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Masaa/ Tome osha sw ray st Masa/ Tine (9) ¢) The joumey of a motorcycle. Jarah ose (md a 6 1 | Masa / Toe () } east 1 Toe ( h Exercise 4 Find the speed of a particle and the distance travelled for each of the following distance-time graphs. a) Jarah/ Ds b) Jarak/ Distance (m) 60. Masa/ | 9) nits, Dishwe = 60» Masa/ Tame (9) c) Jacak/ Piston (kin) 8 ¥ 0 Sped = ly Distenwe =by a) Jara /Distnce (kim) Masa (i) Masa (j) Time dh) Time Spel, Distave =I BY. LIM TUITION Scanned with CamScanner Mathematics | Form 4 Chapter 7 Exercise § Answer the question based on the following situations. a) sg) b) Tarak /Detonce (a) o Masa/ Tome (8) ‘The diagram above shows the distance-| °° ae time graph of a particle. Find ‘The diagram above shows the distance- (j) its speed in the first 4 seconds time graph of a car. Find {ii its speed in the last 8 seconds (j) the duration of time, in seconds, for when. Giiits average speed, in m s“', for the whole the car is stationary. its speed, in ms“, in the first 5 seconds jits average speed, in m s“, for the whole journey. . 20. ° ‘The diagram below shows the distance-time graph ‘of Fazlina visiting din a hospital and back to home, “ara Dizwee tm) Mana ) Tz as 8348 Tine) (@) How far was the hospital from Fazlina’s house? ') How long did Fazlina visit her friend in the hospital, in hour and minute? ii)Calculate the time taken by Fazlina to return to her house from the hospital. (iv)Describe the movement of Fazlina for the whole journey. -4- Scanned with CamScanner ‘ho i sh of Mr Daus &) The diagram below shows the distance-time grap passing through town K’ and town L. wean Rein Dense Mona ime) Th (a) GQ) How far is the town . from town K? (Gi) How far is the town M from town J? Gh)How long did Mr Daus stop in town K? (i) Row long did Mr Daus travel to town M from town K? () Describe the movement of Mr Daus J to town M. a ae rereise 6 Solve each of the following, 2) The diagram below shows the distance town B via a post office. The graph OP office and the graph PQ represents the j Tepresents the journey from Journey from the post office Find: e. (i) the distance, in km, | U5? Nase Gu _ Gm) ar, inkm bh”, from i4 the post office to town B bv (iii) the average ‘ ——F Fe Mass (nity Speed, in km h-) car for the whole journey time graph of a car travellin g from town A to town A-to the post to town B. between the post +» Of the rinutes bY -S. Scanned with CamScanner Mathematics | Form 4 2 b) The diagram b ©) ‘The diagram below shows the distance- time graph of an object. Its speed in the | time of an object. Its average speed in 7's 1 first 68 in 1.5m. is2ms". Jagh Dono 0) Jara) We ‘ lo ol Se Mayr iW. Masa/tine() Calculate: Calculate: (i) the value of u (i) the value of k (ii) the speed of the object in the last 8s} (ji) the distance travelled by the object in (iii) the average speed of the object in 14s the first 4 seconds (iii) the speed, in m s“, of the object in i: il 9 ly the last 3s. 1 er 1 ih Urbs “ii Be iil Welty ms 1 242 @) The following diagram shows the distance-time graph of a lorry. Jatak /Dotonce Cam) Calculate: 3 (ithe duration of time, in minutes, the bus y is at rest )) its speed, in km h', in the last 10 minutes (iii) its average speed, in km hr", for the whole journey Masa (iit) BY. LIM TUTTION Scanned with CamScanner fa particle ina period of 12 seconds, ic distance-time © n ows th g.2sms Inst 4 sis fo) The fatlowing. diagram she Given that its spect in the Havak / Dretorwe (hi) Calculate: ) the value of ance, in m, travelled by (% ; H, i) the total dist the particle in 12S {iit average spoed, in mS 1, for the whole journey —— t ve Masa/ Tine (8) (a) The gradient of OP = Fepresents the rate of change of change of As acceleration. Speed in speed, which is (b) The gradient of PQ is 0. The acceleratic the object is zero. The object mov: rare uniform speed from 4, to ts sins (©) The gradient of QR is iadeclention Speed dean ne Time 0 7 rn rn 02. For speed-time graph: /\ ‘© Gradient