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MARCH, 2018

This project is my original work and has not been presented for any diploma in any other

Signature …………………………………….. Date ……………………………….

ARAKA MAGOMA BILLY SCT121-C006-0068/2017

This project has been submitted for examination with my approval as the University Supervisor:

Signature …………………………………….. Date ……………………………….




I dedicate this project to my parents and friends for their support and sacrifice they made and I
hope the quality of their lives will improve each new day.


I would like to thank the Almighty God who has guided me through by giving me strength and
wisdom. I would also like to thank my supervisor Mr. Felix sigei for professional input and
constructive support she has given me; also I can’t forget to recognize my lecturers and
classmates that in any way have supported me to ensure that this work is done successfully. May
you be blessed abundantly!!


This project it illustrates the designing and implementation of Pharmacy Management System to
improve on the manual management system being used in pharmacy. The primary aim of it to
improve accuracy and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. Today
management is one of the most essential features of all form. Management provides
sophistication to perform any kind of task in a particular form. This is pharmacy management
system; it is used to manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy.


TABLE OF CONTENT..............................................................................................................vii

CHAPTER ONE............................................................................................................................1


1.1 Background information....................................................................................................................1

1.2 Purpose of the Study.........................................................................................................................1
1.3 Statement of the Problem.................................................................................................................1
1.4 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................2
1.4.1 General Objectives......................................................................................................................2
1.4.2 Specific Objectives......................................................................................................................2
1.5 Research Questions.....................................................................................................................2
1.6 Justification........................................................................................................................................2
1.7 Scope of the System..........................................................................................................................3
1.7.1 System Scope..............................................................................................................................3
1.7.2 Geographical Scope....................................................................................................................3
1.8 Significance of the System.................................................................................................................3
1.9 Limitation of the System....................................................................................................................3
LITERATURE REVIEW.............................................................................................................4

2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
2.2 Role of Information Technology........................................................................................................5
2.3 Pharmacy Information System...........................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Prescription Management..........................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Inventory Management..............................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Patient Drug Profiles...................................................................................................................6
2.3.4 Patient Monitoring.....................................................................................................................7
2.3.4 Patient Management..................................................................................................................7
2.3.5 Report Generation......................................................................................................................7
CHAPTER THREE.......................................................................................................................9

3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................9
3.2 SDLC- AGILE MODEL..........................................................................................................................9
3.2.1 What is Agile?.............................................................................................................................9
3.2.2 Agile Model Pros and Cons.......................................................................................................11
3.3 Logical design..................................................................................................................................12
3.3.1 Planning....................................................................................................................................12
3.3.2 Requirements analysis.......................................................................................................12
3.3.3 Designing...........................................................................................................................13
3.3.4 Building..............................................................................................................................13
3.3.5 Testing......................................................................................................................................13
3.4 Data Collection................................................................................................................................14
CHAPTER FOUR.......................................................................................................................15

SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN........................................................................................15

4.1 System Flowchart............................................................................................................................15

4.2 Use Case Diagram............................................................................................................................16
CHAPTER FIVE.........................................................................................................................17

SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION, TESTING AND CONCLUSION......................................17

5.1 Summery.........................................................................................................................................17
5.2 System Design, Testing and Implementation...................................................................................17
5.2.1 Introduction:.............................................................................................................................17
5.2.2 Data modelling..........................................................................................................................17
5.2.3 System Conceptual design............................................................................................................17
5.3 Physical design.................................................................................................................................18
5.3.1 Log In Module...........................................................................................................................18
5.3.2 Homepage................................................................................................................................18
5.3.3 Customer Module.....................................................................................................................19
5.3.4 Stock Purchase..........................................................................................................................19
5.3.5 Supplier Detail..........................................................................................................................19
5.4 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................20
5.5 Recommendation............................................................................................................................21


APPENDIX 1: Proposal Schedule............................................................................................................22

APPENDIX 2: Time schedule...................................................................................................................23


