Tuning Geometry of Swcnts by Co in Floating Catalyst CVD For High-Performance Transparent Conductive Films

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Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes


Tuning Geometry of SWCNTs by CO2 in Floating Catalyst

CVD for High-Performance Transparent Conductive Films
Yongping Liao, Aqeel Hussain, Patrik Laiho, Qiang Zhang,* Ying Tian, Nan Wei,
Er-Xiong Ding, Sabbir A. Khan, Nguyen Ngan Nguyen, Saeed Ahmad,
and Esko I. Kauppinen*

silver nanowire, and single-walled carbon

Optimized geometry of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) is vital to nanotubes (SWCNTs) brings new oppor-
high-performance transparent conductive films (TCFs). Herein, the geom- tunities to TCFs’ research.[6–11] Among
etry of SWCNTs, i.e., tube diameter, bundle length, and bundle diameter, are these alternatives, while popular, graphene
normally has grain boundaries or a poor
successfully tuned by introducing carbon dioxide (CO2) into floating catalyst
interlayer junction contact, which limits
chemical vapor deposition (FC-CVD), where carbon monoxide (CO) is used charge carrier transport in TCFs.[12] Due to
as a carbon source and ferrocene as a catalyst precursor. Both tube diameter its cost and instability, silver nanowire is
and bundle length increase with an increment of CO2 concentration, and the also restricted to scale-up applications.[13]
yield of SWCNTs can be significantly promoted with the appropriate amount In contrast, TCFs based on SWCNTs have
of CO2. The role of CO2 in this behavior is further rationalized as enhancing unique electrical conductivity and excel-
lent mechanical properties that enable the
CO decomposition or carbon dissolution into catalysts. The TCFs based on
production of flexible electronics at low
SWCNTs with optimized geometry by CO2 exhibit improved performance up cost.[14,15]
to 86.8 Ω sq−1 at 90% transmittance after AuCl3 doping, achieving about 50% To ensure the high performance of
reduction of sheet resistance compared to the TCFs without CO2. The use of SWCNT-based TCFs, researchers have
CO2 for directly tuning growth of SWCNTs blazes a new trail in the field of attempted different methods to improve
SWCNT film conductivity, for instance,
SWCNT based TCFs.
by doping SWCNTs with acid or metal
oxide,[16,17] fabricating hybrids of SWCNTs
with graphene or polymers,[18–20] or
1. Introduction enriching the ratio of metallic SWCNTs.[21,22] Although these
methods improve the conductivity of SWCNT films, some
Transparent conductive films (TCFs) have attracted great atten- issues still remain, such as the tube damage and impurities
tion because of their wide applications, such as solar cells,[1,2] caused by the solution process, other tedious experimental pro-
light-emitting diodes,[3] and touch sensors.[4,5] Generally, the cesses, and high overall costs. Nevertheless, it is possible to pre-
materials used for TCFs should have electrical charge transport serve the intrinsic properties of SWCNTs using floating catalyst
and optical transmittance merits. The most widely used mate- chemical vapor deposition (FC-CVD).
rial for TCFs is indium–tin oxide (ITO). However, ITO is poorly It is well known that the electrical conductivity of SWCNT
suited for flexible displays, limiting its further application. TCFs is mainly determined by contact resistance of junc-
Therefore, it is necessary to explore new materials to replace it. tions within the network.[23] The diameters of the nanotubes
In recent decades, the emergence of alternatives like graphene, and bundles have a significant effect on junction resistance,
and the bundle length can determine the number of contact
junctions. Our previous work indicates that SWCNTs with
Y. P. Liao, A. Hussain, Dr. P. Laiho, Dr. Q. Zhang, Prof. Y. Tian, a larger diameter show lower contact resistance than those
Dr. N. Wei, E.-X. Ding, S. A. Khan, N. N. Nguyen, S. Ahmad, with a smaller diameter.[24] Obrzut and co-workers and Jeong
Prof. E. I. Kauppinen and co-workers study the effect of SWCNT length on conduc-
Department of Applied Physics
Aalto University School of Science tivity and optical properties.[25,26] Liu and co-workers stress
P.O. Box 15100, FI-00076 Aalto, Finland the importance of the geometry of double-walled carbon
E-mail: qiang.zhang@aalto.fi; esko.kauppinen@aalto.fi nanotubes when improving conductivity.[27] Our previous
Prof. Y. Tian work also found that less-bundled SWCNTs show excel-
Department of Physics lent conductivity.[28] Therefore, a controllable synthesis of
Dalian Maritime University
Dalian, Liaoning 116026, China
SWCNTs with a relatively large tube diameter, long length,
and less bundling is an efficient approach to improve the
The ORCID identification number(s) for the author(s) of this article
can be found under https://doi.org/10.1002/admi.201801209. conductivity of TCFs.
One possible approach is introducing certain amount
DOI: 10.1002/admi.201801209 of CO2 to the reactor. CO2 has been reported to tune CNT

