Math 10 Week 2

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Quarter 1 Week 2

NAME: ____________________________________ GR & SEC: _____________________

 The learner determines the arithmetic means, nth term of an arithmetic sequence and sum of
the terms of a given arithmetic sequence. M10AL-Ib-1

To the Learners:
Before doing this module, you have to set aside other tasks that will disturb you while enjoying the
lessons. Read the simple instructions below.

1. Follow carefully the contents and instructions indicated in this module.

2. Read and understand the contents of this module.
3. Perform all the provided activities.
4. Answer the pre-test and post-test given.
5. After answering the given activities, let your parents/guardian check your answers using the
answer key provided.
6. Have fun and enjoy learning!

Learning Expectations
After going through this module, you are expected to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to
arithmetic sequences. Specifically, you should be able to:
a. Determine the nth term of a given arithmetic sequence;
b. Know what an arithmetic mean is;
c. Find the arithmetic mean between the terms of an arithmetic sequence;
d. Know what an arithmetic series is;
e. Determine the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence and;
f. Confidently solve different problems involving arithmetic sequence, arithmetic mean, and
arithmetic series.

Pre - test

Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Use an extra sheet of
paper for your solutions, if needed.
1. Series is _______________.
a. a sequence of positive numbers
b. a sequence of whole numbers
c. the sum of the terms of a sequence
d. a show with many chapters
2. Find the arithmetic mean between 7 and 25.
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
3. Find the sum of the 10 terms for the sequence 3, 5, 7, 9,....
a. 110 b. 120 c. 130 d. 140
MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 1|9
4. The value of a7 in an arithmetic sequence a3  -5 and a8  15 is ____.
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
5. Find the common difference in the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13, 17, 21.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

Looking Back to your Lesson

From your previous lessons, you have learned the different ideas and concepts about
arithmetic sequences. You have also learned how to illustrate an arithmetic sequence and how to
determine the nth term of an arithmetic sequence.
As a quick recap, an arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers such that the difference
between the consecutive terms is constant.

A n a1 + ( n - 1 ) d

an  the last term

a1  the first term
n  the number of term
d  the common difference

Introduction of the Topic

Lesson 1 : Determine the nth term of the arithmetic sequence

Example 1. Find the 15th term of the arithmetic sequence 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, …

Note that a1  14, d  18 – 14  4, and n 15.

An  a1 + ( n - 1 ) d Formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence

A15  14 + ( 15 – 1) 4 Substitute the known quantities
 14 + ( 14 ) 4 Simplify
A15  14 + 56
A15  70 is the 15th term in the arithmetic sequence.

Example 2 : In the arithmetic sequence 4, 10, 16, 22, 28,…, which term is 118?

Find n when an 118
Let a1 4, d  6 , and an  118.

An a1 + ( n - 1 ) d Formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence

118  4 + (n - 1 )6 Substitute the known quantities
118  4 + 6n - 6 Apply the distributive Property
118  6n - 2 Combine like terms
120  6n Divide both sides by 6
n  20 th

Thus, 118 is the 20th term.

Example 3: Find the 18th term of the arithmetic sequence which first term is 11
and which seventh term is 59.

Find the common difference, d, by substituting a1  11 and a7  59 into
formula An a1 + ( n - 1 ) d
MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 2|9
a7  a1 + ( 7 – 1 ) d
59  11 + ( 7 – 1)d Replace a7 with 59 and a1 with 11
59  11 + 6d Simplify
59 – 11  6d Subtract 11 from both sides.
48  6d divide both sides by 6.
d  8 common difference

Find a18 by substituting a1  11 and d 8 in an  a1 + ( n – 1 ) d.

a18  11 + ( 18 – 1 )8
 11 + 136
a18  147

Therefore, 147 is the 18th term in the arithmetic sequence .


Activity 1.1
A. Write the first six terms of the arithmetic sequence from the given data.
1. a1  3 ; d  5 4. a1 4 ; d  1/2
2. a1 14 ; d  3 5. a1  2 ; d  3k
3. a1  - 12 : d  6

B. Find the indicated term in each arithmetic sequence.

6. 1, 4, 7, 10, … ( a10 ) 9. m, 4m, 7m, … ( a9)
7. 13, 9, 5, 1, … ( a8 ) 10. 1 + 2i, 3 + 3i, 5 + 4i, …(a7)
8. 2, 9, 16, 23,… ( a20)

C. Solve for the following :

1. Find the 10th term in the sequence 2, 3, 4,…
2. Find the 20th term of the arithmetic progression 17,13,9,…
3. Find t20 if t1  6 and d  15.
4. If a1  5, a7  17, and n  7, find the common difference.
5. The 15th term of an arithmetic progression is 45. If the common difference is 3, find
the first term.

Lesson 2: Arithmetic Mean

Arithmetic Mean Defined
The Arithmetic Mean is the term of the arithmetic sequence that is between two given terms.

Example: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 the arithmetic means are 4, 6, and 8.

