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 There are preganglionic nerve fibers synapsing in the middle

cervical, the inferior cervical, and the first thoracic ganglia.
1. The following structures are closely related to the d. Many of the postganglionic fibers are distributed within the
rectouterine pouch (pouch of Douglas) except which? branches of the brachial plexus. 
Select one:
a. Anteriorly is situated the posterior surface of the upper part of the 7. Diminished sweating and increased warmth and
vagina.  vasodilation of the skin vessels over the hypothenar
b. Posteriorly is situated the upper part of the rectum. eminence as well as the ring and the little fingers
c. The trigone of the bladder is directly related to its anterior could result from the following except which?
wall. Select one:
d. Anteriorly is situated the posterior surface of the body of the a. A lesion of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus.
uterus. b. Ulnar nerve damage behind the medial epicondyle of the
2. The following statements concerning the rotator cuff c. A lesion of the medial cord of the brachial plexus.
are correct except which? d. A lesion of the eighth cervical nerve.
Select one:
a. It adds stability to the shoulder joint. 8. A 14-year-old boy fell off a wall and fractured his right
b. Inferior rectal veins only  humerus at midshaft. The wrist joint immediately
c. The muscle tendons are fused to the capsule of the shoulder assumed a flexed position that the patient was unable
joint. to correct. Extension and supination of the fore a rm
d. All the muscle tendons associated with the cuff are was weakened but not abolished, and skin sensation
innervated by the suprascapular nerve. over the lateral side of the dorsum of the hand was
diminished. Which damaged peripheral nerve could
3. The following statements concerning the lateral cord account for these symptoms and signs?
of the brachial plexus are true except which? Select one:
Select one: a. The ulnar nerve
a. It contains sympathetic nerve fibers  b. The median nerve 
b. It has a branch that supplies the pectoralis major muscle c. The radial nerve
c. It has a branch that supplies the skin on the lateral side of the d. The axillary nerve
d. It has a branch that supplies the skin on the lateral side of 9. On examination of a 53-year-old woman, it was found
the upper arm that she could abduct her left shoulder to only a 15°
position. She told her physician that 10 years ago she
4. An examination of a patient with carpal tunnel had fallen on ice outside her front door and had
syndrome may reveal all the following symptoms and dislocated her left shoulder joint. It was noted that the
signs except which? head of the humerus was in its normal position
Select one: relative to the scapula on the left side. Her left
a. Atrophy of the muscles of the thenar eminence shoulder when compared with the right shoulder,
b. Weakness in opposition of the thumb  however, showed flattening and had lost most of the
c. Loss of skin sensation on the medial part of the palm normal curvature. Which of the following muscles was
d. Loss of skin sensation on the anterior surface of the index finger likely to have been paralyzed by the dislocation of the
shoulder joint 10 years ago?
5. The following movements are expected to be normal Select one:
after a complete section of the medial cord of the a. The rhomboid minor 
brachial plexus except which? b. The deltoid
Select one: c. The supraspinatus
a. Extension of the wrist d. The teres minor
b. Flexion of the elbow
c. Abduction of the shoulder joint 10. In children, the chief arterial supply to the head of the
d. Metacarpophalangeal flexion and interphalangeal extension femur is derived from which artery or arteries?
of the medial four fingers  Select one:
Flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joints is produced by the a. The obturator artery.
flexor digitorum superficialis, the flexor digitorum profundus, b. The internal pudendal artery.
and the lumbricals and interossei muscles, all of which receive c. Branches from the medial and lateral circumflex femoral arteries.
nerve fibers from the medial cord via the median and the ulnar d. The deep circumflex iliac artery. 
nerves. The interphalangeal joints are extended by the
lumbricals and the interossei muscles, which are assisted by 11. To lift the left foot off the ground while walking, which
the extensor digitorum. The lumbricals and the interossei are of the following muscles plays an important role?
