Unit 1 Path To Fitness and Wellness

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At the end of the Unit the learners
are expected to:
1. Explain concepts of Health,
Physical Fitness, Wellness and its
dimensions as relate to daily life.
2. Determine the components of
Physical Fitness and its value in
determining Physical Fitness status
3. Apply the different Physical
Fitness test in fitness testing

Week 1-3
6 hours

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines


Many Medical Doctors define Health as the absence of

disease, teachers define it as the good condition of the body, while
World Health Organization states that health is a complete state of
physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity.

Regardless of the definitions, health must have to be a

priority. Health problems is one of the leading cause of deaths
worldwide: heart attack, strokes, diabetes, cancer and chronic liver
disease and many more. It is a challenge for everyone to be a
healthy well-being. It comes with discipline, perseverance and
willingness to get Fit and well. Extending a lifespan is easy if
health be given an importance.

Enjoying life to its fullest despite challenges, physical,

emotional, intellectual, spiritual, social, vocational and
environmental aspects of life must have to work harmoniously and
function as one.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Preliminary Task

Activity PAR-Q and YOU!

In every physical activity that we plan to do, let us

always remember to check everything first, especially your

health in order to avoid serious incidents that can happen.

This set of questionnaires will guide you in doing any

physical activities. Check the boxes provided below. Answer

it will all honesty. Send your assessment checklist in the

portal provided in our Fb group or Gclassroom.

• If you answered YES to any of these questions, talk with your doctor before you

start engaging in physical activity. Tell your doctor about the PAR-Q and which

questions you answered yes.

• If you answered NO to all PAR-Q questions, you can take start participating in

physical activity.

Note: Failing to accomplish this task will not advance to the next activity.
Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Lesson 1. Dimensions of Health and Wellness

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health so broadly and

covers so much that some people find it meaningless. Its universality, however, is

exactly right. Peoples' lives, and therefore their health, are affected by every

aspect of life: environmental influences such as climate; the availability of

nutritious food, comfortable shelter, clean air to breathe, and pure water to drink;

and other people, including family, lovers, employers, coworkers, friends, and

associates of various kinds.

The WHO's definition of health takes into account not only the condition of

your body but also the state of your mind. Your mental processes are perhaps the

most important influences on your health, because they determine how you deal

with your physical and social surroundings, what attitudes about life you have,

and how you interact with others.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Health as the totality of a person's

existence is the holistic view It recognizes the

interrelatedness of the physical, psychological, emotional, social, spiritual, and

environmental factors that contribute to the overall quality of a person's life. No

part of the mind, body, or environment is truly separate and independent. No

human body exists without a mind; no mind exists without a body. That our mind

and body communicate with one another by means of hormones and signals from

the nervous system has great significance for our health and wellbeing. What goes

on in the mind affects physiological processes such as digestion, blood pressure,

breathing, muscle tension, sexual arousal, and the functions of many organs.

Thought and feeling centers in the brain influence the activities of the nervous,

hormone, and immune systems, which interact to maintain health or to invite

disease. People affect their health by what they think and feel as well as by what

they eat and how they live. No medicine or treatment is more capable of healing

than the human mind.

Wellness encapsulates entire life. It covers all areas of health: mental health,

emotional health, physical health, spiritual health, social health, relationship

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

health, and so on. Enhanced wellness, is largely determined by the decisions you

make about how you live such as making conscious decisions to control risk

factors that contribute to disease or injury. Age and family history are risk factors

you cannot control. Behaviors such as choosing not to smoke, exercising, and

eating a healthy diet are well within your control.

Because wellness is dynamic and continuous, no dimension of wellness

functions in isolation. When you have a high level of wellness or optimal health,

all dimensions are integrated and functioning together. The person's environment

(including work, school, family, community), and his or her physical, emotional,

intellectual, occupational, spiritual, and social dimensions of wellness are in tune

with one another to produce harmony.

Experts commonly refer to six dimensions of health and wellness: emotional,

intellectual, spiritual, occupational, social, and physical. We will discuss each


• Emotional wellness requires understanding emotions and coping with

problems that arise in everyday life.

According to medical experts, people with good emotional health have a lower

rate of stress- related diseases like, headaches, ulcers, migraines, stomachaches,

and asthma.

