Visualizing Is Turning Your Imagination Into Reality

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Visualizing is turning your imagination into reality, make them happen with actions and efforts.

Visualizations plays a very important to keep you focused on your goal. It helps you to stay motivated.
When I visualize my experience at Amal, many things come into my mind. Amal's fellowship was a
different experience for me. I didn’t know anything about this fellowship before. I was not even sure that
if I would be selected or not. In the orientation, I came to know that what Amal does. It will help us in
self-improving. I was so excited for the fellowship to begin.

Let’s move in the past when I learned many new things in the very first session of fellowship.
The first week was very interesting and memorable for me. It was very hectic because my final
exams were also starting. I was very worried that if I could do my exams and Amal at the same
time. Because of my exam, I studied till 4 am the morning and could attend the very first session
on time. I was very annoyed that I could not attend it on time and this behavior will leave an
ever-lasting impression on my facilitators. I believe in the saying that;
‘First impression is the last impression.’
After this, I tried my best to attend all the sessions on time and somehow, I managed to do so.
The interesting activity was when I met my two fellows in the breakout room. The activity was
to remember the nicknames and meanings of your fellow’s name. I think that the purpose of the
activity was to come out of our comfort zone as most of the people in their first meeting didn’t
talk too much. It was memorable for me.
 The new thing that I learned was a life map. It was the reflection of events in my life that
shaped me into the person I have come to be today. The life map helped me to think about where
I struggled in some areas of my life. When we were given this activity to draw your life map. I
saved it on my desktop. Whenever I see it reminds me of the first week. It motivates me to
continue my effort. It encourages me whenever I feel down.
The thing which reminds me of the second week of Amal was a task in PW 02 in which we have
to practice leadership without authority. The task was named as fixing stuff around yourself.
My hostel room reminds me of the second week.

The task made me think that for learning or doing something, it's not necessary to be under someone’s
leadership. You can be your leader. It is to simply take some leadership actions to just do it. It is the
courage we need, not permission. It also takes courage to make good decisions and take action
accordingly. Whenever I fix my stuff in my room, it reminds me of the second week. It helped that
leading beyond or one’s authority permits focusing on a single issue. It helped me in decision making and
thinking of the issue that disturbs me and then finding the solution to seek that out.

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