1.1 Background information

Initially the pharmacist was spending time dealing with customers and the business virtually
took care of itself. Now, however, the costs (time and money) of doing business are forcing the
pharmacist to spend a decreasing amount of time with the customers and more in attending
administrative aspects of the pharmacy. Moreover, the independent pharmacy owners face tough
challenges in front of the growing customer demands and increasing competitive threats.
The development of information technology in the 20th century brought with it significant
impact on computerization of pharmacy. And moving on, looking at the future technological
development the pharmacy computer system should be able to support any Web technologies
and it should help decrease medical and pharmaceutical errors. Recommended steps include:
developing procedures to assist pharmacists in detecting errors and encouraging hospitals to use
error reduction techniques.

1.2 Purpose of the Study

The pharmacy management system is built for the sake of ensuring effective and clear data
saving and manipulating as well as neat work on pharmacy medical product. This pharmacy
management system project highly minimizes time and resource by which searching the medical
data you can get data in quickest time and almost the resources are widely used since most
actions are done on the pharmacy system. Some of the resources minimized include paper,
manpower and related things. The other thing is for storing data in secure way.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

Pharmacy management has kept paper record in filing cabinets. Managing a very large pharmacy
with records on papers will be tedious and difficult to keep track of inventories with regards to
the drugs in the store, expiry date, quantity of drugs available based on the categories and their
functions. The pharmacist has to order drugs to replenish the already diminishing stock. In
addition, ordering of drugs is being carried out manually. Significant amount of time is allocated
for writing the order as the pharmacist needs to go through the stock balance and make rough
estimate of the amount to order based on Figures. Drugs are not supposed to be used after they
have expired. This project work will prompt the pharmacist about drugs that are close to expiry,
preventing those drugs from being sold and also providing solution to the earlier stated problems.

1.4 Objectives

1.4.1 General Objectives

To develop a computer base pharmacy management system that will enhance the flow of the day
to day activities in the pharmacy together with keeping records of drugs updated.

Also to reduce the human effort in keeping of records manually.

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

i. Evaluate the current client’s pharmacy management system.
ii.To develop pharmacy system for pharmacy to help perform services.
iii.Evaluate the developed pharmacy system.

1.5 Research Questions

i.What are the challenges faced by the pharmacy while using the current system?

ii .How will developed Pharmacy Management System be able to solve the current problems
experienced on Operations of the Pharmacy?

iii.Is the developed Pharmacy Management system better than the previous one?

1.6 Justification

The Pharmacy Management System is built in order to replace manual based system to
computerize. Here system is expected to be efficient, useful and affordable on implementing
tasks that is order by the pharmacy managers.

1.7 Scope of the System

1.7.1 System Scope

The system will be a desktop which will run on the computer on the computer on the computer.
It requires a database which I will use SQL database management will also use visual
basic .Net
1.7.2 Geographical Scope
The research is done within Kiangoso general pharmacy;

1.8 Significance of the System

Today management is one of the most essential features of all form. Management provides
sophistication to perform any kind of task in a particular form. This is pharmacy management
system; it is used to manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy. The primary aim
of is to improve accuracy and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. In this
project we can also include BAR CODE facility using the bar code reader. Which will detect the
expiry date and the other information about the related medicines. We may also concluded that
by using pharmacy software, processing both new prescriptions and refills can be done quickly
and simply with just a few keystrokes or mouse clicks with new, easy to learn and use Graphical
User Interface (GUI) pharmacy management solution. That due to automation where the
pharmacist does his or her work much faster, a switch from product oriented to patient oriented
which is one of the most important keys in pharmaceutical care. In other words that the
pharmacist will have more time in counseling his/her customers, where the goal of patient
counseling is one of the important solution to avoid medication error.

1.9 Limitation of the System

1) This type of system is difficult to build

2) It requires a lot of time for user to be comfortable deciding with it
3) In case of error the whole system should be reviewed again, this brings about re usability of
the system.
4) In case of power is of the system would not be able to run as it requires power hence brings
back usage of manual system.