Our nervous system is divided into two; central nervous system and peripheral

system, these two systems played a very important role in our movements as well

as in making right decisions. Physical activities help us to condition and develop

our mind to become more active and alert

 Try to maintain a positive attitude even when problems arise.

 Discover your personal stress reliever. Manage your time wisely because it will help

lower stress.

 Find someone that you trust who you can openly share your feelings with.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

 Seek professional help when you need it.

 Smile even when you don't feel like it.

 Intellectual wellness involves having a mind open to new ideas and concepts. If

you are intellectually healthy you seek new experiences and challenges

 Keep abreast of current affairs.

 Take your school work seriously and spend time in the


 Seek academic help if you need it.

 Become a life-long learner.

•Spiritual wellness is the state of harmony with yourself and others. It is the

ability to balance inner needs with the demands of the rest of the world

 Find a quiet place and spend time there every day.

 Contemplate the meaning of your life.

 If you have a religion, study and practice it.

 Spend time appreciating the natural world around you.

• Occupational wellness is being able to enjoy

what you are doing to earn a living and/or contribute to society, whether it be

going to college, working as a secretary, doctor, construction manager, or

accountant. In a job, it means having skills such as critical thinking, problem

solving, and communicating well.

• Social wellness refers to the ability to perform social roles effectively,

comfortably, and without harming others.

To have a lot of friends and acquaintances is something that you be proud of.

One way of gaining a lot of friends is to know their temper and how to deal with

it. There are four temperaments; Sanguine, Choleric, Melancholic, and

Phlegmatic. PE helps us to expose ourselves in different people knowing and

applying these things in our life would broaden the horizons of our social life and

we can say we possess a good self-esteem within us.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

 Get involved. There are a variety of clubs and

organized on campus; you're bound to find something

that interests you.

 Know who your best friends are.

 Recognize when you are in an unhealthy relationship.

 Balance your social life with your academic responsibility.

 Physical wellness is a healthy body maintained by eating right, exercising

regularly, avoiding harmful habits, making informed and responsible decisions

about health, seeking medical care when needed, and participating in activities that

help prevent illness.

The basic knowledge of anatomy and physiology would help individual to

appreciate and encourage in engaging more in Physical activities; to develop to

skeletomuscular and cardio vascular and endurance and strength, and to sustain

daily life activities without uncle fatigue.

 Exercise! Even walking 30 minutes a day three times

a week will greatly improve your health.

 Eat Healthy. Avoid fried foods, soft drinks,

processed meats, and sweets. Try to include 5

servings of fruits and vegetables in your diet every day.

 Don't skip meals. Especially breakfast, it slows down your metabolic rate and can

cause weight gain.

 Avoid heavy episodic drinking and drug use. No more than five drinks in one

sitting for men and four for women. Don't play drinking games and space drinks

over time alternating with a glass of water.

 Get at least 6-8 hours of sleep every night.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Activity 1. Wellness Checklist!

Direction: In this activity you will assessing your wellness status. Use

the wellness checklist provided below. Put a check mark on the boxes provided in

each row. Be honest in answering. This Activity will last for four weeks. (Send

your weekly checklist on the portal created either in our Google Classroom or in

our Facebook Group. Instructions and updates in passing the activity will be

posted in our Group Chat.

Use this wellness checklist to help you become healthy. Take it slow

-gradually add a healthy habits and food to your existing regimen. Always consult

your doctor before making any radical health changes.

N s
Eat breakfast
Eat fresh, plant-based, and whole

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

grain foods
Eat one green food
Eat organic, free-range chicken, fish,
and game
Eat organic eggs and diary
Avoid sugary, processed, and refined
Eat good fats: avocados, nuts, seeds,
olives, coconut
Cook with organic, virgin coconut
oil, or olive oil
Avoid deep-frying, stir-frying, and
Drink plain coffee or tea
Drink 7–8 glasses of water per day
Avoid skipping meals
Avoid alcohol
Get at least 6–8 hours of sleep
Get 20–30 minutes of moderate
Avoid continuously sitting for more
than 55 minutes
Stretch for a minimum of 5 minutes
Take the stairs instead of the elevator
Spend time outdoors

Activity 2. Connect Me!

