evolution ref: DM611 module: AWN

Description The administrator is able to interface his own company LDAP with AWN (without any help from the AWN
support). The administrator guide explains how this may be achieved.

Short description Specific features in the result windows: title definition not possible
Identification type: evolution ref: DM617 module: AWN

Description AWN now provides to publication parameterisation a way to retrieve the selected rows with column order and
titles as displayed in result windows.

46.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Bug on hatched applicabilities

Identification type: correction ref: DM505 module: AWN

Description On an Airbus (01/11/2008) publication, if the applicability range is 005-005 and the 21-72-11 document of the
AMM manual is consulted, the cell with 002-100 applicability/effectivity is not hatched anymore.

Short description Link fails to open from an embedded view

Identification type: correction ref: DM516 module: AWN

Description The link in the embedded viewers must work in order to open the content of those links.

Short description Clearly explain when ApplicabilityItems.loadApplicabilityItems() is called as opposed to

Identification type: correction ref: DM522 module: AWN

Description After having indexed a publication, AWN calls ApplicabilityItems.initializeAndSerializeApplicabilityItems(). When

opening the publication right after having indexed it, the ApplicabilityItems.loadApplicabilityItems() method is not
called. This must be clearly explained into the javadoc and the developer guide.

Short description Tabular view columns size shall fit the content
Identification type: correction ref: DM539 module: AWN

Description When packing a column (or all columns) of a table (either simple or advanced), ellipsis now still remain even
though an horizontal scroll-bar has been activated.

Short description Multiple link on hotspot

Identification type: correction ref: DM545 module: AWN

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Description When clicking in an hotspot, the multi-link is now really visible.

Short description Missing vertical scrollbar into form result table

Identification type: correction ref: DM628 module: AWN

Description Table results are now well-displayed with a vertical scrollbar when necessary.

Short description XSL mode not correctly handled

Identification type: correction ref: DM649 module: AWN

Description The new XSL mode parameter is now correctly handled in AWN.

Short description Applicability not aligned to the left

Identification type: correction ref: DM664 module: AWN

Description The effectivities are now always aligned on the left whatever the alignment of the parent element.

Short description A non-applicable blob is printed (not hidden neither hatched)

Identification type: correction ref: DM665 module: AWN

Description Some non-applicable blobs were not hidden or hatched. It is now corrected.

Short description Blob extraction failed with NPE in multi thread

Identification type: correction ref: DM679 module: AWN

Description In some cases, blob extraction failed. This problem is now corrected.

Short description Crash when passing an applicability/effectivity into the link to a publication that doesn't manage
Identification type: correction ref: DM687 module: AWN

Description When passing an applicability/effectivity to a publication that does not manage applicabilities, the application
crashed. And when passing an incorrect applicability, it leads to an inconsistent behaviour. These two problems
are now corrected.

47. Modification list for version 3.4.1

47.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Extend the list of supported JRE to JRE 1.6 update 27 and update 29.
Identification type: evolution ref: DM551 module: AWN

Description JRE 1.6 update 27 and JRE 1.6 update 29 are now fully supported.

Short description The application supports Basic, Digest and NTLM Proxy authentication.
Identification type: evolution ref: DM549 module: AWN

Description The user doesn't need to enter specific information in order to access to the application through a proxy requiring
Basic, Digest or NTLM authentication. Kerberos is not supported in this version.

Short description Extend the timeout on AirbusWorld to 3h55 of inactivity

Identification type: evolution ref: DM523 module: AWN

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Description The AWN client timeout is now extended to 3 hours 55 minutes on Airbus World.

Short description A splash screen is displayed during the application startup phase
Identification type: evolution ref: DM442 module: AWN

Description A simple splash screen appears when the server is launched. A specific splash screen is displayed during client
startup in order to give progress information.

Short description Full text search must support go-list

Identification type: evolution ref: DM433 module: AWN

Description In full text search, publication parameterisation can define a "go-list". Each word inside the go-list will be indexed
even if its size is smaller/bigger than the minimum/maximum length defined by publication parameterisation.

Short description File Mapping for attachments

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-45295 module: AWN

Description The mapping file permits to update the target publication of an Attached Document. This file can be added in the
ZIP file of an update if it needs to be modified.

Short description JRE 64 bits delivery

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-45975 module: AWN

Description It is now possible to install AWN with a delivered 64 bits JRE (without needing to choose a custom one).

Short description General users authentication

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45706 module: AWN

Description A user can now consult the same publication on two computers with the same authentication information.

Short description Node title definition

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45284 module: AWN

Description In a publication, a node title definition can be different depending on the context.

Short description Header columns customisation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45299 module: AWN

Description The column headers of advanced tables in AWN can be customised depending on the publication. For example,
a specific font may be applied for each header of the same table.

Short description Full text wildcards

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5879 module: AWN

Description Words in text search expressions may contain wildcards: * matches any (possibly empty) string, ? matches
exactly 1 character.
Double quotation marks (" ") cancel the wild card. The wildcard will become part of the word.

Short description Full text search functions

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45750 module: AWN

Description The system provides three searches functions:

- To search words with implicit AND connector

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- To search words with implicit OR connector

- To search exact wording or phrase

Short description Case sensitive selection

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5874 module: AWN

Description Publication parameterisation decides if the full text search is case sensitive or not. By default, a term is always
considered as not case sensitive.
Example: aircraft is equivalent to AIrcrAft.

Short description Semantic wildcards

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5877 module: AWN

Description Words in text search expressions may contain wildcards: * matches any (possibly empty) string, ? matches
exactly 1 character.
Double quotation marks (" ") cancel the wild card. The wildcard will become part of the word.

Short description Special characters

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45375 module: AWN

Description In the context of full text search and search query, this following special characters list has to be considered as a
standard character and will be part of words: "-", "_", ".", ",", "/", "*", "(", ")" This list could be defined by publication

Short description Full text search result

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-45377 module: AWN

Description The system allows to highlight a pattern in the form result window and provides next and previous hits functions.
The aim is to access to next or previous pattern searched into document content.

Short description Number of results linked to list of results displayed

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-46292 module: AWN

Description In result window, the correct number of results is displayed under the table.

Short description Result mode definition

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-12625 module: AWN

Description Optionally, the displaying system may enter, after a search, into a "search mode" which implies that some
pertinent words or expressions are highlighted in the text displayed.

Short description Print basket content custom

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-45122 module: AWN

Description The publication parameterisation can defined its own print basket (column title and content, buttons displayed, ...)

Short description Print Basket printing

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-45123 module: AWN

Description The print basket printing preview windows is split into two parts: first, the print basket content table and then the
preview of selected elements.

Short description Basic print out paper format

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Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-45281 module: AWN

Description The interface of print user preferences allows user to choose between A3, A4 and letter paper format.

Short description Logo printing customisation

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-45993 module: AWN

Description Business modules are able to get the print logo header and footer from AWN server. Logos are not available by
default in the server.

Short description Airbus People compatibility

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-45074 module: AWN

Description AWN server is installed on Airbus People environment.

Short description User profile

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-45068 module: AWN

Description User profile and rights are retrieved as defined for the Airbus People Directory.

Short description Concurrent access

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-45072 module: AWN

Description AWN is able to support a large amount of clients at the same moment.

47.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Crash if no tooltip and no node title

Identification type: correction ref: DM408 module: AWN

Description There is no more error if a tooltip is empty or null in publication parameterisation.

Short description Opening an embedded link modifies the table width

Identification type: correction ref: DM377 module: AWN

Description When clicking on an embedded link, the width of some tables changed. This graphical bug is corrected.

Short description Handle correctly the provided full text tokenizer

Identification type: correction ref: DM361 module: AWN

Description The tokenizer is used to separates a string into tokens (i.e. words) using regular expressions. The tokenizer was
not correctly handled by AWN. It has been corrected.

Short description A Combobox in the document viewer disappears upon next/previous sheet event
Identification type: correction ref: DM407 module: AWN

Description The problem was a publication parameterisation one. The problem is now correctly identified.

Short description Unable to unmarshall link element in the document viewer.

Identification type: correction ref: DM394 module: AWN

Description Business modules must pay attention to some specific character encoding. The document viewer is not bugging
anymore with those recommendations.

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48. Modification list for version 3.4

48.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Full-text search capabilities vs document

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-5882 module: AWN

Description Full-text search is now able to target one or several selected document.

Short description Step by step navigation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-39852 module: AWN

Description In a documentation where steps are described (with yes/no or choice-list answers), the system allows to activate
a dedicated consultation mode.

Short description Tabbed display of table of result

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-39853 module: AWN

Description Possibility to segregate a table of result into a list of tabs (defined by the graphical parameterisation), for example
to segregate different categories (ex: 350 search by DM code, show a tab for each category).

