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Because the most important infection prevention activity that the staff can
deploy is performing hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is required to be performed before
direct contact with the patient. Hand hygiene is also required to be performed after
contact with the intact patient's skin. Not routinely performing hand hygiene before
entering the nursing bag, and not routinely cleaning the patient-care equipment after
use can contribute to the interior bag's contents becoming contaminated.
 Through home visits, community/ public health nurses provide opportunities for
families to become aware of potential health problems, to receive anticipatory
education, and to learn to mobilize resources for health promotion and primary
prevention. During home visits, community/public health nurses can uncover threats to
health that are not evident when family members visit a physician’s office, health clinic,
or emergency department Community/public health nurses successfully assist parents in
improving relations with their children and in providing safe, stimulating physical

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