Direction: In this activity you will be creating a graphic organizer on how

does the dimensions of Health and Wellness contribute in achieving optimum

development in all aspect of life. In doing this activity be guided with the


1. You may create any graphic organizers.

2. Articulate the interconnectedness of your output. Write it below the graphic


3. Post your activity in the portal provided in our FBgroup and or Google Classroom.

4. Keep in touch in our FB Messenger Group Chat for update with the due time and date

for your activity.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

5.Rubric for the activity

Criteria 5 4 2 3 1
Accuracy of All Almost all Much of the
Not much of Information is
content information information the information not true and
is true and is true and is true and
information correct
correct correct correct
is true and
Visual Format and Format and Format and Format and Format and
Attractivenes lay-out are lay out are lay out are lay out lacks lay out are
s exceptionally attractive organized organization disorganized
Graphics and Graphics and Graphics and Graphics and Graphics and No graphics
Pictures pictures go pictures are pictures are picture do and pictures
well with the good but are good but are not go well are used in the
content and too many too few that with the text making of the
information that they texts making the material
dominate the dominate the material
material material disorganized
Grammar and No 1-3 4-6 7-9 10grammatical
Spelling grammatical grammatical grammatical grammatical error and/
errors and/ error and/ error and/ error and/ misspelled
misspelled misspelled misspelled misspelled words
words words words words

Lesson 2. Physical Fitness and Its Components

Physical Fitness refers to the ability of your body systems to work together

efficiently to allow you to be healthy and perform activities of daily living. Being

efficient means doing daily activities with the least effort possible. Physical fitness

is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous activities

physical exercise, physical activity and sufficient rest.

Dimensions of Physical Fitness

1. Muscular Strength: is the measure of the force your

muscles can exert. It covers a large range of things from
the ability to lift objects to the simple task of sitting
upright and controlling the body. Without muscular
strength individual would struggle to perform simple
tasks such as
lifting and moving objects that is not normally consider
to be heavy as well as making it through the day.  
Exercises to increase muscular strength include squats,
pushups, bicep curls, planks and kickbacks. Each of these
exercises target different muscles of your body and
Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

increase your strength throughout your whole body

when done in conjunction with each other.
benefits including increased bone strength, better body
composition and the reduced chance of injuries. 

2. Flexibility is the range of motion in your joints and the
ability for your joints and muscles to move freely.
 Stretching is the main exercise that will helps to achieve
optimum results when trying to improve your flexibility.
Stretching during and after exercise is extremely
beneficial for the body and does not take up much time
at all.
Flexibly also helps to make the body less sore after
exercise because the muscles become naturally looser
and relaxed. 

3. Muscular Endurance. is the measure of how long the

muscles can withstand continuous activities. It is the
action of repeated muscular motion unlike muscular
strength which is measured by the ability to exert force
with resistance. Performing repetitions of a certain
exercise swimming and running are both good muscular
endurance activities that have more than one benefit on
3. Muscular Endurance. is the measure of how long the
your body. Without muscular endurance, muscles
muscles can withstand continuous activities. It is the
become tired easily and often don’t have the energy
action of repeated muscular motion unlike muscular
they need to make it through the day. By improving
strength which is measured by the ability to exert force
muscular endurance, it is likely that you will feel less
with resistance. Performing repetitions of a certain
tried after a long day of physical activity and the body
exercise swimming and running are both good muscular
will be able to exercise for longer periods of time
endurance activities that have more than one benefit on
without becoming fatigued. 
your body. Without muscular endurance, muscles
become tired easily and often don’t have the energy
they need to make it through the day. By improving
muscular endurance, it is likely that you will feel less
4. Cardiovascular
tried Endurance
after a long day is basically
of physical howthe
activity and strong
will be isable
and is
tothe ability of
exercise forthe heart periods
longer to work of
while under
without the fatigued. 
becoming stress of exercise. The more you work
the heart, the easier it will adapt to an increased
Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines
Walking, jogging, running, swimming, bike riding,
of cardiovascular endurance exercises that can assist with
building cardiovascular endurance.
PE101a FITNESS AND WELLNES Good cardiovascular endurance leads to a healthy
heart which can potentially add years to life. The benefits
of good cardiovascular endurance can also be noticed
when exercising as it allows your body to take part in
physical activity for longer periods of time.

