Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11 Edition

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Chabner: The Language of Medicine, 11th Edition

Answers to Pronunciation of Terms

Chapter 2: Terms Pertaining to the Body as a Whole

Space in the body below the chest containing organs such as the
abdomen liver, stomach, gallbladder and intestines.
Space in the body below the chest containing organs such as the
abdominal cavity liver, stomach, gallbladder and intestines.
adipose Pertaining to fat.
anabolism Process of building up proteins in cells.
anterior Front surface of the body.
Flexible, connective tissue that is firmer than muscle, yet softer than
cartilage bone.
Cellular process of breaking down of a complex substance into
catabolism simple compounds. Energy is released to do the work of the cell.
caudal Pertaining to the lower portion of an organ or structure.
Thin and delicate structure surrounding a cell; allows materials to
cell membrane pass in and out.
cephalic Pertaining to the head.
Pertaining to the neck of the body or neck-like lower portion of the
cervical uterus.
chondroma Benign tumor of cartilage.
chondrosarcoma Malignant, cancerous tumor of cartilage.
Threadlike structure within the nucleus of a cell; contains genetic
chromosome material (DNA).
coccygeal Pertaining to the tailbone or coccyx.
coccyx Tailbone.
cranial cavity Space in the head containing the brain and surrounded by the skull.
craniotomy Incision of the skull.
cytoplasm All of the substance of a cell other than the nucleus.
deep Away from the surface of the body or an organ.
diaphragm Muscular wall separating the chest and abdomen.
disk (disc) Pad of cartilage between vertebrae.
distal Far from the beginning of a structure.
dorsal Pertaining to the back, or posterior portion of the body.
endoplasmic reticulum Network of canals within the cytoplasm of the cell.

epigastric region Middle upper region above the stomach.

epinephrine Hormone secreted by the adrenal gland in response to stress and
physical injury. Also called adrenaline.
epithelial cells Cells arranged in layers and covering or lining a surface of the body.
Vertical plane passing through the body and dividing it into the front
frontal plane and back portions; coronal plane.
genes Segments of DNA that determine hereditary.
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Answers to Pronunciation of Terms 2-2

histology Study of tissues.

hypochondriac region Right and left upper regions beneath the ribs.
hypogastric region Middle lower region of the abdomen.
Pertaining to the ilium, which is the right or left upper most portion
iliac of the hipbone.
inferior Below another structure.

inguinal region Right and left lower regions near the groin.
intervertebral Pertaining to between the vertebrae (backbones).
intravenous Pertaining to within a vein.
Classification of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell determined by
karyotype a photograph taken during cell division.
larynx The voice box.
lateral Pertaining to the side.

lumbar region Right and left middle regions near the waist.
lumbosacral Pertaining to the lumbar and sacral regions of the back.
medial Pertaining to the middle or midline of the body.
mediastinum Part of the thoracic (chest) cavity between the lungs.
Chemical processes that occur in cells; including catabolism
metabolism (breaking down process) and anabolism (building up process).
Rod-like, thread-like, or granular structures in a cell; site of
mitochondria catabolism and release of energy.
nucleic Pertaining to the nucleus.
Central, controlling structure in a cell; contains chromosomes with
nucleus DNA (genetic material).
pelvic cavity Pertaining to the space surrounded by the bones of the hip region.
peritoneum Membrane surrounding the organs in the abdomen.
pharynx Throat.
pituitary gland Endocrine gland at the base of the brain.
pleura Double-folded membrane surrounding each lung.
pleural cavity Space between the pleura surrounding each lung.
posterior Pertaining to the back or dorsal side of the body or structure.
prone Lying on the belly (face down).
proximal Near the point of attachment or beginning of an organ.
sacral Pertaining to the sacrum.
Large, triangular bone below the lumbar vertebrae at the dorsal part
sacrum of the pelvis.
Lengthwise vertical plane that divides the body into a right and left
sagittal plane portion; lateral plane
Tumor (malignant) of fleshy tissue such as bone, muscle, fat, and
sarcoma cartilage.
Space within the spinal column (backbones) containing the spinal
spinal cavity cord.
spinal column Bone tissue surrounding the spinal cavity.

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Answers to Pronunciation of Terms 2-3
spinal cord Nervous tissue within the spinal cavity.
superficial On the surface of the body.
superior Above another structure.
supine Lying on the back.
Space in the chest containing the heart, lungs, bronchial tubes,
thoracic cavity trachea, esophagus, and other organs.
thoracotomy Incision of the chest.
thyroid gland Endocrine gland in the neck on either side of the trachea.
Windpipe; tube leading from the larynx (voice box) to the bronchial
trachea tubes.
tracheal Pertaining to the trachea.
Horizontal (cross-sectional) plane dividing the body into upper and
transverse plane lower portions.
umbilical region Central regions near the navel.
One of two tubes carrying urine from the kidneys to the urinary
ureter bladder.
urethra Tube leading from the urinary bladder to the outside of the body.
Muscular organ in a female that nourishes the developing embryo
uterus during pregnancy; womb.
ventral Pertaining to the front or anterior of the body.
vertebra Single backbone.
vertebrae Backbones.
vertebral Pertaining to backbones.
viscera Internal organs.
visceral Pertaining to internal organs.

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