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NAME: Bea C.

STUDENT ID No.: 2020-H-01208
SUBJECT: Organization and Management
TEACHER: Sir Elizalde Arrieta

Leading the Organization


 The leader that I choose is Tim Cook, the CEO of Apple. Leadership requires
skiils that you must continue to refine as you progress through your career. Tim
Cook proved that he is more than capable of taking Apple to the next level. He
has great qualities and traits of being a leader. Tim Cook understoods that he
must take risks in order to succeed. He believes that “we take risks knowing
that risks will sometimes result in failure, but without the possibility of success.”
Tim Cook have the trait of being focus to what he is doing and listening
attentively to those he speak to. He is known as a leader who will trust the
opinions and voices of the team he sorrounds himself with. Tim Cook is the kind
of leader that is founded on innovation, understands he needs thinkers who can
offer a different insight. For him diversity is important. Tim Cook has a
characteristic of being brilliant, determined, obsess curiosity, focus and agitated
idealism. Because of his good characteristics and traits of being a leader Tim
Cook receives awards and achievements. He was named one of “Forbes”
magazines ‘World’s Most Powerful People in 2011. In 2015, Cook was inducted
into the ‘Alabama Academy of Honor,’ the highest honor given by Alabama to
it’s citizens. He also received an honorary doctorate from ‘George Washington
University’ in 2015. Tim Cook work as an Engineer, Philanthropist, Business
Person and Computer Scientist in Apple. Tim Cook leadership exemplifies
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory.

I am motivated to do activities when I am passionate with it. Because doing what I

love is giving me the courage to do it. Next, I am motivated when some of my
activities is one of my habits. Being focus to what I am dong give me the courage
to do activities. For me, to be motivated to every task that has given to me I
always remind myself what is the importance of it. I always alot specific time to
finish my activities. Success motivates me to do good work. Knowing the fact that
my hardwork and perseverance will help me achieve success is what keeps me
going. Also, one of the things that motivates me is meeting deadlines, targets or
goals. Next is learning new things. Many things can motivate me in doing activities
which is helping me to do a great work. For me, the most applicable theory for
myself is Vroom’s Expectancy Theory and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.


Alederfer’s ERG Theory - is a simplified version of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

that suggests that all human needs can be accessed and satisfied simultaneously,
rather than from the bottom up.
McClelland’s Learned Needs Theory - is a motivational model that attempts to
explain how the needs for achievement, power, and affliation affect the actions of
people from a managerial context.
Transactional Theory - is the part of one style of leadership that focuses on
supervision, organization, or performance; it is an integral part of the Full range
Leadership Model.
Herzberg’s Two-Factor Theory - states that there are certain factors in the
workplace that cause job satisfaction while a separate set of factors cause
dissatisfaction, all of which act independently of each other.
Great Man Theory - states that some people are born with the necessary
attributes that set them apart from others and that these traits are responsible for
their assuming positions of power and authority.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs - is a theory by Abraham Maslow, which puts
forward that people are motivated by five basic categries of needs: Physiological,
safety, love, esteem, and self-actualization.
Theory X - means avoid responsibility. Theory X managers tends to take a
pessimistic view of their people, and assume that they are naturally unmotivated
and dislike work.
Vroom’s Expectancy Theory - explains that employees are motivated to work
when they expect to achieve something from their jobs.
Contingency Theory - emphasizes the importance of both the leader’s personality
and the situation in which that leader operates.
Adam’s Equity Theory - posits that people maintain a fair relationship between
the performance and rewards in comparison to others.

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