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (1 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

growth when hydrogen carbon, such as CH4 and C2H4, was 2. Results and Discussion
used as a carbon source. Researchers find that CO2 can cause
significant effects not only on the diameter[29] and the wall 2.1. Effect of CO2 on the Geometry of SWCNTs
number,[30] but also on the yield of the CNTs.[31–34] Never-
theless, few works were reported about CO2 effect on CNT 2.1.1. Effect of CO2 on SWCNT Diameter
growth when CO is used as a carbon source. In our previous
work, a sheet resistance of 200 Ω sq−1 at 90% transmittance UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy is an efficient and comprehensive
after doping is achieved using CO as the carbon source (but method to analyze the diameter distribution, since all tubes will
without CO2).[14] In that case, employing CO2 might have contribute to the absorption spectra. As shown in Figure 1a,
more prominent effect on SWCNT growth due to the Bou- SWCNT thin films synthesized at CO2 concentration from 0%
douard reaction (2CO ↔ C + CO2); CO2 may affect not only to 0.74% exhibit the three absorption peaks from the first and
the CO decomposition but also catalyst activity. Furthermore, second electronic transitions of semiconducting nanotubes (S11
there is no mechanism that can fully explain the role of CO2, and S22) and the first electronic transition of metallic nanotubes
and no thin films are studied using CO2. Therefore, it is (M11), respectively. With the increase of CO2 concentration,
promising to investigate the role of CO2 and achieve high- these absorption peaks gradually shift to longer wavelengths,
performance SWCNT TCFs using CO2 with CO as carbon and such a shift indicates an increase in the diameter of the
sources. SWCNTs. By using the fitting method based on absorption
In this work, various amounts of CO2 were introduced to spectra,[35] we obtained the mean diameter of SWCNT samples
tune the growth of SWCNTs in FC-CVD, in which CO was increased from 1.1 nm at 0% CO2 to 2.1 nm at 0.74% CO2.
used as a carbon source and ferrocene as a catalyst. The The fitted diameter distribution of three samples is shown in
results demonstrated that in addition to the geometry of Figure 1b–d. With further increasing CO2 concentration up to
SWCNTs, CO2 could also have a clear effect on the yield of the 1.23%, we observe a rather flat absorption profile, suggesting
process and the catalytic particles. Under an optimized CO2 low SWCNT fraction in this sample. This result is also observed
volumetric concentration of 0.50%, we obtained SWCNTs in the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission
with a relatively large diameter, long length, and less bun- electron microscopy (TEM) images (Figure S1, Supporting
dling. The corresponding TCFs showed an excellent perfor- Information). Remarkably, the increase of CO2 concentration
mance of 86.8 Ω sq−1 under 90% transmittance at 550 nm accounts for SWCNT diameter enlargement. Considering that
(T550  nm) after AuCl3 doping. such a trend is consistent with our earlier research that was

Figure 1.  The mean diameter of SWCNTs affected by CO2 based on absorption spectra. a) Absorption spectra of prepared SWCNT films with different
CO2 concentrations; the inset shows the mean diameter of SWCNTs with various CO2 concentrations. Fitted diameter distribution for SWCNTs with
CO2 concentration of b) 0%, c) 0.31%, and d) 0.50%, respectively. The mean diameter of SWCNTs increases from 1.1 to 2.1 nm when increasing CO2
concentration from 0% to 0.74%.

