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行 政 院 及 所 屬 各 機 關 出 國 報 告 提 要

頁數:40 含附件:無

報告名稱:出席第 30 屆海岸工程研討會出國報告







出國期間:95 年 9 月 1 日至 95 年 9 月 8 日


報告日期:95 年 11 月 8 日


關 鍵 詞: 海岸工程、港灣規劃設計、數值模擬、海岸監測

第30屆(2006)國際海岸工程研討會(30th International Conference on Coastal



第 30 屆(2006)國際海岸工程研討會(30th International Conference on Coastal

Engineering)於 2006 年 9 月 2 日至 9 月 8 日,在美國聖地雅哥,由美國海岸工程
學會主辦舉辦,分別來自世界各國,發表論文計 595 篇,共分 102 個場次、張貼
論文 101 篇及 5 個技術課程,論文及技術課程的種類包括了海岸構造物工程、海

出席第 30 屆國際海岸工程研討會出國報告


行政院及所屬各機關出國報告提要 ...................................................I

摘要...................................................................................................... Ⅱ

目錄...................................................................................................... Ⅲ

一、目的............................................................................................... 1

二、研討會會場與行程 ...................................................................... 2

(一) 研討會地點.......................................................................... 2

(二) 研討會行程 ........................................................................ 5

三、研討概述及心得 .......................................................................... 6

(一) 研討會論文研討 ................................................................ 9

(二) 工程技術研討 .................................................................. 11

(三) 會後心得 .......................................................................... 13

四、建議............................................................................................. 14

附錄 1 發表論文作者及名稱 ........................................................... 15

附錄 2 張貼論文作者及名稱 ........................................................... 34

【出席第 30 屆國際海岸工程研討會】


一、 目的

2006 年第 30 屆國際海岸工程研討會(30th International Conference on Coastal

Engineering), 從 9 月 2 日至 8 日, 在美國加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥市舉行。 ICCE
2006 是世界海岸工程有關科學首要的論壇,此次會議成功延續國際海岸工程研

海岸工程國際研討會(International Conference on Coastal Engineering)始於

1950 年美國加州長堤市(Long Beach,USA)的一次研討會,當時相對於現有的國際
會,從此以後經過海岸工程國際研討會委員會(ICEE)確定從 1960 年以後,在美
得 海 岸 工 程 國 際 研 討 會 的 各 項 論 文 或 研 究 報 告 , 於 波 浪 產 生 及 處 理 (wave
generation and processes)、海岸沉澱物的運動(sediment transport)、海岸岸線處理
(coastline processes)、港埠執行成效(harbor performance)及海岸和港埠結構(coastal
and harbor structures)等研究領域中,在國際學術間是素有聲望的。


(1) 海岸海洋學和氣象學(Coastal Oceanography and Meteorology):包括波

(2) 海岸漂砂過程(Coastal Sediment Processes) ):包括漂砂傳送過程,沿海

(3) 海岸結構物(Coastal Structures)):包括結構物規劃、設計、建造、性能
(4) 港口和海港(Ports and Harbors):包括港口和海港疏浚、停泊、港埠管
(5) 海岸環境(Coastal Environment):包括海岸污染、娛樂、水質、濕地和
(6) 海岸防災和洪水風險管理(Coastal Hazards and Flood Risk
Management):包括海岸暴潮、 地震、碎波沖刷地區、長波、海嘯、 氣


二、 研討會會場與行程


本次研討會地點在美國加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥市舉行(如圖 1)。 ICCE 2006

飯店舉行(如圖 2),聖地牙哥山明水秀海岸優美,為聞名度假聖地,為來自全世
會會場(如圖 3 所示)。

圖1 美國加利福尼亞州聖地牙哥市

圖2 美國聖地牙哥市曼徹斯特飯店

Registration Desk :Elizabeth Foyer
ICCE 2006 Administrative Office :Gregory A
Speaker Presentation Preview Room :Gregory B
Opening Ceremonies: Manchester Ballroom
Coffee Break Outs :Elizabeth Foyer and/orElizabeth D & E
Lunches :To be posted at conference
Pre-Conference Technical Short Courses
Betsy AB Edward AB Edward CD
Technical Paper Session Rooms
Session A: Elizabeth A Session B: Elizabeth B
Session C: Elizabeth C Session D: Elizabeth F
Session E: Elizabeth G Session F: Elizabeth H

Exhibitor’s Area :Elizabeth D & Elizabeth E

Poster Papers
Session 18A: Worthington’s Foyer
Session 18B: Elizabeth Foyer

圖 3 2006 年第 30 屆國際海岸工程研討會會場

(二) 研討會行程

配合研討會行程,於 9 月 1 日出發,9 月 2 日到達聖地牙哥,研討會主要

行程概要如附表 1 所示。

表1 出席美國聖地雅哥第 30 屆國際海岸工程研討會工作既要表

日期 起迄地點 工作紀要

9/1 台北--美國聖地雅哥 起程

9/2 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/3 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/4 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/5 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/6 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/7 美國聖地雅哥 參加研討會

9/8 美國聖地雅哥--台北 參加研討會及回程

三、 研討會概述及心得


本屆研討會發表論文計 595 篇,共分 102 個場次、張貼論文 101 篇及 5 個

技術課程,議程如表 2,發表論文之六大主題其議程如表 3,發表論文作者及名
稱如附錄 1,張貼論文作者及名稱如附錄 2。。經依照學術領域加以分類共可分


(1) 海岸海洋學和氣象學(Coastal Oceanography and Meteorology):包括波

(2) 海岸漂砂過程(Coastal Sediment Processes) ):包括漂砂傳送過程,沿海
(3) 海岸結構物(Coastal Structures)):包括結構物規劃、設計、建造、性能
(4) 港口和海港(Ports and Harbors):包括港口和海港疏浚、停泊、港埠管
(5) 海岸環境(Coastal Environment):包括海岸污染、娛樂、水質、濕地和
(6) 海岸防災和洪水風險管理(Coastal Hazards and Flood Risk
Management):包括海岸暴潮、 地震、碎波沖刷地區、長波、海嘯、 氣

表3 發表論文六大主題議程

Room Elizabeth A Elizabeth B Elizabeth C Elizabeth F Elizabeth G Elizabeth H

1-A 1-B 1-C 1-D 1-E 1-F
Boussinesq Type Wave Sediment Processes in Swash Zone Experimental Model Storm Surges I Coastal Morphology I
Models the Boundary Layer I Hydrodynamics Tests of Coastal 2-E 2-F
2-A 2-B 2-C Structures Storm Surges II Morphological Effects of
Modeling & Design for Surfzone Processes Air-Wave-Current 2-D 3-E Structures
Confined Conditions 3-B Interaction Numerical Models of Runup and 3-F
3-A Fine-Grained 3-C Coastal Structures Overtopping Coastal Morphology II
Nonlinear Wave Sediments Ripples and Sand 3-D
Simulations Waves I Wave Effects on

4-A 4-B 4-C 4-D 4-E 4-F

Long Waves I Suspended Sand Tidal Inlets I Breakwaters I Tsunamis Beach Processes and
5-A Transport 5-C 5-D 5-E Engineering Solutions
Long Waves II 5-B Tidal Inlets II Breakwaters II 2004 Indian Ocean 5-F
6-A Closure Depth 6-C 6-D Tsunami Beach Restoration I
Extreme Waves 6-B Coastal Circulation Breakwaters III 6-E 6-F
7-A The Effect of Grain Size 7-C 7-D Models for Tsunami Beach Restoration II
Statistical Wave on Sand Transport Rip Currents Breakwaters IV Generation and 7-F
Descriptions 7-B Propagation Coastal Planning
TUESDAY Prediction of Beach 7-E
Changes Tsunami Risk

8-A 8-B 8-C 8-D 8-E 8-F

Wave Transformation Beach and Tidal Inlet Boundary Layers Submerged Wave Setup and Dredging Effects on
9-A Morphologic Change 9-C Breakwaters Overtopping I Morphology
Laboratory Wave 9-B Sandbars 9-D 9-E 9-F
WEDNESDAY Studies Sediment Processes in Submerged Wave Setup and Wetland Restoration
the Boundary Layer II Breakwaters II Overtopping II

10-A 10-B 10-C 10-D 10-E 10-F

Breaking Waves I Modeling Coastal Ripples and Sand Berm and Composite Coastal Flood & Tsunami Impacts in
11-A Sediment Processes I Waves II Breakwaters Tsunami Events Ports and Harbors
Breaking Waves II 11-B 11-C 11-D 11-E 11-F
12-A Modeling Coastal The CROSSTEX Lab Caisson Structures Coastal Erosion Engineering
Waves on Beaches Sediment Processes II Experiment 12-D Hazards Investigations of Ports
13-A 12-B 12-C Caissons and Vertical 12-E and Harbors
Remote Sensing of Physical Model of Hydrodynamic Field Structures Probabilistic 12-F
Ocean Waves Sediment Transport Measurements 13-D Treatment of Storm Sustainable Coastal
THURSDAY 13-B 13-C Physical and Numerical Events Development I
Regional Sand Scour Around Cylinders Models of Sediment 13-E 13-F
Management I Process FEMA Flood Shoreline Change
Guidelines Prediction I

14-A 14-B 14-C 14-D 14-E 14-F

Wave Model Regional Sand Remote Sensing Wave Forces Effects of Hurricanes Mixing in the Coastal
15-A Management II 15-C 15-D and Typhoons Environmen
Advanced Wave 15-B Scour at Structures Monitoring of Coastal 15-E t 15-F
Modeling Sediment Budgets 16-C Structures Effects of Overwash Environmental
16-A 16-B Longshore Geotextiles in Coastal 16-D 16-E Hydrodynamics
Regional Wave Studies Transport Engineering Wave Structure Dune and Beach 16-F
17-A 17-B 17-C Interaction I Erosion Shoreline Change
Regional Wave Models Large Scale Sediment-Structure 17-D 17-E Prediction II
FRIDAY Morphological Studies Response Wave Structure Shore Protection 17-F
Interaction II Measures Long Waves in

(一) 研討會論文研討

本研討會包括發表論文計 595 篇、張貼論文 101 篇,依六大主題研討會論


主題 1:海岸海洋學和氣象學(Coastal Oceanography and Meteorology):包括波特


主題 2:海岸漂砂過程(Coastal Sediment Processes) ):包括漂砂傳送過程,沿海侵


主題 3 : 海岸結構物(Coastal Structures)):包括結構物規劃、設計、建造、性能和


主題 4:港口和海港(Ports and Harbors):包括港口和海港疏浚、停泊、港埠管理作


主題 5:海岸環境(Coastal Environment):包括海岸污染、娛樂、水質、濕地和河

主題 6:海岸防災和洪水風險管理(Coastal Hazards and Flood Risk

Management):包括海岸暴潮、 地震、碎波沖刷地區、長波、海嘯、 氣

(二) 工程技術研討

課程 1 :海岸工程的數值模式 (Numerical Modeling for Coastal Engineering)

主講人: 羅伯特‧A.達爾林普爾,約翰霍普金斯大學;吉姆‧柯比,特拉華大學。
(Robert A. Dalrymple, Johns Hopkins University Jim Kirby, University of


課程 2 :海岸工程實際操作(Coastal Engineering Practice)

主講人: J.威廉,女王大學(J. William Kamphuis, Queen’s University)

內容:這是一門較廣泛的導論課(複習課程)。 海岸工程實際操作基本原理,包括
波, 例如潮流和海嘯各種各變化,尤其長波是最重要沿海設計條件,兩個
基本的主題(包括短和長的波),海岸漂沙運輸模式和海岸過程。 討論沿海

課程 3 :海岸工程管理 (Coastal Zone Management for Coastal Engineers):

主講人:勒斯利‧尤因,加利福尼亞海岸局;約翰, NOAA 太平洋服務中心;Jamee

約旦培特森, 加利福尼亞律師辦公廳;保羅 Klarin,俄勒岡州沿海管
(Lesley Ewing, California Coastal Commission; John Marra, NOAA
Pacific Services Center Jamee ;Jordan Patterson, California Attorney
General’s Office; Paul Klarin, Oregon Coastal Management Program ;
Michael Barnett, Florida Bureau of Beaches & Coastal Systems; Dolan
Eversole, University of Hawaii Sea Grant)

內容:海岸專業人士的領域經常分成兩組 -- 科學家和工程師,在海岸研究和海岸

海岸科學家和工程師進行海岸工程整合研究。 在美國,沿海區域管理
由州及地方政府聯合管理。 來自全國的幾個計畫成果,也在分區討論
重要管理要素, 提出案例研究並且幫助沿海科學家和工程師成功把沿

課程 4a :CEM 的介紹 - 沿海工程手冊 (Introduction to the CEM - Coastal

Engineering Manual)

主講人:李‧巴特勒,Veri 技術股份有限公司 (Lee Butler, Veri-Tech, Inc)

內容:兩個題目將被討論︰ CEM 發展的概述,CEM1984 岸保護手冊之間的差

別的比較, 以及 CEM-CEM 2.01 專業版本討論。

課程 4b :CEDAS 的介紹 - 沿海工程設計和分析系統 (Introduction to CEDAS –

Coastal Engineering Design and Analysis System)