Short description Resizing of zones

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-39855 module: AWN

Description Sliders must exist in the GUI in order to let the user resize (horizontally or vertically) the zones defined in the

Short description Remove the option for result window skipping

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40145 module: AWN

Description The option for skipping result window can be removed (and forced) from parameterisation (the checkbox is

Short description Applicability window parameterisation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40146 module: AWN

Description The filtering criteria selection is handled by a predefined window, for which 2 elements can be parameterised:
window title and presence of "SB filtering" (or secondary filtering).

Short description General display of dynamic tabular data

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40182 module: AWN

Description AWN provides the possibility to display a random tabular data with the possibility for the final user to filter and sort
data, and to trigger an action on any line (ex: through a link contained in a cell).

Short description Multi-criteria search

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40183 module: AWN

Description In a dynamic tabular data, the interactive search functions have been improved (comparator, ...).

Short description In advanced table, checkboxes can be selected or unselected with API method
Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40190 module: AWN

Description Besides the "URL" launching mode (where the client part is automatically deployed) the client part can also be

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launched at a lower level, with no automated deployment (ex: without Java Web Start), using a OS command
line. This launching mode allows the same features (regarding the controlling parameters, ex: documentation
target) than the URL mode. In this mode, the client checks that the software versions (between client and server)
match properly.

Short description SSO with URL and command-line

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-40244 module: AWN

Description When invoking the application through external URL or by client command-line, it is possible to specify the user
(or group for Loose User Management) for the session to be opened, whatever the authentication scheme
(including in the Loose User Management). If the user (or the group for the the Loose User Management) has a
defined password, the user is prompted for password. If the user (or the group for the the Loose User
Management) has an empty password, there is no prompt and the session is immediately opened (true SSO).

Short description Keyboard shortcut

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-42269 module: AWN

Description The system now enables the parameterisation to implement the standard keyboard shortcut for "Search" button,
which is the "enter" key usage.

Short description Graphic windows specific feature

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-42439 module: AWN

Description The system allows the parameterisation to use or not the 2 graphic windows footer information lines, additional
title and applicability/effectivity display.

Short description Applicability window features

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-42786 module: AWN

Description The applicability/effectivity window has the following features: sortable list and configurable search criteria (using
wild cards) on each column.

Short description Result windows column max/min width

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-42940 module: AWN

Description Possibility to set, optionally, a min and a max width (in pixels) for a given column in a result table. Between these
limits, the width is dynamically computed (from the effective content of cells). A min and a max limit can be set

Short description Interoperability from portal application

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-42821 module: AWN

Description Specifically for Airbus Portal: there is a standard entry point in the application allowing a SSO entry into the
system from an already-identified application embedded into a browser (ex: AirNav V2).

Short description Interoperability to portal application

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS-42822 module: AWN

Description Specifically for Airbus Portal: there is a standard launching point (that opens a new browser instance on the
requesting client instance) allowing to launch, from an already-identified instance of AWN application, a portal
service embedded into a browser (ex: AirNav V2).

Short description Print options list

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR-14054 module: AWN

Description "Print ADs" is added as an option to existing print option list.

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Short description Client launching without deployment

Identification type: evolution ref: OIM-40245 module: AWN

Description In advanced table, the optional checkbox (of lines) can be controlled by a java API, and also by the scripted API.

Short description Additional uninstallation

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-40195 module: AWN

Description The uninstall process must detect the presence of additional uninstallers, and if present, ask the user if he wants
to launch it.

Short description Publication installer

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-42240 module: AWN

Description A publication installer tool is now available, delivered only on DVD (not autonomous tool). The publication
installer accepts a publication whose content is split into two DVDs.

Short description Delivery on multi media

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-42506 module: AWN

Description The system shall be deliverable along with a publication, complete on one or two physical media(s).

Short description Publication license renewing

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-42509 module: AWN

Description The system allows a user having write access on the publication folder and on AWN installation folder to change
(remove and copy another) publication license files without disturbing current sessions, also managing the
transition period (between old and new license).

Short description "Loose user" mode: empty password allowed

Identification type: evolution ref: DM507 module: AWN

Description In "loose user" mode it is possible to create a new user or to change a password user with an empty password.

Short description "Loose user" mode must be checked by default at the installation
Identification type: evolution ref: DM506 module: AWN

Description During AWN installation process, the "loose user" mode is activated by default.

Short description Authenticated proxy

Identification type: evolution ref: DM480 module: AWN

Description If user has a proxy, AWN detect it automatically and proxy information is asked to the user before AWN login

Short description Cannot start services using JRE 64 bits

Identification type: evolution ref: DM475 module: AWN

Description The AWN services launched with "Configure menu" cannot be started if the JRE is 64 bits.

Short description Java Webstart deployment now relies on a range of AWN3-approved JRE
Identification type: evolution ref: DM440 module: AWN

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Description Java Webstart deployment now relies on a range of installed JRE version supported by AWN (this is a
prerequisite of user environment). If no targeted version is installed, AWN client cannot be launched.

Short description Java Client memory set to 256 Mo by default

Identification type: evolution ref: DM439 module: AWN

Description On client side, the memory is now set to 256 Mo by default (instead of 128 Mo previously).

Short description Enhancement of integration of axis2 for DDM use

Identification type: evolution ref: DM415 module: AWN

Description DDM web service client requires axis2 which is partially integrated in AWN3. All needed jars are now available.

Short description Directory user attribute retrieval for DDM API integration
Identification type: evolution ref: DM413 module: AWN

Description In the frame of Airbus Portal, the value of the ACDS attribute named "Userprincipalname" is now available
through the AWN API UserAngGroupManager.

Short description Connection pool usage

Identification type: evolution ref: DM411 module: AWN

Description All independent requests, that must not be sent consecutively, are sent in parallel using multiple HTTP

Short description ATA invariant implementation extracted from AWN

Identification type: evolution ref: DM405 module: AWN

Description The parameterization is in charge of the implementation of ATA invariant. AWN is no more responsible for this
implementation and the ANW binary will not include the ATA invariant anymore.

Short description User allowed to retrieve session information

Identification type: evolution ref: DM380 module: AWN

Description The user can now retrieve information from the session (in particular, the current consultation context).

Short description Event on tab closure

Identification type: evolution ref: DM376 module: AWN

Description A Java listener allows being notified upon tab closure.

Short description Open link into the detached window

Identification type: evolution ref: DM370 module: AWN

Description When a window is detached, it is now possible to open the target of the link into the same detached window (in
particular, when detaching the blob viewer window.

Short description Retrieving user email on Airbus Portals

Identification type: evolution ref: DM347 module: AWN

Description On Airbus Portals, Business modules are now able to retrieve user emails.

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Short description Links can carry on an applicability

Identification type: evolution ref: DM333 module: AWN

Description When creating a link towards an external publication, the link is now able to carry on an optional
applicability/effectivity (set when opening the target).

Short description In server-api, retrieve publications according to user rights

Identification type: evolution ref: DM224 module: AWN

Description The server API now provides a facility to retrieve publications according to user rights in addition to the already
existing criteria (license ...).

Short description In server-api, QueryManager.executeQuery returns a list of any types

Identification type: evolution ref: DM222 module: AWN

Description As for the method QueryManager.executeQueryFromReferential, the method QueryManager.executeQuery now

returns a list of any types.

Short description Document explorer displays compiled query without having to execute it
Identification type: evolution ref: DM213 module: AWN

Description Into the document explorer, the "magnifying glass" button displays the compiled representation of the last
executed query.

Short description Optimisation: parallelize loading of text and embedded images

Identification type: evolution ref: DM154 module: AWN

Description When a text flow contains embedded images, images are loaded as soon as they are available, and a square is
displayed until image loads in background.

48.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Links based only on an image may not work

Identification type: correction ref: DM471 module: AWN

Description A link based only on an image may not work.

Short description Failure to open authentication dialog when disconnected from network
Identification type: correction ref: DM429 module: AWN

Description When workstation was disconnected from the network, AWN3 didn't launch.

Short description Windows services installation failed under windows seven and 2008
Identification type: correction ref: DM409 module: AWN

Description Under Windows 7 and 2007, windows services couldn't get installed (button "install service" was deactivated).

Short description Wrong revision bar placement

Identification type: correction ref: DM389 module: AWN

Description In some case, the revision bar went beyond the REVEND mark.

Short description ScrollTo didn't work when selecting a TOC element

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Identification type: correction ref: DM388 module: AWN

Description The automatic scroll specified in a link towards a structural document did not work correctly.

Short description XHtmlRenderer failed to load XML resource

Identification type: correction ref: DM383 module: AWN

Description In some case, XHtmlRenderer COTS failed to load XML resource, throwing a Java exception.

Short description Graphic not at the right place into HTML flow
Identification type: correction ref: DM374 module: AWN

Description When clicking into a TOC entry containing a graphic, the graphic was first displayed at the beginning of the
content, hiding part of the text.