innervated by the median and the ulnar nerves, which have Select one:
many nerve fibers that originate in the medial cord of the a. The left gluteus medius muscle
brachial plexus. b. The left gluteus maximus muscle 
c. The right adductor longus muscle
6. The following statements regarding the sympathetic d. The right gluteus medius muscle
innervation of the upper limb are correct except
which? 12. Support for the uterus, either directly or indirectly, is
Select one: provided by the following structures except which?
a. The sympathetic nerves do not innervate the sweat glands. Select one:
b. It causes vasoconstriction of the arteries and veins of the skin. a. The perineal body
b. The mesosalpinx 
The mesosalpinx is an area of the broad ligament between the Select one:
uterine tube and the attachment of the mesovarium. It provides a. Contraction of the tensor and the levator veli palatini
no support for the uterus. muscles 
c. The transverse cervical (cardinal) ligaments The tensor and levator veli palatini muscles raise the soft
d. The levator ani muscles palate, which closes off the nasal from the oral part of the
pharynx. The tensor veli palatini stretches the soft palate (like a
13. Rupture of the tendo calcaneus results in an inability sheet), thus allowing it to be elevated.
to do what? b. Contraction of the aryepiglottic muscles
Select one: c. Bending of the epiglottis
a. Dorsiflex the foot d. Relaxation of the pharyngeal constrictor muscles
b. Evert the foot
c. Invert the foot  20. A 30-year-old plasterer was finishing a difficult ceiling
d. Plantar flex the foot in a remodeled kitchen. He was standing on top of a
stepladder with his right arm above his head. As he
14. Injury to the common peroneal nerve results in which used his right hand to move the trowel, loaded with
condition? plaster, across the ceiling, he suddenly felt an acute
Select one: spasm of pain over the tip of the right shoulder. At
a. Inability to invert the foot physical examination of the patient in the emergency
b. Inability to plantar flex the ankle department, it was found that the pain in the right
c. Inability to feel skin sensation on the medial side of the leg shoulder recurred in the middle range of abduction
d. Inability to evert the foot and that there was extreme tenderness over the
greater tuberosity of the humerus. What is the most
15. Which ligament is most likely to have been damaged? likely structural damage in this patient?
Select one: Select one:
a. The deltoid ligament  a. Fracture of the upper end of the humerus 
b. The anterior talofibular ligament b. Tearing of the deltoid muscle
c. The plantar calcaneonavicular ligament c. Fracture of the acromion
d. The anterior ligament of the inferior tibiofibular joint d. Lesion of the rotator cuff

16. A 29-yea r-old woman was involved in an automobile 21. To test for trapezius muscle paralysis, you would ask
accident. Her cars kidded into a tree, and she was the patient to
thrown forward, striking her right knee on the Select one:
dashboard. At examination in the emergency a. flex the arm fully.
department, she was found to have a posterior b. adduct the arm against resistance.
fracture dislocation of her right hip joint. What bone or c. push against the wall with both hands. 
bones are likely to have been fractured? d. shrug the shoulder.
Select one:
a. The greater tuberosity of the femur 22. The lymph from the medial quadrants of the breast
b. The floor of the acetabulum drain mainly into the
c. The posterior rim of the acetabulum and fracture of the Select one:
femoral head a. posterior axillary (subscapular) nodes. 
d. The lesser trochanter of the femur  b. internal thoracic nodes.
c. internal thoracic nodes.
17. The following general statements concerning the d. internal thoracic nodes.
tympanic membrane are correct except which?
Select one: 23. The following statements regarding the ovary are
a. It is pearly gray in color. correct except which?
b. It is concave laterally. Select one:
c. It is crossed by the chorda tympani over the medial surface a. It is attached to the posterior layer of the broad ligament.
of the inferior part of the membrane.  b. It ovulates an ovum into the peritoneal cavity.
