Article A - An - The Exercises 3 (STD 4 & 5 2021)

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The UK ( United Kingdoms)

Some useful grammar notes FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH
国际 航空公司
1 We use a/an when we don’t need to an 1 international
My cousin works for ___
airline in ___2 USA. United States of
indicate which one but we use the when 大学 America
Did she go to ______ 3
university? 第一等
it’s clear which one we mean. 毕业 x 4
Yes. She has just graduated with ____ first-class honours in
2 We say the when there’s only of psychology. 公司
something (including superlatives here). Do you work for ____5 big company ?
还没有 a the 乐器
No, not yet. I’m still ____ 6 student but I can play ____7 violin
3 We usually say the sea, the ground, 很会
very well. (-) Chinese people are kind.
the sky, the countryside but we say go
to sea, be at sea meaning go/be on a

4 We need the definite article when we 病毒 x

talk about the cinema, the theatre, the If you ever get ___
a computer virus, stop sending ________9
马上 荧幕 掉 people 很多个
radio but we usually say television. emails immediately. If your monitor stops working, turn off ____

等 其中一个 最
11 12 person 一个人
computer and wait _____
a minute. One of ____
most famous
5 When we mean something in general we 被创造
the 13 Love Letter, created
viruses was ____ in May, 2000. It was so
危险 以为 消除
don’t use the article dangerous that when ____
x 14
people thought they had got rid of
文件 传播
乐器 ____
the 15
virus it sat waiting in ____
an 16
unopened file to be spread all
6 We use the + musical instruments and the 世界
over ___17 world. The man who created it was from ___
the 18
also the + adjectives such as rich, poor, 菲律宾 程序员
Philipines. _____ 美国人 programmer created ____
An 19American the 20Melissa
old, young, unemployed, meaning plural.
virus in 1999. He was in ___
x prison for only 20 months. (-) Cats are cute
7 We don’t use the definite article ____
The 22 first virus to travel from ___
x 23
computer to ____
(-) Chinese people are polite..

before the names of meals lunch dinner 24

computer was Brain, in 1986.
breakfast 不久 发现
x 25evening classes and soon I realised
I started going to ___ I was
8 With words such as prison, school, 26 余生
going to work with ____
x the 27 rest of my life.
computers for ____
church, university, college, hospital we 有 趣 X 28 smartphones and ____
I’ve been very interested in ____ X 29
don’t use the article when we think about
what they are used for. tablets for some time now.

9 We don’t use go + article before bed,

work, home.

10 We don’t use articles before names

of continents, countries, states, cities, 30
Do you sometimes listen to ____
the radio? 剧院
towns or villages except when the 31 the 32 theatre?
Are you at ___ home? Would you like to go to ___
countries are groups of islands or 很多少 a 33表演 a 34theatre in my town.
I rarely see ___ play. There isn’t ___
一群岛 煲水壶
the 36kettle on.
x 35coffee? I’ve just put ___
Do you want ___
吃 ___ 累
x 37 lunch? You look tired! 花(时间、钱)
Have you had Why don’t we spend the
周末 in ____
weekend the 38 countryside? 郊外

x 39work tomorrow. I’ll stay _____
I won’t go to ____ x 40
home and have
41 a 42 friend of
some rest. I’ve got to go to _____
the hospital to visit __
mine this evening.
Why is she in ___the 43hospital?
44 有钱人 担心 外表
____ rich are always worried about their appearance. She had
__ 整容 surgery.
a 45 cosmetic s手术 By 顺便问一下
the way, what ____ 很美 dress you’re
a 46lovely
wearing! Are you still working as ___a 47
designer? 设计师
Yes, I’ve just sold 夏天 collection
卖 my summer 系列 a 48 famous 出名
to ___
百货公司 连锁
department store chain in ___ 49
Ireland. 爱尔兰
Such ___a 50 lucky girl!
多么。。。。 一个

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