Short description Embedded link into detached window caused client error
Identification type: correction ref: DM368 module: AWN

Description Into the detached window, in some case, clicking an embedded links generates a client error.

Short description Fails to use several different pdf viewers

Identification type: correction ref: DM341 module: AWN

Description Conflict between awn:viewers-config/@pdf-view-conf configuration, and window target of links which defines their
own pdf viewer (thru awn:window-target/@pdf-view-conf).

Short description Upgrading procedure issues

Identification type: correction ref: DM340 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, upgrading procedure didn't work successfully, and suggest to "install another entity" rather than
upgrading old version.

Short description Fail to navigate from the bookmarks of a multi PDF blob
Identification type: correction ref: DM338 module: AWN

Description If a blob is a ZIP composed of multiple PDF files (one of them being start.pdf), clicking on a bookmark entry
opened an empty page (instead of the corresponding bookmark).

Short description documentManager.exportContent() failed

Identification type: correction ref: DM337 module: AWN

Description In some case, creating a link to the function documentManager.exportContent() failed.

Short description Document supported MIME types

Identification type: correction ref: DM330 module: AWN

Description Not all MIME types were supported for blobs, and mappings were not consistent between sub-projects.

Short description Fix codes returned by command.jar

Identification type: correction ref: DM328 module: AWN

Description Return codes of command.jar execution have been reworked in order to be more consistent.

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Short description Form result entry not represented as an hyperlink (blue and underline)
Identification type: correction ref: DM239 module: AWN

Description When a form entry defines several links, not all cells were represented as hyperlinks.

Short description User base upgrade

Identification type: correction ref: DM232 module: AWN

Description Upgrade of the database through a script SQL has been put in place to ensure compatibility with the version of
AWN and the version of the user base.

Short description Unapplicable fragment not hatched

Identification type: correction ref: DM226 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, an unapplicable fragment was not hatched (but, if the hidden mode was choosen, it was correctly

Short description Display issue with the string representing user selected applicabilites
Identification type: correction ref: DM221 module: AWN

Description In the banner, display issue when the string representing user selected applicabilites was too long.

Short description Bad tool tip on path/tree button on TOC initialization

Identification type: correction ref: DM167 module: AWN

Description In some case, tooltip of path/tree button was not initialized.

Short description Printing performance issue

Identification type: correction ref: DM165 module: AWN

Description Added an option to use Acrobat Reader (when available) to increase printing performance.

Short description uninstaller location overlap

Identification type: correction ref: DM162 module: AWN

Description The uninstaller location overlapped the "Generate an automatic installation script" button, whatever the size of the

Short description Preferences (windows size and position) saving issue

Identification type: correction ref: DM161 module: AWN

Description Preferences (windows size and position) saving did not work correctly between pub choice client and publication

Short description Sometimes, no user logs is displayed

Identification type: correction ref: DM158 module: AWN

Description Configuration file was sometimes not valid, and no user logs was then displayable.

Short description Tooltip on table header check box for row selection
Identification type: correction ref: DM146 module: AWN

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Description When the user hovered the cursor over a check box on the table header, sometimes tooltip did not appear.

48.3. Limitations (restrictions of functions in this version)

Short description Tooltip display

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description The tooltip is displayed only in one line, the text doesn't go onto the next line.

Short description Group creation

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description When an administration create a new group in administration console, the created group appears in "manage
groups" panel but not in "groups" panel.

Short description User creation

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description When an administration create a new user in administration console, the created user appears in "manage
users"/"manage roles" panel but not in "users" panel. The administrator has to validate user creation by closing
administration console with a click on OK button to see the new user in "users" panel the next time the
administration console is opened.

Short description Publication installation on DVD

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description If AWN server is running, the DVD autorun will not be launched with the choice of "install publications" or "launch
installed application".

Short description Sometimes, no user logs is displayed

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description Sometimes, the logs in administration panel or in user logs dialog cannot be displayed.

Short description Error message at client launching when network connection is lost
Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description When server and client are in the same workstation, and the "loose user" mode is activated, and the network
connection is lost during the consultation, if the user wants to start a new client then an error message is

Short description Double click on link displays an error message.

Identification type: limitation module: AWN

Description If user make a double click on a link in AWN an error message might be displayed.

49. Modification list for version 3.3.3

49.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Directory user attribute retrieval for Data Download Manager API integration
Identification type: evolution ref: DM413 module: AWN

Description In the frame of Airbus Portal, AWN provides a way to retrieve the value of the ACDS attribute corresponding to
user principal name.

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Short description In the portal, the display of all users declared in the LDAP directory is disabled
Identification type: evolution ref: DM417 module: AWN

Description In the frame of Airbus portal, the display of the item named "Users" in the administration console tree is disabled.

Short description ACDS Migration (use of Java Naming and Directory Interface)
Identification type: evolution ref: DM414 module: AWN

Description AWN uses its own functions (with Java Naming and Directory Interface) for LDAP. AEDS or DDAL API are not
used any more.

50. Modification list for version 3.3.2

50.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description JRE version checker

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR-43503 module: AWN

Description This evolution deals with displayinga warning popup in case of JRE version installed on the the client workstation
is not approved by Airbus.

Short description Application download

Identification type: evolution ref: DM346 module: AWN

Description Now, AWN3 downloading is faster than in the previous version (parallel downloads and only needed libraries are

50.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Windows Service installation under Windows Seven and greater
Identification type: correction ref: DM409 module: AWN

Description Starting with this version, Windows Seven and 2008 are supported, regarding Windows service installation and

51. Modification list for version 3.3.1

51.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description JRE 1.6 update 24 compatibility

Identification type: correction ref: DM354 module: AWN

Description AWN3 is now compliant with JRE 1.6 update 24.

52. Modification list for version 3.3

52.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Pushable operations

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-13992 module: AWN

Description This function is only available for a clusterized list of servers. The following functions (of administration console,
and also in the command line) are applied on the whole set of servers, with an optional choice allowing to
address the cluster or only the current server:
- reference/dereference a publication (shared path on a shared disk space)
- add an update (including attachment) including cancel during a distant update
- switch (between latent and current) publication
- mark management (import, export, remove, list...)

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- list sessions
- send a message to sessions
- view log files
For each displayed information (including in lists such as list of publications or sessions), a visual mark indicates
if the information is on the current server only or distant (cluster); if the information is distant, the server name (or
IP address) is also indicated.

Short description Cluster information

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-37102 module: AWN

Description A dedicated panel in the administration console interface allows to know the cluster configuration in terms of:
- nodes (IP or name)
- status (alive or not)

Short description General back and forward

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-35281 module: AWN

Description A generic back and forward (2 actions activable from any publication toolbar) mechanism is implemented, so as
to allow the user to go back (to previous state, before action, typically a click on a link) or forward (after a back
action). Similar to web browsers back/forward actions.

Short description Linearized PDF progressive loading

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR-36593 module: AWN

Description If the PDF to be displayed is "linearized" (as defined by Adobe), the system allows its progressive display on the
client (starting with page 1) without having to extract/transfer the entire file. Next pages are loaded and displayed
on demand (by user).

Short description Update generic checks and integrity

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-35867 module: AWN

Description For administrator, the update feature contains some checks in order to ensure the correct processing of the
update, regarding (for both online and offline mode):
- the publication status
- the available disk space
- the potential cluster configuration.
Moreover, when an update is canceled (by the user or due to an error during the process), the publication keeps
unchanged and consistent (for offline mode).

Short description Multiple update in offline mode

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-36045 module: AWN

Description In administration console or command line and only in update offline mode it is possible to group several updates
(zip files) for a single "offline update" process. In this case, all the updates are run sequentially.

Short description Offline update workflow

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-35668 module: AWN

Description In administration console, when an update is launched in "offline" mode, the following workflow has been
- a temporary ("latent") publication is created, with the same identification metadata, publication on which the
update will be run
- during the whole process (latent publication existence) no other update is possible, and consultation service is
maintained alive (unchanged) on the reference publication for regular users
- when the update is run, the latent publication is accessible only for administrator, for consultation purposes
(where the administrator may check the changes)
- when the administrator decides to do so, or automatically when the latent publication is updated and correct: the
latent publication becomes the current one (for new sessions only), while the reference publication is to be
deleted when not used anymore by existing sessions.

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Short description Interactive attachment of "Airline Comments"

Identification type: evolution ref: FDM-36343 module: AWN

Description The system allows to invoke an action on some points of the documentation:
- some table of content nodes
- some selected text nodes
In order to interactively create an "airline comment", which is a sub-type of the existing TRs/TFUs process.
Selecting this function opens a window allowing to enter the necessary information (title, identifier, free type,
applicability, activation, attached documents); upon validation, the corresponding attachment (ie. update) is
computed and applied, following the semantic rules defined for TRs/TFUs. Same rules and functions apply to
these interactive Airline Comments and regular TRs/TFUs (access, search, admin...). The "interactive attachment
of Airline Comment" function is inserted in the "add note/bookmark" popup-menu for text selection, or in a new
popup-menu (with add note) for table of content selection.