The chorda tympani crosses the medial surface of the superior c. It is attached to the lateral pelvic wall by the round ligament
part of the tympanic membrane. The sensory innervation of the of the ovary. 
membrane is from the tympanic branch of the The ovary is attached (suspended) from the lateral wall of the
glossopharyngeal nerve, the auriculotemporal branch of the pelvis by the suspensory ligament. It contains the blood and
mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, and the auricular the lymphatic vessels as well as the nerves supplying the
branch of the vagus. ovary. The round ligament of the ovary is the remains of the
d. It is best visualized in the adult by pulling the auricle upward and upper part of the gubernaculum, and it extends from the medial
backward. border of the ovary to the lateral wall of the body of the uterus.
d. It normally is not related to the posterior fornix of the vagina.
18. Impaired function of which of the following muscles
produce difficulty in protruding the jaw? 24. After injury to a nerve at the wrist, the thumb is
Select one: laterally rotated and adducted. The hand looks
a. The anterior belly of the digastric muscle  flattened and apelike. The nerve that has been
b. The lateral pterygoid damaged is the
c. The medial pterygoid Select one:
d. The masseter a. anterior interosseous nerve.
b. ulnar nerve.
19. Which process is responsible for closing off the nasal c. deep branch of the radial nerve. 
cavity from the oropharynx during swallowing? d. median nerve.
The chorda tympani crosses the medial surface of the superior
25. The dermatome present over the lateral side of the part of the tympanic membrane. The sensory innervation of the
wrist is membrane is from the tympanic branch of the
Select one: glossopharyngeal nerve, the auriculotemporal branch of the
a. C8. mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve, and the auricular
b. C6. branch of the vagus.
c. T1. d. It is best visualized in the adult by pulling the auricle upward and
d. T2.  backward.

26. The following statements concerning the blood 31. Impaired function of which of the following muscles
vessels of the upper limb are correct except which? produce difficulty in protruding the jaw?
Select one: Select one:
a. The pulsation of the radial artery are felt anterior to the distal third a. The anterior belly of the digastric muscle 
of the radius between the tendons of the brachioradialis and b. The lateral pterygoid
the flexor carpi radialis.  c. The medial pterygoid
b. The axillary vein is formed by the union of the venae comitantes d. The masseter
of the brachial artery and the basilic vein.
c. The cephalic vein arises on the palm of the hand. 32. Which process is responsible for closing off the nasal
d. The axillary sheath surrounds the axillary vessels and the cavity from the oropharynx during swallowing?
brachial plexus Select one:
e. The cephalic vein drains into the axillary vein. a. Elevation of the tongue to the roof of the mouth
b. Contraction of the aryepiglottic muscles
27. The following statements concerning the structures in c. Bending of the epiglottis
the neck are correct except which? d. Contraction of the tensor and the levator veli palatini
Select one: muscles 
a. The parotid salivary gland contains within its substance the facial The tensor and levator veli palatini muscles raise the soft
nerve and the external carotid artery.  palate, which closes off the nasal from the oral part of the
b. The parotid duct opens into the mouth opposite the upper second pharynx. The tensor veli palatini stretches the soft palate (like a
molar tooth. sheet), thus allowing it to be elevated.
c. As the trachea descends through the neck it rests
posteriorly on the vertebral column. 33. Sustained tension of the vocal cords ( folds) is best
d. The nerve to the mylohyoid muscle innervates the anterior belly achieved through the action of which of the following
of the digastric muscle. muscles?
Select one:
28. The following general statements concerning a. The cricopharyngeus
structures in the head and neck are correct except b. The cricothyroid
which? c. The aryepiglottic
Select one: d. The salpingopharyngeus 
a. The sensory nerve supply to the mucous membrane lining the e. The posterior cricoarytenoid
upper part of the trachea is from the recurrent laryngeal nerve. 
b. The spinal part of the accessory nerve can be injured easily as it 34. The following statements regarding the urinary
crosses the posterior triangle of the neck. bladder are true except which?
c. The afferent sensory nerve fibers for the gag reflex are contained Select one:
in the glossopharyngeal nerve. a. It lies in the visceral layer of pelvic fascia beneath the
d. The sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius muscles receive peritoneum.
their innervation from the cranial part of the accessory b. In children, the bladder is located entirely within the pelvis.
nerve. c. Parasympathetic nerve fibers innervate the detrusor muscle.
d. The trigone is the area between the openings of the urethra and
29. The following statements concerning the middle the two ureters. 
cranial fossa are correct except which?
