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Region Dates of competitive entrance School
Saturday 11th September The first cycle of the Higher Teacher Training College HTTC of
2021 Bambili.
Saturday 25th September The first year of the first Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training
2021 College HTTTC of Bambili.

Saturday 18th September The first year of the Nursing and Medical Laboratory Sciences of the
2021 Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Bamenda FHS.
The first year of first cycle of the National Higher Polytechnic Institute
Friday 10th September 2021
Bamenda (NHPI) of the University of Bamenda.
Buea Saturday 04 and Sunday The First Year of Nursing and Lab. Technicians of the Faculty of Health
05th September 2021 Sciences of the University of Buea.
Thursday 09th September Faculty of Engineering and Technology
Satuday 28th of August 2021 The first year of the first Cycle of the Higher Technical Teacher Training
College HTTTC of KUMBA.
Wednesday 08 and Thursday First year of Biomedical Sciences of Faculty of Health Sciences of the
09 September 2021 University of Buea (FHS)
Friday 24th and Saturday 25th First year of Midwifery of Faculty of Health Sciences of the University
September 2021 of Buea (FHS)
First year first cycle of l'Ecole Normale Supérieure d'Enseignement
Saturday 02th October 2021
Technique (ENSET) de l'IJniversité de Douala.
Sunday 18th July 2021 First year at the national advanced school of polytechnic Douala
Saturday 7 august 2021 Faculté d'Agronomie et des Sciences Agricoles (FASA) de IUniversité
de Dschang.
Friday 09th July 2021 Première année (division de la formation initiale) de l’institut Universitaire de
Technolgie (IUT) de l’lJniversité de Douala
Monday 10th September 2021 Première année (formation par alternance) de l’INTIstitut Universitaire de
Douala Technolgie (IUT) de IUniversité de Douala.
First cycle at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of the university of
Tuesday 10th August 2021
Sunday 12th September First year at the national advanced school of polytechnic Maroua
Saturday 11th September Faculty of mines and petrochemical engineering (FMIP).
Maroua 2021
First cycle at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of bertoua of th
Saturdy16th October 2021 university of ngaoundere.
Second Cycle de l'Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Bertoua de
Sunday17th October 2021 IUniversité de Ngaoundéré.
Saturday 28th August and Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) of the university of
Ngaoundéré Sunday 29th August 2021 Ngaoundéré.
Saturday 04th and Sunday Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Sciences Agro-IndUstrielles (ENSAI) of
05th September 2021 the University of Ngaoundéré.
Thursday 02th September Engineering cycle (EGEM)
MINESUP/ Samedi 10 et Dimanche II
Limbe Nautical Arts And Fisheries Institute(LINAFI)
MINEPIA juillet 2021
Vendredi 03 Septembre 2021 Retour sur Titre
Sunday 22th August 2021 Field of biomedical sciences of the university of Ngaoundéré.
Yaoundé I Saturday 24th July 2021 First cycle at Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) of the University of
Yaoundé I.
Wednesday 07th and First year at the national advanced school of engineering polytechnic
Thursday 08th of July yaounde (ENSPY)
Saturday 2th September 2021 (IUT) de Bois of Mbalmayo.
Yaoundé II Saturday 04th September
2021 (Written paper)
Dimanche 05 2021 (épreuve (ESSTIC) of the University of Yaoundé II.
MINESUP Examen National d'Aptitude à la Formation Médicale, Pharmaceutique
Friday 17th September 2021 et Odontostomatologique.
Examen National de Spécialisation (Internat et Résidanat) de la Faculté
Friday Olth October 2021
Médecine et des Sciences Biomédicales (FMSB) de IUniversité de
Yaoundé I.
Ingénieur (Master in Engineering) BAC/GCE AL + 05 ans de formation
Sunday 05th september 2021
Wednesday 22th september Masters Spécialisés (Licence ou Ingénieur des Travaux + 02 ans de
2021 formation ou Di lôme (fin énieur + 01 an de formation ENSTP
MINESUP/ Cycle des Ingénieurs des Travaux des Télécommunications/ Bachelor in
MINPT Engineering (Baccalauréat des séries scientifiques, technologiques ou
Tuesday 17th august
Certificate of Education « Advanced Level » ou tout diplôme reconnu
comme uivalent classi ue
Cycle des Inspecteurs des Postes et Télécommunications/ Bachelor in
Wednesday 18th august 2021 Administration (Tout Baccalauréat - formation 03 ans) (SUPPTTC) ;
Cycle des Techniciens des Télécommunications (Baccalauréat
Scientifique formation 02 ans classi ue
- Cycle des Techniciens des Télécommunications
Thurday 19 august 2021 - Cycle des Contrôleurs des Postes et Télécommunications
(Tout Baccalauréat - formation 02 ans).
- Cycle des Ingénieurs des Travaux des Télécommunications/Bachelor
th Engineering (Baccalauréat Scientifique-formation 03 ans en
Thurday 07 October alternance) (SUP'PTTC)
- Cycle des Ingénieurs des Télécommunications/Master in Engineering
Master ou Di lôme IPT - formation 02 ans SUP'PITC
- Cycle des Inspecteurs des Postes et Télécommunications/ Bachelor in
Administration (Tout Baccalauréat - formation 03 ans en alternance)
Friday 08th October 2021
- Cycle des Administrateurs des Postes et Télécommunications
/Master of Administration (Masters Scientifiques ou Diplôme ITT
formation (02 ans SUP'PTT

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