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ACTIVITY 2: Plumbing Materials, Fitting and Fixtures

1.Why are fittings used in plumbing? Why are joints necessary? Discuss in detail, with suitable figures
Plumbing fittings are utilized all around
the house, although they aren't usually
visible because they are inside the walls
and in the ground. In home pipe systems,
a plumbing fitting is generally used to
connect straight lengths of pipe to other
shapes or sizes, adapt to various sizes or
kinds, and even regulate fluid flow in
some systems. It's an important part of
any household and has a variety of tasks
to complete throughout the day. The
fittings are used in plumbing to control
the flow of water or liquid waste via a
system of pipes or tubes in a residential
home setting.

Joints are necessary because joints are used to

connect pipes together. In the installation of pipes, several
joints are used. This fitting is a device that joins two or more
pipes together. Depending on the use, because there are so
many types of joints that can be utilized in a pipe. Joints are
also used to join several pipes and it is an important part of
the plumbing system because each tube developed inside the
2.State the difference between threaded joint and a welded joint.
The threaded joint is a temporary joint. As a result, the attached joints could be conveniently
removed any causing structural damage. It implies pre-drilled openings on the main sections allowing
screw passage. Its head of the bolt or screw stays stretched on the surface, obstructing visibility, and
restricting sliding action on that surface. Threaded assembly inspection, repair, and replacement are easier
and less expensive since it can be detached as needed. While welded joints cannot be removed before
breaking the constructions because each welding junction is permanent. During welding, no such hole
exists necessary on concrete members. When welding larger plates, although, surface treatment may be
required. After welding, the original component's cross-sectional area remains unchanged. The only
visible element in welding is the support but, it may be readily removed by polishing to provide an
operating point. Weld joints are now more stable in vibration thanks to technology. Repairing or replacing
a welded assembly is difficult and expensive since it cannot be removed without it.
3.What is the role of a float valve? List down its uses and advantages.
The float valve used to control the water level in a tank. The pressure used by the float valve will
control the flow of the water. This valve may be used to manage the amount of water in a tank, and it can
open and close when the liquid level changes. This valve is automatically operated by a control valve. As
we all know floating valve are inside in our toilet bowls, floating valve is the device used in toilet bowl
because when you flush your toilet the pressure of the water replaces the water, and the water replaces a
clean water because of the pressure of the floating valve.
The advantages of float valve are you don’t need to monitor the level of the water because the
water will automatically stop when it reaches to the maximum level the water will stop. It also has a good
sealing performance and small flow resistance of the water.
4.Why do you think it is necessary to us engineers to know the different types of fittings, Joints, and
Valve? and give a scenario where there is negligence of this matter.
It is necessary for engineers to know the different types of fittings, joints, and valve because it is
a part of building a construction. We engineer must know when or where we determined on putting tanks
in building structures. Every type of fittings, joints and valve are important engineer must know the
details of this because it helps them to picture out the scenario of each plan when it comes on connecting
pipes to their desired design. They have to study this because it allows them to determine the best option
to do when they see some problems when it comes on connections of fittings, joints and valves in a tube
or pipes and they will be able to distinguish the problem so they can come up with the best solution that
they know because weak water pressure can make it hard to use and it can cause you a big trouble if you
cannot hire professional in doing piping system. Water pressure problems can make it difficult to operate
almost any plumbing system in your house. Poor water supply is frequently an indication of more serious
plumbing issues such as infrastructure protection, concealed water damage, and sewer clogs that have
broken or blocked sewer lines. Mostly mechanical engineering is the one that studying this kind of study
but as a civil engineering we must also have a quick study in this platform because it is also part in
building structures, we must have a little bit knowledge to this because it will help us to contribute or to
apply this kind of study when we plan to build our own houses. For instance, your client wants you to
plan and design their house you don’t need to only include your knowledge in designing a structure but
also you must consider where to put these pipelines in the house that you are planning, and it is very
convenient to the client because you already have the knowledge.
5.What would result if inappropriate Plumbing materials will be used in a Plumbing Design? Can you
identify the factors and explain each?
The result of inappropriate plumbing materials can cause a very big problem. Leaks and floods
can occur because of a defective system, causing significant damage. For instance, when you pick a
wrong type of fittings to your tubes it can cause leaks or somewhat damage of your pipes. When you drop
inappropriate materials to your toilet like napkins and pads, it can cause blockage to the pipe. This is
commonly happening in public toilets like the users intentionally drop something in the toilet. Too much
pressure within the tank caused an explosion. Unclean pipes can cause disease, which can lead to
sickness. And also, it can cause a bad smell because of the wrong type of piping.
6.Why do you think it is necessary to make a critical decision in choosing the appropriate material for the
designing of a plumbing system? How will it affect people?
It is necessary to know on how to choose an appropriate material when you are designing of a
plumbing system. When you are planning in choosing a material in plumbing system you must consider
every situation, because if you want a good quality material for your plumbing system you must invest. If
you choose the right materials for your plumbing system you can prevent problems like leaks, blockage,
and flooding. It will affect people because choosing a right material can prevent damages to the pipes or

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