Select one: 35. Which of the following muscles is responsible for
a. The pituitary gland (hypophysis cerebri) is related protruding the tongue?
anterosuperiorly to the optic chiasma.  Select one:
b. The pituitary gland receives its blood supply from the a. The styloglossus 
middle meningeal arteries. b. The hyoglossus
c. The oculomotor nerve passes forward in the lateral wall of the c. The genioglossus
cavernous sinus. d. The palatoglossus
d. The internal carotid artery passes forward through the cavernosa
sinus. 36. The cauda equina is made up of the
e. The abducent nerve passes forward through the cavernous Select one:
sinus. a. spinal nerves of S1–3.
b. anterior rami of spinal nerves L2 and 3.
30. The following general statements concerning the c. posterior rami of spinal nerves L1 to cocc 1.
tympanic membrane are correct except which? d. anterior and the posterior nerve roots of the spinal nerves
Select one: below the first lumbar segment of the spinal cord. 
a. It is pearly gray in color. The cauda equina is not made up of the spinal nerves or the
b. It is concave laterally. rami of the spinal nerves.
c. It is crossed by the chorda tympani over the medial surface
of the inferior part of the membrane. 
37. The strength of the flexor muscles of the vertebral b. It permits malignant cells from the prostate to metastasize to the
column can be assessed by asking the patient to skull.
Select one: c. It does not communicate with veins within the thorax.
a. sit up from the supine position while keeping the hips and the d. The venous flow is indirectly influenced by changes in the intra-
knees extended.  abdominal pressure.
b. lift the shoulders from the examining table while in the prone
position. 43. The following statements regarding herniation of an
c. extend the head while lying in the prone position. intervertebral disc are correct except which?
d. sit up from the supine position while keeping the hips and Select one:
the knees flexed. a. It generally herniates posteriorly.
b. In the lumbar region, it usually affects the spinal nerve whose
38. A herniated disc that causes sensory changes in a number corresponds to the vertebra below. 
specific dermatome is pressing on c. It is a portion of the nucleus pulposus that actually herniates.
Select one: d. A contributing factor to the herniation may be excessive
a. an anterior primary ramus. compression of the posterior region of the disc.
b. an anterior gray horn of the spinal cord. 
c. an anterior root. 44. The weakness of the left deltoid and biceps brachii
d. a spinal nerve or a posterior root. muscles could have resulted from pressure on which
nerve roots?
39. Which of the following statements regarding the blood Select one:
supply to the spinal cord is true? a. the posterior nerve roots of C5 and 6
Select one: b. the anterior nerve roots of C5 and 6
a. The anterior spinal arteries are two in number and run down the c. the anterior nerve roots of C7 and 8 
anterior surface of the spinal cord close to the anterior nerve d. the anterior nerve roots of C8 and T1
b. The posterior spinal arteries supply the posterior third of the 45. The broad ligament contains all of the following
spinal cord. except which?
c. The veins of the spinal cord drain into the external vertebral Select one:
venous plexus. a. The ureters
d. The anterior and the posterior spinal arteries do not anastomose b. The uterine artery
with the radicular arteries. c. The round ligament of the uterus 
d. The uterine tubes
40. The following statements concerning the vertebral
column are correct except which? 46. What is the most likely structural damage in this
Select one: patient?
a. The intervertebral discs make up approximately one fourth the Select one:
length of the vertebral column.  a. Fracture of the upper end of the humerus 
b. In old age, atrophy of the intervertebral discs tends to produce a b. Tearing of the deltoid muscle
continuous posterior convexity of the vertebral column. c. Fracture of the acromion
c. During pregnancy, the weight of the developing fetus increases d. Lesion of the rotator cuff
the posterior lumbar concavity of the vertebral column.
d. There are seven cervical spinal nerves and eight cervical 47. The tender, doughlike mass felt through the posterior
vertebrae. wall of the vagina resulted from what?