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (2 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 2.  The diameter and quality of SWCNTs affected by CO2 from Raman spectra. RBM bands with excitation laser wavelength of a) 488, b) 514,
and c) 633 nm. The RBM peaks shift to the smaller wavenumber range with increase of CO2 concentration, indicating the enlargement of SWCNT
diameter. G and D bands excited by d) 633 nm laser; the IG/ID increases with CO2 concentration, stating that the SWCNT quality is improved by CO2.

done at 880 °C and 300 ccm CO flow rate through ferrocene,[29] 2.7 µm on the basis of statistical calculation from 305 bundles
the influence of CO2 on the nanotube diameter distribution is (Figure 3d). After introducing 0.31% of CO2 to a reactor, the
considered a general phenomenon. In addition, by optimizing bundle length increases significantly, around 4.1 µm (307 bun-
the CO2 concentration introduced to the reaction, both the dles, Figure 3b,e). It even elongates to 7.5 µm when 0.50%
quality and yield of SWCNTs in this work have been promoted. CO2 is fed (299 bundles, Figure 3c,f). Interestingly, the long
Raman spectra at excitation wavelength of 488, 514, and bundles are still straight (Figure 3c), implying better electrical
633 nm were used to further characterize the properties of transport. However, higher CO2 concentration of 1.23% did
SWCNTs. As shown in Figure 2a–c, the Raman spectra of the three not lengthen the bundles but keep them at the mean length of
SWCNT thin films exhibit the characteristic radial breathing only 7.4 µm (Figure S3, Supporting Information). This is due to
mode (RBM). The diameter of SWCNTs can be calculated from the suppressed CO decomposition by excessive CO2, leading to
the RBM frequency (ω) with ω = 234/d + 10.[36] For instance, with insufficient carbon feeding. Therefore, the continuous growth
the excitation of a 514 nm laser (Figure 2b), the RBM peaks for in length is suppressed. Consequently, among the three sam-
SWCNTs with 0% CO2 are mainly in the range of 175–200 cm−1. ples (Figure 3a–c), SWCNTs synthesized at 0.50% CO2 imply
Increasing the CO2 concentration from 0% to 0.50% shifts the the least number of contact junctions (under same transmit-
RBM peaks to a lower frequencies, indicating the diameter of the tance) because of the long length, which could increase the
tubes becomes larger. At 0.50%, the RBM peaks are in the range electrical conductivity of SWCNT TCFs.
of 100–150 cm−1, suggesting this sample has the largest diameter
among the three. The similar trends are also found under the
other two excitation wavelengths of 488 and 633 nm (Figure 2a,c). 2.1.3. Bundle Diameter Affected by CO2
The diameter analysis from Raman spectra is consistent with
that from absorption spectra. In addition, the intensity ratio of The bundle diameter of SWCNTs is also crucial for electrical
G (cm−1) and D (cm−1) band (IG/ID) can reflect the quality of conductivity.[39] Here, the mean bundle diameter of SWCNTs
SWCNTs.[37] As shown in Figure 2d, the IG/ID values of SWCNTs synthesized at different CO2 concentrations was averaged
with CO2 are higher than the one without CO2. This means the from 200 bundles for each sample using TEM (Figure 4b–g).
quality of SWCNTs has been improved with the presence of CO2. According to the TEM results, the as-prepared SWCNTs are
A previous study indicated that a proper amount of CO2 can etch clean with little amorphous carbon (Figure 4b–d). The relatively
amorphous carbon, resulting in the increase of IG/ID values.[38] small mean bundle diameter of 7.5 nm at 0% CO2 (Figure 4b,e)
However, an excessive amount of CO2 will degrade the quality of increases up to 9.5 nm at 0.31% CO2 (Figure 4c,f). However,
SWCNTs (Figures S1 and S2, Supporting Information). it reduces to 7.1 nm as CO2 concentration increases to 0.50%
(Figure 4d,g). We then attempt to rationalize this trend of
2.1.2. CO2 Increases the Bundle Length bundle diameter by correlating the bundle formation and the
yield of SWCNTs.
As shown in Figure 3a, the bundle length for SWCNTs synthe- Considering that higher yield results in the higher possi-
sized at 0% CO2 is very short, of which the mean length is of bility of collision between SWCNTs in the aerosol phase, we

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (3 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 3.  Bundle length with various CO2 concentration. Typical SEM images of bundle length and corresponding length statistics with various CO2
concentration of a,d) 0%, b,e) 0.31%, and c,f) 0.50%. The bundle length is elongated by employing CO2. Specifically, the bundle length with 0.50%
CO2 is increased to 7.5 ± 5.6 µm, showing great potential for improved TCF conductivity.

