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An online event



Nadir Elnour

Saudi Arabian mining company

An online event


• Block Models Concept

• Block Models Brand
• Block Models Attributes
• Block Model flagging
• Block Model Constrain
• Regularize Models
• Constrained Models
• Import export & convert Models
Nadir Elnour • Block Model Reporting
• Prepare Model for Pit optimization
• Prepare Model for Planning & Scheduling
• Be familiar how Companies use Models

Who Should join

Geologists & Mining Engineers

 A block model is a simplified representation of an
ore body and its surroundings that

 can be thought of as a stack of computer-

generated “bricks” that represent small volumes
of rock in a deposit (ore and waste).

 Each “brick”, or cell, contains estimates of data,

such as element grade, density and other
geological or engineering entity values.

 The cells of a block model are arranged in an

XYZ grid system, and the cells may be of regular
or of irregular size.
• The term “model framework” defines the
rectangular region of space within the
prospect Area or any potential space
• It requires an origin, distance for each axis,
and rotation angle
• Within this framework are individual blocks,
all with a designated length (X-increment),
width (Y-increment), and height (Z-
increment). The block position may be
defined by a centroid (Xc, Yc, Zc), or a block
origin (Xmin, Ymin, Zmin).
• Within this framework are Individual blocks (Cells) , all with a designated length
(X-increment), width (Y-increment), and height (Z-increment).
• The block position may be defined by a Centroid (Xc, Yc, Zc), or a block origin
(Xmin, Ymin, Zmin).
• The number of blocks in each coordinate axis direction
is usually specified to define the full potential model
• Note that some modeling schemes do not necessarily
need a fully “filled” block model – blocks can be
missing or absent within the framework.
• One final and important aspect of block model
frameworks is to note how blocks are
positioned at the origin.

• The block format with the “origin block” sitting

along the axes is the most common, but the
“origin block” having its centroid located on the
• The first models developed divided the total model
space into a regular three-dimensional Blocks.

• In order to better model boundaries within the

model space, the blocks can be sub-divided ( Sub
Block) into smaller cuboid sizes (or rectangular
prisms), known as sub-blocks or sub-cells,

• while keeping the storage and computational

efficiency of the standard block model. The sub-
cells are usually stored separately from the parent
The sub-division process can be done in one of
two ways:

1. Octree or
2. Flexible sub-division.

Surpac uses octree sub-division, whereas

Datamine uses the flexible method; this is a major

Cause of incompatibility issues between the two

types of models. (Note that Surpac has a “free
block model” format to allow for the import and
interrogation of a Datamine model.)
Octree sub-division
Octree sub-division splits the parent block into a
hierarchy of cubes with automatic sub-division at the
boundaries being used, so that all blocks are
continually halved, resulting in blocks with sides of
size “x”, “x/2”, “x/4”, “x/8”, … “x/2n”, where “x” is the
original maximum block size (parent block), and “n”
indicates the maximum amount of sub-division to be
allowed. This is the method Surpac uses.
Flexible sub-division
The flexible method allows sub-division to vary depending upon the angle of intersection of a
particular block with boundary surface controlling the sub-division. The sub-division is extremely
variable, allowing a better volumetric interpretation of the boundary surface, producing fewer blocks
for the same level of accuracy compared with the octree method. This is the method Datamine uses.
The most common block model types encountered in the mining industry are
• Datamine,
• Vulcan,
• Surpac,
• Micromine
• MineSight.
• Leap frog Edge
Datamine block models will be recognized by their suffix: *.dm.
There are two major limitations of Datamine files that need to be
(a) Datamine files only support eight characters as field names.
(b) Datamine files are limited to a total of 256 fields (if in default
extended precision format).

• Standard Surpac models are identifiable by their suffix: *.mdl.

A secondary Surpac block model format is the ‘free block
model’, identified by the suffix *.fbm.
• Surpac uses the octree sub-division method, the actual
division of blocks is not performed until it is needed. This
means that the number of blocks is always the minimum
• Surpac also has the concept of a “super-block” where identical
blocks are agglomerated until no further agglomeration can be
done; this means that the stored model size of a Surpac block
model can be much smaller than a Datamine block model.

• The different sub-cell sizing regimes mean that many

Datamine models cannot be converted to a native (mdl)
Surpac block model if irregular sub-celling is present.
Surpac provides the “free block model” format for importing
and manipulating Datamine block models in Surpac.
• Vulcan block models can be identified by the file extension suffix *.bmf. There
may also be an associated *.bdf file, which is a block definition file (used in the
creation of the block model, but not needed once the block model has been

A MineSight block model will generally have a *.dat suffix
• (Micromine block model files also use the *.dat suffix).
• Note that MineSight uses the *.dat suffix for other types of files as well, such
as raw drill hole data and project control files.

