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Franchesca Palaganas


Mrs. Marlyn Cabañez

Ferdinand Magellan

Ferdinand Magellan, born in 1480 in the town of Ponte de Barca, Province of Minho,
Portugal. He was the youngest among the three children of Ruy Magellan and Alda de Mosquita.
He came from a noble family which means they are rich family and educated. He studied at the
King’s Court in Lisbon and served as the page of Queen Leonara. At the age of 23, he joined the
Portuguese expedition in the East that led by Francisco de Almeida. Magellan is the one who
organized the Spanish expedition to the east indies from 1519 to 1522. He discovered the
passage from Atlantic Ocean to Pacific Ocean also known as the Strait of Magellan. Magellan
also discover many different countries by sailing for many years including the Philippines. He
was the one who spread the Christianity which until now is the religion of some Filipinos.
Magellan and his men planted a cross to signify to that important event about the propagation of
Christianity in Cebu. Magellan also betrayed by some of the Spanish men because he was a
Portuguese. He talked to the king of spain which is King Philip I to sponsored his voyage. The
ship that Magellan commanded is the Trinidad. Magellan died when the Battle of Mactan
happened in Cebu which led by their datu, Lapu-lapu. Magellan died because he was wounded in
his knees causing him to walk in limp.

Antonio Pigafetta
Antonio Pigafetta is an Italian scholar and explorer that born between 1480 and 1491 in

the town of Vincenza, Italy. He joined the expedition that led by Ferdinand Magellan bringing

them to the Spice Islands. He serves as the assistant of Magellan during the expedition. Pigafetta

kept an account of life on board for the duration of the voyage, “The first voyage around the

world” which is written in the first person , it gives a detailed account of everything that

happened during the circumnavigation. He was also known as Antonio Lombardo. He served on

board in the galleys of the Knights of Rhodes and accompanied the papal nuncio. Pigafetta is a

good chronicler ad navigator who writes the first voyage that happens in the world. After a long

expedition, he established his life in Italy and devoted his leisure and vigils to the very illustrious

and noble lord, Philip de Villiers Lisleadam.

Miguel Lopez de Legaspi

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi is a soldier, lawyer, and administrator who colonize the
Philippines successful. He was the one who established the first settlement of Spaniards here in
the Philippines. He was the first Governor-General and made Cebu as the capital of Spanish East
Indies in 1565 and later transferred to Manila. The capital city of Albay bears with his name.
Legazpi born also in a noble family of Gipuzkoa. His parents are Juan Martinez Lopez de
Legazpi and Elvira de Gurruchategui. Legazpi also known as El Adelantado and El Viejo. He
crossed the Pacific Ocean for his navigation. He also encompassed the Guam and the Mariana
Islands. He was born in 1502 at the Zumarraga, Basque. He worked as a councilor between 1526
and 1527 in his town. In 1528 and 1529 he works as a leader of the financial department and the
civil governor of Mexico City. He died because of stroke in Manila on August 20, 1572 and
because of bankrupt. He was laid to rest in San Agustin Church, Intramuros.

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