Figure 4.  The yield and bundle diameter affected by CO2. a) Transmittance after collecting for 20 min and the normalized yield of SWCNT films with
various CO2 concentrations. Typical TEM images of SWCNT bundle and corresponding statistics of bundle diameter distribution with CO2 concen-
tration of b,e) 0%, c,f) 0.31%, and d,g) 0.50%. The yield is promoted significantly by certain amount of CO2 concentration, for instance, the yield of
SWCNTs with 0.31% CO2 is much higher than those with 0% CO2. Since the higher the yield, the higher possibility the tubes collide in the aerosol
phase, leading to the larger bundle diameter. So the sample with 0.31% CO2 has the largest bundle diameter among these three samples. SWCNTs
with 0.50% CO2 have relatively small bundle diameter, which is beneficial for better TCF conductivity.

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (4 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

are expecting a strong relationship between yield and bundle growth of SWCNTs, TEM was applied to analyze the size and
diameter. To quantify the yield, we use the Beer–Lambert law, chemical composition of catalysts, and differential mobility
A  =  −lnT  = ερL (A is the absorbance, T is the transmittance, analysis (DMA) was further utilized to monitor the number
ε is the extinction coefficient, ρ is the density of film, and L is size distribution of catalysts and SWCNTs in gas phase from
the thickness of film), then we can get L = −lnT/ερ. Since L is the outlet of reactor. After careful analysis of catalyst size (about
proportional to the yield, we can obtain the information of yield 200 catalyst particles for each sample) with various CO2 con-
based on optical transmittance. For instance, we measured the centrations from TEM images (Figure 5a–c), we found that
transmittance of SWCNT films from different CO2 concentra- regardless of the introduced CO2 concentration, the size distri-
tions within the same collection time (20 min); based on the bution of catalysts is almost similar with a mean size of 2.7 nm
transmittance, the normalized yield with various CO2 con- (Figure 5d–f). It implies that the addition of CO2 did not alter
centration can be obtained (Figure 4a). The filter used here to the diameter of catalysts, but the diameter of SWCNTs can
collect SWCNT films was 1.33 cm2. As depicted in Figure 4a, be different from the same size of catalyst. Furthermore, the
the yield is enhanced significantly with the proper amount of chemical composition of catalysts is also important for SWCNT
CO2. It is over two times higher with 0.37% CO2 than the one growth. We found that the chemical composition of catalysts
without CO2. However, the yield started to decrease when the has no difference with various CO2 concentrations (Figure S4,
CO2 concentration was further increased to 0.50%. This pheno­ Supporting Information). Figure 5g shows that the total con-
menon can be explained by the Boudouard reaction centration of SWCNTs increases with a certain amount of CO2
such as 0.31%, indicating that the number of SWCNTs and
2CO(g) ↔ C(s) + CO2(g) , ∆H = −169 kJ mol −1 (1) the activated catalysts increases with a certain amount of CO2.
The trend of yield here is consistent with what we measured in
Notably, without adding extra CO2 into the reactor, CO2 Figure 4a.
concentration from the outlet of the reactor is quite low due
to the low disproportionation rate of CO.[38] So even adding a
little amount of CO2 can affect the reaction. However, too much 2.3. Schematic of SWCNT Growth Modulated by CO2
CO2, such as 1.23%, will suppress the CO decomposition by
shifting the Boudouard reaction backward, so the yield as well Based on an analysis of SWCNT geometry, yield, and catalysts
as the quality of nanotubes decreases significantly. Hence, the influenced by CO2, we propose a schematic illustrating how
trend of bundle diameter well matches with that of the yield, CO2 affects SWCNT synthesis (Figure 6). Theoretically, in the
further proving the relationship between bundle and yield, that aerosol phase, particles can deposit on the quartz wall sur-
is, higher yield will lead to larger bundle diameter. face by diffusion;[40] the deposition ratio depends on the size
of aerosol particles at a given temperature, quartz tube length,
and flow rate. In our experimental conditions, ≈75% of nano-
2.2. Catalysts Affected by CO2 particles will deposit on the quartz wall when there are only
nanoparticles with the diameter of 2.7 nm in the gas phase
It is well known that catalysts correlate to SWCNT growth (see the calculation details in the Supporting Information).
closely. Thus, to investigate how the catalysts influence the However, as soon as the nanoparticles start to quickly catalyze