Short description Server performance statistics

Identification type: evolution ref: DM133 module: AWN

Description As for the existing "Session statistics", an administration panel (under "System information") named
"Performance statistics" retrieves some performance measurement data over a defined, gliding, frame of time.
Each x seconds (x adjustable by resource, 5 s by default), the system computes 2 values:
- applicative server performance: the mean time of (connected) clients requests computation
- database server performance: the mean time of (internal or external) database requests computation
For the graphical interface part: same functions (time frame definition, export, etc) as for session statistics.
(Future performance statistics might be added later).

Short description Organization of the administration console

Identification type: evolution ref: DM140 module: AWN

Description Organization of table of content in administration console (not the panels) has been reviewed: items that concern
publications, items that concern server management, etc.
- Publication management (including update, attachment, marks, etc)
- Server management (including clustering, server variables, etc)
- Access management (including users, groups, licenses, etc)
- General information [Read-Only] (including statistics, logs, etc)

Short description Filtering by secondary applicability

Identification type: evolution ref: DM141 module: AWN

Description AWN now provides a filtering by secondary applicability/effectivity in addition of primary applicability.

Short description REVDATE format in application Header

Identification type: evolution ref: DM142 module: AWN

Description The displayed format of the "revdate" field in the application header is now formated to Mmm DD, YYYY (ex:
"May 01, 2010"), before it was YYYYMMDD (ex: "20100501")

Short description Customization for xmx (memory) parameter during installation

Identification type: evolution ref: DM144 module: AWN

Description During the installation of AWN, instead of the text field in which the xmx parameter can be changed, there is a list
of predefined values.

Short description Login panel image change

Identification type: evolution ref: DM145 module: AWN

Description Aspect of the standard AWN login panel is changed (it is the AWN splash screen).

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Short description Standard viewer for text flow

Identification type: evolution ref: DM150 module: AWN

Description A native viewer (ie viewer embeddable in the application, as for HTML or PDF) is now available for plain-text
(text/plain), before flows were transferred to the OS (ex: notepad under windows). This new viewer has standard
functions: export, print, detach.

Short description Ability to parameterize each frame independently

Identification type: evolution ref: DM155 module: AWN

Description As in version 2, AWN can parameterize each frame (ie. each table of content instance, or each Binary viewer)
independently in terms of buttons and title.

Short description Customization is allowed to access to server resources for footer image
Identification type: evolution ref: DM173 module: AWN

Description AWN allows external customers to change (replace) the graphic logo on header/footer (if a logo is present in the
publication style-sheet), for a whole server (not by simply modifying the publication parameterization).

Short description Add a warning if server launched by a non-admin user

Identification type: evolution ref: DM196 module: AWN

Description When a user launches the server, if the user doesn't have the write permission over the AWN installation folder,
data generated by the server (particularly for the database persistance: update history, marks, etc) will be located
in his/her personal folder. For this case, an explicit warning (popup) has been added.

Short description Export CUS attribute when exporting attachments

Identification type: evolution ref: DM208 module: AWN

Description When exporting publication's attachments, the CUS attribute is exported (just like the MODEL and the SERVICE

Short description Possibility to deactivate full-text indexation

Identification type: evolution ref: DM212 module: AWN

Description Parameter can deactivate the full-text indexation.

Short description Log level DEBUG available in the administration console

Identification type: evolution ref: DM316 module: AWN

Description The log level DEBUG is now available in the administration console.

Short description Applicability implementation is able to call XQueries from referential

Identification type: evolution ref: DM331 module: AWN

Description The implementation of the applicability/effectivity module is allowed to call queries from the publication's

52.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description The large images are correctly displayed by the viewer
Identification type: correction ref: DM134 module: AWN

Description The large images are now correctly displayed inside the viewer.

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Short description Gap between the clickable area defined in the graphic and the actually clickable area
Identification type: correction ref: DM147 module: AWN

Description In some graphics, and on some clickable items, there was a gap between the clickable area defined by the
attribute "region" in the graphic and the actually clickable area. It has been corrected.

Short description Update launch if a path is not valid

Identification type: correction ref: DM170 module: AWN

Description In administration console, if the path of an update is not valid, after clicking on launch update, an error window
dialog appears and the button is still enabled and another update with corrected path is possible.

Short description "close all floating windows" closes all subwindows

Identification type: correction ref: DM176 module: AWN

Description "close all floating windows" closes all subwindows: form results and windows History are correctly closed.

Short description Mouse cursors issues

Identification type: correction ref: DM181 module: AWN

Description When the "mixed" mouse cursor (sandglass + pointer at the same time) is present, it is everywhere and not only
on some parts of the application.

Short description Help viewer: highlight issue, previous/next table of contents issue
Identification type: correction ref: DM187 module: AWN

Description In the help viewer:

1) highlight of searched words works correctly when using links. The good word is still highlighted after clicking on
a link to another help part.
2) when navigating in help table of content with previous/next buttons, buttons previous/next are correctly grayed
according to the needs.

Short description User documentation updates

Identification type: correction ref: DM191 module: AWN

Description 1) In Installation Manual, the "2/3/4 GB limit" is clarified by the following note: to use memory beyond the above
limits (up to the limit of the considered hardware system and operating system), it is necessary to provide a jre64
which can be used during installation ("use custom JRE" option). Note that the use of a jre64 will degrade the
overall performance (CPU and memory) of the application, and it is highly recommended to specify the
"compressedOops" option in order to limit this impact (which is then around 30% for each parameter).
2) The "about" dialog now mentions 2011 as the end-of-copyright date.

Short description AVT: Abusive errors when checking links

Identification type: correction ref: DM199 module: AWN

Description The real name of the document is used instead of its reference for checking links.

Short description Synchronization in the document explorer

Identification type: correction ref: DM200 module: AWN

Description The synchronization with the result of a valid path and the tree view in the document explorer is correctly done.

Short description Link execution after switching from publication A to publication B

Identification type: correction ref: DM203 module: AWN

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Description An external URL is used to open a publication and execute a set of links on publication A. The publication A is
correctly opened and the links are correctly executed. Click on open base and select another publication. The
links for publication A are now executed on publication A and not publication B.

Short description Mirror image displayed for some CGM files

Identification type: correction ref: DM207 module: AWN

Description There was a problem of display concerning some CGM: a mirror image is displayed. It has been corrected.

Short description Registering the copied publication through the listener during an offline update or a defragmentation
Identification type: correction ref: DM211 module: AWN

Description In administration console, during an offline update, the copied publication is registered. If the original publication
was in a Repository, then the copied publication is now associated to it.

Short description Issue when displaying a figure

Identification type: correction ref: DM216 module: AWN

Description The figure is now displayed in all cases.

Short description Duplicate applicability/effectivity displayed

Identification type: correction ref: DM240 module: AWN

Description The same applicability/effectivity information ("** ON A/C ALL") was displayed several times. It has been

Short description Scrolling issue

Identification type: correction ref: DM241 module: AWN

Description Scrolling is now only active when context tab is already opened.

Short description Applicability implementation receives current node

Identification type: correction ref: DM244 module: AWN

Description The applicability/effectivity implementation is now asked to work on the current node, and not on its first child.

Short description Unexpected applicability/effectivity displayed

Identification type: correction ref: DM245 module: AWN

Description An unexpected applicability/effectivity mark (** FOR P/N ALL) was displayed when navigating (from the table of
content) into the CMMM document. It has been corrected.

Short description Link to blob support TOCPARAM decoration attribute

Identification type: correction ref: DM246 module: AWN

Description The example provided into developer guide in "MUL/Publication Realization/Business

Logic/Configuration/Settings/Table of Contents" has been corrected and use variable 'TOCPARAM' to build the
list of decoration attributes in the specific function.

Short description In the Manage marks panel, no sync is performed after adding/changing/deleting attached files
Identification type: correction ref: DM306 module: AWN

Description In the administration menu, in the Manage marks panel, Mark table is now immediately refreshed after

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adding/changing/deleting attached files.

Short description Refresh state of publication using a network resource

Identification type: correction ref: DM309 module: AWN

Description When a publication refers to a path using a network resource, and this network resource is unavailable, the
corresponding publication becomes unavailable. Once the network resource is back, a click on the "Refresh"
button in Manage publications panel of administration console now makes the publication available.

53. Modification list for version 3.2.1

53.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Truncated table not re-assembled after continuous navigation or prefetch
Identification type: correction ref: DM171 module: AWN

Description On some situations (large table split over 3 HTML pages), truncated tables (through standard truncation with
continuous navigation, or prefetch operation) are not re-assembled after continuous navigation or prefetch.