2.1 Introduction

The use of computers in pharmacy has expanded rapidly over the last 10 years.
They have changed both institutional and community practice dramatically. Computers have
automated many of the traditional technical functions of pharmacist, enabling them to increase
their clinical activities. The working conditions of the community pharmacist have also
undergone unprecedented changes as a result of computerization. For example, prescription
refills, which may account for three quarters or more of drug stores. As the
1990s begin, it is difficult to find many drug stores which do not have some sort of computer.
Many, in fact have several. Computerization has extended beyond the
Pharmacy department into the remainder of the store. Inventory management, point-of sale
information and virtually any other function within a drug store which lends itself to automation
has been computerized.
Generally, Pharmacy Management System is a system that consists of data entry, retrieval and
stock monitoring facility, tracking drug dispensing pattern, generating of reports and other.
Pharmacy Management System focuses on pharmacy store operation
And how it manages the inventory flow with suppliers (external) and department dispensary
(internal). The system covers typical operations like receiving information from suppliers,
processing departments' medication requests, distributing medication to departments returning
expired medication to suppliers.
Pharmacy Management System is drug stock inventory system that consists of data entry,
retrieval and monitoring stock facility, alert of minimum quantity of each drug. This system
always triggered to remind the pharmacist if the certain of the drugs reached the minimal
quantity. This system gives an alert message so that pharmacist able to control and monitor the
drug stock very well.

2.2 Role of Information Technology

Information is the lifeblood of any organization, and computer based information system
consists of data, hardware, software, telecommunications, people, and procedures. Computer
based information systems are excellent tools for collecting, storing, and presenting facts. In fact,
information technology is a critically important set of tools for working with information and
supporting the information and information processing needs of any organization. Information
technology saves time and overcomes the problem of place to retrieve information while it
improves effectiveness and efficiency of performances. Wireless technology allows us a great
deal of advantages. For instance, as stated (MSH:2011) portable computers such as Personal
Digital Assistants (PDAs) can be used to answer drug related information on spot after installing
the necessary software on to the PDA. With the help of PDAs, pharmacists can readily answer
questions and help to speed up appropriate patient care services. Internet removes boundaries and
the limitations of time. The help of these technologies, one can access any information from one
part of the globe to the other end without time and place constraints. There were times when
many quality pharmaceutical reference books from which to choose, but they were nearly all in
book format. These resources are now being slowly converted into an electronic format. Some
book publishers merely display their books electronically without change. Publishers have
progressed from books, to floppy disc based, to CD-ROM based, to Internet based, and to PDA
based products. Nowadays, someone is able to acquire information and communicate his
knowledge from anywhere. Technology now allows pervasive computing in pharmacy practice.
However, the status of IT in pharmacy practice among pharmacists and druggists is little known
in our country. Exploiting these advantages of technology is open for everyone. However, this
seems not easily achieved in developing countries like Kenya unless some conditions fulfilled.
Because in a document (MOH webpage from assessed on 2 nd Sept, 2012) it
had been noted that lack of access to information remains a major barrier to knowledge-based
health care in developing countries and so as fill this gap, they had indicated a universal access to
information for health professionals as prerequisite for meeting the Millennium Development
Goals and achieving Health for All. To meet this goal, they further considered that significant
problems to overcome in some countries include inadequate power supply; lack of computer
equipment and information technology support; lack of computer skills; and resistance to use the
technology among health professionals.

2.3 Pharmacy Information System

An information system is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, store and
disseminate data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective. We
interact with information systems everyday both personally and professionally. Knowing the
potential of information systems and putting this knowledge to work can result in a successful
career, organizations that reach their goals, and a society with a higher quality of life. Pharmacy
information system has the advantage of providing functions such as medication dispensing,
inventory control, billing of medication, drug information provision, and drug interactions
notifications. The following are some functions that pharmacy information system can provide
for pharmacy department (MOH, Implementation of ART program in Ethiopia: 2007).