Figure 5.  Catalyst size with various CO2 concentrations. Representative TEM images for analyzing catalysts with CO2 concentration of a) 0.50%,
b) 0.31%, c) 0%, and d–f) the corresponding catalyst size distribution, respectively. It turns out that the addition of CO2 cannot change the catalyst
size, but the diameter of SWCNTs grown on catalyst varies with CO2 concentration. g) Total concentration from outlet of reactor with various CO2
concentrations measured by DMA, indicating that the number of SWCNTs and activated catalysts increases with 0.31% CO2, but then decreases with
0.50% and 1.23% CO2.

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (5 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 6.  A schematic illustrating the SWCNT growth with 0% (left), 0.31% (middle), and 0.50% (right) of CO2, (the SWCNT bundle is not displayed here).

the nucleation and growth of carbon nanotubes, the deposition carbon feeding into catalysts, and some SWCNTs might be
ratio will decrease due to the increase of mobility diameter. etched away with a high concentration of CO2. Thus, the small
Furthermore, the carbon coating of catalysts could suppress nanoparticles which are not covered by carbon will collide and
the carbon source decomposition on a catalyst surface and aggregate to larger clusters, finally, flowing out of the reactor.
shorten the lifetime of catalyst. As demonstrated in Figure 6, This assumption well agrees with what we observed from SEM
introducing a certain amount of CO2 could probably enhance and TEM (Figure S1, Supporting Information).
CO decomposition or remove amorphous carbon on catalysts,
depending on the CO2 concentration.
In detail, when no extra CO2 is introduced (Figure 6, left), 2.4. SWCNTs with Various Geometry for TCFs
the CO decomposition is quite low. The low decomposition
leads to insufficient carbon feeding to the catalysts so that the Based on the above analysis and literature results, we assume
high amount of catalysts deposit on the quartz wall by diffu- that the TCFs based on SWCNTs with a large tube diameter,
sion, and finally results in low yield and short tubes. long length, and less bundling could potentially exhibit
When 0.31% CO2 is employed into the reactor (Figure 6, improved conductivity. Therefore, SWCNT TCFs with var-
middle), the dominant function of CO2 is to remove the amor- ious transmittance were fabricated via a dry transfer method.
phous carbon coated on a catalyst surface, enhancing the The plot of transmittance versus sheet resistance was fitted
decomposition of carbon monoxide to carbon by shifting according to the relationship between sheet resistance (Rs) and
the Boudouard reaction forward. Thus, more catalysts will be transmittance (T) in Equation (2)
activated for growing SWCNTs due to the enhanced carbon
feeding, and fewer catalysts will deposit on the wall, leading to −1
Rs = (2)
higher yield and longer tubes. KlnT
When CO2 concentration increases slightly to 0.50%
(Figure 6, right), the Boudouard reaction will shift backward where K is a coefficient of proportionality, which contains both
due to the slight excess of CO2. Hence, the CO decomposition optical and electrical characteristics of the film and can be used
is reduced modestly and more catalyst will deposit on the wall, as a figure of merit to characterize the quality of film.[14]
leading to lower yield. On the other hand, the excessive CO2 The pristine TCFs with different CO2 concentration exhibit
can remove coated carbon on a catalyst. Therefore, the carbon various levels of conductivity (Figure 7a). On one hand, the
dissolution and diffusion in catalysts is promoted, leading to a sheet resistance of SWCNT films at 90% T550nm decreases
faster growth rate of SWCNTs. Finally, much longer tubes are from 1075.6 Ω sq−1 at 0% CO2 to 273.4 Ω sq−1 at 0.50% CO2.
consequently obtained. On the other hand, SWCNT films synthesized at 1.23% CO2
However, with a highly excessive 1.23% CO2, the decompo- show inferior conductivity due to the excess nanoparticles
sition of CO is heavily suppressed, resulting in much lower (Figures S1 and S2, Supporting Information). To further

