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Appropriate techniques for gathering the information needed to arrive
at a workable solution 📄

Examining current system is a process that involves the detailed examination of the
current system, analysis of its functions and procedures, studying the business and
system documents such as current order documents, logistics and computer
procedures and reports used by operations and senior managers.
Literature search

Literature search refers to the identification, retrieval and management of various sources in order to find
information on a topic, areas that might be interesting for further studies, derive conclusions, as well as
develop guidelines for practices. Nowadays the most efficient way to identify published studies and to search
for specific information is with the use of online databases, search engines etc.
Examining competing products

Examining competing products may include the analysis of competitive factors, their benefits, vulnerabilities,
successful characteristics, the breakthroughs that they introduce, their design features as well as the users
and stakeholders acceptance.
During the analysis and design phases all critical organizational capabilities that are essential to support effective planning
and developing of the new IT system should be identified. A successful IT system should result in a competitive advantage.
According to Hall(2011) organizational capabilities such as sense-making, decision-making, asset availability. and operations
management are completely associated with effective implementation of an information system. which in turn positively
affects organizational performance. Information systems used in modern companies play a critical role and most companies
use data and information as assets to gain competitive advantage. We should keep in mind that a modern information
system should be planned to:
increase client trust
preserve brand strength
preserve organization reputation
maintain corporate resiliency
enhance organizational piece
Suitable representations to illustrate system requirements 🖥

System requirements are needed to understand if your computer is compatible with that system or not. The
most common way to specify system requirements is a document called a “requirements specifications

Finding your system requirements is included in system analysis and may be later used to test test system,
after implementation, in order to evaluate them.

Before proceeding with the various representations that are used to illustrate system requirements it is very
useful to examine the types of processing.

There are three types of processing: Online, Real-time and Batch processings
Online processing (Interactive)

Data processing performed by a single processor through the use of equipment that it controls.

This is a method that utilizes Internet connections and equipment directly attached to a computer. This
allows for the data stored in one place and being used at altogether different place. It is used mainly for
information recording and research. For example: airline reservation
Real-time processing

Data processing performed on-the-fly in which the generated data influences the actual process taking place.

This technique has the ability to respond almost immediately to various signals in order to acquire and
process information. These involve high maintainance and upfront cost to very advanced technology and
computing power. Time saved is maximum in this case as the output is seen in real time. For example in
banking transactions
Batch processing

Data processing performed on data that have been composed and processed as a single unit.

Almost the same as online processing but this method separates and sorts information and simply as online
method uses Internet connections and equipment directly attached to a computer to store the data. For
example: payroll.
System flowcharts

A system flowchart refers to the description of a data processing system, including flow of data through any
individual programs involved, but excluding the details of such programs.

System flowcharts are frequently used during system analysis and to show various computer programs, files,
databases, etc. They are able to show batch, real-time, online processing, and this processes are the only way
to refer to hardware
System flowchart symbols: Example of use:
Data Flow Diagrams (DFD)
A DFD may usually be used to describe
the problem that have to be solved, or
just simply used for analysis. A DFD
shows how data moves through a system
and the data stores that the system uses.
A DFD doesn’t specify the type of the
data storage and the type of data
Example of DFD:
Structure charts

A structure charts describes functions and sub-functions of a system,

as well as the relationships between modules of a computer program.
The organization of a structure chart is straight forward, allowing the
analyst to split a large problem into smaller ones. Each module
performs a specific function and each layer in a program performs
specific activities.

Modular design is the process of designing system modules

individually and then combining the modules to form a solution to an
overall problem
Important terms given by CS IB guide (2004)

● Top-down design or “stepwise refinement” is a software design and problem solving technique that
involves the partition of a problem into smaller sub-problems. Each sub-problem is futher broken
down until all sub-problems are detailed enough and no more partitioning required.
● Pseudocode is an artificial language that is not directly related to any particular hardware and is used
to describe algorithms.
● Module is a complete independent part of a program or an algorithm
● Modular programming or “Modularity” is the method of partitioning as computer program into
separate sub-programs.
● Modular language is a language that supports modular programming
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