主講人:李‧巴特勒,技術股份有限公司;馬克,工程研究和發展中心(ERDC) (Lee
Butler, Veri-Tech, Inc. ; Mark Gravens, Engineering Research &
Development Center (ERDC))

內容:CEDAS 訓練包括概述和關於以下之模式討論︰ACES, RELIABLE, EST,


課程 5: 設計一項沿海工程︰ 沿岸材料研究 (Engineering a Coastal Project:

Nearshore Placement of Dredged Material)

主講人: 簡‧史密斯, 工程研究和發展中心(ERDC);喬 Gailani, 工程研究和

發展中心(ERDC);朱莉 Rosati, 工程研究和發展中心(ERDC);賈雷爾‧
史密斯,工程研究和發展中心(ERDC) 。

內容: 這門課程針對沿海工程設計,包括分析和建模技術。課程集中包括疏浚和

有利的使用疏浚材料案例研究。 工程混合對領域各種數據,數值模擬
集成到一項工程的評估。 模型化包括短波(STWAVE),流通(ADCIRC),

(三) 會後心得





1. 近年來受到全球氣候變遷的影響,天然災害的威脅更為嚴苛,侵襲頻率也有

2. 由於電腦科技日新月異,海岸工程學界所需資訊,需倚賴數值模擬與預報,
3. 在本次的研討會中,發現經由電腦科技之技術整合,跨國研究已非遙不可及,
當務之急,尤其在我國加入 WTO 後,跨國的經濟活動加速發展,台灣更不
4. 台灣地理環境特殊,無法避免颱風與地震等天然災害之發生,屬於高災害潛

附錄1 發表論文名稱及作者


Coupled Numerical Model for Tsunamis Generated by Subareal
Abdie, Stéphane (and Submarine) Mass Failures Grilli, Glockner

Absik, Rafik Influence of Sand Grain Sizes on Turbulent Mixing

3D Numerical Simulations of Wetting and Drying Bed due to Tidal Kuroiwa, Nakahira, Tanaka,
Abualtayef, Mazen Currents using Fractional Step Method Matsubara
Longshore Suspended Sediment Transport in Surf and Swash
Agarwal, Arpit Kobayashi, Johnson
Ahn, Kyungmo Effect of Sediment Fall Velocity in Beach Profile Evolution Cheon, Dean
Response of the Fort Pierce, FL Shore Protection Project to the
Albada, Edward 2004 Hurricane Season Bender
Laboratory Investigation of the Interaction of Solitary Waves with a
Al-Banaa, Khaled Surface-piercing-type Vertical Barrier Liu
New Prediction Method for Wave-in-Deck Loads on Exposed Piers
Allsop, William and Jetties Cuomo, Tirindelli
Numerical and Experimental Analysis of Low Crested Structures: Cáceres, Gonzalez-Marco,
Alsina, Jose Wave Transmission and Induced Flows Sanchez-Arcilla, Oliver
Amaya, Alvarez RICUFOs: Rip Current Forecasting System: A Pilot Project Guillermo, Raul, Tintoré
Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Discretization for
Ambati, Vijaya Wave Runup and Backwash on Beaches Bokhove

Amoudry, Laurent Extension of Sheet Flow Model to Sand Grains Liu

Andrews, Connon Near and Far Field Mixing of Desalination Brine Discharges Todd, Miller
Antuono, Matteo Swash Zone Boundary Conditions: The Longshore Flow Grosso, Brocchini
Raubenheimer, Elgar, Guza,
Apotsos, Alex Wave Setup Simulations
Beach Nourishment in Cunit, Spain: Shifting from Hard to Soft Medina, Galofre, Santos Lopez,
Appendini, Christian Protection Palmeiro
Apsley, David Numerical Modelling of Particle-Laden Buoyant Jets Lane-Serff, Lipari, Stansby
Combined Physical and Numerical Modeling Study for New Pier
Araújo, Rodrigo Layout in Ponta da Madeira Harbor (Brazil) Alfredini, Amaral
Study of Hydrodynamics Induced by Low Crested Structures
Archetti, Renata through Image Processing Lamberti
Comparison and Validation of Spectral Wave Models with Tidal
Ardhuin, Fabrice Effects Girard-Becq, Benoit

Arena, Felice Nonlinear Random Wave Groups in Finite Water Depth Pavone, Romolo, Nava
Large Model Test of Tsunami Force on a Seawall and on Land
Arikawa, Taro Structures Shimosako, Imamura, Ikebe
Laboratory Study on Wave Transmission through Hemispherical
Armono, Haryo Hollow Artificial Reefs Hall

Asano, Toshiyuki Mitigation Effects of Mangrove Forests Against Tsunami Attack

Developpment and Application of a N-line Model on the
Baba, Yasuyuki Joetsu-Ogata coast, Japan Camenen, Yamashita
Vincent, Dolphin, Taylor, Pan,
Bacon, John Tombolo Equilibrium and Stability O'Connor
Bailard, James Improving Sand Bypassing at Santa Barbara Harbor
Balanche, Abel Infragavity Waves in a Saturated Surf Zone Sénéchal, Bonneton
Baquerizo, Asunción Time Dependent Beach Profile Response to Climate Changes Santiago, Avila, Losada
Monitoring, Modeling and Predicting Nearshore Dredge Disposal
Barnard, Patrick Performance for Indirect Beach Nourishment: Ocean Beach, San Hanes, Lescinski
Francisco, California
Barthel, Volker Coastal Engineering - The Core of ICZM
Modeling Tsunami and Resonance Response of Alberni Inlet, British
Barua, Dilip K. Columbia Allyn, Quick
On the Classification of Coastal Storms Using Principles of
Basco, David Momentum Conservation Klentmzna
Predicting Closure and Breaching Frequencies of Small Tidal Inlets
Battalio, Bob -A Quantified Conceptual Model Danmeier, Williams

Bayram, Atilla New Formula for the Total Longshore Sediment Transport Rate Mustar, Larson


Tsunami Waves Generated by Landslides on a Plane Beach: New
Bellotti, Giorgio Three-Dimensional Experiments Di Risio, Panizzo, De Girolamo

Beltrami, Gian Mario Energy Budget of Storm Surges in the Adriatic Sea Andrea, Briganti

Bender, Christopher Wave Energy Reflection and Potential Shoreline Response Leeward Dean
Analysis of Beach Nourishment Performance and Hot Spot
Development at Delray Beach (Florida) Based on a Decade of Stive, Hartog, Walstra, Van
Benedet, Lindino
Monitoring Data and Process-Based Numerical Modeling Koningsveld

Implementation and Test of Improved Methods for Evaluation of

Benoit, Michel Nonlinear Quadruplet Interactions in a Third Generation Wave
Bernitt, Laurits Planform Response in Relation to Height of Breakwaters Jensen
Sediment Transport Patterns in a Field of Cylindrical Porous
Besio, Giovanni Structures: Trafalgar Offshore Wind Farm Losada

Bezuijen, Adam Oblique Irregular Wave Loading on a Placed Block Revetment Klein Breteler, Kuiper, Hart
On the Accuracy and Efficiency of Low- and High-Order Finite
Bingham, Harry Differecne Solutions for Nonlinear Waves Fuhrman, Madsen

Birkemeier, William New Mid-Atlantic Observations of the Depth of Closure Forte, Miller
Experience of Norwegian Rubble Mound Breakwaters - Design,
Bjørdal, Sverre construction and today's state Jacobsen

Bodge, Kevin Groins, Headlands, and Cutting an Island in Two in the Maldives Howard
Very Low Frequency Rip Current Pulsations During High-Energy
Bonneton, Natalie Wave Conditions on a Meso-Macro Tidal Beach Bonneton, Sénéchal, Castelle
Generating Initial Conditions for Studying Tsunami Effects on Port
Borrero, Jose and Harbor Facilities in California Uslu, Titov, Synolakis

Bottema, Marcel Meteorologically Generated Large-scale Water Level Fluctuations de Jong, Stolker
Improving the Aesthetics of Shore Protection Structures: A Case
Boudreau, Russell Study
Bredmose, Henrik 3D Transfer of Boussinesq Waves to a Navier-Stokes Solver Hansen

Wave-averaged and Wave-resolving Numerical Modeling of Vorticity

Briganti, Riccardo Kirby, Shi, Lipphardt, Brocchini
Transport in the Nearshore Region: the SANDYDUCK Case Study

Briggs, Michael Risk-Based Predictions for Ship Underkeel Clearance Silver, Borgman
Comparison of Overtopping Performance of Different Rubble Mound
Bruce, Tom Breakwater Armour van der Meer, Franco, Pearson
Predicting Wave Transmission at Low Crested Breakwaters by
Buccino, Mariano Physically-Based Design Equations Calabreses
Performance-based Approach to Coastal Defence Failure
Buijs, Foekje Processes and Inspection Simm, Sayers
Applying State-of-the-Art Unstructured Mesh Models on Flushing Jensen, Sørenssen, Brøker,
Bundgaard, Klavs Studies: "The World" in Dubai Erichsen

Burcharth, H. F. Overtopping of Rubble Mound Breakwaters with Front Reservoir Lykke Andersen

Burgess, Kevin Consistent Approach to Coastal Erosion Risk Assessment Hosking

Hydraulic Response of Low Crested Breakwaters for Engineering
Calabrese, Mario Applications Buccino
Direct Numerical Simulation of Coupled Two-phase Wave Bottom
Calantoni, Joseph Boundary Layer Slinn, Holland
Generation of Extreme Wave Conditions from an Accelerating
Callaghan, David Tropical Cyclone Callaghan, Nielsen
Numerical Investigations on the Effect of Wave Skewness on
Cambazoglu, Kemal Sandbar Migration Lescinski, Haas, Hanes

Campbell, Lorna Wave Boundary Layer Velocities in Oscillatory Sheet Flow O'Donoghue

Analysis of Coastal Evolution and Morphosedimentary Processes

Campbell, Thomas Thomson, Benedet
on a Degrading Barrier Island in Southeast Louisiana

Canizares, Rafael Simulation of Coastal Morphological Response to Tsunamis Alfageme, Headland
Wave Regime Characterization on the Portuguese Coast using
Capitao, Rui Hindcast and Wave Propagation Models Fortes, Carvalho, Coli, Pinheiro
Piling-up and Filtration at Low Crested Breakwaters of Different
Cappietti, Lorenzo Permeability Clementi, Aminti, Lamberti


Carmenen, Benoit Suspended Load Formula for the Nearshore Larson
Carstensen, Stefan Coherent Structures in Oscillatory Boundary Layers Sumer, Fredsøe
On the Role of Capillarity in the Coupling of the Swash Zone with
Cartwright, Nick Sandy Beach Aquifers Nielsen, Baldock

Castillo, Mª Carmen Wave Height Distributions Along a Beach Profile Losada

Conceptual Modelling of Straight Sand Bars Morphodynamics for a
Certain, Raphaël Microtidal Beach Barusseau

Chen, Guan-Yu Forecast of Infragravity Edge Waves Based on Wind-Wave Models

Chen, Qin Numerical Modeling of Alongshore Swash Zone Currents

Integrated Study of Wave Propagation in Oostende Harbour, Troch, Gysens, Boone, Willems,
Cherlet, Jane Belgium De Rouck, Van Damme
Effect of Wave Steepness on the Evolution of Nonlinear Wave
Chiang, Wen-Son Hsiao, Hwung
Chickadel, Chris Optical Measurements of Wave Rollers Holman
3D Numerical Modelling of Morphological Change Between Fishtail
Chonwattana, Somchai Groins Weesakul

Christensen, Erik Sediment Transport Pattern Around a Large Circular Cylinder in

Waves Jensen, Hansen
Christian, Colin A Bayesian Approach to Coastal Risk Management
Morphology Change Simulation of the 1993 Breach at Grays
Cialone, Mary Harbor, Washington
Morphodynamics of Nearshore Rythmic Forms: An Energy-Based
Ciavola, Paolo Classification Armaroli, Caleffi, Balouin
Analysis of Nonlinear Surf Zone Wave Properties: Random Waves
Cienfuegos, Rodrigo and Complex Bathymetries Barthelemy, Bonneton, Gondran

Ciriano, Yolanda Swash Interactions and Generation of Infragravity Motions Coco, Rota
Louisiana Coastal Area Ecosystem Restoration Program:
Clairain, Ellis Integration of Science and Technology to Address Coastal Wetland Morgan, Hughes
Practical Aspects of the Design and Execution of Renourishment
Clarke, Jonathan Schemes on Mixed Beaches McFarland
Experimental Verification of Mound Breakwaters Built with an Benedicto, Mendoza-Baldwin,
Clavero, Maria S-Profile Silva-Casarin, Ramos, Losada
The Role of Forcing Variability on the Development of Sorted
Coco, Giovanni Bedforms Murray, Green

Coelho, Carlos Shoreline Coastal Evolution Model: Two Portuguese Case Studies Veloso Gomes, Silva

Wave Overtopping of Crest Elements on Rubble Mound

Coeveld, Martijn Busnelli, van Gent

Beach Wizard: Nowcasting of Coastal Processes through Aarminkhof, Maintz, Klein,

Cohen, Anna
Assimilation of Model Computations and Remote Observations Roelvink, Reniers