2.3.1 Prescription Management

It can be used to manage prescriptions for inpatients or outpatients. When drug dispensers
receive prescription orders, this is matched to available pharmaceutical products and then
dispensed accordingly taking into consideration whether the patient is an outpatient or inpatient.
It is possible to track all prescriptions passed through the system. In pharmacy practice it helps to
reduce medication error through its built error detecting programs.

2.3.2 Inventory Management

When drugs are dispensed manually, it is very difficult to maintain accurate inventory. However,
pharmacy information systems aid inventory management by maintaining an internal inventory
of all pharmaceutical products, providing alerts when the quantity of an item is below a set of
quantity and providing an electronic ordering system that recommends the order of the affected
item and with the appropriate quantity from approved suppliers. It also helps to indicate if there
are leaks from a stock. At any time it is possible to know the medicine stock level.

2.3.3 Patient Drug Profiles

When used in a hospital setting, the system manages patient drug profile, that is, it contains
details of current and past medications used by the patient, known allergies and physiological
parameters. Anytime a prescription is ordered for the patient, these profiles are used for clinical

2.3.4 Patient Monitoring
The routine collection, compilation and analysis of data on patients over time and across service
delivery points, using information either directly from paper forms or entered into a computer.
These data are best collected and stored at the health facility, and include basic patient
demographic characteristics and contact information; information related to patient HIV care and
ART history; and patient encounter information collected at each visit. Patient monitoring is
often referred to as “patient tracking”. Patient monitoring provides important information for
patient management, both of individuals and groups of patients (WHO: Monitoring HIV
services, patients and programs: 2008: 96).

2.3.4 Patient Management

The relationship between providers on a clinical team and the individual patient over time,
assisted by written records. Patient management may also be referred to as “clinical
management” or “clinical monitoring”.

2.3.5 Report Generation

Most systems can generate reports such as medication use patterns, number of patient, the
amount of drug dispensed and so on. Report generation takes a lot of time if a manual system is
used. Timely and accurate report generation is one of the advantages of this system. Interactivity
with other systems: When a pharmacy information system is a component of a hospital
information system, it is important that pharmacy information system should be able to interact
with other available systems such as the clinical information systems to receive prescription
orders and financial information system for billing and charging. To exploit these opportunities,
drug professionals should possess some knowledge of computer skills, but the current status of
pharmacists and druggists in the use of pharmacy information is unclear. Currently, the
utilization of the pharmacy information system is known among some pharmacists and druggists
the rest are still stick on manual recording system. If the pharmacy is in the hospital it can be
integrated with the hospital information system and through that it can interact with the rest of
the departments in that hospital. In an integrated system, each departmental system
communicates with the other systems through either a centralized network or distributed
network. Due to inadequate integration, there has been an overlap in the flow of information;
inadequacy/incompleteness of information that is collected; and poor analysis and use of the

information. This has in turn led to gaps in knowledge on the impact of interventions; duplication
of efforts; and huge transaction costs in terms of time spent to produce reports. A well-
coordinated HMIS calls for the integration of data from all data sources and other management
systems with the benefit of better management of data; dissemination and use; reduced
duplication of efforts; and lesser transaction costs .



3.1 Introduction

This section describes the steps and procedures I will follow to come up with this pharmacy
management system project. In analyzing and studying customer’s behavior while they come to
buy. Here is a System methodology that is best suited for development of pharmacy management


Agile SDLC model is a combination of iterative and incremental process models with focus on
process adaptability and customer satisfaction by rapid delivery of working software product.
Agile Methods break the product into small incremental builds. These builds are provided in
iterations. Each iteration typically lasts from about one to three weeks. Every iteration involves
cross functional teams working simultaneously on various areas like planning, requirements
analysis, design, coding, unit testing, and acceptance testing.
At the end of the iteration a working product is displayed to the customer and important

3.2.1 What is Agile?

Agile model believes that every project needs to be handled differently and the existing methods
need to be tailored to best suit the project requirements. In agile the tasks are divided to time
boxes small timeframes to deliver specific features for a release.
Iterative approach is taken and working software build is delivered after each iteration. Each
build is incremental in terms of features; the final build holds all the features required by the

Here is a graphical illustration of the Agile Model.