• Geovia GEMS block model files will have the suffix *.txt.
• GEMS uses a partial percent model approach with no sub-devision
Block Model
alphanumeric characters. cannot be used in numeric calculations. A "waste";, "ORE";, "pit4", ".03 cutoff",
Character maximum of 64 characters applies to these attributes. "limestone", "Qtz", "Silicified&oxidized"
"99_pit3", "mined June 1998", "overburden"

High precision decimal point numbers. 1234567890123456.0,

Real Using real; rather than float will significantly increase the size of the -9999999999999.9999,
Note that Surpac fields can also be of type “Calculate”.
block model. 0.00000000000000001

This type of field is only calculated when the field is used -

0.003, 12345678.2, -999999.99,
Lower precision decimal point numbers.Normally 8 significant
Float digits using
or less. an equation that populates the description column
100.00456, 98765.210, 0.01234567 of

the field.
Integer Range of values between approximately
Integer values (no decimal places) -2 billion -> 2 billion

Stores a generic expression, using the same syntax as the Block gold*0.9 + silver*0.1
Maths. lead*10*10*5*3.37*1000
The result of this expression can be integer, floating point, or nickel / fe2o3
character. iif(gold > 30, 30, gold)
Calculated tonnage = _xext x _yext x _zext x sg.
attribute is calculated "on demand", and so does not exist until _xorg , _yorg _zorg
the value is requested. _xext , yext - _zext
As such, it takes up no space in memory, and is always fully up _xcen _ycen _zcen
to date.
Block Model Attributes”
Block Model

3DM: Blocks inside or outside of one or more closed, valid objects.

BLOCK: Blocks with attribute values which match the expression that
you specify.
Note: The BLOCK option is not available when you are creating a new
block model by applying a constraint to an existing model (because you
can use Lower and Upper in the Block model load form instead).
DTM: Blocks above or below a surface.
PLANE: Blocks above or below a plane defined by an equation.
STRING: Blocks inside or outside of closed segments of one or more
X PLANE: Blocks greater than or less than a specified easting.
Y PLANE: Blocks greater than or less than a specified northing.
Z PLANE: Blocks greater than or less than a specified elevation.
CONSTRAINT (.con): Blocks inside or outside of an existing
constraint that is defined in a constraint file.
Block Model Constrains”
• The Model Can be Save as constrained model in Surpac
• That Mean No Framework The model will be constrain to topo or wireframes or elevation or any applicable constrains
Example : for Constrained model
Model constrained by Pit Advance Topo, All block mined will removed using constrain and save the model
as a depleted model
Constrained Model
Block Model
Mineral Reserve Report Mineral Mineral Resource Report Mineral

Measured Resource
Indicated Resource
Proven Reserve
Inferred Resource
Probable Reserve
Constrained Model
SMU: The selective mining unit or SMU is the minimum block size at which ore and waste can be
delineated and mined. This is a function of the mining method, equipment, geometry of the mineralization
and the grade variability within the mineralized domains
Criteria of determine Selective mining unit SMU

Selectivity: Selectivity refers to the scale at which mining is carried out and is a function of the
SMU. A high selective mining method attempts to distinguish ore from
waste at a local scale and has a small SMU. A bulk mining method has a large SMU.

Dilution: The mining (and milling) of waste material with ore. Dilution can be both internal and/or
marginal to the ore.

Planned dilution results from such as minimum mining sizes (SMU) and development
Unplanned dilution results from poor sampling, estimation error, misdirected trucks, movement of
material during blasting or over break.

Ore loss: The mining of ore as waste or leaving ore behind, hence, the ore is lost for processing.
Planned ore loss results from such as minimum mining sizes (SMU) stability pillars and ramp
Unplanned ore loss results from poor sampling, estimation error, misdirected trucks, movement of
material during blasting or hang ups.
Regularize Model
Export & Import

Export & import Model to Used it in different software for different reasons

For Example

Block Model Validation

Report or use them in different software package
Export for pit optimization or Mine Schduling scheduling
It is extremely important to understand your block model well before starting to work with

1. Ask for a field summary , preferably get a full resource model report.
2. Make sure you know what all the fields mean. Are they integer, double, string or character fields?
3. Are there any “calculated” fields, such as Surpac fields that are calculated “on the fly”? Are they all
necessary for your work?
4. What default values (background Vaule ) are used? look at the statistics of each of the fields in the
5. What is the model framework? Is the framework in the right place? Are blocks regular or irregular? Is it
rotated? What is smallest size to largest size?

6.Is the block model complete within the framework or is it just some of the blocks within the framework,
with much of the framework being empty?

For example, it may have default values of “-99” for density or grade, and there may be blocks still in the
model with these default values. will give wildly incorrect tonnages! .

7.Check that you have latest block model. Record the supplied file name and confirm that this is
the correct model to use
8. Visually check that the ore resource classes seem appropriate.
9.Visually check for field consistencies. For example, ensure if Density=0 that the grade also
equals 0.
10.Check the resource report (or with the person who generated the model) for any dilution
applied to the resource.
11.Check global model tonnes and grade by running reports and compare it to resource report.
12. Find out what SMU size was used by the geologist (if applicable) in model creation.

13.Determine how density was estimated. (This will give you an understanding on accuracy
levels. Were they kriged? Are they a simple bulk average assignment for rock type? Are they
based on a calculation from mineralogy?)

14.Check wireframes for oxidation boundaries against block models material types.
15.Check wireframes for geological domaining coded in the model.
An online event


Thank you

Nadir Elnour

Saudi Arabian mining company


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