Coli, Alexandre Inverse Methodology for Coastal Wave Data Assimilation Santos, Pires-Silva
Combined Topo-Bathymetry, Morphology, and Ecological Mapping
Consuegra, Rafael as a Tool for the Implementation of Integrated Coastal Zone Moreno
Management Policies
Physical Model Study of Intensity-based Tsunami Inundation over
Cox, Daniel Complex Bathymetry and Topography Ichikawa, Bsigard, Lynch
Wave-Induced Set-Up and Current in Presence of Submerged
Cox, Ronald J. Breakwaters Tajziehchi
SPH-LES: Two Phase Simulation of Wave Breaking and
Cuomo, Giovanni Wave-Structure Interaction Panizzo, Dalrymple
Contour Line Change Model for Beaches with Nearshore Hard
Dabees, Mohamed Bottom: Application Case Study in Palm Beach, Florida Kamphuis

Irregular Wave Overtopping at Vertical Walls – Learning from
Daemrich, Karl-Friedrich Regular Wave Tests Meyering, Ohle, Zimmermann
High Resolution Measurement of Directional Wave Spectra in Deep
Dally, William Water
Dalrymple, Robert Waves on a Compressible Fluid Rogers
Fringe Benefits: Innovative Salt Marsh Creation Approaches in
Darnell, Joel Texas Estuaries Hauske


Use of Importance Sampling Methods in the Derivation of Extreme
Davey, Thomas Responses of Coastal Structures Bruce, Allsop
Numerical Simulation of Three Dimensional Tsunamis Water Waves
De Girolamo, Paolo Generated By Landslides Wu, Liu, Panizzo, Bellotti, Di Risio

de Jong, Martijn Characteristics of Seiches During Extreme Storm Conditions Dekker, Kan
Wetland Recuperations: Experiences in the Gulf of Cadiz Fages, Gomez Pina, Moreno,
de la Casa, Angel (Southwest Spain) Munoz-Perez
GOLFKLAP: Model to Determine the Impact of Waves on Dike
de Looff, Arjan Structures with a Thick Asphalt Concrete Layer Montauban, van de Ven

de los Santos, Francisco Irregular Wave Runup and Overtopping on Revetments and Cobble
Beaches Kobayashi, Losada
Damage Development in Scour Protections around Offshore
De Vos, Leen Monopiles under Combined Wave and Current Attack De Rouck, Troch
Beach Nourishment at Ostend, Belgium: Design, Monitoring, and Verwaest, Gysens, Trouw,
De Wolf, Peter Modelling Martens, De Rouck
Dean, Robert G. Coastal Engineering Evaluation of Sebastian Inlet, Florida Woodruff
Experimental Study on the Three-Dimensional Landslide Generated
Decapio, Vincent P. Waves Liu, Wu

Deguchi, Ichiro Characteristics of Rip Current on Large Cusp Araki, Takeda, Yoshii
Deigaard, Rolf Instability of a Coastline with Very Oblique Wave Incidence Uggicioni, Fredsøe
D'Eliso, Claudia Breaching of Coastal Dikes Induced by Wave Overtopping Oumeraci, Kortenhaus

Numerical Model for Wave-induced Pore Pressure and Effective

Deng, Dong-Sheng Li
Stress in a Porous Seabed Around the Head of a Breakwater

Shoreline Response to Revetment Construction -- A Decade of

Dennis, William Monitoring at Fort Fisher, NC
Dijkstra, Jasper Modelling Hydrodynamics in Eelgrass Beds at Zostera Marina Stive
DiRamos, Inocencio Sediment Transport Modeling for Morro Bay Restoration Wu, Shak, Blasberg
Laboratory Investigation on Wave Overtopping of Composite
Di-Risio, Marcello Breakwaters: The Port of Civitavecchia Case Beltrami, De-Girolamo

Dissanayake, Pushpa Effect of Bed Roughness Formulations on Morphology in the

Western Scheldt Estuary, The Netherlands Roelvink, Van Ormondt
Divoky, David Response-Based Coastal Flood Analysis McDougal
Morphology Change by Overwash: New Laboratory Experiments Wamsley, Kraus, Magnus Larson,
Donnelly, Chantal and Field Data Hanson
Estimation of Parameters for Sand Wave Dynamics from
Dorst, L. L. Bathymetric Surveys in a Southern Area of the North Sea Roos, Hulscher

Douglass, Scott Coastal Road Damage Keith

State of the Art Coastal Flood Hazard Analyses for the U.S. Virgin
Drei-Horgan, Elena Islands Gangai, Usher
Three-Dimensional Modeling of Phase Averaged Alongshore
Drullion, Frederique Currents Slinn

Dykstra, David Tsunami Propagation into the Ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach

Edge, Billy Active Absorption of Waves in a Three-Dimensional Basin Romijnders, Thurlow

Edwards, Kacey A Hybrid Model for Nearshore Nonlinear Wave Evolution Veeramony, Kaihatu
Finite Volume Solution of Boussinesq-Type Equations on an
El Asmar, Walid Unstructured Grid Nwogu

Elfrink, Berry New Coastal Protection Scheme at Marataizes, Brazil Accetta, Mangor
Elias, Edwin Process-based Modelling of Tidal Inlets Stive

Elwany, Hany Alternative Designs for the Relocation of the San Elijo Lagoon Inlet Marvan

Numerical and Experimental Study of New Breakwater Promoting
Endo, Toru Vertical Circulation Flow Shigematsu

Erkison, Li Swash Zone Characteristic at Ocean Beach Gibbs, Barnard, Hanes

Dune Dynamics During a Tidal Cycle in a Tidal Inlet Channel of the
Ernstsen, Verner B. Danish Wadden Sea Noormets, Winter

Esaki, Keiji Confirmation of Sliding Stability on Long Footing Caisson Takayama, Yasuda
Escobar, Carlos Alejandro Bedform Features in Tidal Channels of the Dithmarschen Bight Mayerle
Coastal Engineering Efforts to Support Emergency Response to
Ewing, Lesley C. Tsunamis in California Realyvasquez, Sandy, Magoon

Falqués, Albert Testing High Angle Waves Instability on a Low Energy Beach Medina, Gonzalez
Faraci, Carla Statistical Sensitivity of Roughness in the Presence of Ripples Foti


Definition of Wave Setup and Runup Using a Response-Based
Fassardi, Claudio Approach
Fernandez de Ybarra, Sources of Long Wave Oscillations Inside a Harbor: Case Study of Gonzalez-Marco, Moyano,
Odulia the Port of Gijon Sanchez-Arcilla, Sierra
Popovic, Treadwell, Magoon,
Fernandez, Pedro Beach Improvement Using Recycled Coastal Structures

Figueres, Miguel Estimation of Incident and Reflected Waves Using Multiple Sensors Medina
Impacts of High Energy Events on Sediment Budgets, Beach
Finkl,Charles Systems and Offshore Sand Resources along the Southeast Coast Benedet, Andrews
of Florida
Fortunato, André Uncertainty in Morphodynamic Simulations of Tidal Inlets Oliveira
Free-surface Predictions in Shallow Water using Methods of Lattice Iglesias, Delorme, Celigueta,
Frandsen, Jannette Boltzmann, SPH and Particle Finite Elements Onate
Far Field Surveys of the Indian Ocean Tsunami: Sri Lanka,
Fritz, Hermann M. Maldives, Madagascar, Oman, and Somalia Okal, Borrero, Synolakis
Numerical Simulation of Extreme Events from Focussed
Fuhrman, David R. Directionally Spread Wavefields Madsen

Fujii, Hidekazu Slow Drift Oscillations of a Large Vessel in a Rectangular Harbor Kimura

Furuike, Kou Model for Predicting Dynamic Changes in a River Mouth Bar Uda, Serizawa, San-nami
Use of "Statistical" Depth of Closure to Resolve Historical Changes
Gadd, Peter in Bathymetric Data and Shorezone Volume in the Huntington Leidersdorf, Hearon, Shak, Ryan
Beach (CA) Littoral Cell
Gallagher, Edith Grain Size from Digital Images and Morphological Variability Russell, Masselink, Auger
Influence of Marina Construction on Adjacent Beaches: Case Study
Galofre, Jordi of 'Roda de Bara' Medina, Mauricio, Montoya
Modeling Ridge and Runnel System Development from an Intertidal
Garnier, Roland Shore Parallel Bar
Garrido, Joaquín M. Study of Reflection of Perforated Vertical Breakwaters Medina
Evaluation of Event and Response Methods to Define the 100-Year
Garrity, Nicholas Coastal Flood Event For Pacific Coast Sheltered Waters Battalio, Hawkes, Roupe

De Rouck, Beels, Gysens, De

Geeraerts, Jimmy Reduction of Wave Overtopping at Seadikes: Stilling Wave Basin
Long Term Prediction of Extreme Wave Heights Based on the Use
Gencarelli, Rosanna of the Spread Parameter Tomasicchio, Veltri

Ginter, Deirdre Beach Processes and Engineering Solutions at Barrow, Alaska King

Gislason, Kjartan Numerical Modelling of Scour in Front of a Breakwater Fredsøe, Sumer

Coastal Groundwater Intakes: Numerical Modelling of Coastal Wells
Glamore, William for Desalination Source Water Anderson, Timms

Goethel, Oliver Numerical Modelling of Scour at Offshore Wind Turbines Zielke

Study of Coastal Area Protection within the Framework of SPH3D
Gómez-Gesteira, Moncho Method Crespo, Dalrymple
Gomez-Martin, Maria
Damage Progression on Cube Armored Breakwaters Medina
Critical Review of Beach Restoration Projects in the Northern Coast Fages, Ramirez, Muñoz-Pérez,
Gomez-Pina, Gregorio of Cadiz (Spain) After Thirteen Years Enríquez

The Role of Wind in Wave Runup and Overtopping of Coastal
González-Escrivá, Jose A. Structures
Relative Weight of Runup, Setup, and Storm Surge on Beach Alsina, Sanchez-Arcilla, Gomez,
Gonzalez-Marco, Daniel Flooding in the Ebro Delta Caceres
Design of the Upper Newport Bay Ecosystem Restoration Project,
Grandon, Jane Orange County, CA Murphy, Brodeur, Rossmiller
Physical Model Investigation of Morphology Development Behind
Gravens, Mark Headland Structures Wang, Kraus, Hanson

Griggs, Gary Regional Approaches to Coastal Protection Slagel, Carl

Determination of Hydraulic Wave Boundary Conditions for the Dutch
Groeneweg, Jacco Coast van Ledden
Sparboom, Oumeraci,
Gruene, Joachim Stability Tests of Geotextile Sand Containers Schmidt-Koppenhagen, Wang
Prediction of Beach Morphological Changes using a Data-based
Gunawardena, Yohama Mechanistic Approach Suzana, Pinkerton, Romanowicz


Haas, Kevin Video Observations of Longshore Currents Near Myrtle Beach, SC Cambazoglu
Boundary Element Solution Applied to the Description of Extreme
Hague, Caroline Waves in Coastal Waters Swan

Hajivalie, Fatemah Beris Fishing Port: Interfering in the Equilibrium Shape of a Bay Soltanpour
Monitoring Effectiveness of Coastal Structures Maintained by the
Hales, Lyndell U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Robust Risk-Based Decision Making for Dike Replacement, Dawson, Reeder, Sayers,
Hall, Jim Including Sea Level Rise Uncertainty Gouldby
Innovative Approaches to Bio-engineered Shorelines in the Coastal
Hall, Kevin Zone
Shoreline Response to Detached Breakwaters and Tidal Current:
Hanson, Hans Comparison of Numerical and Physical Models Gravens, Kraus
Fully Reinforced 80 Ton Dolos and Sloping Top Caisson in Kishira, Ozawa, Hidaka, Maeda,
Hanzawa, Minoru Hososhima Port Shibasaki
Comparative Analysis of Regional Beach and Coastal Cliff Erosion
Hapke, Cheryl Rates in California Reid, Green
Assessing the Accuracy and Applicability of a Multi-decadal Beach
Harley, Mitchell Survey Dataset Turner, Short, Ranasinghe
Application of Adjoint WAM to NOWPHAS Wave Observation Data
Hashimoto, Noriaki for the Purpose of Establishing Reasonable Wave Observation Matsuura, Nagai, Kawai
Development of the Low-Cost Bathymetry System for Coastal
Hatanaka, Katsumori Management by Fishing Echo Sounders and Sensor Network Wada

Hatipoglu, Figen Suction Removal of Sediment from between Armor Blocks in Waves Sumer, Fredsøe

Hatton, Kimberly Vertical Pile Scour Induced by Random Free Surface Gravity Waves Foster
Construction Challenges and Techniques at Kaumalapau
Hays, Jessica Breakwater, Lanai, Hawaii Smith, Sullivan

He, Liang Video-based Particle Image Velocimetry of a Laboratory Rip Current Puleo
Sediment Transport Processes in Deep Water Navigation Channel,
He, Qing Yangtze Estuary, China Wang, Yu