Example: 7, 13, 19 the arithmetic mean is 13

The arithmetic mean between two numbers a and b is defined to be:

The sequence a, , b has its arithmetic mean computed using the formula

Illustrative Examples

1. What is the arithmetic mean between 60 and 80?

Solution: Average is
the synonym
of arithmetic

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 3|9
Another solution:
Arithmetic mean between 60 and 80
Consider we have a1, a2, a3
a1 60 1st term a3 80 3rd term
Use the arithmetic sequence formula to find the common difference (d).
an a1 + (n - 1) d a2 1 + d 2nd term
80 60 + ( 3 - 1 )d Replace the values a2 60 + 10
2d 80 - 60 Simplify a2 70 arithmetic mean

10 d common difference
2. Insert 4 arithmetic means between 7 and 47.
7, ___, ___, ___, ___, 47
a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6
In this case, you will use the formula of the arithmetic sequence.
an a1 + (n - 1) d
Given: 47 7 + (6 – 1) d Substitute the known values
an 47 47 7 + 5d Subtract ( -7) from both sides
5d 47 - 7
a1 7
40 5d Divide both sides by ( 5 )
n 6 Simplify
d ? 8 d Common difference

Another Solution:
d  

To find the 4 arithmetic means between 7 and 47, you need to add the common difference to
the first term and so on.

2nd term 3rd term 4th term 5th term

a2  a1 + d a3  a2 + d a4  a4 + d a5  a4 + d
a2  7 + 8 a3  15 + 8 a4  23 + 8 a5  31+ 8
a2  15 a3  23 a4  31 a5  39

The sequence is 7, 15, 23, 31, 39, 47

Therefore, the arithmetic means are 15, 23, 31, and 39.

3. If the 3rd term of the arithmetic sequence is 1 and the 9th term is -17. Write the first nine terms
of the sequence.
___, ___, 1, ___, ___, ___, ___, ___, -17

Let us consider a1  1 and a7  -17

In this case, you will use the formula of the arithmetic sequence.

Given: an a1 + (n - 1) d
an -17 -17 1 + (7 – 1) d Substitute the known values
6d - 17 - 1 Subtract ( -1 ) from both sides
a1 1 -18 6d Divide both sides by ( 6 )
n 7 Simplify
d ? d

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 4|9
 To find the first two terms, we simply subtract the common difference which is - 3 from 1.
 To find the remaining terms, we simply add the common difference which is – 3 to 1 and so

Therefore, the first five terms of the arithmetic sequence are 7, 4, 1, -2, -5.


Activity 2.1
A. Insert the missing term in the given arithmetic sequence:
1. 2, ___, ___, ___, 22
2. 5,___, 13, ___, 21
3. 1, ___, ____, ____, _____, _____, 43.
4. -3, ___, ___, 6, ___, ____, 15
5. 50, ___, ____, ____, ____, 80, ___, _____, 98.

B. Solve the following:

6. What is the arithmetic mean between 8 and 24?
7. Find the arithmetic mean between 9 and 49.
8. Insert 5 arithmetic means between 6 and 30.
9. Insert 8 arithmetic means between 3 and 93.
10. Write the first four terms of an arithmetic sequence if the 5th term is 20 and the
12th term is 48.

Lesson 3 : Arithmetic Series

Can you find the sum of the first 100 positive integers?
1 + 2 + 3+... + 98 + 99 +100 = ?

Arithmetic Series Defined

It is the sum of the terms of a given Arithmetic Sequence.
We can solve for the sum by using the formula :
Carl Gauss at
𝑛 the age of 7,
Sn (a1 + an) found the sum
of the terms in
Sn  2 a1 + (n - 1) d a sequence 1,
2, 3, ... 99, 100.
where :
Sn sum of n terms
a1 first term
an nth term
d common difference

Find the sum of the following:
a. First 20 terms of the arithmetic sequence 18, 23, 28, 33, 38, ...

First, find a20 with a1 , d , n
an a1 + (n-1)d
a20 18 +(20-1)5 Substitute the known values
a20 5 Simplify
a20 18 + 95
a20 113

Solve for S20:

Given: a1  18 , an  113
Formula 1
Sn (a1 + an )

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 5|9
S20 )  1310
Formula 2
Sn   2 a1 + ( n - 1 )d  Substitute all the known values
S20   2(18) + (20 – 1)5  Simplify
S20  10  36 + (19) 5 
S20  10 ( 36 + 95 )
S20  10 (131)  1310

Therefore, the sum of the first 20 terms of the arithmetic sequence is 1310.

b. In the arithmetic sequence –3, 4, 11, 18, …, find the sum of the first 26 terms.
a1 -3 , d 7, n 26 and an  ?
Using Formula 2 :
S26 [2a1 + (n – 1)d
S26 [ ] Substitute the known values
S26 Simplify
S26 ( 169 )
S26 2197

c. Find the sum of all even integers between 1 and 101.

a1  2 is the first even integer, n  50, d  2
an a1 + ( n – 1 )d
a50 2 + (50 – 1) 2
2 + ( 49 ) 2
2 + 98
a50 100
Sn (a1 + an)
S50 25 (2 + 100)
S50 25 (102) 2550


1. A room has 10 rows of seats. The first row contains 10 seats, the
second row contains 12 seats, the third row contains 14 seats, and so
on. How many seats are there in the last row? How many seats are
there in the room?
a. Given: n  10, a1  10, a2  12, a3  14, and d  2
Formula: an  a1 + ( n - 1 ) d
a20  10 + ( 10 - 1) 2 Substitute the known values.
a20  10 + ( 9 ) 2 Simplify
a20  10 + 18
a20  28
Thus, there are 28 seats in the last row.

b. Find the sum of 10, 12, 14,...28.