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (6 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Figure 7.  Performance of SWCNT TCFs with various CO2 concentrations. Sheet resistance versus transmittance at 550 nm of SWCNT TCFs a) before
and b) after doping with AuCl3, the inset shows the sheet resistance at 90% T550  nm for SWCNT films with different CO2 concentrations. The SWCNT
TCF with 0.50% CO2 displays a sheet resistance of 86.8 Ω sq−1 at 90% T550  nm after doping, which is the lowest among all the samples in this work.
The improved conductivity of SWCNT TCF mainly results from the optimized geometry by CO2. c) Sheet resistance ratio of pristine to doped films with
various CO2 concentrations at different transmittance. d) Doping ratio of SWCNT films with various CO2 concentrations calculated from panel (c).
e) Typical SEM image of SWCNT film with CO2 concentration of 0.50% and f) optical transmittance as a function of light wavelength for pristine SWCNT
film on PET; the inset is the corresponding film used as conductive channel to light up a blue LED.

improve the conductivity of SWCNT TCFs, AuCl3 was used diameter; thus, the number of tubes in one bundle will be
as an efficient dopant.[41] The absorption spectra before and decreased, and more tubes can join in the conductive network
after doping are displayed in Figure S5 (Supporting Informa- to improve the conductivity. Thus, SWCNT films with 0.50%
tion). While doping by AuCl3 boosts up the conductivity of all CO2 exhibit the best conductivity among all samples. This is
SWCNT TCFs, the trend is not different (Figure 7b). In fact, clear evidence of our assumption that finely tuning the geom-
our best sample is the doped SWCNT film synthesized at 0.50% etry of SWCNTs can improve the conductivity of TCFs.
CO2 with a sheet resistance as low as 86.8 Ω sq−1. According to the sheet resistance of SWCNT films before and
Contact junctions play a crucial role in the conduc- after doping (Figure 7a,b), we calculated the sheet resistance
tivity of SWCNT TCFs. As demonstrated above, the conductivity ratio of pristine to doped films (doping factor) with various CO2
of SWCNT TCFs can be improved by decreasing the number concentrations at different transmittance values (Figure 7c,d).
of contact junctions as well as the junction resistance. As com- We can see that with a given CO2 concentration, SWCNT films
pared to the growth without CO2, SWCNT films synthesized undergo similar doping factor at different transmittance values
at 0.50% of CO2 have two advantages: i) less number of junc- (Figure 7c). On the other hand, the doping factors vary with
tions due to the longer tubes and ii) lower junction resistance CO2 concentration. As shown in Figure 7d, SWCNT films with
due to the larger tube diameter and less bundling. Known from 0% CO2 display a mean doping factor of ≈6; then, it decreases
Figures 1 and 4, compared with the 0% CO2 sample, the 0.50% to about 5.4 and 3.1 with 0.31% and 0.50% CO2, respec-
CO2 sample has a larger tube diameter but a smaller bundle tively. Yet, such a factor rises to ≈3.8 and 5.4 with higher CO2

Adv. Mater. Interfaces 2018, 5, 1801209 1801209  (7 of 10) © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

in this work is a facile method to achieve high-performance

SWCNT TCFs with relatively high yield.