Following are the Agile Manifesto principles

 Individuals and interactions - in agile development, self-organization and motivation
are important, as are interactions like co-location and pair programming.
 Working software - Demo working software is considered the best means of
communication with the customer to understand their requirement, instead of just
depending on documentation.
 Customer collaboration - As the requirements cannot be gathered completely in the
beginning of the project due to various factors, continuous customer interaction is very
important to get proper product requirements.
 Responding to change - agile development is focused on quick responses to change and
continuous development.

3.2.2 Agile Model Pros and Cons
Agile methods are being widely accepted in the software world recently, however, this method

May not always be suitable for all products. Here are some pros and cons of the agile model.

Following is a list pros and cons of Agile Model:

a. Is a very realistic approach to software development.
b. Promotes teamwork and cross training.
c. Functionality can be developed rapidly and demonstrated.
d. Resource requirements are minimum.
e. Suitable for fixed or changing requirements
f. Delivers early partial working solutions.
g. Good model for environments that change steadily.
h. Minimal rules, documentation easily employed.
a. Enables concurrent development and delivery within an overall planned
b. Not suitable for handling complex dependencies.
c. More risk of sustainability, maintainability and extensibility.
d. An overall plan, an agile leader and agile PM practice is a must without which it will not
e. Strict delivery management dictates the scope, functionality to be delivered, and
adjustments to meet the deadlines.
f. Depends heavily on customer interaction, so if customer is not clear, team can be driven
in the wrong direction.
g. There is very high individual dependency, since there is minimum documentation
 Little or no planning required
 Easy to manage

 Gives flexibility to developers
 Transfer of technology to new team members may be quite challenging due to lack of

3.3 Logical design

In this case the logical model of the system is developed indicating all the vital steps the system
development will go through. In this, the researcher will use case tools like flow charts and data
flow diagrams. These models are vital in the development of the system. This stage will include
the graphical user interface design, input design in which the user inputs in data, the
output design which displays the results of what a user will have entered, and database
design where Data is stored for easy management. These designs provides the technical
blueprint from which the system is built. A combination of layout tools such as hand sketches
and CASE tools are used to come up with both input and output designs. Database design is
based on the Relational data model and the database management system employed was

3.3.1 Planning.
Planning is the most important and fundamental stage in SDLC. It is performed by the developer
with inputs from the customer, the sales department, market surveys and domain experts in the
industry. This information is then used to plan the basic project approach and to conduct product
feasibility study in the economical, operational and technical areas.

Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of the risks associated with the
project is also done in the planning stage. The outcome of the technical feasibility study is to
define the various technical approaches that can be followed to implement the project
successfully with minimum risks.

The strategy that will be implemented is that of Planning the entire system, developing the core
and then incrementally developing the rest of the system

3.3.2 Requirements analysis

Once planning is done the next step is to clearly define and document the product requirements.
This is done through an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document which consists
of all the product requirements to be designed and developed during the project lifecycle.

3.3.3 Designing
Based on the requirements of the system specified in SRS, usually more than one design
approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented in a DDS (Design Document

This DDS is reviewed by all the important stakeholders and based on various parameters as risk
assessment, product robustness, design modularity, budget and time constraints, the best design
approach is selected for the product.

A design approach clearly defines all the architectural modules of the product along with its
communication and dataflow representation with the external and third party modules (if any).
The internal design of all the modules of the proposed architecture should be clearly defined with
the minutest of the details in DDS.

The design of this particular system will consider the following aspects:

 Simple data presentation

It should avoid data complexity or advanced data visualizations.
 Point to a specific action
The application should point users to what they can do about a problem.
 Usability
The application should be easy to use in terms of the content display and time taken to update
contents and users should be minimal.