Short description Table header with h-span badly displayed (HTML only)
Identification type: correction ref: DM172 module: AWN

Description A table header containing a horizontal span is badly displayed in HTML.

Short description Unclosed file descriptors

Identification type: correction ref: DM175 module: AWN

Description Some file descriptors are left open during normal consultation operations, in particular when opening BLOBS (2
file-desc per BLOB). File-desc are left still open after the end of process life.

Short description Word search problem (issue on document extraction)

Identification type: correction ref: DM177 module: AWN

Description DynamicMarking of applicability/effectivity generates an exception.

Short description AWN API concerning document extraction is not "thread-safe"

Identification type: correction ref: DM178 module: AWN

Description When extracting two documentary fragments simultaneously, one of two fails.

Short description Problem when extracting documentary fragment simultaneously

Identification type: correction ref: DM179 module: AWN

Description When extracting two documentary fragments simultaneously, one of two fails.

Short description Loading of BLOB not cancelled, leading to client unstability

Identification type: correction ref: DM180 module: AWN

Description During the loading, one of the following actions (click on another TOC item or close the tab) does not cancel the
current operation and leads to client inconsistency or even total loss.

Short description Memory warning on client

Identification type: correction ref: DM184 module: AWN

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Description If the memory limit is reached, a warning is displayed.

Short description prev/next page buttons still present in continuous navigation

Identification type: correction ref: DM188 module: AWN

Description Prev/next page buttons are still present and active in continuous navigation. When clicking them, an exception is

Short description Client hangs on repetitive searches

Identification type: correction ref: DM189 module: AWN

Description Client hangs on repetitive searches.

Short description Referenced graphics not printed on a Linux server

Identification type: correction ref: DM192 module: AWN

Description Referenced graphics (through links) are not inserted within the PDF previews when the AWN server is hosted on
Linux OS whereas the graphics are correctly present on other OS (windows or Solaris) for the same publication.

Short description Cannot launch client if user is non-admin

Identification type: correction ref: DM193 module: AWN

Description On Windows / installation done by the administrator. If the server is launched by a non-admin user, this user
cannot launch a client session, an exception is thrown.

Short description No log when AWN is started from Windows Service

Identification type: correction ref: DM195 module: AWN

Description When AWN server is started via a Window Service, the logging system is inoperative.

Short description Applicability issue with truncated tables

Identification type: correction ref: DM197 module: AWN

Description In continuous navigation mode, if a table is spread over several pages (and then is merged), an
applicability/effectivity seems to be removed from within the table and displayed after that table.

Short description HDK help is not initialized on consultation client

Identification type: correction ref: DM198 module: AWN

Description After clicking on a publication in the publication choice client, the consultation client is displayed but the HDK help
is never initialized.

54. Modification list for version 3.2

54.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Data specific formats.

Identification type: evolution ref: FGR#30514 module: AWN

Description The software can now handle zipped files. If a "start.pdf" file is included in the archive file, if is automatically

Short description TRs and TFUs management.

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Identification type: evolution ref: module: AWN

FDM#20505, FDM#20506, FDM#28160,
FDM#28161, FDM#28161, FDM#28162

Description The system now handles Airbus TRs and TFUs (containing SGML metadata plus PDF/SGML files); dedicated
panels in the Administration GUI allow the management, list (per publication, per type...), export (for further
import), remove (with multi-selection...).

Short description Publication search by MSN.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#16993 module: AWN

Description Beside the publication list filtering, a dedicated field allows to enter a MSN and filter the publications that claim to
use the given MSN(s).

Short description multiple document style sheet.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#27421 module: AWN

Description The system is now able to apply an XSL stylesheet on several XML documents for a given transformation (ex:
retrieve an information in another document than the document currently transformed for display).

Short description Continuous navigation.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#31896, IGR#31897 module: AWN

Description The continuous mode (activated by default) allows the concatenation of the "next" fragments to current one (after
a page break), without any need for "previous" action. In this mode, the prev/next buttons are not displayed
anymore (but just a break trailer). The full continuity in pages is handled, with respect to tables, list,
applicability/effectivity markings, etc.

Short description Automatic fragment prefetch.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#31898 module: AWN

Description In the frame of continuous navigation, the automatic fragment prefetch mode (activated by default) allows, for any
requested page (including "next" action in continuous navigation) to load automatically, in an incremental way,
the n next pages (where n is typically 4, may be changed). The result is a progressive loading of pages, showing
a page that grows incrementally, without any flash or scroll, for a better perceived user performance.

Short description Full-text search on Binary documents.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20567 module: AWN

Description The full-text search of words can now also be applied to PDF binary files through the querying language.

Short description Drop-down list for criteria.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#26457 module: AWN

Description For any drop-down list ("combo-box") of a (semantic) search-form criteria, the system now sorts items, in the
standard lexicographic order.

Short description Result spreadsheet download.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#27361 module: AWN

Description The result of a form-based search may also be a "spreadsheet" flow (ex: an "Excel" file) that is downloaded
(without any result display).

Short description Number of result limitation.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#5888 module: AWN

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Description For both readability and performance reasons, each search may now have a limited number of results. If the limit
is reached, the user is invited to re-express the search with more pertinent criteria.

Short description Data download.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#23291 module: AWN

Description The system now handles binary data download, without having to display it before.

Short description Sessions history and statistics administration function.

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#13912 module: AWN

Description The system now provides (in the administration interface) a graphic view (cumulative graph) of the total number
of living sessions.

Short description Panel "server variables" in read only

Identification type: evolution ref: DM138 module: AWN

Description The administration panel "server variables" is now located in the read-only section.

Short description Certificate management

Identification type: evolution ref: DM135 module: AWN

Description A parameter (available in administration console) allows to (de)activate:

- the date validity checking of certificates (concerning expiration dates)
- the signature checking of the parameterization jar file.

Short description Attribute colomn-number for HTML extraction

Identification type: evolution ref: DM131 module: AWN

Description The standard FO attribute 'column-number' is now supported for HTML display (already supported for print).

Short description Register/Unregister inside cluster with command-line client

Identification type: evolution ref: DM127 module: AWN

Description The command-line client has now the possibility to register/unregister a publication with respect to a cluster
architecture (set of servers).

Short description Automatic switch of updates (in OFFLINE mode)

Identification type: evolution ref: DM125 module: AWN

Description The administrator has now the possibility to specify before launching an OFFLINE update the "switch" mode
(switch between the latent publication and the effective one). If the switch mode is set to auto and if the update is
successfull, the switch between the current publication and the new one is triggered automatically, with respect to
living sessions.

Short description PDF BLOBs and attachments printing

Identification type: evolution ref: DM113 module: AWN

Description A publication can now print PDF attachments when printing a flow.

Short description Use default value for user variable

Identification type: evolution ref: DM109 module: AWN

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Description The user is now able to define default value for all variables.

Short description Installer 64bits compatibility

Identification type: evolution ref: DM94 module: AWN

Description Installer now allows specifying an external JRE (for example, for use of the 64bit mode). This also allows to use
specific modes (for example, "compressedOops" mode can be used to increase 64bit JRE performance).

Short description Client on linux

Identification type: evolution ref: DM22 module: AWN

Description Linux Operating-System (at least: Suse, RedHad) is now supported for client.

Short description 3D VRML display

Identification type: evolution ref: DM21 module: AWN

Description 3D VRML graphics can now be displayed.

Short description Offline update mode

Identification type: evolution ref: DM14 module: AWN

Description The "offline" update mode (mode in which a temporary publication is used, and the smoothly switched with the
current one) is now supported.

Short description TDU SA/LR support

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description The software can now handle SA/LR aircraft type.

Short description TSP configuration for A400M

Identification type: evolution ref: DM3 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description The software can now handle A400M aircraft type.

Short description Nactwire wire search

Identification type: evolution ref: DM40 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A new search option "Wire type" is available in "search by wires or bundles" search forms.

Short description BusBar

Identification type: evolution ref: DM38 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description The busbars are now managed by Dynamic Wiring

Short description Connector search

Identification type: evolution ref: DM37 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A new search option "Connector" is available in "search by equipement" search form.

Short description A350 Management

Identification type: evolution ref: DM36 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

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Description Dynamic Wiring is compatible with A350 data

Short description Print outline

Identification type: evolution ref: DM26 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description For a generated schema, a new button offers the possibility to print the list of equipment and wires used in it, with
the additional information for each of them.

Short description Matewith

Identification type: evolution ref: DM19 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description The matewith equipments are now managed by Dynamic Wiring

Short description Resize properties columns

Identification type: evolution ref: DM8 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description The columns of the frame "Properties View" are now resizeable.

Short description Dynamic Wiring schema size

Identification type: evolution ref: DM2 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Schema representation does not respect the display area size ratio.