3. Conclusion
In summary, we have successfully tuned the geometry of
SWCNTs by controlling CO2 concentration in a FC-CVD system
and further investigated the performance of TCFs based on
SWCNTs with various geometries. The CO2 concentration intro-
duced to the reactor is a key factor in obtaining various geom-
etries of SWCNTs. We found that raising CO2 concentration
(from 0% to 0.74%) increases both the tube diameter (from 1.1
to 2.1 nm) and length (from 2.7 to 7.5 µm). Additionally, the
yield can also be boosted over two times with a proper amount
Figure 8.  A comparison of our SWCNT TCFs to other reported results. Our of CO2 (0.31%). Based on the effect of CO2 on SWCNT growth,
strategy of using CO2 can achieve higher-performance SWCNT TCFs than we propose that the role of CO2 is to enhance the dispropor-
many of the reported results. Compare to the reported methods, our method tionation of CO or carbon dissolution and diffusion in the cata-
of employing CO2 is easier to operate and the yield is relatively high. lyst, depending on CO2 concentration. TCFs based on SWCNTs
with optimized tube diameter (1.9 nm), length (7.5 µm), and
concentration of 0.62% and 0.74%, respectively. This pheno­ bundle diameter (7.1 nm) showed an excellent sheet resistance
menon can be explained by the fact that chemical doping of 86.8 Ω sq−1 at 90% T550  nm. The enhanced conductivity of
mainly lowered the contact resistance between SWCNTs.[24] SWCNT TCFs mainly results from the reduced contact junc-
Herein, compared to SWCNTs with 0% and 0.31% CO2, tions between SWCNTs. In this work, the direct use of CO2
SWCNTs with 0.50% CO2 possess fewer contact junctions, as offers promising approaches to in situ control of the SWCNT
well as lower junction resistance. Additionally, through fur- synthesis and provides great potential to scale-up production of
ther analysis of chirality of our tubes by electron diffraction, high-performance SWCNT TCFs.
we found that the metallic tube ratio could be increased with
the increment of CO2 concentration. SWCNTs with 0.50% CO2
have higher metallic tubes ratio than those with 0% and 0.31% 4. Experimental Section
CO2,[42] lowering the probability of metallic–semiconducting
Materials and Reactor: Ferrocene (99.0%) was purchased from Alfa
contact. Therefore, the junction resistance of pristine film with Aesar, and carbon monoxide (99.0%) and carbon dioxide (99.9993%)
0.50% CO2 is lower than with 0% and 0.31%, and the dopant were obtained from AGA Industrial Gases. SWCNTs were synthesized
will have less effect on SWCNTs with 0.50% than with 0% and in house based on the thermal decomposition of ferrocene under
0.31%. Consequently, SWCNT films with 0.50% CO2 exhibit an atmosphere of CO in an FC-CVD system;[14] see Figure S6 in the
a lower doping factor. However, with too much CO2 such as Supporting Information for a schematic of the FC-CVD reactor.
Synthesis of SWCNTs: A flow of 50 ccm CO was passed through the
0.62% and 0.74%, SWCNTs may have more amorphous carbon
cartridge at ambient temperature, where the ferrocene mixed with silica
on the nanotube walls. Such amorphous carbon can increase sand was stored. The ferrocene-containing gas was injected through
the junction resistance in the pristine films, which makes the a water-cooled injector probe maintained at a constant temperature
doping factor higher. of 24 °C. The heating length of the reactor was 87 cm and the inner
The SWCNT bundles can form an arbitrary network, as diameter of quartz tube was 22 mm. Another pure CO flow of 250 ccm
shown in Figure 7e. The clean SWCNT network poses good was introduced from the main inlet and 100 ccm from bypass inlet.
The ferrocene vapor immediately decomposed into iron vapor after
interconnection between tubes, which is also an important
coming out of the injector probe, followed by the nucleation to iron
factor for improving its conductivity. As demonstrated in nanoparticles in the quartz tube with a maximum temperature of 850 °C.
Figure 7f, a SWCNT film (0.50% CO2) on polyethylene tere- Subsequently, the iron nanoparticles catalyzed the growth of SWCNTs
phthalate (PET) with 90% T550nm was used as the conductive inside the reactor with a laminar flow. DMA was used to determine the
channel to light up a blue light-emitting diode (LED). number size distributions in the gas phase. In this work, a system of
A comparison of our SWCNT TCFs to other scanning mobility particles sizer plus an electrometer (SMPS + E, Grimm
research[4,14,24,39,43–47] reported recently is shown in Figure 8. Aerosol Technic) was applied to monitor the number size distributions
from the outlet of the reactor. The prepared SWCNTs were collected
This suggests that our SWCNT TCFs performed better than downstream of the reactor using a membrane filter with the help of a
most other approaches except those reported by Mustonen vacuum. CO2 was used to tune growth of SWCNTs. In this work, extra
et al.,[39] Kaskela et al.,[43] and Hecht et al.[45] However, in introduction of CO2 flow rates was set to 0.0, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5,
Mustonen et al.’s work, the yield of SWCNT TCFs was much 3.0, and 5.0 ccm corresponding to the volumetric fractions of 0%,
lower than this work,[39] which limits real applications. Fur- 0.25%, 0.31%, 0.37%, 0.50%, 0.62%, 0.74%, and 1.23%, respectively.
thermore, Kaskela et al. used the patterned SWCNT films to For subsequent absorption, sheet resistance, or Raman measurement,
the SWCNT films were directly transferred onto quartz or PET substrates
increase the conductivity.[43] Hecht et al. introduced a super acid
without any purification.
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