Headland, John Effect of Tsunamis On Moored/Manuevering Ships In Ports

San Diego County's Beach Sand Project - Monitoring Methods and
Hearon, Gregory Results Craig, Rundle, Hollar
The Closure Depth Paradox: Implications for Sediment Budget at
Heilman, Daniel South Padre Island, Texas Darnell, Mahoney
Comparison Between Overtopping Discharge in Small and Large
Helgason, Einar Scale Models Burcharth

Van Ettinger, Jansen, Reniers,

Henriquez, Martijn Integral Artificial Surf Reef Design

Mid-term Wave and Current Modelling for a Mesotidal Wadden Sea
Herman, Agnieszka Coast Kaiser, Niemeyer
Characteristic Shoreline Change Patterns Identified Using EOF
Herrington, Thomas Analysis Miller, Dean
Modeling Sediment Transport under Breaking Waves – Crosstex
Hesser, Tyler Modeling Slinn

Hibino, Tadashi Settling and Reproduction of Floating Mud on the Sea Bottom Takamido, Matsumoto
Holmedal, Lars Erik Sea Bed Boundary Layer Streaming Myrhaug

Holthuijsen, Leo Wave Steepness and Depth-Induced Wave Breaking in SWAN Vink, van der Westhuysen, Booij
Formulation and Application of Frequency-Domain Nonlinear Wave
Honda, Kazuhiko Transformation Model Incorporating Incident and Reflected Wave Mase
Measurement of High-frequency Bed Level Changes in the Swash
Horn, Diane Zone using Photo-electronic Erosion Pins (PEEPs) Lane
Wind-tunnel Study of Vertical Distribution of Sand Transport Rate by
Hotta, Shintaro Wind Kubota

Hovestad, Martijn Breakwaters on Steep Foreshores Klabbers, Verhagen

Hsiao, Shih-Chun Long Wave Generated by Nonlinear Waves on Sloping Beach Hwung, Chiang


Hsu, John R-C. Methodology of Shore Protection in Taiwan at the Crossroads Chu, Huang, Liao
On Modeling Boundary Layer and Gravity-Driven Fine Sediment
Hsu, Tian-Jian Transport Kineke, Traykovski
Laboratory Measurements of Wave Forces on Heavily Overtopped
Hughes, Steven Vertical Wall Winer, Blodgett, Seabergh
Assessing the Impact of Ferry Boat Wakes on Shoreline Erosion in
Hughes, Zoe Boston Harbor, MA FitzGerald, Rosen
Numerical Analysis of Fully Nonlinear Interaction between Water
Hur, Dong-Soo Waves and Submerged Tunnel Kim, Kee

Hussain, Mohammad Numerical Simulation of Residual Currents in a Semi-enclosed Bay Isobe, Koibuchi
Large Scale Experiments on the Deformation and Run-Up of
Hwang, Kao-Shu Solitary Waves on a 1:20 Slope Hwung, Chen
Effects of Soliton Fission and Wave Breaking on Tsunami Force Matsuyama, Sakakiyama,
Ikeno, Masaaki Acting on Breakwater Yanagisawa
Role of Wave Setup in Predicting Back-Bay Storm Water Levels:
Irish, Jennifer Long Island, New York, USA Canizares
Effect of Breaker Types on Breaking Wave Loads on a Slender
Irschik, Kai Vertical and Inclined Pile Oumeraci
Laboratory Investigations on Wave-Structure Interactions of an
Ismail, Hadibah Artificial Mangrove Root System (ArMS) Abdul Wahab, Fatimah
Failure Modes and Stability Equations for Design of Sand Filled
Jackson, Leslie Geosynthetic Units in Coastal Structures Corbett
A Stochastic Model for Nonlinear Waves Over Two-Dimensional
Janssen, Tim Topography Herbers, Battjes
Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Wave Interaction with
Javier L., Lara Overtopped Vertical Breakwaters Losada, Vidal
Bridging Biodiversity and Tourism towards Sustainable
Jedrzejczak, Marcin-Filip Development of Sandy Beaches
Jensen, Jacob Hjelmager Morphological Modeling of a Danish Tidal Inlet Broeker, Christensen
Estimation of Extreme Water Levels as a Tool for Disaster Mudersbach, Müller-Navarra,
Jensen, Jürgen Management Bork
Sediment Transport and Barrier Island Changes during Massive
Jimenez, Jose A. Overwash Events Sallenger, Fauver

Johnson, Bradley Sediment Transport and Acceleration in the Surf and Swash Zones Smith

Johnson, Hakeem Process-based Morphological Modeling at Tidal Inlets Fiere

Subsidence of the King Harbor Breakwater at Redondo Beach,
Johnson, Jeffrey California, USA Elwany, Dill, Flick, Marshall
Simulation of the 1953 Storm Surge Flood in The Netherlands and
Jonkman, Sebastiaan its Consequences Huizinga, Vrijling

Jung, Kwang Hyo Urban Beach Restoration: Haeundae Beach, Pusan, Korea Yoon, Edge

Kaiser, Ralf Effect of Barrier Island Morphology on Tidal Basin Wave Climate Niemeyer
Suspended Sediment Diameter Distribution on Rippled Beds Under
Kakinoki, Tetsuya Regular Waves Tsujimoto
Numerical Analysis of Tsunami Generation due to Seabed
Kakinuma, Taro Deformation Akiyama
Effect of Wind on Water Spray and Wave Overtopping Generated
Kamikubo, Yuji above Flaring Shaped Seawall Murakami, Irie, Hata

Kamphuis, William Beyond the Limits of Coastal Engineering

The Effects of Land-Use Changes and Coastal Protection Measures
Kaplan, Marcus on Vulnerability of Communities to Natural Hazards in Coastal Areas Renaud, Schlurmann
of Sri Lanka
Temporal-spatial Relationship between Air Bubbles and Turbulence
Kashima, Hiroaki in the Surf Zone Mori, Kakuno

Kato, Fuminori Wave Force on Coastal Dike Due to Tsunami Inagaki, Fukuhama
Numerical Simulation of Coastal Current, Sediment Transport and
Kato, Shigeru Topogpahy Change in Coasts facing the Japan Sea Yamashita
Importance of Directionality in the Evolution of Large Waves in
Katsardi, Vasiliki Intermediate and Shallow Water Depths Swan


Improvement of Stochastic Typhoon Model for the Purpose of

Kawai, Hiroyasu Hashimoto, Matsuura
Simulating Typhoons and Storm Surges under Global Warming

Characteristics of Suspended Sediment Transport and Variability of

Kawanisi, Kiyosi Tidal Flat Sediment in a Tidal River Tsutsui

Numerical Analysis of Time-Changing Wave Force Acting on

Kawasaki, Koji Hakamata
Drifting Rigid Structure with Solid-Gas-Liquid Phase Flow Model

Shoreline "Hot Spot" Development due to Sand Mining Offshore

Kelley, Sean Jupiter Island Florida: An Application of the Spatial and Temporal Ramsey
Variations Approach of Determining Borrow Site Impacts

Kendall, Thomas R. California Harbors: Where Does the Sand Go? Cole, Garcia
Kennedy, Andrew Stability and Instability of Nearshore Circulation Cells Zhang
FEMA Guidelines for Coastal Flood Hazard Mapping: Test of
Kerper, Dale Alternative Methodologies Sakumoto, Zyserman
Restoration of Louisiana Barrier Islands: Engineering Approaches to
Khalil, Syed Hazard Mitigation by Modulating Coastal Morphosedimentary Knotts
Numerical Study of Turbulence Dynamics in Surf Zone Plunging and
Khayyrer, Abbas Surging Breaking Waves Yeganeh, Gotoh, Sakai, Ghaheri

Killian, Jason Optical Remote Sensing of Radiation Stress Gradients Holman

A Strictly Combined BEM-VOF Method for Calculation of Wave Yamashiro, Yoshida, Hashimoto,
Kim, Sang-Ho Motion Yan
Computational Reproduction of Caisson Sliding Failure due to
Kim, Tae-Min Typhoon Tokage Yasuda, Mase, Takayama

King, David Dependence of the CERC Formula K Coefficient on Grain Size

Parameterizing Erosional and Depositional Behaviour on a Teran Cobo, Haller, Ozkan-Haller,
Kirby, James Laboratory Beach: The CROSSTEX Experiment Magalen
Kirkegaard, Jens Coastal Impact of Large Wave Power Plant Mangor, Jensen
Observation of the Kuroshio Current in the Southwest East China
Kjima, Shoichiro Sea by Long-Range Ocean Radar Sato
Reconstruction of Port Oriel Breakwater: First XBLOC Application in
Klabbers, Martijn Europe McConnel, McAllister
Probabilistic Analysis of Typhoon Induced Hydraulic Boundary Jonkman, Van Gelder, Vrijling,
Klaver, Elwyn Conditions for Suo-nada Bay Kawai
Influence of Wave Steepness on Stability of Placed Block
Klein Breteler, Mark Revetments Hart, Stoutjesdijk
Morphodynamics of Headland-Bay Beaches: The Coast of Santa
Klein, Antonio Catarina State, Brazil Ferreira, Alveirinho Dias

Morphodynamic Impact of Shoreface Nourishments on Rhythmic
Klein, Mark Surf Zone Morphology Schuttelaars, Stive

Knotts, Christopher Restoration of Louisiana’s Barrier Islands – Evaluation and Analyses Grandy, Khalil
Prediction of Dune Erosion through Monitoring of Coastline
Knudsen, Soeren Bjerre Fluctuations by Use of Satellite Photos Madsen
Vertical Distribution of Wave Overtopping Rates for Design of
Kofoed, Jens Peter Multilevel Overtopping-based Wave Energy Converter
Influence of Irregular Wave Kinematics Descriptions on Fatigue
Kohlmeier, Martin Analysis of Offshore Wind Energy Structures Mittendorf, Irschik
Experimental Study on Generation and Propagation Process of
Kohno, Tetsuya Waves Generated by Particle Motion on Slope Shigematsu, Koike
Numerical Modeling of Passing Vessel Wakes Impact on Berthed
Kolomiets, P. Vessels and Shoreline Fenical, Kivva, Zheleznyak
Generation and Propagation Forecast of Storm Surge in the Seto
Komai, Katsuaki Inland Sea, Japan Hibino, Matsumoto
Peculiarities of Instantaneous Vertical Distribution of Suspended
Kosyan, R. Sediment in the Surf Zone Krylenko

Kraus, Nicholas Shoreline Evolution in a Groin Field by Reservoir Model Approach

Morphological Modeling For Structural Improvements Along A Martin, Sleath, Elkan, White,
Krynock, Laurel Shoreline Erosion Hotspot Rosenberg


Prediction Technique of 3D Beach Evolution Using a Coastal Area
Kuchiishi, Takayuki Model and Field Verification Kuroiwa, Matsubara, Matsubara
Development of Residual Pore Pressure in the Sandbed Beneath a
Kudella, Matthias Caisson Breakwater Oumeraci
Model for Predicting Compostion Changes of Grain Size of Bed
Kumada, Takayuki Materials Uda, Serizawa, Noshi
Morphological Changes around Large-Scale Submerged Yamaguchi, Ikegami, Takano,
Kuriyama, Yoshiaki Breakwater on the Niigata Coast, Japan Tanaka
A Quasi Three-Dimensional Coastal Area Model with Shoreline
Kuroiwa, Masimitsu Changes for Mixed-Size Sands Kuchiishi, Matsubara, Noda
Beach Erosion and Its Countermeasures along the Southern Goda, Stanica, Dan, Diaconeasa,
Kuroki, Keiji Romanian Black Sea Shore Matei
Ladage, Florian Interaction of Large-scale Groyne and Tidal Inlet Migration Stephan, Niemeyer
Lafon, Florence Estimation of Extreme Wave Conditions from Hindcast Simulations Benoit
Lai, Ching-Piau Metal TMDL Modeling for Ballona Creek in California Becker
Water Table Monitoring on a Beach Equipped with a Beach
Lambert, Adrian Dewatering System: Relationship between Water Table Elevation Rey, Olivier, Sabatier, Provensal
and Beach Morphology
Overtopping and Wave Transmission: Interpretation of Spectral
Lamberti, Alberto Changes at Low-crested Rubble Mound Structures Zanuttigh, Martinelli

Lane-Serff, Gregory Modelling Deposition of Cohesive Sediment

Lansen, Joost SWAN Freak Wave Estimator in the Agulhas Current Holthuijsen, van der Westhuysen
Sediment Storage and Transfer in Large-Scale Coastal Evolution
Larson, Magnus Models: Simulating Subaerial Morphological Response and Inlet Kraus
Le Dissez, Aurélie New Two-Dimensional Model for Shallow Tidal Flows Applied to the Sottolichio, Vincent
Highly Accurate Prediction of the Transformation of Multi-Directional
Lee, Changhoon Waves Reflected from Coastal Structures Kim, Cho
Prediction of Wave Overtopping on Coastal Structures by Using
Lee, Eun-Sug Extended Boussinesq and SPH Models Violeau, Benoit, Issa
Hindcast of Abnormal High Waves in Japan/East Sea by MM5-WW3
Lee, HanSoo Coupled Numerical Model with Depression Bogussing Kim, Yamashita
Estimation of Time-Dependent Wave Setup Height in a River
Lee, Hyun-seok Entrance Tanaka
Assessing Impacts of Tsunamis on Taiwan and China's Southeast
Lee, Jin-Jen Coastlines Lai