54.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description External URL and publication choice

Identification type: correction ref: DM129 module: AWN

Description External URL with link does not work when the publication choice dialog is displayed first.

Short description Note icon and revision bar overlap

Identification type: correction ref: DM128 module: AWN

Description Note icon and revision bar overlap.

Short description Navigation history and scroll management

Identification type: correction ref: DM123 module: AWN

Description The history function now memorizes and restores the scrolling state of a page.

Short description Date picker day selection

Identification type: correction ref: DM96 module: AWN

Description On DatePicker, when changing the month, the previously selected day was automatically selected.

Short description Print size limitation

Identification type: correction ref: DM89 module: AWN

Description In the case of printing a truncated content, the user is now warned about the limitation.

Short description Caps lock on login window and error message.

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Identification type: correction ref: DM80 module: AWN

Description When (des)activating the caps lock, the error message on login window doesn't move anymore.

Short description Duplicate TOC items

Identification type: correction ref: DM79 module: AWN

Description Duplicate TOC items (items with same labels) are now handled.

Short description Applicability filtering

Identification type: correction ref: DM77 module: AWN

Description When a REGEXP is not valid, the input verifier rejects it.

Short description Refresh on closing a note

Identification type: correction ref: DM73 module: AWN

Description When a note is closed, the view is not refreshed anymore.

Short description Special char in note title

Identification type: correction ref: DM70 module: AWN

Description Notes with character "<" in the title are now supported.

Short description Tooltip in note creation window

Identification type: correction ref: DM69 module: AWN

Description In note creation window, the tooltip on group list was "...".

Short description Preference saving and application

Identification type: correction ref: DM68 module: AWN

Description In some cases, preferences were saved but not correctly applied.

Short description Concurrent indexation

Identification type: correction ref: DM67 module: AWN

Description In some cases, when indexing 2 publications at the same time, the progress bar stayed at 0% and publications
were not indexed.

Short description Accelerator after clicking in a TOC

Identification type: correction ref: DM66 module: AWN

Description The accelerator CTRL-A now works even after clicking in a TOC.

Short description Tooltip on table icon column.

Identification type: correction ref: DM65 module: AWN

Description In some cases, the tooltip on a table column (only icon column) was greyed.

Short description Mouse wheel and blank space

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Identification type: correction ref: DM64 module: AWN

Description In some cases, the zoom function with the mouse wheel didn't work when the pointer was in a blank space (on
the left or on the right of the graphic).

Short description Dynamic Wiring zoom management with selectable element

Identification type: correction ref: DM62 module: AWN

Description Dynamic Wiring zoom management now works with highlight activated.

Short description Date tooltip format in a table

Identification type: correction ref: DM59 module: AWN

Description In a table containing the current date, the generated tooltip is now properly formatted.

Short description Print preview window disappears

Identification type: correction ref: DM58 module: AWN

Description In some cases, resizing or moving the print preview window made it disappear.

Short description Dynamic marking of applicability/effectivity conditions in imbricated table

Identification type: correction ref: DM24 module: AWN

Description The dynamic marking of applicability/effectivity conditions now works correctly, even for the case of imbricated

Short description MS Excel and Word attached files

Identification type: correction ref: DM17 module: AWN

Description Using Microsoft Office 2007, attached Word or Excel documents are now displayed in a new window instead of
the standard application windows.

Short description Simultaneous updates and error messages

Identification type: correction ref: DM7 module: AWN

Description Simultaneous updates: error message was displayed several times when launching an update during another

Short description Tools directory still present after running "uninstall" script.
Identification type: correction ref: DM6 module: AWN

Description Tools directory is now removed after running "uninstall" script (on linux and solaris OS).

Short description External link to Dynamic Wiring

Identification type: correction ref: DM42 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Dynamic Wiring can be started by an external application using "Client external URL" (cf Advanced Configuration
of AWN3 and Dynamic Wiring MUL).

Short description VT equipment display

Identification type: correction ref: DM34 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description For a VT equipement all the connector pins are systematically displayed.

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Short description VT without connector display

Identification type: correction ref: DM33 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A VT equipment without connector does not generate a Dynamic Wiring error.

Short description Multi feedthrus and shielding

Identification type: correction ref: DM32 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A wire with a shielding and several feedthrus equipment does not generate a Dynamic Wiring error.

Short description Highlight and zoom management

Identification type: correction ref: DM15 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Dynamic wiring zoom management works with highlight activated.

54.3. Limitations (restrictions of functions in this version)

Short description Blobs defragmentation is not operational

Identification type: limitation ref: ICS-DM199 module: AWN

Description In some specific situations, the blobs defragmentation crashes. It has been temporarily deactivated.

Short description VRML printing feature is not operational

Identification type: limitation ref: DM151 module: AWN

Description The VRML printing feature is not available.

Short description Dynamic Wiring graphic printing is upside down

Identification type: limitation ref: DM156 module: AWN

Description Dynamic Wiring graphic printing: when clicking Print global view, the graphic is printed upside-down.

Short description Sometimes, no user logs are displayed

Identification type: limitation ref: DM158 module: AWN

Description Due to a server error (format exception), no user logs are displayed.

Short description Silent duplex printing is not possible from AJCP

Identification type: limitation ref: DM159 module: AWN

Description Silent duplex printing is not possible from AJCP.

Short description SB filtering feature is not implemented

Identification type: limitation ref: DM160 module: AWN

Description SB filtering feature is not implemented.

Short description Preferences not saved (windows size and position)

Identification type: limitation ref: DM161 module: AWN

Description Preferences (windows size and position) saving does not work correctly between publication choice client and
publication client.

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Short description uninstaller location overlaps the script button

Identification type: limitation ref: DM162 module: AWN

Description In the last step: the uninstaller location overlaps the "Generate an automatic installation script" button, whatever
the size of the window.

Short description Printing performance issue

Identification type: limitation ref: DM165 module: AWN

Description The volume of PostScript data generated while printing pdf files is very huge and the printing performances are
very not good.

Short description Printing draws a small black square in the left bottom corner
Identification type: limitation ref: DM166 module: AWN

Description Printing draws a small black square in the left bottom corner whereas Acroread does not. Visible at 100 % but not
at 200 % with Jpedal viewer or AWN viewer.

Short description Update launch problem

Identification type: limitation ref: DM170 module: AWN

Description If the path of an update is not valid, after clicking on launch update, the button is still not enabled and no more
update is possible. The client must be restarted.

55. Modification list for version 3.1B

55.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Licenses checking is slow on publication panel

Identification type: correction ref: DM118 module: AWN

Description With STS licenses, the licenses checking is very slow (up to 9 min).

Short description Generic toc is not refreshed

Identification type: correction ref: DM120 module: AWN

Description Generic toc is not refreshed when the container is already opened.

56. Modification list for version 3.1A

56.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Generic TOC.

Identification type: evolution ref: DM78 module: AWN

Description Modify TOC behaviour for more genericity.

56.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Combobox size limitation.

Identification type: correction ref: DM75 module: AWN

Description Combobox size is too large in the forms even if the defined size is minimal.

Short description Export form result as CSV.

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Identification type: correction ref: DM99 module: AWN

Description Inside CSV data, the column identifier is used as column title.

57. Modification list for version 3.1

57.1. Evolutions (new functions included in this version)

Short description Batch usage

Identification type: evolution ref: OIM#10008 module: AWN

Description Application command line client can be used for application administration in batch mode.

Short description Application update

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR#12760 module: AWN

Description Application installation process is able to manage already installed versions. Note that as a consequence, the
current version is incompatible with all preceding versions. They must be fully uninstalled before the current
version installation.

Short description Client configuration checker

Identification type: evolution ref: OIR#17254 module: AWN

Description Application is able to provide information about application client configuration.

Short description Load balancing

Identification type: evolution ref: AGR#12731 module: AWN

Description Application is compatible with load balancing.

Short description Logical clustering

Identification type: evolution ref: AGR#13936 module: AWN

Description Publications can be deployed on a server cluster.

Short description Publication list building

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20604 module: AWN

Description Publications can be declared to server one by one or by repository.

Short description Publication list refresh

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20605 module: AWN

Description Publiciation repository content is automatically refreshed for each access to publication list panel.

Short description Remote target publication

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#16698 module: AWN

Description External publication target can be referenced by any server member of cluster.

Short description Data delivery to Correlation Module

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20576 module: AWN

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Description An external service permits to extract correlation information.

Short description Not found data

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#21579 module: AWN

Description IF application target is invalid or does not exist, the application displays error in target container.

Short description Transfer marks

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#18040 module: AWN

Description It is possible to transfer marks from a publication to another one.

Short description Execution cancellation

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#12542 module: AWN

Description Long operations can be cancelled.

Short description Progress indication

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20575 module: AWN

Description Long operations display a progress bar.

Short description System information

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20509 module: AWN

Description Administration console provides information about application server configuration.

