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Case Report

Surgical Removal for Khat Inducible Verruca Vulgaris Lesion of the

Oral Mucosa
G Gazal

Department of Maxillofacial The harmful effects of khat chewing on the oral mucosa membrane are still

Surgery, College of Dentistry,
Taibah University, Al
uncertain. Verruca vulgaris (common warts) is a benign lesion of skin and mucous
Madinah Al Munawwarah, membranes and can be caused by human papillomavirus. The lesions are typically
Saudi Arabia self‑limited but may vary in size and number. The occurrence on the floor of
mouth is extremely rare. To the best of our knowledge, there are few number of
oral lesions reported in connection with khat users. This case report shows that
the chronic khat chewing has contributed to the development of verruca vulgaris
warts that were confined to the chewing side of the mouth. A rare case of verruca
vulgaris of the floor of mouth occurring in a 27‑year‑old Yamani male is presented
with a discussion on etiopathogenesis and the treatment methods. Verruca vulgaris
must be remembered in the differential diagnosis of the floor of mouth lesions,
and surgical treatment may provide satisfactory outcomes.
Date of Acceptance:
08-Sep-2018 Keywords: Floor of mouth, human papillomavirus, khat, verruca vulgaris

Introduction presentation, the patient began feeling a small lump

in his mouth. Clinical examination revealed that
T he chewing habit of khat leaves (Catha edulis)
can cause mucosal pathologies; however, there are
few reports on the oral findings due to this habit.[1] In
the patient has poor oral hygiene with generalized
periodontitis [Figure 1a-c]. There was a painless,
this case report, a case of verruca vulgaris associated exophytic, sessile mass of 1.5 × 1.5 cm [Figure 2] on
with heavy khat chewing is presented. Although human the right side of the floor of the mouth  [Figure 3]. It
papillomaviruses (HPVs) cause the most common was in the middle of the distance between the base of
sexually transmitted infection and are responsible for tongue and lower right second molar. The lesion was
large number of cases with cervical cancer, it is still isolated, not indurated, or having an ulcerated area
considered as an important risk factor for oropharyngeal on mucosa membrane. There was no sign of lymph
and tongue cancer.[2] Several studies have demonstrated nodes adenopathy. Under local anesthesia, the lesion
a connection between HPV and oral cancer, which has was excised totally using needle‑tip electrocautery
tremendous relevance in patient care, including treatment with preservation of safe surgical margins [Figure 4].
and prevention of disease.[3‑6] The patient did not have lesions elsewhere in the
body. The orthopantomogram (OPG) revealed that
Case Presentation the adjacent teeth were intact and not associated
with dental pathology. Diagnosis of verruca vulgaris
A 27‑year‑old Yemeni male (camel shepherd) has been
was confirmed by pathological investigation and
referred to the screening clinic in the Taibah Dental
polymerase chain reaction analysis which revealed
College, Al‑Madinah Al‑Munawarah for multiple
teeth extraction under local anesthesia in the 5th‑year Address for correspondence: Dr. G Gazal,
dental students’ clinic. This patient is a nonsmoker Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, College of Dentistry, Taibah
University, P.O. Box. 2898, Al Madina Al Munawara ‑ 41311,
and chews khat 3 times a day for 5 h since he was
Saudi Arabia.
15  years old. Medically, the patient was fit and well E‑mail: gazal73@yahoo.co.uk
and was not on any medication. Two years before
This is an open access journal, and articles are distributed under the terms of the
Access this article online Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0 License, which allows
others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work non‑commercially, as long as
Quick Response Code: appropriate credit is given and the new creations are licensed under the identical
Website: www.njcponline.com

For reprints contact: reprints@medknow.com

DOI: 10.4103/njcp.njcp_357_18

How to cite this article: Gazal G. Surgical removal for khat inducible
PMID: ******* verruca vulgaris lesion of the oral mucosa. Niger J Clin Pract

© 2019 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice | Published by Wolters Kluwer ‑ Medknow 439

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Gazal: Khat inducible oral verruca vulgaris lesion

a b c
Figure 1: (a-c) Poor oral hygiene and generalized periodontitis as a result of khat chewing

Various lesions may present on the floor of the mouth.
The effect of khat on the oral mucosa membrane was
reported by a few studies previously.[2‑6] However,
there is still lack of the evidence whether the khat
can cause oral leukoplakia or not. It must constantly
be kept in mind that early carcinoma frequently
Figure 2: The size of the mass which is about of 1.5 × 1.5 cm
appears as an area of erythroplasia, as 75–90% of
lesions prove to be carcinoma/carcinoma in situ or
are severely dysplastic.[4,5] The incidence of malignant
change is 17 times higher in erythroplasia than in
leukoplakia.[6] Several studies have reported that khat
chewing is considered as a harmful activity on health.
Many different compounds are found in khat including
alkaloids, terpenoids, flavonoids, sterols, glycosides,
tannins, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. The
major pharmacologic and toxic effects come from the
phenylalkylamines and the cathedulins.[7] The major
effects of khat include those on the gastrointestinal
system and central nervous system but also affect the
cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, and genitourinary
systems.[7,8] The effects on the central nervous system
resemble those of amphetamine with differences
Figure 3: Exophytic, sessile lesion on the right side of the floor of the being quantitative.[8] The main toxic effects include
increased blood pressure, tachycardia, insomnia,
anorexia, constipation, general malaise, irritability,
migraine, and impaired sexual potency in men.[9] Since
this is a major social issue particularly in East Africa,
raising awareness with the general public, in terms
of the harmful effects of khat chewing,[5‑8] can be
accomplished via appropriate communication strategies
by using printed materials and electronic media.[8]
The clinical differential diagnosis of this case
included verrucous leukoplakia, verrucous carcinoma,
candidiasis (speckled white‑on‑red appearance),
and squamous papilloma. Microscopically, the
histopathological report showed that the lesion is verruca
vulgaris (common viral wart), and no sign of atypia was
Figure 4: The site of surgery with preservation of safe surgical margins There are two possible accounts for the explanation
of the effects of khat chewing on the rapid onset of
HPV‑4 DNA. Four months postoperatively, there were the oral viral infection. First, verruca vulgaris is a
no recurrences or complications sequelae. virus‑induced neoplasm of the skin caused by a human

440 Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice  ¦  Volume 22  ¦  Issue 3  ¦  March 2019
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Gazal: Khat inducible oral verruca vulgaris lesion

papilloma virus. According to Halboub et al.,[10] khat Financial support and sponsorship
chewing causes stomatitis that might be secondarily Nil.
infected. It also causes periodontitis, teeth discoloration,
Conflicts of interest
and xerostomia.[9] So, the frictional trauma caused by
There are no conflicts of interest.
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