Lab Equipment and Apparatus

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1. Autoclave
Used in medical and laboratory settings to sterilize lab equipment and waste. Autoclave
sterilization works by using heat to kill microorganisms such as bacteria and spores .

2. Centrifuge
Used to separate particles suspended in a liquid according to particle size and density,
viscosity of the medium, and rotor speed. Within a solution, gravitational force will cause
particles of higher density than the solvent to sink, and those less dense than the solvent
to float to the top.

3. DNA Sequencer
A DNA sequencer is a scientific instrument used to automate the DNA sequencing
process. Given a sample of DNA, a DNA sequencer is used to determine the order of the
four bases: G (guanine), C (cytosine), A (adenine) and T (thymine)

4. Gel and Blot Imaging

Used to perform the function, documentation and recording of stained DNA and protein
in various type of media such as cellulose, agarose on a high-tech digital platform.

5. Gel Electrophoresis Equipment

Used to separate DNA, RNA, or protein molecules based on their size and electrical
charge. An electric current is used to move molecules to be separated through a gel.

6. Nephelometer
Measures suspended particulates by employing a light beam (source beam) and a light
detector set to one side (often 90°) of the source beam.

7. Urine Analyzer
Device used in the clinical setting to perform automatic urine testing. The units can detect
and quantify a number of analytes including bilirubin, protein, glucose and red blood cells.

Separates compounds dissolved in a liquid sample and allows qualitative and quantitative
analysis of what components and how much of each component are contained in the sample.

9. Colorimeter
A colorimeter can measure the absorbency of light waves. During colour measurement
the change in the intensity of electromagnetic radiation in the visible wavelength region of
the spectrum after transmitting or reflecting by an object or solution is measured.

10. Fluorometer
Fluorimeter is a device used to measure parameters of visible spectrum fluorescence: its
intensity and wavelength distribution of emission spectrum after excitation by a certain
spectrum of light.

11. Autoanalyzers
AutoAnalyzer is an automated analyzer using a special flow technique named
"continuous flow analysis (CFA)" first made by the Technicon Corporation.

12. Blood Gas Analyzer

Analyzers used to measure blood gas, pH, electrolytes, and some metabolites in whole
blood specimens. They can measure pH, partial pressure of carbon dioxide and oxygen,
and concentrations of many ions (sodium, potassium, chloride, bicarbonate) and
metabolites (calcium, magnesium, glucose, lactate).

13. Thermal Analyzer

Used to analyze the time and temperature at which physical changes occur when a
substance is heated or cooled.

14. Spectrophotometer
An instrument that measures the amount of photons (the intensity of light) absorbed
after it passes through sample solution.

15. Electrolyte Analyzer

Device for measuring the electrolytes in the human body. They are primarily used in the
quantitative measurement of sodium, potassium, and chloride in whole blood, serum, or

16. Laboratory balance

From a general standpoint measure the mass of an object in the laboratory, they are used
to measure solids, liquids, tissue, they have a wide range of uses in virtually any laboratory
including clinical, research and environmental settings.

17. Digital Analytical Balance

An analytical balance (or lab balance) is a class of balance designed to measure small mass
in the sub-milligram range.

18. Autosamplers
Automated tools designed to quickly and accurately load samples to be run through a high
performance liquid chromatograph so they can be analyzed by having their components
separated, identified, and quantified.

19. Laboratory Shakers and Laboratory Mixers

An instrument used to stir liquids. The device comprises a motor powered plate that
oscillates horizontally or orbitally. Plates may be designed so that liquids contained in
beakers or jars can be placed on them or they may contain holes for inserting vials or
test tubes.

20. Water Baths

A laboratory equipment that is used to incubate samples at a constant temperature over a
long period of time. Water bath is a preferred heat source for heating flammable chemicals
instead of an open flame to prevent ignition.

21. Incubator
An incubator is a device used to grow and maintain microbiological cultures or cell cultures.
The incubator maintains optimal temperature, humidity and other conditions such as the CO2
and oxygen content of the atmosphere inside.

22. Distillation Apparatus

Distillation is used to separate liquids from nonvolatile solids, as in the separation of
alcoholic liquors from fermented materials, or in the separation of two or more liquids
having different boiling points, as in the separation of gasoline, kerosene, and lubricating
oil from crude oil.

23. Bunsen burner

Bunsen burner, device for combining a flammable gas with controlled amounts of air before
ignition; it produces a hotter flame than would be possible using the ambient air and gas alone.

24. Liquid Handling Equipment

Involves various interconnected equipment designed to use the mass and energy of a flowing
fluid to perform work, transfer heat or facilitate processes to make a product.

25. Spectrometer
Used to measure the variation of a physical characteristic over a given range; i.e. a

26. Fume hood, Enclosures, and Exhausters

Prevent the release of hazardous substances into the general laboratory space by controlling
and then exhausting hazardous and/or odorous chemicals.

27. Heating Mantle

A device which is used in laboratories to heat or temper certain media in glass vessels.

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