3.3.4 Building
In this stage of agile SDLC the actual development starts and the product is built. The
programming code is generated as per DDS during this stage. If the design is performed in a
detailed and organized manner, code generation can be accomplished easily.

The application will be developed at this stage by writing code on the Microsoft visual studio
software that which will be later compiled to make the application.

3.3.5 Testing
This stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models, the testing
activities are mostly involved in all the stages of SDLC. However, this stage refers to the testing

only stage of the product where product defects are reported, tracked, fixed and retested, until the
product reaches the quality standards defined in the SRS.

The proposed system will be tested to ensure that it does all the functionalities required. It should
be easy and simple to use by any user although only authenticated users will be able to rate

3.4 Data Collection

In this study the researcher studied the existing system to establish the weak and the strong

The researcher used the firsthand information collection means in the case of observations and
interviews of the current pharmacy system.



4.1 System Flowchart

Data flow Diagram (DFD) are used to illustrate the flow of information in a system. They are
hardware independent and do not reflect decision points. They demonstrate the information and
how it flows between specific processes in a system. They provide one kind of documentation
for reports. These diagrams helps to show how data moves and changes through the system in a
graphical top-down fashion.

Figure 1 flowchart diagram

4.2 Use Case Diagram

Figure 2 Use Case Diagram



5.1 Summery

This System was made of Ms Access and VB.Net. The aim of the system was to develop Pharmacy
Management System which will register patients and doctors and record them in the database. The
Hospital management can now keep track of the functionality of the hospital easily.

5.2 System Design, Testing and Implementation

5.2.1 Introduction:
System Design is the process of defining the architecture components, modules interface and data for the
system to satisfy requirements.
It involves transforming the software requirements into structural design that demonstrate its top level
structure and identifies the software components and developing a detailed design for each software

5.2.2 Data modelling

This was a technique that was used in organizing and documenting the system data.

5.2.3 System Conceptual design

It is a type of art that gives precedence to hypothetical function and exploration of new ideas. It is
distinguished from conceptual art by closely relating to functions. Conceptual design provided a
description of the proposed system in terms of set integrated ideas and concepts about the scope of the

5.3 Physical design

5.3.1 Log In Module

This is a mode in which a user first enters the Username and Password.

Figure 3 Log In page

5.3.2 Homepage
This is a page in which it contain various buttons that connect to the different modules

Figure 4 Homepage

5.3.3 Customer Module
This is a module in which customer details are entered and recorded. Their request is are
captured here.

Fig 5 Customer Module

5.3.4 Stock Purchase

This is a module in which stock purchase are kept and record stored.

Fig 6 Stock Purchase

5.3.5 Supplier Detail

This is a module that deals with supplier information their details.

Fig 7 Supplier Detail

5.4 Conclusion

Pharmacy management System is a system that has met its objectives for which it is developed.
The System Operates at high level of efficiency and the Users associated with the system
understand its advantage. From the tests performed on the system design it will improve on the
overall performance on the Management of the Pharmacy. It is an efficient method in ensuring
resources are well utilized.

5.5 Recommendation

As the system is an improvement over the manual system. Being a desktop application I would
recommend a web based system also that will help users/client in ordering through the internet.


Grady, b.2007.SDLC-Agile model with application, 3rd ed .addision-wesley professional,

Boston, Massachusetts.

Stephen, s.2004. Classical and object-oriented software engineering, 6th ed.WCB Mc Graw Hill,
New York.


APPENDIX 1: Proposal Schedule


1 laptop 30,000

1 printer 5,000
2 Reams of paper A4 Size 2,000
1 flash disk(32GB) 2,500
Miscellaneous expenses 4,000
Grand Total 43,500

Activity ID Activity Date Actor
Time schedule
1 Idea generation February Self

2 Problem February Self

definition 2018
3 Proposal March 2018 Self

4 Requirement April 2018 Self

5 System Design May 2018 Self

6 System May Self

Implementatio 2018
7 Final June 2018 Self


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