5. Body Composition is generally described a fat

percentage in the body, but it is also the percentage of
bone, tissue, muscle and water as well.
Body composition is divided into 2 main groups; Fat
mass fat that a person’s contain in their body. Fat free
everything else in your body that isn’t fat it is made up
of blood, bones, organs, water and the entire makeup of
the body.   Body composition can be hard to improve
because of the fact that it is hard to measure. but you
can change the ratio of fat to muscle in the body by
exercising to lose weight, tone and build muscles, and
maintaining a balanced diet. People who have an
ideal body composition are more likely to move easier,
feel and look better, have a lower likelihood of getting
diseases and be healthier overall.

Benefits of Physical Fitness

General Health Cardiovascular Health

Improves your overall health, Strengthens your heart and lowers your
Department you feel
of Physical goodCollege of Arts
Education, and Sciences, heartofrate
University Northern Philippines
Improves your quality of life Reduces your risk of heart disease
Enhances your appearance Decreases your blood pressure
Improves your skin tone Lessens your risk of stroke

Functional Capacity Mental Health and Well-Being

 Boosts your energy level  Boosts your intellectual capacity

 Builds your muscular strength and  Helps you manage stress more
endurance effectively
 Increases bone density  Alleviates depression
 Increases your stamina and ability  Reduces your level of anxiety
to do continuous work  Helps you sleep better
 Improves your balance and  Boosts your self-esteem and
coordination confidence
 Improves your flexibility  Helps relieve and prevent
 Provides protection against injury migraine headaches
 Improves your posture  Bolsters efforts to quit smoking
 Helps reverse some of the
effects of smoking

Disease Prevention

 Boosts your immune system

 Improves control of blood sugar
 Increases HDL (good) cholesterol and lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol
 Strengthens your circulatory system and lungs
 Reduces the risk of developing all kinds of diseases, including colon
cancer, breast cancer, type II diabetes (adult onset diabetes), lung
disease and more

Pain Management Aging and Longevity

 Helps bolster pain  Slows the aging process

tolerance  Adds active years to your life
 Reduces backaches  Helps you maintain an independent
 Makes pregnancy and lifestyle
childbirth easier  Reduces your risk of fractures and

Value of Fitness Testing

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

The purpose of

an initial fitness

assessment is to establish

a baseline of

information, against

which later changes can

be compared. This

starting point

information lets you

know if you are

physically fit and can

endure a continual

aerobic program for 20 or more minutes working at your target heart rate. Or, if

you are not classified as physically, for safety reasons you must begin an interval

aerobic training program, which entails working aerobically for a short time and

then slowing down, to recover your breathing.

At the onset, an interval training program will consist of a minute or two

(or a lap or two) of aerobic exercise, followed by slowing down (but not stopping)

exercise movement to accomplish a lower heart rate so breathing becomes easy

again. The intervals continue, using longer aerobic intervals, followed by recovery

breathing work intervals.

In several weeks you will be working continuously in your safe training

zone for 20 or more minutes (and for hours, when you become well trained, as

marathon participants are). When this process of progressively overloading the

heart muscle with longer and longer periods of efficient pumping is well under

way, you will have experienced the training effect, and when retested, will

experience the new fitness classification label of physically fit!

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Understanding Fitness Assessments

Three basic assessment principles are:

l. Nearly all assessment protocols result in estimated values for the fitness

component being measured. Therefore, the testing is

best used as a way to measure improvement in your performance over time, not as

an absolute physiologic measurement.

2. By following consistent procedures of testing (using the same test, the same

person administering it, the same instrument, the same time of day), you will have

more accurate measurements in subsequent testing over time.

3. Results are recorded for comparison purposes. The person being tested

should understand these values and ask questions as needed to ensure


Components of Physical Fitness

Physical fitness comprises two related concepts: general fitness (a state of

health and well- being), and specific fitness (a task-oriented definition based on

the ability to perform specific aspects of sports or occupations). Physical fitness is

generally achieved through correct nutrition, exercise, hygiene and rest.

