They Are Always Curious To Learn Anything New

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Who is Good Learner, What are the signs of good learners? I asked this question to myself from almost
30 days that what are the signs of good learners and What makes them unique.

Whether you are a Programmer, a Swimmer, a Cricketer, a Singer, a Basketball player or anything else.
The first step to learning anything is to become a good learner.

Remember Good Learner is not anyone who is smart and nerd. Having Good Learning skills are different
than just having smartness and intelligence. You may have smartness, intelligence, and good
remembrance but only having these skills not makes you a good learner.
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1. They are always Curious to learn anything new.

One of the most important signs of a good learner is they are always curious about learning new things.
They believe that learning is not a destination but it’s a Journey. They are always hungry for new
knowledge. They searched quite a lot, they ask quite a lot and they read quite a lot.
2.They are Intense Hard Worker.

Hard working the most important sign of a good learner. No matter how talented, intelligent, and smart
you are, Hard work in a proper direction can beat these all. They know there is no shortcut available for
achieving success in life, you must do a lot of hard work in the proper direction to achieve success. Even
a Diamond needs to rub to get a shine. They know that the struggle they are in today is developing the
strength they need for tomorrow. Remember the best view comes after the hardest climb…

They don’t give up, They don’t complain, They don’t argue, They just work hard…
3. They are extremely Dedicated.

Another sign of good learner is that they are extremely dedicated. Learning anything new or achieving
any skill requires a lot of dedication. It is only you who decides, whether going to watch a movie or
spend that two hours in learning or working. No one instead of you can decide this. Good learners are
always dedicated to their work.
Slide 6-7 Kate

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