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Implementation team: Group 1.

Class: CN16-TNA.

Hà Nội, ngày 27 tháng 11 năm 2020.


Họ và tên Mã sinh viên

Nguyễn Ngọc Ánh 19K620010

Hoàng Thị Linh Chi ( Leader ) 19K620016

Nguyễn Kim Cúc 19K620017

Lưu Thành Đạt 19K620020

Nguyễn Minh Đức 19K620025

Nguyễn Đặng Anh Dũng 19K620026

Hồ Nguyễn Diệu Hằng ( Secretary ) 19K620036

I, Survey form
1. What is your gender ?
o Female
o Prefer not to say
2. Your age belongs approx :
o 15-19
o 20-30
o 31-40
o Over 40
3. How often do you go shopping ?
o Every day
o One to three times a week
o Another choice
4. You usually shop by :
o Online shop
o Offline shop
o Another choice
5. You usually pay by :
o Cash
o Electronic wallets
o Credit cards
o Another choice
6. Your income :
o High
o Mid-level
o Low
o Prefer not to say
7. What's the most important thing for you when you buy a product ?
o Price
o Quality
o Image
o Convenient
o Another choice
8. What are you particularly interested in when shopping lately ?
o Price
o Preferential
o Save time
o Another choice
9. Does social media advertising affect your buying decision ?
o Very Influential
o Influential
o Ordinary
o Little Influential
o Unaffected

II, Analysis
Before talking about the Vietnamese shopping habits of today, let’s talk a look at the
Vietnamese shopping habits of ancient times:

1. Vietnamese shopping habits in ancient times.

 From time immemorial, Vietnamese land has developed trade, everywhere,
people buy and sell. Markets are held everywhere, by session; not only in
craft wards, but also in estuaries and wharfs.
 However, the market only meets session by session on a specified number
of days, in certain locations, so buyers cannot access goods whenever there
is a need.
 Characteristics of Vietnamese shopping habits an ancient times:
o Goods are distributed by the state under the stamp regime, not freely
traded on the market, not allowed to freely transport goods from one
locality to another, so everyone had to go very early to line up,
waiting to be distributed home necessities.
o Payment method: from commodity exchange, hole-punch coins,
stamps,… In addition, banknotes are also very popular.
2. Shopping habits of Vietnamese people today.
Nowadays, when technology develops, Vietnamese people's shopping habits have
many changes. About half a century ago, shopping was entirely done in traditional
markets. Now there are other forms of shopping, like shopping online, shopping at
supermarkets and many more. So now let's learn about the change in Vietnamese
shopping habits.
 We did a survey with some students to be able to investigate shopping habits.

15-19 20-30



According to the survey, the age factors of students are mainly from 15-19
( 67%), and the age group from 20-30( 33%) accounts for less.
Shopping frequency
Every day One to three times a week Another choice




Regarding the frequency of shopping, according to the survey, 11% of

respondents shop every day, 45% shop one to three times a week, and the
remaining 44% buy goods. with other frequencies.

Since then, it shows that shopping also has a clear differentiation, consumer demand
varies from shopping every day to only shopping once to three times a week, or even less.
Young people can be seen shopping less and less.

Commonly used shopping strategies

Online shop Offline shop Another choice


33% 56%

The main ways of shopping today are online shopping with 56% and offline shopping
33%, and some other ways to shop 11%.

 Evanluate:
 As such, people have gradually changed their traditional shopping habits and
instead use technology to shop online, and can integrate both ways to shop.
 From there, it can be seen that the current needs of buyers are not only goods but
also convenience, modernity, and time savings. However, there are still quite a
few respondents who are still regularly shopping online, showing that this form of
shopping is indispensable and there are also items that should not be shopping
online such as: food, ingredients, ...

Cash Electronic wallets Credit cards




Through the chart, we see that the buyers with cash payments still account for
45%, followed by e-wallets with 33% and credit cards with 22%.
 Evaluate:
 People in our country have used more payment methods than just cash, but the
habit of using cash of Vietnamese people is still very popular, even though there
are more payment methods such as electric wallets.
 However, perhaps because young people are not really familiar with cashless
transactions, the survey results show that the number of people using cash still
accounts for the majority.
High Mid-level Low Prefer not to say




Through the survey we can see that the number of people surveyed with high
income accounts for 11%, average income is 45%, low income earners is 11%,
and do not want to say 33%.
 Evaluate:
 Thus, the average income group is the highest with 45%, because being a student,
it is difficult to find a stable job, so they can work part-time with the subsidy from
their father. mom.
 Income affects a lot of shopping and other forms of shopping, more and more
people choose to shop and pay online for many incentives and discounts. So it can
save money.

11% Quality

From the chart it shows that consumer demand for products is largely for product quality
at 56%, followed by price at 22%, product image and convenience all at 11%.

 Evaluate:
 Thus, it can be seen that consumers will pay attention to product quality the most,
because buying a good product will bring many benefits to users, helping them
feel comfortable and satisfied with the product. products I have chosen.
 In addition, price is also a factor that accounts for a large part of the chart, because
survey participants are students, so price will be an important factor in shopping.
 Besides image and convenience are also mentioned, but through the chart it is said
to be less important than quality and price.

Customer attention with shopping

33% Friendly products with the

44% Preferential
Saver of time


From the chart showing that consumers' interest in shopping for the majority of products
are eco-friendly at 45%, and time savings account for a sizable portion of the selection.
choice of respondents with 33%, and the last one is a preference that accounts for 22% of
the survey respondents.

 Evaluate:
 At present, the shopping, consumer interest in the product not only comes from its
quality, but also from the environment friendly product.
 Shopping habits have changed a lot, in the past, people used to buy products
because it had many incentives and saved time, now one of the necessary
conditions is to be environmentally friendly.
Purchase decision from ads on social networks
Very Influential
33% Influential
33% Little Influential


Buying decisions due to the influence of social media ads are shown on the
chart with 34% very influential, followed by 33% normal, 22% influential, and
11% less influential. enjoy.

 Evaluate:
 Thus, the shopping of young people today has changed a lot, many survey
participants said that social media ads greatly affect or affect their shopping
because they will be impressed and buy products that they never thought of.
 But there are also many people who believe that they are only moderately affected
or less affected, they often buy purposefully, thoughtfully, and sometimes they do
not want to buy through online advertising. society because it does not guarantee
their requirements.

3. Conclusion.
Through the survey above, it shows that a part of young Vietnamese people have had
very clear changes in their shopping and payment habits. In the past, when buying and
paying completely direct payments, it has gradually turned to online and more and more
forms of cashless payment.

Along with that, the demand for products is also higher, requiring more quality,
environmentally friendly, not just cheap, time saving and has many incentives as before.
And consumers not only want to buy the goods because it is in the intention, calculation,
and needs of the buyer, but it also comes from the impact of advertising on social
networks, affecting the buyers and from that buys things they don't think about.

We can see that the shopping demand of Vietnamese consumers is increasing more and
more, they shop for things they are impressed and interested in, not just because those
goods are in their needs. The student's income is not high, but the demand for shopping, a
lot also shows that today people are tending to consume and shop more.

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