Short description Authorization management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#13919 module: AWN

Description Application administration window permits to manage authorization (access rules to functions, publications).

Short description Loose users management

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#17032 module: AWN

Description With loose user management activated, users are not required to be declared in user base before opening
application session.

Short description Server repartition

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20600 module: AWN

Description List of publications (with interlinks between them) can be split in several set of servers.

Short description Merged list of publications

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20601 module: AWN

Description In a publication cluster, the list of publications is the result of the merge of all lists of publications.

Short description Inter-publication link

Identification type: evolution ref: IGR#20602 module: AWN

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Description Target publication can transparently be defined by any member of cluster.

Short description Cancel print process

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR#5913 module: AWN

Description Print process can be cancelled.

Short description Output PDF metadata

Identification type: evolution ref: IPR#20632 module: AWN

Description PDF stream generated by application contains meta information about source application.

Short description User authentication

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#12636 module: AWN

Description User authentication is compatible with Single Sign On on Airbus Portal platform.

Short description User profile

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#12637 module: AWN

Description User profiles can be retrieved from Airbus Portal environment.

Short description Error pages

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20611 module: AWN

Description Client does not display low level error pages.

Short description Directory integration on portal

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20585 module: AWN

Description Connection parameters to the Airbus Portal directory are fully configurable

Short description Unique request

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20586 module: AWN

Description For a given object, all directory requests are gathered into a unique request.

Short description User identifier on portal

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20587 module: AWN

Description Directory unicity entry is based on AEDS-key.

Short description Other servers references

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20588 module: AWN

Description References to other servers refer only the Fully Qualified Domain Names.

Short description Unique application root on portal

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20590 module: AWN

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Description The root URI of the whole application is unique.

Short description Session duration

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20591 module: AWN

Description Maximum value for session duration is configurable.

Short description Sessions consistency on portal

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20592 module: AWN

Description Siteminder sessions and applicative sessions must be consistent.

Short description Sessions number limitation on portal

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#20594 module: AWN

Description System allows to limit the number of concurrent sessions.

Short description Run without installation

Identification type: evolution ref: IOS#1762 module: AWN

Description Application can be used without any installation.

Short description Table lines edition

Identification type: evolution ref: DM38 module: AWN

Description Adding lines in tables is easier.

Short description Opening unknown document types

Identification type: evolution ref: DM44 module: AWN

Description When a content type is unknown (VRML, Word, Excel...), that last should be transparently opened outside
application main window.

Short description Filter identical value in form results window

Identification type: evolution ref: DM52 module: AWN

Description Application filters identical lines of form result window.

Short description Applicability dialog must permit to filter by ACR value

Identification type: evolution ref: DM53 module: AWN

Description Applicability dialog defines a field permitting to filter aircraft table by ACR value.

Short description Form fields validation

Identification type: evolution ref: DM56 module: AWN

Description Form fields validation representation is similar to other application dialogs field validations.

Short description Dynamic Wiring sum of wire length

Identification type: evolution ref: DM1 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

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Description Sum of wire length function, used to compute the sum of each wire length for a given wire type and gauge, is not

Short description Dynamic Wiring equipments "feedthru" display

Identification type: evolution ref: DM4 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Equipments "feedthru" are not displayed in generated schemas.

57.2. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Content printing "End of document" banner

Identification type: correction ref: DM1 module: AWN

Description When printing a documentary content, the "End of content" banner now always appears on a new blank page.

Short description Login dialog not accessible from status bar

Identification type: correction ref: DM2 module: AWN

Description Login dialog now appears in status bar.

Short description Graphic viewer sensitive areas

Identification type: correction ref: DM3 module: AWN

Description According to binary viewer zoom factor, the eventual sensitive area was shifted from displayed area.

Short description Troubleshooting message

Identification type: correction ref: DM4 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description Troubleshooting (TSP) forms message field is case unsensitive. Attribute SHTKEY of TSM must be indexed in
upper case. See developer guide TSP section for how to do information.

Short description Query execution

Identification type: correction ref: DM5 module: AWN

Description AWL TOC is now normal.

Short description Navigation limitation

Identification type: correction ref: DM9 module: AWN

Description When Closing a document tab during the document load, the application does not freeze.

Short description Annotation/Bookmark in table

Identification type: correction ref: DM11 module: AWN

Description Marks and bookmarks are correctly managed in tables.

Short description Microsoft Windows Vista and User Account Control on consultation client
Identification type: correction ref: DM12 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, UAC (User Account Control) have not incidence on application.

Short description Microsoft Windows firewall

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Identification type: correction ref: DM13 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows operating systems, application doesn't care of firewall.

Short description Installation from network drive

Identification type: correction ref: DM15 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows operating systems, application installation now can be done using an unmounted network
drive (UNC path).

Short description Publication registration from amovible device autorun

Identification type: correction ref: DM16 module: AWN

Description When application is launched from a removable device in autorun mode, the device publication will be
automatically registered even if autorun executes a previously installed version of the application.

Short description User log filtering and content

Identification type: correction ref: DM18 module: AWN

Description Application user log was incorrect (filter is not correctly applied).

Short description Graphics in displayed content

Identification type: correction ref: DM23 module: AWN

Description Graphics can't be inserted into text. Impact on XSL if graphics are to be inserted inside text.

Short description Problem with graphic highlight

Identification type: correction ref: DM25 module: AWN

Description When FLASH highlight in CGM viewer terminates, selectable objects remain highlighted.

Short description Notes description in printed content

Identification type: correction ref: DM26 module: AWN

Description When printing content with notes (in stream or at the end of the stream), notes description is not inserted in
transformed content.

Short description Problem with user log filtering

Identification type: correction ref: DM34 module: AWN

Description Problem in user log dialog that displays non applicable filtering fields.

Short description Multi switch content not displayed defined on more than one page
Identification type: correction ref: DM35 module: AWN

Description In the content view, if a multi switch content is on more than one page, the expected content won't be displayed
on the pages following the multi switch first page.

Short description Uninstalling application with running instance or installed service

Identification type: correction ref: DM36 module: AWN

Description If application service is running, application uninstaller stops and removes it before uninstallation.

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Short description Problem with size of error dialog

Identification type: correction ref: DM41 module: AWN

Description When displayed, error dialog size was incorrect.

Short description Problem with hatched non effective content printing

Identification type: correction ref: DM42 module: AWN

Description When hatch not applicable content function is enable, in some cases, printed content is not hatched.

Short description Problem of selection path in table of content using path mode
Identification type: correction ref: DM43 module: AWN

Description In table of content, path mode selection was incorrect..

Short description Binary viewer magnifier view is slow with some CGM images
Identification type: correction ref: DM47 module: AWN

Description Problem with binary viewer magnifier refresh rate.

Short description Raster default size when displayed in binary viewer

Identification type: correction ref: DM48 module: AWN

Description Problem with default size of raster binaries displayed in application.

Short description Binary viewer magnifier/global view resize

Identification type: correction ref: DM49 module: AWN

Description Problem with binary viewer magnifier/global view size management.

Short description Crash of client when resizing binary view with large image
Identification type: correction ref: DM50 module: AWN

Description In some cases, client crashes when resizing a binary.

Short description Problem with printing unattached binaries content

Identification type: correction ref: DM51 module: AWN

Description Printing unattached BLOB content produces application error.

Short description Problem with not effective printed BLOBs

Identification type: correction ref: DM54 module: AWN

Description When hatching not effective content option is activated, printing content with non applicable BLOBs or simply
printing non applicable BLOB now hatches ineffective BLOBs description.

Short description Troubleshooting fault code

Identification type: correction ref: DM19 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description When requested by troubleshooting (TSP) forms, the field used to input the fault code is case-sensitive.

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Short description Export file name with forbidden characters

Identification type: correction ref: DM24 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description When exporting CGM for generated schema, please correct default name that is problematic. For instance,
"Equipment: 4199XZV1.cgm". The character ":" produces a problem. Note that there will be a problem with all file
names containing forbidden characters.

Short description Empty CGM export

Identification type: correction ref: DM27 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description When exporting CGM for generated schema, result file is empty.

Short description Jointure amorces

Identification type: correction ref: DM31 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description When two primers of same wire were represented in schema, they were linked.

57.3. Limitations (restrictions of functions in this version)

Short description Excel and Word attached files

Identification type: limitation ref: DM17 module: AWN

Description Using Microsoft Office 2007, attached Word or Excel documents will be displayed in a new window instead of the
standard application windows.

Short description Silent print fugitive window

Identification type: limitation ref: DM20 module: AWN

Description When printing in silent mode, a fugitive Adobe window flashes.

Short description 3D VRML graphics display

Identification type: limitation ref: DM21 module: AWN

Description Application can not display 3D VRML graphics.

