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Exercises ( Test 1)

Present perfect and Past Simple

Jack and Phil, twins from a small village near Oxford, ______________________
(always be) the closest friends. When they __________________(be) small boys,
they _____________ (do) everything together and when one of them
_________________ (go) through a difficult time, the other always
__________________(try) to help him. None of them _______________ (know)
that this was going to change soon. On 14 July 2008, Jack
____________________(fly) back from his trip in Scotland when suddenly the
pilot __________________(announce) the plane had been having technical
difficulties and ___________________(need) to land on the sea. Even though the
pilot _____________________ (do) his best, the plane __________________
(catch) fire and all passengers on the board___________________ (die), including
Jack. When Phil (learn) the news, he _____________________(be) absolutely
devastated and it _______________ (take) him many months to forget, in fact he
_________________ (not recover). Almost immediately after the accident, he
__________________(move) away from Oxfordshire and________________
(live) in London since then. He___________________ (be) a successful banker
but his life___________________ (never be) the same. He _____________ (not
fly) by plane because it always reminds him of the way his brother died. Jack often
said he would miss his brother and now it is the other way round. Jack
_________________(be) dead for more than 5 years and Phil
__________________ (miss) him terribly. Often he remembers the time when they
______________(play) hide and seek together or moments when the whole family
_____________ (meet) on Christmas Eve for the traditional Christmas party. They
________________________(have) so much fun but now
Phil_________________ (live) on his own. But there is also Kate, Phil’s girlfriend,
and suddenly there ________________ (be) a new hope for Phil. Only the time
will tell how he can cope with the loss of his brother.
Imagine you are at (1.) a / the / Ø conference on (2.) a / the / Ø artificial
intelligence. Suddenly you realize you are about to bump into someone, but (3.) a/
the / Ø person, just at (4.) a / the / Ø last moment, gracefully dodges you. You start
to apologize as this person turns to face you, but you rudely cut your own apology
short when you realize this person is actually (5.) a / the / Ø robot. (6.) A/ The / Ø
robot, however, continues with its polite apology before moving on. Does (7.) a /
the / Ø robot have (8.) a / the / Ø better developed social skills than you? Its
apology sounds completely sincere even though (9.) a / the /Ø near collision
couldn’t have been (10.) a / the / Ø robot’s fault; it has been equipped with (11.)
a / the / Ø laser and sonar components which sense (12.) a /the / Ø distance and
steer it away from (13.) a / the / Ø people and things. In addition, it is hoped that
this type of (14.) a / the / Ø robot will be programmed to socialize with (15.) a / the
/ Ø people. In other words, it will be able to recognize and ask (16.) a / the / Ø
people relevant questions based on (17.) a / the / Ø previously collected
information. So, imagine yourself in the same situation. What reaction would you
have? Would you offer (18.) an / the / Ø apology?

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