Health-related fitness

includes aerobic capacity, body

composition, muscular strength,

muscular endurance and

flexibility. Each of these

dimensions is related to overall

health in children and adults. For

example, aerobic capacity is

essential for decreasing risks of

heart disease, diabetes, and

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

strokes. Strength and flexibility are important in reducing risks of osteoporosis

and improving functional capacity.

Skill-related fitness includes

agility, speed, coordination,

balance, power, and reaction

time. These dimensions are

important for performance in

certain sports, but they do

not influence a person's

health status directly. It's still

important for children to

develop physical skills in

order to perform physical

activity as adults, but health-

related fitness is a more

important objective and is necessary for all people.


Health Related Components Skill Related Components

These factors that are related to how These aspects of fitness form the basis
well the systems of your body work. for successful sport or activity

• Cardiovascular Fitness: the ability of • Speed: The ability to move quickly

the circulatory system (Heart and Blood from one point to another in a straight
vessels) to supply oxygen to working line.
muscles during exercise. PFT- 50 meters Sprint
PFT- 3 Minute step Test • Agility: The ability of the body to
•Body composition: the relative change direction quickly
percentage of body fat compared to lean PFT-Hexagon Agility Test
body mass (muscle, bone water, etc. • Balance: The ability to maintain an

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

BMI (Body Mass Index) upright posture while still or moving

• Flexibility: the range of movement PFT- Stork stand Test
possible at various joints. • Coordination: Integration with hand
PFT- Sit and Reach, Zipper Test and/or foot movements with the input of
•Muscular strength: the amount of the senses.
force that can be produced by a single PFT- Paper Juggling
contraction of a muscle. •Reaction Time: Amount of time it
PFT- Curl-ups, Push up takes to get moving.
•Muscular endurance: the ability of a PFT- Stick Drop Test
muscle group to continue muscle • Power: The ability to do strength
movement over a length of time. work at an explosive pace.
PFT- Basketball Chess Pass


AGE Standing Partial Chair 50 m Shuttle Sit and 3 min. Step
Long Jump Curl-Ups Push-Ups Sprint Run (sec.) Reach Test
(cm.) (sec ) (cm ) (Pulse Rate in
10 sec, x 6
15 205 38 21 7.5 10 9 55 107
16 215 42 22 7.3 108 56 105
17 222 45 23 70 10.7 64 102
18 230 47 24 6.8 10,4 69 99
19 235 49 25 6.6 10 2 70 98
20 240 51 26 65 10.0 72 96
21 25055 27 6.4 98 72 95
AGE Standing Partial Chair 50 m. Shuttle Sit and 3 min Step
Long Jump Curl-Ups Push-Ups Sprint (sec.) Run Reach Test
(cm.) (sec ) (cm ) (Pulse
Rate in
10 sec. X
15 170 23 12 8.5 12 0 58 103

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

16 172 24 13 8.5 11 8 63 101

17 175 25 14 82 11.5 68 100
18 180 26 14 82 11.3 72 98
19 184 27 15 8.2 11.0 74 96
20 187 30 15 108 75 95
21 190 30 16 80 10.5 75 93


BODY COMPOSITION is the body's relative amount of fat to fat-free mass.

A. Body Mass Index (BMI)


BELOW 18.5 Underweight

18.5- 24.9 Normal

25 - 29.9 Overweight

30.0- ABOVE Obese

1. Weight — the heaviness or lightness of a person.

Equipment: Weighing Scale
For you as the test For your partner:

a. Wear light clothing. a. Before the start of weighing,

b. On bare feet, stand adjust the scale to zero point.
erect and still with b. Record the score in kilograms.
weight evenly
distributed on the
center of the scale.
Scoring — record body mass to the nearest 0.5 kilograms
2. Height — it is the distance between the floor to the top of the head in standing



1. An even and firm floor and flat wall

2. L — square

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

3. Tape measure laid flat to a concrete wall. The zero point starts at

the bottom of the floor.

For you as the For your

test taker: partner:
a. Stand erect on bare a. Place the L-square
feet with heels, buttocks against the wall with
and shoulders pressed the base at the top of
against the wall with the head of the
person being tested.
tape measure.
b. Record the score in
Scoring — record standing height.
* 1 meter = 100 centimeters

B. Waist Circumference

Waist circumference is a good predictor of visceral fat which contributes

more risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes than fat located in other areas of

the body.