Lee, Jung Lyul Hurricane Wave and Surge Forecasting System in Hawaii Teng

Numerical Study of Coupling Waves with a Current on a Cut Cell
Lee, Tingqui Mesh Troch, De Rouck

Leidersdorf, Craig Strudel Scour Formation off an Arctic River Delta Hearon, Swank
Lent, Linda K. Economics of Structural Alternatives in Tsunami Mitigation Edge, Treadwell, Magoon
Numerical Study of Hydrodynamics on Offshore Wind Turbine
Liang, Qiuhua Foundations Zang, Borthwick
Application of the Beach-fx Model for the Walton County, Florida
Lillycrop, Linda S. Beach Nourishment Project Gravens, Moseby, Moser, Miles
Velocity and Void Ratio Measurements in Aerated Region of
Lim, Ho-Joon Breaking Waves Using Bubble Image Velocimetry and Fiber Optic Chang
Lim, Sin Hwei Lydia Experimental Study of the Plunging Wave Process Chan
Influence of Plant Motion on Wave Damping through Fields of
Lima, Savio Vegetation Neves, Rosauro
Numerical Model of Higher-order Boussinesq Equations and
Lin, Jianguo Experimental Validation Zhou, Xie

Predicting Longshore Gradients in Longshore Transport: Comparing

List, Jeffrey Hanes, Peter
the CERC formula to a Process-based Model in North Carolina

Numerical Study on Sediment Movement under 2nd-order Stokes

Liu, Haijiang Sheetflow Conditions Sato

Long, Joseph A New Look at Wave Group Induced Nearshore Circulation Ozkan-Haller
Long, Wen Cross Shore Sand Bar Migration Predicted by a Time Domain Kirby, Hsu
Coastal Inundation – Modelling of Wave Overtopping Bore Heights Allsop, Alderson, Pullen, Wright,
Lowe, Jeremy and Velocities Dodd
Lu, Shawn Deltaport: Third Berth Project Design and Construction Criteria Alcorn


Large Eddy Simulation of Regular Waves Breaking Over a Sloping
Lubin, Pierre Beach Branger, Kimmoun
Schoonees, Soltau, Prestedge,
Luger, Stephen Morphodynamic Modelling for Design of Beach Restoration Project McClarty
Lupoi, Giorgio Wave Induced Loads Risk Assessment of Coastal Structures Cuomo
Large-Scale Simulation of Nearshore Waves and Currents with
Lynett, Patrick Boussinesq Equations

MacArthur, Robert Wave Processes in Nearshore Environment for Hazard Identification Dean, Battalio

MacDonald, Neil Particle-based Sediment Transport Modeling Davies

MacMahan, Jamie Inexpensive Lagrangian DGPS Drogues Thornton

Maddux, Timothy The Cross-Shore Sediment Transport Experiment (CROSSTEX) Cowen, Foster, Haller, Stanton
3D Non-hydrostatic Modeling of Bottom and Bank Stability Kanarska, Fenical, Terletska,
Maderich, Vladimir Subjected by Ship Propeller Jets Brovchenko
Mai, Stephan Climate Change and Safety of Coastal Islands Elsner

Beach-fx: Implementation of a Life-Cycle Risk Analysis Approach to

Males, Richard Gravens, Moser, Rodgers
Hurricane Storm Damage Reduction Project Evaluation

General Guidelines for Good Quality Artificial Beaches and Case

Mangor, Karsten Stories
Dredging on Microtidal Coasts: Monitoring Sediment Dynamics and
Manso, Faustino Evaluation of Possible Effects to the Coastline Winter
A Simple and Efficient Well-Balanced Scheme for 2D Bore
Marche, F. Propagation and Run-Up Over a Sloping Beach Bonneton

Scour Around Large Diameter Monopile Foundation for Offshore

Margheritini, Lucia Frigaard, Martinelli, Lamberti
Wind Turbine in Presence of Steady Currents and Tide

Marshall, Neil Artificial Kelp Reef Site Selection Norall, Grove, Elwany
Verwaest, Spanhoff, De Wolf,
Martens, Chantal Lifetime Estimation of Beach Nourishments Along the Belgian Coast Gysens, Trouw

Marth, Reinhard Two-Dimensional Effects of Wave Generated Impact Pressures Müller, Hinkelmann, Wolters

Krynock, Sciaudone, Shelden,
Martin, Johnny Shoreline Revitalization in Norfolk, Virginia, USA White, Rosenberg

Martinelli, Luca Analysis of the Renaturalisation Project at Igea Marina Beach, Italy Zanuttigh, Lamberti, De Nigris

Martino, Eva Analysis of the Structural Behaviour of Submerged Breakwaters

Mason, Travis Predicting Extreme Storm Events in the Eastern English Channel Bradbury
Spatial Distribution of Wave Overtopping along Seawall in
Matsumi, Yoshiharu Multidirectional Waves Ohno, Kimura
Governing Equations for Inundated Flow in Vegetated Area and
Matsutomi, Hideo Similarity Laws for Trunk Ohnuma, Suzuki, Imai
Two Dimensional LES Numerical Simulations of the Swash Zone
Mauriet, Sylvain Hydrodynamics Abadie, Bonneton, Lubin, Mory
Sustainable Management of a High Value Coast at Risk from
May, Vincent Flooding, Erosion, and Intense Use

McCarthy, Michael Bolsa Chica Lowlands Restoration Construction and Inlet Opening Martin, Sciaudone, Morris
Large Amplitude Seiche in St. Joseph Bay, Florida - Observations
McGehee, David and Implications
Innovative Coastal Protection at Oil Piers, Ventura (USACE Section
Mead, Shaw 227 Demonstration Program) Black

Medina, Josep Transmission and Reflection of Modular Detached Breakwaters Muñoz, Gomez-Pina
Video Monitoring of Intertidal Beach Topography in a Protected
Medri, Silvia Area: The Case of Lido di Dante Gattavecchia, Lanberti, Archetti

Melito, Ivano Field Measurements of Harbour Resonance at Marina di Carrara Cuomo, Bellotti, Franco

Memita, Tetsu Influence of Mach-stem on Wave Overtopping on Seawalls


An Extreme Value Model for Wave Climate Considering Duration
Mendez, Fernando J. and Seasonality Menendez, Luceño, Medina
On the Comparison of Visually Observed and Predicted Waves at
Mesa, Chuck San Clemente, CA, USA
Habib, Rego, McCorquodale,
Meselhe, Ehab Water and Sediment Budget Analyses for the Chenier Plain Georgiou, Twilley, Nyman
Nearshore Morphodynamic-numerical Computation of the Influence
Mewis, Peter of Harbor Jetties
Potential Physical Impacts of a Littoral Drift Restoration Project:
Michalsen, David Mouth of the Columbia River, USA Moritz, Moritz

Milbradt, Peter Propagation of Potential Tsunami Waves in the North Sea Schüttrumpf, Lehfeldt

Natural Sand Bypassing and Response of Ebb Shoal to Dredging,

Militello, Adele
Evaluated by Numerical Simulation, Ocean City Inlet, MD

Engineering Scale Model for Predicting the Shoreline Response to

Miller, Jon Variations in Waves and Water Levels Dean
An Innovative “Super-Regional” Resource Management Initiative
Ming, Susan -The California’s Coastal Sediment Management Master Plan – Sumerell, Risko
Federal Perspective
Mínguez, Roberto Optimizing Breakwater Design Castillo, Castillo, Losada
Development of a Three-Dimensional Model to Understand a Tomlinson, Szylkarski,
Mirfenderesk, Hamid Modified Tidal Entrance Processes Rasmussen
Turbulent Interfacial Boundary Conditions for Numerical Modeling of
Misra, Shubhra Spilling Breaking Waves Shi, Brocchini, Kirby

Mitchell, S. B. Performance of Tidal Flap Gate Under Rising Sea Level Conditions Burgess, Tinton
Joint Distribution for Wind and Waves for the Design of Offshore
Mittendorf, Kim Wind Energy Converters Zielke
Theoretical Extrapolation of Open Boundary Condition of One-Line
Miura, Masahiro Model Uda, Serizawa, Yasutsugu, Kanda

Fundamental Study of Wind-Driven Current Under Developed Wind
Mizutani, Natsuki Waves Oh, Hashimoto, Suh
Drag and Inertia Forces Due to Tsunami Acting on a Container
Mizutani, Norimi Resting on Apron Tomita, Takagi, Miyajima

Mo, Weihua Numerical Simulation of Wave Impact on Slender Cylindrical Piles Irschik, Wu, Liu, Oumeraci
Finch, Zyserman, Fernando,
Coastal Processes Quantification in Support of a Decision Matrix Fernando, Smit, Johnson, Ward,
Mocke, Gary
Approach for Coastal Enhancement Design at Jumeirah, Dubai Stewart
Mori, Nobuhito Freak Wave Prediction from Directional Spectra
River Plume Monitoring Using Two Combined Remote Sensing
Morichon, Denis Techniques Dailloux
Observations of Cross Shore Infragravity Energy and Related
Moritz, Hans Pulsating Bottom Currents at Mouth of Columbia River, USA Gelfenbaum, Kraus

Morris, Bradley Video-Derived Mapping of Estuarine Evolution Coco, Turner

Life-cycle Risk Analysis Approach to Hurricane and Storm Damage Gravens, Males, Wutkowski,
Moser, David Reduction Planning Rogers
Large Scale Bed Forms in the Proximity of Man-made Reflective Sánchez-Badorrey, de Miguel,
Moyano, Jose Structures: Two Cases Losada
Recent Sea Level Variations at the Noth Sea and Baltic Sea
Mudersbach, Christoph Coastlines Jensen
Long-term Morphological Evolution of the Tidal Inlet "Norderneyer
Mueller, Jan-Moritz Seegat"
Different Scenarios for Implementation of Large Scale Coastal Nederbragt, van Koningsveld,
Mulder, Jan P. M. Policy in The Netherlands Wang, Steetzel
Muller, Gerald Confinement Effects in Solid-Fluid Contact Experiments Wolters
Monitoring of Guadiaro River Spit in Southwest Spain: Problems Tejedor, Gomez-Pina, Fages, de
Munoz-Perez, Juan J. and Solutions la Casa
Mitigation of Tsunami Inundation Disasters by Raising the Crown
Murakami, Keisuke Height of Existing Seawall Yamaguchi, Asano
Tsunami Numerical Modelling for Hyperbolic (Pacific), Parabolic
Murty, Tad (Atlantic), and Elliptic (Indian) Oceans Nistor, Nirupama


Numerical Simulation Technique for Wave Breaking Using
Mutsuda, Hidemi Overset-Soroban Grid System Tsuneyama, Doi

Muttray, Markus Wave Reflection and Wave Run-Up at Rubble Mound Breakwaters Oumeraci

Myrhaug, Dag Whitecaps: Effects of Wave Age and Atmospheric Stability Holmedal
Offshore Tsunami Monitoring Network Design using GPS Buoys and Kato, Moritani, Izumi, Terada,
Nagai, Toshihiko Coastal On-site Sensors Mitsui
Naim, Robert Evolution of Dredged Pits Offshore Louisiana Lu, Drucker
Experimental and Numerical Studies of Forced Free Surface Waves Frandsen, Dalrymple
Nasner, Horst Prevention of Sedimentation in Brackish Water Harbours Pieper, Tom, Kuhlenkamp
Simulation of Beach Profile Evolution under Storm Surge Conditions
Newe, Jürgen in Large Wave Flumes Oumeraci
Response of Sand Bar at a Jettied River Entrance to Perpendicular
Nguyen, Tu Trong Waves Tanaka

Nichols, Claire Wave Induced Vortex Shedding over Rippled Beds Foster
Sheet Flow Sediment Transport Under Waves with Acceleration
Nielsen, Peter Skewness and Boundary Layer Streaming Callaghan
Topography Change Due to the December 2004 Indian Ocean
Nishihata, Takeshi Tsunami: Field and Numerical Study at Kirinda Port, Sri Lanka Tajima, Moriya, Skimoto
Estimating Eroded Beach Profiles Applicable for the Pacific Coast of
Noble, Ronald M. the United States MacArthur, McDougal, Lu
Intercomparative Study of Extreme Value Analysis Models for
Nonaka, Hirokazu Annual Maximum Sample with Historical Information Yamaguchi
Relationship Between Local Seabed Slope and Grain Size Kobayashi, Uda, Kumada,
Noshi, Yasuhito Compostion of Bed Materials Serizawa
Weight and Stability Assessment of Single Layers of Orderly Placed
Nurmohamed, Nisa or Pitched Natural Rock van der Meer

Nonlinear Wave Interaction with Submerged and Surface-Piercing
Nwogu, Okey Porous Structures Demirbilek
Bore-driven Swash on Beaches: Numerical Modelling and
O'Donoghue, Tom Large-Scale Laboratory Experiments Hondebrink, Pokrajac
Bore Propagation Over a Submerged Horizontal Plate by Physical
Oertel, Mario and Numerical Solutions Schlurmann, Schlenkhoff
Investigation on the Decomposition of Turbulent Field in the
Oh, Sang-Ho Subsurface Flows of Wind Waves Suh, Mizutani
Wave Set-up Induced Flow in Seawater Exchange Structures with
Ohmura, Yoshihiro Blockwork Mounds

