The Naval Rivalry

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The Naval Rivalry Britain and Germany were involved in the

Naval Race at the turn of the 20th Century. (Early 1900s)

1.The role played by Kaiser William II from the end of the

1890s which led to the Naval competition with Britain was of his
eagerness to build a battle fleet to rival Britain’s.

2.Germany was involved in the Naval Race with Britain

because the navy bills of the 1898 and 1900 laid out the course
for a massive naval expansion under anti-British auspices.

3.Britain was involved in the Naval race with Germany because

the fleet would serve as a geopolitical lever to force Britain into
accepting the German bid for equality as a global empire.

4. The arms race was a pattern of competitive acquisition of

military capability between two countries.
The arms race between Britain and Germany was a
shipbuilding arms race which was focused on a construction of
a new battleship developed in Britain.

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