Materials/Equipment: Tape measure

For you as the test For your

taker: partner:
a. Wear light clothing before taking Record the
waist circumference. score in
b, On bare waist, centimeters.
stand erect and wrap
tape measure around

Men women
Risk Centimeter Inches Centimeter Inches
Very High >120 >110
High 100 - 120 39.5-47 90-109 355-43
Normal 102 40 88 34.6
Low 80 - 99 31.5-39 70 - 89 28 3 - 35
Very Low <31.5 <28.5
Source. TFSS Fitness Manual

STRENGTH — refers to the muscle's ability to generate force against physical

objects. In the fitness world, this typically refers to how much weight you can lift for

different strength training exercises.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

I. 90 — Degree Push-up

Purpose — to measure strength of upper extremities


Exercise mats or any clean mats

For you as the test For your partner:

a. Lie down on the mat; face down in a. As the student assumes the
standard push-up position: palms on position of push-upw start
the mat under the shoulders, fingers counting as the student lowers his
pointing forward, and legs straight, body on the ground until he
parallel, and slightly apart, with the reaches 90-degree angle at the
toes supporting the feet. elbow,
b. Make sure that the student
FOR BOYS: Straighten the army,
performs the push-ups in the
keeping the back and knees straight,
then lower the arms until there is a correct form.
90-degree angle at the elbows c. The test is terminated when the
(upper arms are parallel to the subject can no longer perform the
floor). push-ups in the correct form
(three corrections are allowed), is
FOR GIRLS: With knees in contact in pain, voluntarily stops, or
with the floor, straighten the arms, when cadence is broken.
keeping the back straight, then lower
the arms until there is a 90degree angle
at the elbows (upper arms are parallel
to the floor).
b. Perform as many repetitions as
possible. maintaining a cadence of
20 push-ups per minute (2 seconds
going down and I second going up).

2. Curl-ups

Purpose — to measure strength Of abdominal muscles


Exercise mats or any clean mats

For you as the test For your partner:

a. Lie on your back with the a. One curl-up is counted each time the
knees flexed and the feet 12 student's shoulder blade touches the
inches from the buttocks. floor.
b. Feet cannot be held or rested b. Make sure that the student performs
against an object. The arms are
extended and are resting on the the curl-ups in the correct form.
thighs c. The test is terminated when the
c. Complete a slow, controlled subject can no longer perform the curl-
curl-up, sliding fingertips along ups in the correct form (three

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

the floor until they touch the corrections are allowed), is in pain,
second tapeline. voluntarily stops or when cadence is
d. The curl-up should be broken
performed at a rate of one every
3 seconds or 20 curl-ups per
minute (2 seconds going up and I
second going down).
e. There should be no rest at the
bottom position, and perform as
many curl-ups as possible
without stopping.

FLEXIBILITY — refers to the ability of the joints to move through a full

range of motion.

1. Sit and Reach — a test of flexibility for the lower extremities particularly
the hamstring.
Purpose— reach as far as possible without bending the hamstring
Materials/equipment: Tape measure
For you as the test For your partner:
a. Sit on the floor with back As the student assumes position (b)
flat on the wall with feet Procedure, position the zero point of the
approximately 12 inches apart. tape measure at the tip of the finger
b. Without bending your farthest from the body.
back, knees, and elbows, place
one hand on top of the other and See to it that the knees are not bent as
position the hands on the floor. the test taker reaches the farthest that
c. After the tester has he/she could.
positioned the zero point of the Measure the farthest distance
tape measure, start the test by reached.
slowly reaching the farthest point record the score in centimeter.
possible without bending the
Scoring — record sit and reach test to the nearest 0.1

2. Zipper Test —a test of upper arm and shoulder girdle flexibility intended to
parallel the strength / endurance assessment of the region.

Purpose — to touch the fingertips together behind the back by reaching over
the shoulder and under the elbow.