Inundation Characteristics of Male' Island and Airport Island and the Fujima, Tomita, Honda, Shigihara,
Ohtani, Hideo Effects of Seawalls and Detached Breakwaters in the Maldives due Nobuoka, Hanzawa, Fujii,
to the Indian Ocean Tsunami Orishimo, Tatsumi, Koshimura

Ojeda, Elena Bar and Shoreline Coupling in Artificial Embayed Beaches Guillén, Ribas
The Relative Trough Froude Number for Termination of Wave
Okamoto, Takashi Breaking : Theory and Wave Tank Experiments Basco, Fortes
Effect of Sea Level Rise on Sliding Distance of a Caisson
Okayasu, Akio Breakwater -- Optimization with Probabilistic Design Method Sakai
Incorporation of Wave Transmission and Overtopping Effects into a
Oki, Kazuya Multidirectional Random Wave Transformation Model Mase, Sakai

Oliveira, Anabela Numerical Modeling of the Aveiro Inlet Dynamics Fortunato

Olsen, Erik Application Of Porous ("Leaky") Rock Terminal Structures
Long-Term Simulation of Coastal Inlet Precesses by
Ono, Nobuyuki Advection-Diffusion Transport Model Militello, Kraus
Development of Water-Exchangeable Breakwater with Small
Orihashi, Tsuneharu Aperture Walls Kasai, Kakuno, Nobuhito Mori
Synoptic Predictive Morphodynamic Model for Beach Management: Fachin, Sancho, de los Santos,
Ortega-Sanchez, Miguel Trafalgar (Spain) Losada
Response of Mixed Sediment Beaches to Wake Wash from
Osborne, Philip Passenger Only Fast Ferries: Rich Passage, Washington MacDonald, Reynolds
Irregular Wave Transformation over Deforming Submerged
Ota, Takao Breakwater Kobayashi, Kimura
Planform and Profile Evolutions of Offshore Dredge Pits Under
Otay, Emre Nonlinear Waves Samanci


Scale and Model Effects on Wave Runup and Overtopping of Sea
Oumeraci, Hocine Dikes Schüttrumpf
Numerical and Experimental Study on 2-D Horizontal Wave
Oveisy, Ali Transformation over Mud Bottom Soltanpour, Shibayama, Masuya

Overton, Margery Morphological Evolution of a Shoreline on a Decadal Time Scale Mitasova, Fisher, Vanderbeke

Oya, Chu-ichi Model for Predicting Movement of Sand Supplied to Offshore Zone Uda, Seino, Furuike, Hoshigami
Large-scale Experiments on Shoreward Sediment Transport
Ozkan-Haller, H. Tuba Processes Haller, Kirby, Magalen, Teran
Optical Measurements of Incident and Infragravity Dominated
Palmsten, Margaret Swash Kinematics Holman

Panizzo, Andrea 3D-SPH Simulation of Landslide Generated Waves Cuomo, Dalrymple

Simulation of Wave-Induced Currents by Nonlinear Mild Slope
Park, Chan Sung Equation Lee

Park, Yong Sung Interactions between Two Solitary Waves on the Beach Wu, Wu
Payo-Garcia, Andres Beach Renourishment Stratgies Kobayashi

Pearce, Andy Scour at a Seawall -- Field Measurements and Physical Modelling Sutherland, Muller, Rycroft
Guymer, Svenstrup Petersen,
Pearson, Jonathan Laboratory Investigation of Mixing in the Nearshore Karambas

Pedersen, Torstein Resolving Transformed Wave Directions Near Coastal Structures Lohrmann, Siegel, Malzone

Pedrozo-Acuña, Adrian Beach Variability Near Groynes Reeve, Spivack

Penchev, Valeri CFD Added Design of Reef Breakwaters Scheffermann

Modeling Sand Ripple Evolution Under Wave and Current Boundary
Penko, Allison Layers Slinn, Hanes, Rubin

Peregrine, Howell Water Wave Impact on Walls and the Role of Air
Petroff, Catherine Interaction of Breaking Solitary Waves with an Armored Bottom Raichlen
Petykowski, Chris Cat Island Chain Restoration, Green Bay Nairn, Salegean, Barber
Risk Analyses of Coastal Flood Defence Systems: Two Case
Piontkowitz, Thorsten Studies Kortenhaus, Oumeraci
Trivariate Distributions Applied to Modelling Wave Parameters and
Piorewicz, Jurek High Tide Level Tickle
Wavelet Coherence Analysis for Waves Over Submerged
Prinos, Panayotis Breakwaters Zeris, Koftis

Puleo, Jack Fluid Acceleration in the Swash Zone Farhadzadeh, Kobayashi

Wave Overtopping at Vertical Walls: Field and Laboratory
Pullen, Tim Measurements of Spatial Distributions Allsop, Bruce
Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Studies for Yosemite Canal
Qin, Wenkai Wetland Restoration Project: San Francisco Bay Noble, Lue
Wind-Induced Nearshore Circulation and Morphological Implications Ortega-Sanchez, Baquerizo, de
Quevedo, Elena on a Natural Beach: Carchuna (Spain) los Santos, Losada
Quantifying the Influence of Inlet Migration on Tidal Marsh System
Ramsey, John Health Kelley, Howes

Ranasinghe, Roshan Beach Morphology Behind a Submerged Breakwater Sato

Submarine Groundwater Discharge in the Venice Lagoon: Possible
Rapaglia, John Magnitude and Implications Garcia-Solsona

Ratcliff, Jay Hurricane Protection in Coastal Louisiana

Processes Affecting the Stability of Revetments made with
Recio, Juan Geotextile Sand Containers Oumeraci
Impact of Offshore Windfarms on Coastal Processes: Scroby
Rees, Jon Windfarm Scour Pits and Scour Tails
Bootstrap Resampling For Extreme Wave Heights Implications for
Reeve, Dominic Coastal Risks Li, Sanchez-Arcilla, Gomez

Regis, Jennifer Three-Dimensional Modeling of Air-Sea Interaction Slinn

Ruessink, Holman, Ortega
Reintjes, Cynthia Observations of Shoreline Sandwaves

Reniers, Ad Modeling of Surfzone Generated Infragravity Waves during NCEX MacMahan, Thornton, Stanton

Richmond, Andrea Managing Managed Realignment Banyard, Fish, Jarman

Robertson, William Shoreline Change and Recovery Caused by Hurricane Charley Zhang, Leatherman


Modeling Obliquely Descending Eddies in Breaking Waves Using 3-
Rogers, Benedict D SPH-SPS Dalrymple
Finite Amplitude Modeling of Tidal Sandbanks: Evolution of
Roos, Pieter C. Wavelength and Response to Sand Extraction
Rosati, Julie Morphologic Evolution of Subsiding Barrier Island Systems Kraus, Dean
On Selection of Environmental Loading Design Criteria for
Rosen, Dov S. Nearshore Structures Kaplan
Modeling Cross-shore Sandbar Migration: An Objective Assessment
Ruessink, Gerben of Prediction Skill and Model Complexity Kuriyama, Walstra

Ruggiero, Peter Probabilistic Shoreline Change Predictions List, Hanes, Gelfenbaum

Rusu, Eugen The Midle Way of Surf Modeling Conley
Saitoh, Takehisa Resonance of Fluid in Narrow Joint Gaps of Caisson-Type Seawall Miao, Ishida
Model for Predicting Three-Dimensional Sea Bottom Topography of
Sakai, Kazuya Statically Stable Beach Uda, Serizawa, Kumada, Kanda
Tsunami Inundation Velocities Obtained from VTR in Banda Aceh Matsutomi, Nugroho, Tsuji,
Sakakiyama, Tsutomu due to the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake Tsunami Murakami

Sana, Ahmad Modification of K-e Model to Study Oscillatory Boundary Layers Tanaka, Ghumann
Espino, Sierra, Rodríguez,
Sanchez-Arcilla, Agustin Water Renovation in Micro-tidal Environments: Two Case Studies

Bottom Boundary Layer Under Standing Regular Wave Groups:
Sánchez-Badorrey, Elena Eulerian Drift and BBL Width Cowen, Bramato, Losada
Which Type of Wave Modelling Approach Should We Apply to
Savioli, Juan Investigate Trained Tidal Inlets and River Mouths? Hansen, Clark

Sayao, Otavio Port of Pecem Berm Breakwater Design Post-Construction Accetta, Pires, Pinto, Freire, Silva
Scale Effects in Rubble Mound Breakwaters Considering Wave
Scarcella, Damiano Energy Balance Benedicto, Moñino, Losada
A Convolution Method for Nonlinear Dispersive Wave
Schäffer, Hemming Transformation Over Gently Varying Bathymetry
Schimmels, Stefan Turbulent Features Beneath Breaking Waves Zhang, Schlurmann

Schinaia, Stefania Predictive Cellular Automata Modelling for the Recovery of

Momiji, Simons, Bishop
Anastasia Biological Communities on the Seabed from Dredging Activities
Current and Historic Profile Data Along Los Angeles County,
Schlosser, Heather California Woodell, Shibao, Wu
Tsunami Wave Decay in Nearshore and Onshore Areas Gruene, Oumeraci
Schmied, Lauren Cross-shore Suspended Sand Transport on Beaches Kobayashi, Puleo, Zhao
Validation of 40-year Water Level Time Series for the Planning of
Schulz, Dirk Coastal Structures Mayerle, Günther, Dankert

Schupiloff, Nik Numerical Modeling of Tsunami Runup with Different Approaches Schimmels

Schüttrumpf, Holger Expert Judgement of Uncertainties in Coastal Structure Design Kortenhaus, Peters, Fröhle
The Role of Wave Breaking Turbulence in Sediment Suspension
Scott, Christopher Observed during CROSSTEX Cox, Maddux, Criswell, Irving

Seabergh, William Spur Jetty Design at Coastal Inlets

Three-Dimensional Model for Predicting Beach Changes based on
Serizawa, Masumi Bagnold's Concept Uda, San-nami, Furuike
Updated Sediment Budget for Santa Monica Bay Over the Past 70
Shak, Arthur Years Shibao, Wu
An Event-Based Model for the Study of Sediment Transport in the
Shanehsazzadeh, Ahmad Swash Zone Holmes

She, Kaiming Recharge of Mixed Sand and Gravel Beaches Horn, Canning, Thomas
Sheremet, Alexandru Nonlinear Wave Propagation Over a Shallow Muddy Shelf Mehta
Quasi-3D Nearshore Circulation Equations: a CL-Vortex Force
Shi, Fengyan Formulation Kirby, Haas
Characteristic of Abnormal High Storm Surge on the Coasts Facing
Shibaki, Hidenori the Open Sea Kim, Suzuyama
Disaster Survey of Indian Ocean Tsunami and Its Application to
Shibayama, Tomoya Disaster Prevention Okayasu, Sasaki
Wave Transformation, Impact, and Overtopping on a Rubble Mound
Shin, Sungwon Breakwater: Large Scale Measurements and Numerical Model Cox, Lin, Yim


Shoreline Erosion in Response to Extreme Events: Southeast
Short, Andrew Australia
Wave Height Limits for the Statically Stable Icelandic-type Berm
Sigurdarson, Sigurdur Breakwater Smarason, Viggosson
Monitoring Shoreline Changes Using Robotic Video at Cancun Marino-Tapia, Mendoza-Baldwin,
Silva-Casarin, Rodolfo Beach, Mexico Wong Munoz
Simarro, Gonzalo Nearshore Sandbar Migration Orfila, Liu
Davidson, Reeve, Chadwick,
Simmonds, David A Risk Based Framwork for Predicting Long-term Beach Evolution Dong, Spivack
Towards Development of a Boussinesq -- RANS VOF Hybrid Wave
Sitanggang, Khairil Irfan Model Lynett, Liu
Modelling Nonlinear Nearshore Dynamics of a Barred Coast: Palm
Smit, Marije Beach, Florida Reniers, Symonds, Ruessink
Design of T-Groin Protection System for Recreational Beach, Coney
Smith, Eric Island, New York Rahoy, Yang, Cornett, Headland
Monitoring and Modelling Turbid Plumes and Shoreline Effects Soltau, Viljoen, Weitz, Maartens,
Smith, Geoffrey Grant Resulting from Nearshore Mining with a Dredger du Preez

Smith, Heather The Role of Turbulent Fluctuations on the Scour of a Short Cylinder Foster

Smith, Jane M. Improved Shallow-Water Spectral Wave Modeling Resio

Influence of the Nearshore Bathymetry on the Evolution of Breaking
Soldini, Luciano Wave Induced Macrovortices Brocchini, Kennedy, Lorenzoni
Role of Bottomfast Ice in Controlling Nearshore Processes and
Engineering Conditions at the Mouth of the Mackenzie River Delta, Manson, Fraser, Moorman,
Solomon, Steven
Beaufort Sea, Canada Stevens, Whalen

Irregular Wave Transformation on Mud Profiles including the

Soltanpour, Mohsen Fluidization of Mud Layer Shibayama, Haghshenas
Numerical Modelling of Wave-Current Interaction in Tidal Inlets
Sørensen, Ole Rene using an Unstructured Finite Volume Technique Kofoed-Hansen
An Experimental Study of Flow Characteristics in the Surf and
Sou, In Mei Swash Zones Cowen, Liu
Prediction of Ripple Geometry for Acoustic Response and
Soulsby, Richard Hydrodynamic Roughness Applications Whitehouse
Risk Assessment of Sines’ West Breakwater: Physical Model Tests
Sousa, Isaac and Formula Calibration Santos
Towards a Better Understanding and Design of Shoreface
Spanhoff, Ruud Nourishments in The Netherlands van de Graaff

Sparboom, Uwe Slender Cylinders under Wave Attack

Splinter, Kristen Bathymetric Estimation Based on Wave Refraction Patterns Holman
Stanczak, Grzegorz Breaching of Sea Dikes Initiated by Breaking Wave Impact Oumeraci, Korthenhaus
Long-Term Prediction of Nearshore Wave Climate with an Zhou, Kuang, Walkden, Hall,
Stansby, Peter Application to Cliff Erosion Dickson
Wave Stress and Sediment Suspension Relationships During
Stanton, Tim CROSSTEX
Evaluation of the Use of Submerged Prefabricated Structures to
Stauble, Donald K. Stabilize a Beach Fill Smith, Wise, Farrell

Stive, Marcel Nourishment of Tidal Basins Wang

Generation of Reflection-free Waves in a Numerical Wave Flume
Subramaniam, Naresh using PID Feedback Control Li, Ingram, Mingham
Reflection and Transmission of Regular Waves by Multiple-row
Suh, Kyung-Duck Curtainwall Pile Breakwater Ji
Simultaneous Prediction of Beach Changes and Grain Size
Sumiya, Michio Distribution on a Coast with Artificial Headlands Uda, Kumada, Serizawa
Bottom Shear Stress and Sediment Transport Calculation
Suntoyo Characterized by the Acceleration Effect under Non-Linear Waves Tanaka, Sana
Suzuki, Takayuki Medium-term Shoreline Changes at Hasaki, Japan Kuriyama
Near and Far Field Effects of the 26 December 2004 Tsunami in the
Synolakis, Costas Indian Ocean Borrero, Fritz, Okal
Post-Hurricane 2004 Performance Evaluation of Coastal Armoring
Tabar, Jeffrey Structures Chalecki, Ketteridge
Numerical Study on the Effect of Porous Submerged Mound to
Tajima, Yoshimitsu Dissipate Non-breaking Long Waves Kozuka, Ohshima, Moriya


Takahashi, Shigeo Basic Performance of Long-Wave Absorbing System using Seawalls Suzuki
Field Observations and Numerical Simulations for the Response
Takayama, Tomotsuka Properties of Pore Water Pressures in the Seabed beneath a Yasuda, Tsujio, Taniguchi
Composite Breakwater
Takahashi, Matsutomi, Norihiro
Tanaka, Hitoshi Application of Old Maps for Studying Long-Term Shoreline Change Izumi
Field Measurement of Dynamic Pressure under Waterproof Sheet at
Tanaka, Nobukazu Ash Disposal Site Sakakiyama
Sheet Flow Sediment Transport Modelling, including Boundary
Teakle, Ian Layer Streaming Nielsen
Theoretical and Experimental Study on the Placement of Single
Ten Oever, Erik Layer Armour Units Verhagen, Klabbers

Model Simulations of Bar Evolution on a Large-scale Laboratory Kirby, Haller, Ozkan-Haller,
Teran Cobo, Pablo Beach Magalen
Terrile, Emanuele Instantaneous Bed Shear Stresses in Shoaling Waves Reniers, Stive
Voropayev, Fernando,
Testik, Firat Dynamics and Geometry of Ripples under Shoaling Waves Balasubramanian
Thao, Nguyen Danh Numerical Simulation of Three-Dimensional Wave Breaking Shibayama
Power Law for Transport of Bimodal Size Distributions of Sediment
Thaxton, Chris from Wave Forcing Calantoni
Improvement of the Wave Height Forecast in Deep and Intermediate
Theocharis, Zoe Waters with the Use of Stochastic Methods Memos, Koutsoyiannis

Thornton, Edward Rip-Currents, Cuspate Shorelines and Eroding Dunes Sallenger, Woods, McWilliams
Laboratory Study of Turbulent Flow Structures in Breaking Waves
Ting, Francis by Particle Image Velocimetry
Cross-shore Sediment Transport and Profile Evolution on Natural Russell, Masselink, O'Hare, Butt,
Tinker, Jonathan Beaches: The X-SHORE Project Ganderton, Gallagher
Keystone Harbor, WA: Coastal Engineering in Support of Design
Tirindelli, Matteo Studies for New Ferry Terminal Fenical, Shepsis, Cox
Non-Gaussian Properties of Surface Elevation in Crossing Sea
Toffoli, Allesandro States in Shallow Water Onorato, Osborne, Monbaliu

Tomasicchio, Guiseppe
Initiation of the Breaking Process in Boussinesq-type Wave Models D'Alessandro
Application of Three-Dimensional Tsunami Simulator to Estimation
Tomita, Takashi of Tsunami Behavior Around Structures Honda, Kakinuma
New International Standard for "Actions from Waves and Currents Burcharth, Goda, Kortenhaus,
Tørum, Alf on Coastal Structures" Kriebel
Treadwell, Donald D. Reinforced Concrete Armor Units for Coastal Structures Magoon
Tsai, Ching-Piao A Modified Model for Wave Decay on Beaches Chen
Dredging Shallow Draft Navigation Channels: The North Carolina
Tschirky, Paul Experience
Numerical Modelling of Wave Overwash at Low-crested Sand
Tuan, Thieu Quang Barriers Verhagen, Visser
Bed-level Measurements in the Swash Zone at Wave-by-Wave
Turner, Ian Frequencies Russell, Butt

Tzong, George T. J. Ship Motion Modeling in Los Angeles and Long Beach Harbors Lai, Lee
Model for Predicting Dynamically Stable Beach Based on Analogy Serizawa, San-nami, Furuike,
Uda, Takaaki with Two-Dimensional Flow Shibazaki
Temporal Changes of Backshore Topography and Sand Grain Size
Udo, Keiko Under Wind and Wave Actions Yamawaki, Ito
Three-Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Flow and Scour Around a
Umeda, Shinya Vertical Cylinder Cheng, Yuhi, Ishida
Characteristics of Moored Ship Oscillation due to Long Period
Uzaki, Ken-ichi Waves Matsunaga, Nishii, Ikehata

van der Burgh, Lisette Dynamics of a Coupled ‘Beach State’ – ‘Beach Use’ System Wijnberg, Hulscher, Mulder
van der Meer, Jentsje The Wave Overtopping Simulator Snijders, Regeling
Boussinesq-Type Wave Model as a Driver for a Morphodynamic
Van Dongeren, Ap Model Roelvink, Wenneker, Rusdin

van Gent, Marcel Dune Erosion Tests to Study the Influence of Wave Periods Coeveld, Walstra
Wave Transmission at Various Types of Low-Crested Strucures Peixo Marco, van der Meer,
van Oosten, Reinoud Using Neural Networks Verhagen


van Rijn, Leo Effect of Grain Size on Sand Transport in Coastal Flows
van Thiel de Vries, Jap Modelling Swash Hydrodynamics during Storm Surges van de Graaff, Reniers, Stive
Veeramony, Jayaram Wave Breaking in Shallow Water Spectral Models Kaihatu
Monitoring of the Coastal Defence Works of Costa da Caparica,
Veloso-Gomes, Fernando Portugal Taveira-Pinto, Pais-Barbosa
Wave Overtopping at Coastal Structures: Development of a 2-phase
Verhaeghe, Hadewych Neural Network De Rouck

Viggiani, Giuseppe On Setup Behind Submerged Breakwaters

Visser, Paul Breaching of Dikes Zhu

Walkden, Mike Shore Profile Sensitivity to Sea Level Rise Dickson, Hall
Preparation of Pacific Coast Guidelines for Flood Hazard Analyses
Wallace, Edward and Mapping MacArthur, Chowdhury, Sakumoto
Coastal Barrier Breaching - Comparison of Numerical and Physical
Wamsley, Ty Models Kraus, Larson, Hanson
The 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami Simulation with Transient Seafloor
Wang, Xiaoming Motion and Source Region Optimization Liu

Wang, Zhanxian Coupling of a Storm Surge Model and Nearshore Wave Model Ying, Vickery

A Numerical Model for Deformation of Highly-Dispersive Waves on

Watanabe, Akira Kobayashi, Takagi
Strong Currents with Arbitrary Reflection/Transmission Boundaries

Watanabe, Yasunori Irrotational, Rotational, and Turbulent Flows in Breaking Waves

Real-Time Forecasting System of Winds, Waves and Surge in
Weaver, Robert Tropical Cyclones Slinn

Webb, Brett Modeling Bed Morphology Under Waves and Currents Slinn, Hanes, Rubin

Numerical Models: A Tool for Balancing Regulatory and Stakeholder

Weishar, Lee Bosma
Concerns in the Restoration of Degraded Wetland Systems

Werren, David Breakwater Damage and Rehabilitation, Terceira Island, Azores Scott, Petykowski, Kenny

Wiersma, Frank Man, Mangroves and Embankments: Institutional Capacity Building van Haselen, Opdam, Howard,
Effect of Underlayer and Core Permeability on Wave Run-Up Over
Wijetunge, Janaka Rubble-Mound Coastal Structures
Wijnberg, Kathelijne Response of a Shoreline Sand Wave to Beach Nourishment Aarninkhof, Spanhoff
Input Filtering versus Real-time Input for the Forcing of Medium
Wilkens, Jort Scale Morphodyamic Models in a Tidal Flat Environment Mayerle
Sanchez-Arcilla, Gomez Aguar,
Willems, Kenneth Extreme Waves Revisited De Rouck, Troch, Bolaños
Wave Impact Loading on a Pedestrian Walkway on Top of a
Willems, Marc Breakwater Verwaest, Hermans, Demey

Williams, Jon Use of Radar to Study Surf Zone Morphodynamics Bell, Guedes, Pereira, Calliari
Winer, Harley A New Paradigm for Managing the Lower Mississippi River
Wolf, Judith Modelling and Measurement of Waves in Coastal Waters Osuna
Mass-Conserving Boundary Condition for Extended Boussinesq
Woo, Seung-Buhm Equations : Application to Stem Wave Generation Cho, Lee
An Efficient Three-dimensional fully Non-hydrostatic Model for
Wu, Chin Free-surface Flows Yuan

Wu, Chung-Sheng Tropical Storm Winds Induced Waves and Surges at Landfall

Wu, Frank Hydrodynamic Simulation for San Elijo Lagoon Restoration Project DiRamos, Shibao, Williams

Wu, Tso-Ren Interactions between 3D Dam-Break Bores and a Square Cylinder Liu
Erosion and Coastal Geohazards Monitoring using Airborne LIDAR:
Xhardé, Regis Case Study in the SW Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada Long

Yamada, Fumihiko Intertidal Multiple Sand Bars on Meso-Tidal Beach Kobayashi

Revised System for Long-Term Wave Hindcasting and its
Yamaguchi, Masataka Applicability Hatada

Mechanism of Coastal Structure Damage Due to Tsunamis, and

Yamamoto, Yoshimichi Takanashi, Tomita
Case Study of Coastal Damage from Indian Ocean Tsunami

Conversion Ratio of Wind Velocity from Prototype to Experimental

Yamashiro, Masaru Model on Wave Overtopping Yoshida, Hashimoto, Irie


Reanalysis of Storm Surges and Waves Caused by the 1991
Yamashita, Takao Cyclone in the Bay of Bengal: Effects of Whitecap Dissipation in a Kim
Wave-Surge Coupled Simulation

Yao, Yao Simplified Nonlinear Boussinesq Modelling of Waves over a Slope Taylor, Borthwick
Seasonal Changes in Sand Level and Wave Energy on Southern
Yates, Marissa California Beaches Guza, Seymour, Thomas, O'Reilly

Wave Property Estimation from Nearshore Video Images by Linear
Yoo, Jeseon Feature Extraction and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Fritz, Haas, Work, Barnes
Controlling Entrainment of Sediment into a Small Harbor with
Yoon, Seong Jin Channel-type Breakwater Deguchi, Kim
Typhoon Early Warning System Based on a Coupled Atmosphere
Yoshino, Jun Ocean Wave Model Murakami, Yasuda
Grass Cover Layer Failure on the Inner Slope of Dikes Subjected to
Young, Martin Wave Overtopping Hassan

Yu, M-J. Parabolic Bay Shape Equation Revisited for Practical Applications Chen, Hsu
Pre-conditioned EOF Analysis for Long-Term Morphodynamics on
Yuhi, Masatoshi Eroding Coast Yamada, Ishida

Zanuttigh, Barbara Wave Reflection from Coastal Structures van der Meer
Deterministic Combination of Numerical and Physical Models for
Zhang, Haiwen Directional Waves Schäffer
Fine Sediment Transport under Storm Event: The Huanghua
Zhao, Qun Experience
Laboratory and Numerical Studies of Waves, Currents and
Khomitsky, Kivva, Demchenko,
Zheleznyak, Mark Sediment Transport at the “Bystryy” Navigation Channel, Danube
Kolomiets, Shepeleva
River Delta
Zhi-Cheng, Huang Investigation on the Evolution of Submerged Sand Berm Hwung-Hweng, Kao-Shu
A Fundamental Experimental and Numerical Study of Large-Scale
Zhou, Jianguo Morphodynamics Garcia-Hermosa, Apsley, Stansby
Hydromechanical Characteristics of the Formation of the Radial
Zhu, Yuliang Sandbanks in the Southern Yellow Sea Yan, Pan
Sediment Suspension Simulation Under Oscillatory Flow by SPH-
Zou, Shan SPS Method Dalrymple
Experimental Study of the Instability of Longshore Currents on
Zou, Zhili Plane Beaches Ren, Jin, Qiou, Sun

附錄2 張貼論文名稱及作者



Anticipated Impacts Due to Climate Change Induced Extreme
Abeysirigunawardena, Meteorological Events on the North Coast of British Columbia, Walker
Dilumie Canada
Anthonio, Stephen Multi-Level Adaptive Model for Wave Propagation Hall
Experimental Studies on the Motion of a Moored Buoy in Shallow
Arntsen, Øivind A. Water Waves
Development and Application of Data Analysis Tools for Beach
Barter, Peter Management in Southern England Bradbury, Mason
Morphological Modelisation on a Seasonal Scale of Nourishment
Barusseau, Jean-Paul Strategies on Two Mediterranean Beaches Certain, Larroudé

Booster, Lennart Bio-Dunes: In-situ Dune Strengthening with Bacteria Whiffin, de Groot
Briere, Christophe Numerical Modeling of Sandbank Dynamics Roos, Hulscher
Coastal Erosion and Community Relocation for Alaskan Native
Broadfoot, David Villages Robinson, Pace

Bolaños, Sánchez-Arcilla,
Comparative Performance of Wave Prediction Models for East and
Cateura, Jordi Gertman, Murashkovsky, Raskin,
West Coasts of the Mediterranean Sea
Reverse Engineering Harbor Geometries to Achieve Water Quality
Cox, Jack and Basin Agitation Goals Utku
Development of a Linked Modeling System of Los Angeles and Hamrick, Kozelka, King, Carter,
Craig, John Long Beach Harbors to Support Regulatory Decisions Nye
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Wave Field on Porous Coastal
Cruz, Eric Structures Chen

Cummings, Peter Newport Waterways Canal Estate Dredging: A Case Study Bettington
Development of a Modeling Management Tool to Support the
Davie, Steven Savannah Harbor Expansion Project, Savannah, Georgia Hamrick
Experimental Study on Morphological Evolution of River Mouths in
Di Natale, Michele Subsidence Areas Di Ronza, Eramo
Medina Santamaria, Ocampo
Diaz Mendez, Guillermo Extreme Water Levels and Coastal Erosion at Tehuantepec, Mexico Torres
Laboratory Experiments on the Progression of Damage on Caisson
Estaban, Miguel Breakwaters Under Impact Waves Shibayama
Measurements of Concentration Profiles of Suspended Sediments
Esteves, L. S. Across the Surf Zone Williams, Lisniowski, Perotto

Evertz, Thorsten Elastomeric Revetments - New Approach to Coastal Protection Pasche, von Lieberman
Application of Wavelet Transform Analysis to Wave Transmission
Ferrante, Vincenzo Behind Submerged Breakwaters Vicinanza

Friebel, Harry Measurement of Surf Zone Air-Sea Momentum Exchange Herrington, Benilov
Bivariate Extremen Analysis of Waves and Surges Using a Point
Galiatsatou, Panagiota Process Approach Prinos
Analytical Solution for Nonlinear Solitary Waves Runup in
García Triana, Ivan David Rectangular Channels Zarruk

Giménez, Marcos H. Mean Direction Analysis in Directional Seas Sánchez-Carratalá

Gomez Aguar, Jesus Fetch Control on Extreme Wave Distribution Andreoli, Sanchez-Arcilla, Franco

Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Prediction of Non-linear Random Wave Characteristics in the Surf

Zone Madsen
Gruene, Kathrin Field Study on Long Wave Characteristics in Shallow Waters Joachim
Haigh, Ivan Tide and Storm Surge Interaction in the English Channel Jones, Harris

Development of a New Type Block to Use Water Regions Over

Hamaura, Yota Tsujimoto, Kakinoki
Submerged Breakewaters for Reproducing Seaweed Beds

Hamrick. John Charleston Harbor Modeling, Charleston, South Carolina Davie

Comparison of Physical and Numerical Model Results for a Wave
Hayes, Shaun Penetration Study for the Port of Durban Wijnberg, Kofoed-Hansen

Forecasting and Mitigating Natural Hazards - Getting the Data You
Hemsley, J. Michael Need


Storm Control on Overwash Processes and Shoreline Retreat on a
Heurtefeux, Hugues Microtidal Littoral Barrier Sabatier

Hosking, Adam Regional Assessment to Address Local Coastal Defence Problems Burgess
Storm Surge Computations for the Waters of Yangtze Estuary and
Hu, Kelin HangZhou Bay, China Ding, Gao
Measurements at Turbulent Scales of Velocity and Sediment
Hurther, David Concentration in the Surf Zone of Irregular Waves Over a Weekly Michallet, Gondran
Barred Beach at Equilibrium
Decadal Evolution of Macro-tidal Beach Behind Shore Parallel
Ilic, Suzana Breakwaters Chadwick

Ingram, David Free Surface Simulation of Wave Overtopping during Storms Gao, Causon
Johnston, Shelley Bedform Dynamics in Moriches Inlet FitzGeral
An Investigation into the Principal Morphological Driving Simons, Harris, Koefed-Hansen,
Jones, Oliver Mechanisms in the Bristol Channel, UK Haigh
Modeling of Waves, Currents and Morphology Evolution Behind
Karambas, Theophanis Detached Porous Submerged Breakwaters Avgeris, Prinos

Kim, Gunwoo Internal Generation of Waves Using Flux Source Lee, Suh
Approximation of the Low Frequency Harbor Oscillation in a
Kimura, Akira Rectangular Harbor

Koftis, Theoharris Turbulence Effects On Wave Overtopping Of Floating Structures Prinos

Failure Modes for Flood Defence Structures: Review and GIS
Kortenhaus, Andreas Application for Flood Prone Areas Morris, Allsop, Buijs
Littoral Transport Fluctuations on Various Time Scales at Belmonte,
Landim, José Brazil Elfrink
Morphological Modelling of Nourishment Strategies on a
Larroudé, Philippe Meditterean Beach Using New Sediment Transport Forumula Camenen, Larson
Multiple Scattering of Waves Affected by Vortices Shedding from
Lee, Jung Lyul the Lower Edges of Thin Barriers
Comparison of Sand Transport Under Regular and Irregular Waves
Li, Ming above Rippled Bed Pan, O'Connor
Hurricane Caused Property Damages Beach Erosion and Accretion
Lin, Weiqi During Florida Hurricane Season
Modelling of Short Term Morphological Changes of the Suang-Xi
Liou, Jin-Yih Estuary Hwang, Hwung, Wu

Lorenzoni, Carlo Shoreline Protection by Means of Dissipative Structures Mancinelli, Piatella, Soldini
Wave Reflection from Reshaping and Non-Reshaping Berm
Lykke Andersen, Thomas Breakwaters Burcharth
Evaluation of Historic Shoreline Change and Development of
Marrone, Joseph Coastal Erosion Best Management Practices for the North Shore of
Long Island, NY
Wave Focusing of Multidirectional Random Waves due to Rip
Mase, Hajime Currents Amamori, Takayama, Otta
Hurst Spit (UK) Beach Managmewnt Scheme: Ten Years of
McVey, Stuart Post-Construction Performance Bradbury, Ferguson, Eastick

Mohal, Nasreen Improvement of Navigability of Mongla Port: A Case Study Khan, Hye
Moreira, Roger
Nonlinear Interaction Between Water Waves and Currents Chacaltana
Bork, Jensen, Mudersbach,
Müller-Navarra, Sylvin Simulation of Super Storms in the North Sea Koziar, Renner
Mulligan, Ryan Wave-driven Circulation Around a Shoal Bowen
Development of Highly Dissapative Floating Breakwaters and
Nakamura, Takayuki Effectiveness in a Harbor Kim

Otta, Ashwini Wave Spectrum on an Adverse Current

Interaction of Shore-Parallel Geotextile Tubes and Beaches Along
Perry, Cameron the Upper Texas Coast Heilman

Impact of Wave Data Assimilation on Near Shore Wave Climate
Portilla, Jesus Assessment Monbaliu
Regional Frequency Analysis of Significant Wave Heights Based on
Qingshan, Ma L-Moments Yanbao
Structural and Environmental Parameters Governing the Mode of
Ranasinghe, Roshanka Shoreline Response to Submerged Breakwaters Larson, Savioli


Requejo, Soledad Middle-term Evolution Model for Beaches Medina, Gonzalez

Cost Share Federal Beach Nourishment Project for Absecon Island,

Rooney, Timothy
New Jersey: Two Year History within Atlantic City and Ventnor City

Necessary Linkage of Rubble Mound Structure Design With

Rouault, Pascale Construction Method Nehrig, Meng, Stueckrath
Two-Dimensional Physical and Numerical Modelling of Bottom
Ruol, Piero Moored Floating Breakwaters Martinelli, Zanuttigh
Modeling and GIS for an Operational Flood Prediction System in the
Salles, Paulo Yucatan Peninsula Silva, Bautista, Iturbe
Kishan, Premanand, Raju,
Sanil, Kumar Nearshore Processes Along the Coastline of India Gowthaman

Santos, Joao An Operational System for Wave Effects in Ports Fortes, Pinheiro, da Graça Neves

Schretlen, Jolanthe J. L. Modelling of Cross-shore Transport under Non-breaking Waves in Van der Werf, Ribberink,
M. Sheet Flow Conditions Uittenbogaard, O'Donoghue
Striking the Balance between Beach and Revetment - Coastal
Silver, Aaron defenses for Double Tracking the Seattle to Everett Commuter Rail Mast, Khouri
Project along Puget Sound
Oliveira, Pascoal, Sebastião,
Silvestre, Carlos New Tools for the Inspection of Rubble-Mound Breakwaters Alves, Santos, da Graça Neves

Tang, Fu Ee Pollutant Dispersion Around the Perimeter of a Coastal Headland Chen

Thomas, Ian Pevensey Bay Sea Defences - An Innovative Approach

Formation of High Turbidity Layer and Oxygen Consumption by
Tokunaga, Takahisha Suspended Solids in Western Area of the Ariake Sea Matsunaga, Nobuhiro, Kodama

Tomlinson, Rodger Objective Assessment of Beach State Via Remote Video Monitoring Browne, Strauss
Practical Application of a Coastal Wave and Overtopping Forecast
Tozer, Nigel Service Allsop, Saulter, Murkin
Influence of Shoreline Changes on Beach Recreational Carrying
Valdemoro, Herminia Capacity Jiménez
Perez Lapena, Roos, Hulscher,
van der Veen, Henriet Influence of Sandpits on the North Sea Seabed Knaapen
van der Wegen, Mick Long-term Stability of Estuarine Channel Shoal Systems Roelvink
van der Werf, Jebbe Intra-wave Modelling of Sand Transport Over Rippled Beds van der A, Ribberink, Davies
van der Westhuysen,
Depth-induced Breaking over Horizontal Bottoms in SWAN Bottema, Zijlema, Battjes
van Vledder, Gerbrant Wave Modelling In and Around Harbours Enet, Hurdle, Lucotte
Vicinanza, Diego SEDBATH: Nearshore Morphobathymetry Predicition Tool Ferrante, Ciavola
Design Formulae for Stability of Rubble Mound Low-Crested
Vidal, Cesar Structures Fernando, Lomonaco, Garcia

Vittori, Giovanna Predictions of Sand Banks in the North Sea Besio, Blondeaus
The Relationship between Longshore Currents and Weather Fronts
Voulgaris, George near Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA Haas, Work, Hanes
Laboratory Testing of Offshore Breakwaters Using ReefBall Artificial
Ward, Donald Reef Units
Winter, Chrisitian Evaluation of Bedload Formulations in Tidal Environments Ernstsen, Noormets
Defining Boundary Conditions for Nonlinear Shallow Water Wave
Witting, Markus Models for Wave Runup and Overtopping Kaiser, Niemeyer

Wolters, Guido Relevance of Acoustic Concepts in Coastal Engineering Muller

Effects of Wind-driven Current Caused by Western Wind of Water
Yamamoto, Jun Quality in Shizukawa Bay Tanaka

New Coastline Change Model Incorporating the Cross-shore
Yokoki, Hiromune Distribution of Longshore Sediment Transport Rate and its Minami, Mimura
Application to Ajigaura Coast, Japan
Spectral Estimation Around an Island Utilizing Wave Scattering
Yoshida, Akinori Theory Yamashiro, Irie
Two Dimensional Huang Hilbert Transform: Analytic Overtopping
Zeris, