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Definition of Conflict Theory (Karl Marx):

- states that society or an organization functions so that each individual participant and its groups
struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change such as
political changes and revolutions.

-  is a theory that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of  competition for limited
resources. Conflict theory holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather
than by consensus and conformity. According to conflict theory, those with wealth and
power try to hold on to it by any means possible, chiefly by suppressing the poor and powerless.
A basic premise of conflict theory is that individuals and groups within society will work to try to
maximize their own wealth and power.

- states that society or an organization functions so that each individual participant and its groups
struggle to maximize their benefits, which inevitably contributes to social change such as
political changes and revolutions.

How this theory relate to work

o Structural Inequality: A typical organization has the top management that mostly
involves department heads and directors and the bottom level of the chart that
comprises the remaining workforce. Top management usually has the decision power,
high remuneration & benefits and access to resources, while most of the employees at
the bottom level are compensated thru the standard minimum wage. Both types of
employees rendered 8hrs of work per day, but they are compensated differently.
 Setting aside expertise, educational background, and other factors, the conflict
will be inevitable if the minimum wage earners' work is not laid out properly.
They will tend to compare their salaries to their colleagues.

o Interpersonal Conflict: Some people in the workplace cannot work with others (not on
the same page). If they are forced to work with each other, conflict can arise between
them. Maybe if they were not obliged to work with each other, they could have been
more civil and even friendlier towards each other.

 Some workers tend to see their colleagues as competition; hence, if competitive

workers are forced to work together, friction may arise.

How this theory relate to organization

o Role Conflict: Finance/Accounting department hold sales orders due to overdue
outstanding accounts of the stores in accordance to the department’s policy. On the
other hand, sales department needed the sales orders to be processed to achieve the
sales targets. This scenario often brings conflict across departments. Conversely, in a
different circumstance these departments are working harmoniously in producing the
desired goals for the organization.

o Power Struggle: A common challenge of most organizations is the power struggle within
the top management, people at the top of the organization tend to prioritize their own
views without taking into consideration others insights. They utilized all their means to
preserve their power. In other case, the unclear hierarchal chain of command and work
descriptions increases power struggle.

 In Company ABC, it has a National Sales Director and a VP for Sales, these
leaders have identical functions. This duo could have been fantastic if they have
aligned their plans and programs, but unfortunately their strategies clashed.
Although they both wanted to achieve the desired sales targets, the conflict
between them affects their subordinates and hampers the business operation.

How do you use this theory to understand organizations at work

Conflict Theory stresses that conflict is inevitable and occurs between employees and the organization
with numerous reasons. It often tests (check and balance) the prevailing organizational policies and
guidelines. These conflicts once resolved help bring necessary changes to organization as issues of both
parties will be tackled.

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