10 + 12 + 14 + 16 + 18 + 20 + 22 + 24 + 26 + 28  190

c. Using Formula 1:
Sn   a1 + an  Substitute the known values
S10   10 + 28  Simplify
S20  5 ( 38 )  190 Total seats in the room

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 6|9
2. Part of a popular Christmas carol is the line, “ On the 12th day of
Christmas may true love gave to me…
12 drummers drumming 6 geese a lying
11 pipers piping 5 golden rings
10 lords a leaping 4 calling birds
9 ladies dancing 3 French hens
8 maids a milking 2 turtle doves, and
7 swans a swimming a partridge in a pear tree.”
How many gifts were given on the 12th day of Christmas?

Solution: Find the sum: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + ...+ 12.

Sn   a1 + an 
S12 =  1 + 12 
S12  6 ( 13 )  78 gifts

Thus, the true love gave 78 gifts on the 12th day of Christmas.

Another solution:
Sn   2a1 + ( n - 1 ) d 
S12   2 (1) + ( 12 - 1 ) 1 
S12  6  2 + (11) 1 
S12  6 ( 2 + 11 )  6 ( 13 )  78 gifts
3. A group of hikers has 6 days to reach the summit of Mt. Apo. They travelled 15km on the 1st
day, 13km on the 2nd day, 11km on the 3rd day, and so on. How many kilometers did
they travel to reach Mt. Apo?
Given: n  6 , d  -2, a1  15 km , a2  13 km , a3  11 km and a6  ?

Using Formula 2:
Sn   2a1 + ( n - 1 ) d 
S6   2(15) + ( 6 – 1 ) (-2)
S6  3  30 + 5( -2 ) 
S6  3  30 + (-10 )
S6  3 ( 20 )  60 km to reach Mt. Apo

Activity 3.1
a. What is the sum of the terms of each finite sequence below?
1. 7, 9, 11, 13, 15
2. 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26
3. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18
4. 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48
5. 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77

b. Solve the following:

1. Find the sum of the 9 terms of the series 7, 14, 21, ...
2. Find the sum of the arithmetic series with the given values as indicated:
a1 , d n 8
3. Find the sum of the even integers from 1 to 50.
4. Find the sum of the odd integers between 30 and 60.
5. Find the sum of the multiples of 5 from 20 to 70.

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 7|9
One special type of sequence is the arithmetic Meanwhile, the formula for the
sequence. The formula of an arithmetic sequence Sum of an Arithmetic Sequence is:
An a1 + ( n - 1 ) d Sn (a1 + an)
where 𝑛
Sn  2 a1 + (n - 1) d
an  the last term
a1  the first term where
n  the number of Sn sum of n terms
terms a1 first term
d  the common an nth term
difference d common difference

 Arithmetic sequence is 2, 4, 6, 8
 Arithmetic series is 2 + 4 + 6 + 8
 Arithmetic means are 4 and 6
 Finite Series is Sn  a1 + a2 + a3 + ... + an.

Check your Understanding

Matching type: Choose the correct term/definition in Column A with its corresponding terminology in
column B.


1. A sequence where each term a. Arithmetic Sequence

after the first term is obtained by b. Arithmetic Series
adding a common difference c. Arithmetic Means
2. Any number in a sequence d. Average
3. A function whose domain is the e. Common Difference
infinite set  1, 2, 3, … f. Finite Sequence
4. A constant added to each term of an g. Infinite Sequence
arithmetic sequence to obtain the h. First Term
next term of the sequence i. Last Term
5. Terms of the arithmetic sequence j. Sequence
between two numbers k. Term
6. A function whose domain is the
finite set 1, 2, 3, ...,n }
7. The number an in Sn  ( a1 + an )

8. A synonym for the arithmetic mean

9. The indicated sum of an arithmetic
10. A set of numbers in a specific order.

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 8|9
Post - test

Read each item carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Use an extra sheet of
paper for your solutions, if needed.

1. Series is _______________.
a. a sequence of positive numbers
b. a sequence of whole numbers
c. the sum of the terms of a sequence
d. a show with many chapters
2. Find the arithmetic mean between 7 and 25.
a. 15 b. 16 c. 17 d. 18
3. Find the sum of the 10 terms for the sequence 3, 5, 7, 9,....
a. 110 b. 120 c. 130 d. 140
4. The value of a7 in an arithmetic sequence a3  -5 and a8  15 is ____.
a. 11 b. 12 c. 13 d. 14
5. Find the common difference in the arithmetic sequence 5, 9, 13, 17, 21.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6

MATH 10 QUARTER 1 WEEK 2 P a g e 9|9

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