Short description Linux platform

Identification type: limitation ref: DM22 module: AWN

Description Linux operating system is not supported for application client part (server work on Linux operating system).

Short description Dynamic marking for applicability/effectivity on imbricated table

Identification type: limitation ref: DM24 module: AWN

Description Only for the case of imbricated table, the dynamic marking does not work correctly.

Short description Persistent Adobe Reader window after a quick print

Identification type: limitation ref: DM57 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, quick printing works correctly through the administration options but doesn't close the Adobe Reader
window after the printing.

Short description Resizing or moving print preview window makes it disappear

Identification type: limitation ref: DM58 module: AWN

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Description Sometimes, resizing or moving print preview window makes it disappear.

Short description Current date tooltip not well formatted

Identification type: limitation ref: DM59 module: AWN

Description In a table containing the current date, the generated tooltip is not well formatted.

Short description Unexpected timeout

Identification type: limitation ref: DM60 module: AWN

Description In some very rare cases, client could receive disconnection request due to an unexpected timeout.

Short description Adobe reader crash causes client crash

Identification type: limitation ref: DM61 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, Acrobat Reader crashes and crashes AWN3 client.

Short description Dynamic wiring zoom management with selectable element

Identification type: limitation ref: DM62 module: AWN

Description See DM15 of DYNAMIC_WIRING module.

Short description Focus management with binary viewer

Identification type: limitation ref: DM63 module: AWN

Description In some configurations, problem of focus appears between the main window and a detached window with a
binary viewer. The binary viewer takes the focus even if the detached window is not activated.

Short description Zoom management with mouse wheel on binary viewer

Identification type: limitation ref: DM64 module: AWN

Description In some configurations, the zoom function using the mouse wheel doesn't work when the mouse pointer is in a
blank space (on the left or on the right of the binary).

Short description Tooltip on the table column

Identification type: limitation ref: DM65 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, the tooltip on the table column (only icon column) is greyed.

Short description Accelerator CTRL-A

Identification type: limitation ref: DM66 module: AWN

Description Accelerator CTRL-A has no effect after clicking in a TOC.

Short description Preferences saving

Identification type: limitation ref: DM68 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, preferences are saved but not correctly used (example: printed in portrait mode although landscape
mode has been selected)

Short description Tooltip in note creation window

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Identification type: limitation ref: DM69 module: AWN

Description In note creation window, the tooltip on group list is "...".

Short description Note creation with special char

Identification type: limitation ref: DM70 module: AWN

Description After creating a note with char "<" or ">" in the title, an error occurs during the printing.

Short description Publication files locked after building failed

Identification type: limitation ref: DM72 module: AWN

Description Sometimes, the only way to clean the publication directory is to stop AWN server, clean the directory, start again
AWN server, otherwise (by using the unregister or delete publication menu), it is impossible to delete the
directory, the directory is always locked by a process.

Short description When closing a note, do not refresh if not necessary

Identification type: limitation ref: DM73 module: AWN

Description When viewing an existing note with attachments, it seems that the note is re-created (although no change) and/or
the view is refreshed (although not necessary).

Short description Dynamic Wiring schema size

Identification type: limitation ref: DM2 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Schema representation does not respect the display area size ratio.

Short description Dynamic Wiring displayed schema export function

Identification type: limitation ref: DM3 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A part of schema can not be exported using Dynamic Wiring.

Short description Dynamic Wiring detach schema function

Identification type: limitation ref: DM5 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Displayed schema may not be detached.

Short description Zoom management and highlightable element

Identification type: limitation ref: DM15 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description When zooming on a selectable element, the highlight of this element is activated.

58. Modification list for version 3.0A

58.1. Corrections (issues fixed in this version)

Short description Document view doesn't work using Java 6 update 10 on client part.
Identification type: correction ref: DM29 module: AWN

Description Document view doesn't work using jre 1.6.0_10 or higher.

Short description Application can't be installed with a Chinese Windows operating system.
Identification type: correction ref: DM40 module: AWN

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Description Installation process is blocked.

59. Modification list for version 3.0

59.1. Limitations (restrictions of functions in this version)

Short description Content printing "End of document" banner

Identification type: limitation ref: DM1 module: AWN

Description When printing a documentary content, the "End of content" banner will always appear on a new blank page.

Short description Login dialog not accessible from status bar

Identification type: limitation ref: DM2 module: AWN

Description Login dialog does not display any element in the operating system status bar (task bar), thus might be difficult to
find it if hidden by another window.

Short description Graphic viewer sensitive areas

Identification type: limitation ref: DM3 module: AWN

Description According to binary viewer zoom factor, the eventual sensitive area is shifted from displayed area.

Short description Troubleshooting message

Identification type: limitation ref: DM4 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description Troubleshooting (TSP) forms message field is not case sensitive. However, in some rare cases the returned
result is incorrect. To ensure a correct result, it is preferable to use only lower case characters in message
description pattern.

Short description Query execution

Identification type: limitation ref: DM5 module: AWN

Description AWL TOC is slow because of the query.

Short description Push message on server restart

Identification type: limitation ref: DM8 module: AWN

Description There is no push message from the server to the client when server is restarting.

Short description Navigation limitation

Identification type: limitation ref: DM9 module: AWN

Description When Closing a document tab during the document load, if user uses the navigation history, this will freeze the

Short description Special char in publication information

Identification type: limitation ref: DM10 module: AWN

Description When publication information (model, title, service...) contains "/", the publication cannot be accessed from a linux

Short description Annotation/Bookmark in table

Identification type: limitation ref: DM11 module: AWN

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Description Marks icon does not appear when added in tables (with cell containing applicability marking). The mark is created
anyway, it can be seen in manage marks.

Short description Microsoft Windows Vista and User Account Control on consultation client
Identification type: limitation ref: DM12 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows Vista operating system, UAC (User Account Control) functionality must be disabled,
otherwise, consultation client won't work properly.

Short description Microsoft Windows firewall

Identification type: limitation ref: DM13 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows operating systems, if firewall is activated, consultation client user will be prompted by
system to disable restriction. In this case, an account with administrator rights will be necessary in order to
remove the restriction.

Short description Installation from network drive

Identification type: limitation ref: DM15 module: AWN

Description On Microsoft Windows operating systems, application installation can't be done using an unmounted network
drive (UNC path) (error java.lang.IllegalArgumentExpression: URI has an authority component is displayed). To
install the application from a network location, mount a Windows drive letter on the corresponding network

Short description Publication registration from amovible device autorun

Identification type: limitation ref: DM16 module: AWN

Description When application is launched from a removable device in autorun mode, the device publication will be
automatically registered. However, when autorun executes a previously installed version of the application (if
installed version is compatible: upper or equal to media version), the device publication won't be registered.

Short description Excel and Word attached files

Identification type: limitation ref: DM17 module: AWN

Description Using Microsoft Office 2007, attached Word or Excel documents will be displayed in a new window instead of the
standard application windows.

Short description User log filtering and content

Identification type: limitation ref: DM18 module: AWN

Description Application user log (only available from administration dialog) filter will be incorrect (filter is not correctly applied).
Date and time of user log events may be incorrect according to effective event time.

Short description Troubleshooting fault code

Identification type: limitation ref: DM19 module: TROUBLESHOOTING

Description When requested by troubleshooting (TSP) forms, the field used to input the fault code is case-sensitive.

Short description Silent print fugitive window

Identification type: limitation ref: DM20 module: AWN

Description When printing in silent mode, a fugitive Adobe window flashes.

Short description 3D VRML graphics display

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Identification type: limitation ref: DM21 module: AWN

Description Application can not display 3D VRML graphics.

Short description Linux platform

Identification type: limitation ref: DM22 module: AWN

Description Linux operating system is not supported for application client part (server work on Linux operating system).

Short description Graphics in displayed content

Identification type: limitation ref: DM23 module: AWN

Description Graphics can't be inserted into text.

Short description Dynamic marking for applicability/effectivity on imbricated table

Identification type: limitation ref: DM24 module: AWN

Description Only for the case of imbricated table, the dynamic marking does not work correctly.

Short description Dynamic Wiring sum of wire length

Identification type: limitation ref: DM1 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Sum of wire length function, used to compute the sum of each wire length for a given wire type and gauge, is not

Short description Dynamic Wiring schema size

Identification type: limitation ref: DM2 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Schema representation does not respect the display area size ratio.

Short description Dynamic Wiring displayed schema export function

Identification type: limitation ref: DM3 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description A part of schema can not be exported using Dynamic Wiring.

Short description Dynamic Wiring equipments "feedthru" display

Identification type: limitation ref: DM4 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Equipments "feedthru" are not displayed in generated schemas.

Short description Dynamic Wiring detach schema function

Identification type: limitation ref: DM5 module: DYNAMIC_WIRING

Description Displayed schema may not be detached.

© 2007 AIRBUS HDK V2.2

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