Materials/Equipment: Ruler
For you as the test For your partner:
a. Stand erect. a. Observe whether the fingers touched or
b. To test the right shoulder, raise your right overlapped each other.
arm, bend your elbow, and reach down b. Measure the distance in which the fingers
across. your back as far as possible. overlapped,
c. At the same time, extend your left arm c. Record the score in centimeters.
down and behind your back, bend your
elbow up across your back, and try to cross
your fingers over those of your right hand.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

d. Reach with the right hand over the right

shoulder and down the back as if to pull a
zipper or scratch between the shoulder
e. To test the left shoulder , repeat
procedure a-d with the left hand
over the left shoulder.
Scoring — record zipper test to the nearest 0.1 centimeter.
0— did not touch fingers
1 — just touched fingers
2 — fingers overlapped by 1-2 crns.
3 — fingers overlapped by 34 cms.
4 — fingers overlapped by 5-7 cms.
5 — fingers overlapped by 8 cms. or more

CARDIOVASCULAR ENDURANCE - is the ability Of the heart, lungs and

blood vessels to deliver oxygen to working muscles and tissues, as well as the

ability of those muscles and tissues to utilize that oxygen. Endurance may also

refer to the ability of the muscle to do repeated work without fatigue.

1. 3—Minute Step Test

Purpose- to measure cardiovascular endurance

Materials/Equipment :

1. Step with a height of 12 inches

2. Stopwatch

For you as the test For your partner:

a. Position in front of the step. a. As the student assumes the position
b. At the signal go, step up and in front of the step, signal, "Ready" and
down on a bench for 3 minutes at a "Go", start the stopwatch for the 3-minute
rate of 24 steps per minute. One step step test.
consists of 4 beats, — that is, "up
with the left foot, up with the right b. After the test, let the student count
foot, down with the left foot, down his pulse for 10 seconds and multiply it by
with the right foot." 6.
c. Immediately after the
exercise, stand and relax. Don't talk.
d. Right after the activity,
locate your pulse. (the first beat is
e. Count the pulse for 10
Multiply by 6,

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Scoring — record the 60-second heart rate for the activity

Activity 1. Physical Fitness Test! (Pre-

requisite task before engaging to Physical


Check Your Level of Fitness. Engage in a

Physical Fitness Test (PFT).

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Instruction: Watch the recorded video posted in our Facebook group

(Physical Fitness Testing) it serves as your basis in the conduct of your PFT. In

doing this task be guided with the following:

1. Provide the Equipment needed in the activity such Cellphone- for timer an Exercise

mat, Meter stick or measuring tapes.

2. Record your task in a video for at least 3 minutes and a maximum of 5 minutes

3. Wear appropriate exercise out-fit (avoid showing too much of your skin--if possible,

wear comfortable clothes that do not expose the armpit, abdomen, and legs)

4. Consider the warm-up and cooldown exercises.

5. Perform this task with the assistance from your parents, siblings or anyone who

can help you.

6. Post your activity in the portal provided in our FBgroup and or Google Classroom.

7. Keep in touch in our FB Messenger Group Chat for update with the due time and date

for your activity.

8. Failing to submit your task on or before due will not advance to the next activity.

9. Record your scores using the record sheet below.

10. Norms will be provided in our Fbgroup or Google Classroom.

Record Sheet

Physical Fitness Test Card

Cardio Vascular Endurance( 3
minute step test)
Flexibility (Sit and Reach)
Muscular Strength/ Endurance
(Push up)

Rubrics for the activity:

Indicators of Performance 5 4 3 2 1
Performs the movement correctly with mastery
Perform the movement patterns with mastery
and proper counting
Displays proper posture (bodylines) while doing
the movements

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

Fosters positive attitude towards the activity


Note: Failing to accomplish this task will not advance to the next activity.


Flynn S., et.al. (2018). Concepts of Fitness and Wellness. Retrieve from


textbooks. Retrieve on April 4, 2020.

Hoeger, W.K. et.al.(2017) Fitness And Wellness. (12th ed). Wadsworth/Cengage

Werner W.K. Hoeger et.al. (2019). Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness, (15th

ed).Retrieve from: https://www.cengage.com/c/lifetime-physical-fitness-and-

wellness-15e-hoeger/9781337392686PF/. Retrieve on April 4, 2020



Mazzeo, K 2002 Fitness Through Aerobics and Step Training.

Department of Physical Education, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Northern Philippines

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