Select one:
41. The following statements concerning the vertebral a. A retroverted uterus
column are correct except which? b. Blood in the pouch of Douglas 
Select one: Tubal pregnancies commonly occur where the infundibulum
a. The posterior ramus of the first cervical spinal nerve and its narrows to join the isthmus. Rupture of the tube almost
continuation, the great occipital nerve, supplies the skin over invariably occurs with severe intraperitoneal hemorrhage. The
the back of the scalp. blood gravitates downward into the lowest part of the
b. When an individual is in the standing position, the line of peritoneal cavity (pouch of Douglas) , where it clots and forms
gravity passes anterior to the cervical part of the vertebral a doughlike mass that can usually be felt through the posterior
column and posterior to the thoracic and lumbar regions vaginal wall.
of the column.  c. A full bladder
In the standing position, the line of gravity passes through the d. Blood in the uterovesical pouch
odontoid process of the axis, in front of the thoracic vertebrae,
and through the lumbar vertebrae but anterior to the sacrum 48. What was responsible for the guarding (partial
(Fig.7-5). contraction) of the lower abdominal muscles?
c. The tip of the spine of a thoracic vertebra lies directly behind the Select one:
vertebral body of the vertebra below. a. Blood in the peritoneal cavity causing irritation of the
d. The intervertebral disc is innervated by a recurrent branch of parietal peritoneum and reflex contraction of the lower
spinal nerve that enters the vertebral canal through the abdominal muscles 
intervertebral foramen. Blood is an irritant to the peritoneum. The parietal peritoneum
of the lower part of the abdomen and pelvis receives its
42. The following statements regarding the internal sensory nerve supply from the lumbar spinal nerves
vertebral venous plexus are correct except which? ( iliohypogastric, ilioinguinal, and obturator nerves). The
Select one: muscles of the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall are
a. It drains blood from the vertebral bodies. innervated by the iliohypogastric and ilioinguinal nerves, and
there is a reflex spasm of these abdominal muscles. This
spasm is essentially a protective mechanism and an attempt to
keep that area of the abdomen at rest so that the irritant will
remain localized.
b. Apprehension of the patient
c. Reflex contraction of the abdominal muscles because of damage
to the wall of the uterine tube
d. Stretching of the peritoneum of the broad ligament

49. A 56-ye a r-old man was seen by his physician

because the patient had noticed that his “bowel” was
protruding from his anus after defecation. On
questioning, the patient stated that for the past 2
years he had frequently passed blood staineds tools .
Digital rectal examination revealed nothing abnormal.
Proctoscopic examination showed that the mucous
membrane above the level of the anal valves tended
to bulge downward in three are a s when the patient
strained. The swollen mucous membrane contained
large, conges ted veins beneath the surface. Based
on your knowledge of anatomy, make a reasoned
Select one:
a. External hemorrhoids 
b. Perianal abscess
c. Complete rectal prolapse
d. Internal hemorrhoids

50. What is the venous drainage of the mucous

membrane of the anal canal?
Select one:
a. Middle rectal veins only
b. Inferior rectal veins only
c. Superior and inferior rectal veins 
Venous drainage of the mucous membrane of the upper half of
the anal canal is from the superior rectal vein and that from the
lower half is from the inferior rectal veins. The middle rectal
veins are mainly concerned with draining blood from the
muscle and connective tissue of the canal. Because the
superior rectal vein is a tributary of the portal vein and the
inferior and the middle rectal veins are tributaries of the
systemic veins, the anal canal is an important site for portal–
systemic anastomoses in patients with a blocked portal vein.
d. Internal hemorrhoids

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