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That Sugar Film Analysis Paper

I. Description of the Film

It is a documentary type film which it documents all about sugar. How sugar can affect a
human body? How much sugar can a human consume in a day, months or years? How
much sugar being consumes and produced all over the world? How sugar affect people’s
journey to good life? Many questions were formulated in my mind after I watched the movie.
This film gives us the knowledge of what is the impact of sugar in each one of us. Imagine
that almost all products in the supermarket contain sugar. The film is an eye opener to
everyone of what could sugar may cause us.

That sugar film is movie showing Luim (Damon Gameau) as human lab rat which his
goal is to find how sugar can change a human body. With the guidance of a team of scientists
and nutritionists he has this goal to consume 40 teaspoons of sugar per day. To add extra
challenge to him he must to this without consuming any soft drinks, chocolate, ice cream or
confections. He will eat only foods that are marketed or considered “healthy” such as low-fat
yogurt, cereals but in fact these foods have hidden sugar. Even though Gameau did exercise
while having this kind of diet at a span of three weeks he gained 3.3 kilos and develops fatty
liver. He also experience having mood swings while in this kind of diet. He craves sugar day by
day. He also travel to other countries to know if how other countries consume, prevent and
react to the existence of sugar. Gameau meet a dentist that travel around Barbourville to check
everyone’s dental health. Until he met Larry a 17 year old boy from Barbourville who consume
12 cans of mountain dew a day. Larry’s habit result for him to have mouth full of rotten teeth.
Larry decided to have them all removed and replaced with denture, unfortunately his gums are
all infected that it isn’t immediately possible.

The changes in Gameau body during the experiment and being documented by him are
an indication how powerful sugar is. Also we can see how Gameau’s body adjust to that
reality that he’s consuming an unreasonable amount of sugar and how his brain deals with
all the changes in his body.

After 30 day consume 2400 teaspoon of sugar which result his liver is above safety line
(fatty liver), 8.5 is added to his weight, 7% of fat was added, 10cm added to his waist
causing him to have belly fat. This movie really shows all things are good but in moderation.
II. Issues in Technology Involved in the Film

The issue of technology in the movie is how food manufacturers used it by creating
products like sweets deceiving and misdirecting people about healthy diet. As the production
of sugar containing food increased, healthier diet practices is being abandoned because this
product gives different feeling than having a healthier diet. We are also deceived to buy
these products because of their fancy packaging.

Product packaging definitely impacts sales. Competition is strong in the marketplace and
there are benefits for companies who have their packaging attract the eyes of consumers. Also,
it protects products during transit, in stores, and while being used by customers. With so much
on the line, companies are wise to understand how their customers will be affected by their
product packaging and place a high level of importance on it. Brands often sell more products
as a result of the product packaging they use. Packaging that grabs their attention and
highlights its product’s value often creates more sales because of how much attention it
receives. (John Bynum 2018)

III. Self- Analysis and Self- Assessment of the Issues Involved in the Film

The story remind of that not all fancy looking are good for us if we abused them or we
just focus on the temporary benefits that they gives. Like this movie the existence of sugar in
the whole world really affects the way of living of each one of us. Imagine a milk tea without
sugar or just tea would you enjoy it? Imagine all you food you eat does not taste sweet?
Every day we consume unreasonable amount of sugar which we don’t give much attention
because we are blinded by taste and feeling that it gives to its consumers.

This story makes me more aware of as a culture, we eat too much processed food and
affects our overall sugar intake is too high, because a lot of the sugar we eat is ‘hidden’ in
foods and we are not aware of that. We focused only on the taste given by that product.
High sugar foods were easy to buy and eat and often we crave for it even more. The food
industry did a really good job on making our food tastier but we need to be more mindful
with our food choices and have a better balance of food to prevent different illnesses to
develop in our body and have a better journey to good life.

IV. Conclusion

Not matter how sweet or fancy the products we see always keep in mind the bitter sweet
about how these product can help but also cause many illnesses to our body as they
evolved and be innovated as time pass. Through thus movie we are much more conscious
to the food we eat because all of them can deceive us to be a ‘healthy food’ but have hidden
sugar content. All thing are good but in moderation
V. Reference

Bynum,J. ( August 31, 2018). Five ways product packaging affects sales. Retrived from Five
Ways Product Packaging Impacts Sales - MediaFast

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