represents acceleration. ‘The area under the graph represents the distance travelled. aN Tot distance travelled = Area under the speed-time graph BY. UM TUITION Scanned with CamScanner Udatanatnn |) see 4 agit creise7 Draw specd-time graph base on the flowing situations ja) 0 : . | 4 i i time min) al “a | 8 [10] ec ro | 110 | 0. time (s) spect (ms) j H Vv Ju alcuate the area under the gph 2) Lanyon goon) is NN =i 0 Maat) by veo 0n0e4 re | ist Dvewin0ceG for the followi TT Lae = 21f0 {a Mans/ mw (9) 7 7 Scanned with CamScanner = stun 4641 “ith | x34 l Exercise @ Inert cach ofthe distance-time g 9) Laju/ sue =A fost poe oa = 244 S0t 30 = lof raphs and describe the object's movement. ©) Laju/sped (ms) fey Y UM TUmON Scanned with CamScanner pxercise 10 Excess he following speed-tr Pap nape sreot 5 =n ox) = G4ts Ny Calculate the total distance travelled by a paiticle ime graphs. Masa/ Time (8) Masa/ Tome (9) ©) tae amp 97st nf. ° Are es =) 215 =D 4 rss. 11 Calculate the rate of change of spe time graphs. Masa (p/ Tie (8) A ikem Hie) = y.St hor GS =e < by a particle in each of the following speed- a) Laju/ Speed (m 5" (i). Rate of change in speed during the first 3s. aimee (5) (ii) Rate of change in speed during the last Ss. 15. Ge eh Lek of = hs. (60 ji OB e 3 & Masa (s) ae Time (3) ayy py.uMTUmON =10- Scanned with CamScanner ing the first 25 i e dur ae (i) Rate of change in speed | ‘ spent (8) (ipo (ii) Rate of ch yin peed during the bh 4s Laju/so ( | 0. or | 10° 3 | 20 Ee ot & 10 Masa (6) 23 \ ‘Exercise 12 Calculate the value of v of each of the followir 2) Last (ms9 Given that the rate of change of speed in the ' ty first 4 seconds is 5 ms. w . 7 j. LEV le) ab : UY = 26 | Masa / Tome (6) Ve“ | 0 + 10 veh y Given that the rate of decrease of speed in the last 9 seconds is 1.2 m 2, Ureng 2 Sign Mayh (5) — eons Nine (6) °) Laju/speet (ms) ven that thé rate of change of speed in the At i last 3 seconds is 6 m 5-2, c | , sie Scanned with CamScanner Mathematies | Form 4 Chapter 7 Given that the distance travelled in 19 s is 38m. 45) +5 ald) = 35 VAs 407-36 VK45-38 aa vey | (ms) Je40) =p Iexv= to vel L JS Exercise 13 Solve the following problems involving speed-time graph. |) The diagram below shows the speed-time graph for the movement of a particle in the | period of 22. | Lapa/Spent mn 5) Calculate: (i) the value of vif the rate of decrease of speed in the last 4s is 2.25 m s* (ii) the average speed, in ms“, for the whole journey iz SL amt on) 20) aie Got =) BY. UMTUTION Scanned with CamScanner Mashematics | Form ¢ haste - he spend-time graph for the movement ofa particle inthe shows the 5 g [py The following diagram vs Calculate: — = (i) the rate of change of speed, in m s*, in the first (ii) the value of Tif its average speed in T | seconds is 53 ms" Mass (9) ~ The diagram below shows the speed-time graph of the motion ofa particle\yver a period of ISs. Laju/ sped (em $9) Calculate: (the value of rif the distance travelled by the Particle during the uniform speed is 30 m : (ii) the average speed, in m s+, of the particle in ts Timp | Re My [oF BY. uM TumoN ae Scanned with CamScanner Mathematis | Form 4 Chapter 7 ZL erie 14 Solve cach of the following problems. a) The diagram ‘pelow shows the speed-time graph of the movement of a car over a pet ofr seconds. (i) State the uniform speed, in m s, of the car. (ii) Calculate the rate of change of speed, in m s’, ( in the first 8s, " (iii) Calculate the value of if the total distance travelled by the car is 245 m. sot (ms) Masa (9) os DT time oo hl il, in <0 4aSy | iii MT, | TM Bae “The Tollowing diagram shows the speed-time graph of The movement of a particle in 6 seconds. Lajy/soot (ns 9) (j) Find the distance, in m, travelled in the first 2s. 9 (ii) Calculate the value of fif the rate of decrease 6 in speed is | ms. 3. (iii) Calculate the average speed, inm s, of the particle in 6s. — Masa (9) FB times 4 j.4 (ay) =e BY. LIM TUTION alla Scanned with CamScanner

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