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Name: _________________________________________ Grade and Section:___________________

Learning Module No. 3

What is this module about?
This topic is included in this module:
Lesson 3: Physical and Chemical

What do you need to learn?

In this module, the learners are expected to meet the following
(1) Differentiate physical from chemical change
(2) Analyze how matter changes physically and chemically
(3) Investigate changes in solids and liquids when temperature changes

Directions: Identify whether the given change in matter is PHYSICAL or
CHEMICAL. Write your answer on the space provided. (1 point each)

1. Sugar dissolves in warm water. _____________________________

2. A glass breaks. _____________________________

3. A piece of paper burns. _____________________________

4. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. _____________________________

5. Vinegar reacts when mixed with baking soda. _______________________

Day 1:
Concept Notes:
 Physical Change is a change that takes place only in the appearance
of the material while its composition remains the same.
 When you tear paper, you make a physical change. The
paper is in pieces, but it is still paper.

 This sand was shaped to look like a castle, but it is still sand.

 Chemical Change is a change when a substance

breaks down and loses its properties and a new substance is
 A burning log goes through a chemical change. The log starts
as wood. Fire turns it to ash. Some gas also forms. These kinds of
matter are different from wood. They have different properties.
 A nail, or other metal begins rusting in the outdoors. It is due to
the chemical reaction between the metal and the moisture in
the air.

Refer to your textbook (Science Links 3). Read pages 56 – 59.

Exercise 3.1

Directions: Accomplish the following tasks.

Problem: What is the difference between physical and chemical change?
What You Need: piece of paper, scissors, 3 tablespoons of vinegar, ½ glass
of milk, ½ glass of orange juice, ½ teaspoon of baking soda, and ½
teaspoon of sugar.
What To Do:
1. Cut the sheet of paper into different shapes.
2. Put the 3 tablespoons of vinegar in milk. Observe what will happen.
3. Add ½ teaspoon of baking soda and ½ teaspoon of sugar on ½ glass of
orange juice. Observe what happens.
What Have You Found Out? Answer the following questions.
1. After cutting the paper into different shapes, did it change into another
material or object? _________________
2. What is formed in milk after putting a vinegar on it? _____________________
3. What happened when baking soda and sugar were added to the
orange juice?
4. Which is an example of physical change?_____________________________
5. Where do chemical changes happen? Why?
6. How will you differentiate physical from chemical change?

Day 2:

Activity no. 3.1 /10

Time started: ______

Time finished: ______

A. Directions: Identify the changes in matter. Write C for chemical change

and P for physical change.
________1. Cutting the logs into halves.
________2. Mold growing on cheese
________3. Burning of leaves
________4. Melting the sugar
________5. Baking a cake

B. Do the activity under “What To Do” on page 59 of your Science Links


Day 3:
Concept Notes:
 Matter can change its state. This is also a physical change. Liquid
water may freeze into ice. It is still water. The same elements make
up water in all of its states. It is still the same kind of matter.

 Some changes cause matter to turn into other kinds of matter. This
is a chemical change. The properties of the new matter are
A child removes a loaf of
No change in substances.
bread from the oven. The
Physical No unexpected color
child cuts a slice off the
Change change, temperature
loaf and spreads butter on
change or gas given off.
You forgot to dry the bread
The knife changed colors
knife when you washed it Chemical
and new substances
and reddish-brown spots Change
formed (rust).
appeared on it

Exercise 3.2
A. Directions: Read each scenario. Decide whether a physical or chemical
change has occurred and give evidence for your answer. The first one has
been done for you as an example. (2 points each).

Example: Your friend
Identity of
decides to toast a piece
substances change.
of bread, but leaves it in
Chemical Change Blackening of bread
the toaster too long. The
and smoke is the
bread is black and the
new substance
kitchen if full of smoke.
Food color is dropped
into water to give it
You took out your best
silver spoons and
noticed that they are
very dull and have some
black spot.
You blow dry your wet

Day 4:

Activity 3.2

Time started: ______

Time finished: ______
A. Directions: Give at least three examples of physical and chemical
change that you’ve seen or experienced at home.


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

B. Directions: Write on the lines the difference between physical and

chemical change. (2 points)

Day 5:



A. Directions: Read the given questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the
correct answer. (1 point each)
1. Which of the following is an example of a chemical change?
A. melting solid gold
B. burning hydrogen gas
C. dissolving sugar in water
D. breaking a sheet of glass
2. When does a physical change occur?
A. If both the appearance of a substance and its identity change.
B. If the appearance of a substance changes but its identity does not.
C. If the identity of a substance changes but its appearance does not.
D. If neither the appearance of a substance nor its identity changes.
3. Diane draws a picture on a piece of paper and then folds it into a
paper airplane. She throws it at her little brother, and it hits him in the
head. He responds by ripping up the paper. Which of the following is
an example of a physical change?
A. ripping up the paper
B. folding the paper into an airplane
C. drawing on the paper
D. all of these
4. Which is an example of chemical change?
A. Bread is baked.
B. Water freezes.
C. Wire is bent.
D. Wood is cut.
5. What kind of change takes place when a new substance is formed with
different properties other than the original substance?
A. chemical change
B. physical change
C. freezing
D. boiling
B. Directions: Read each scenario. Decide whether a physical or
chemical change has occurred and give evidence for your answer.
(2 points each)

A student removes a loaf

of bread hot from the
oven. The student cuts a
slice off the loaf and
spreads butter on it.

Your friend decides to

toast a piece of bread,
but leaves it in the
toaster too long. The
bread turns black and
the kitchen is filled with

You forgot to dry the

bread knife when you
washed it and reddish-
brown spots appeared
on it.

C. Directions: Answer the given question.

1. Are changes in matter important in our lives? Why?

Rubric for scoring:

CRITERIA (5) Excellent (4) Very Good (3) Good (2) Needs (1) Fail
Content is very clear Content is clear,
Content is very
and contain only lacking in
clear and some Lacks of
necessary some necessary Contents are
CONTENT information were information
information that is information almost clear.
aligned in the and details.
aligned in the needed in the
organized ideas.
organized ideas. organized ideas.


1. Physical Change
2. Physical Change
3. Chemical Change
4. Physical Change
5. Chemical Change

 Violeta, Carolina S.: Pizaro, Socorro S. (2020), The New Science LINKS 3: Worktext for Scientific and
Technological Literacy; Rex Bookstore

 The New Science Links 3 (Teacher’s Guide)

No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, without the prior written permission of the author.

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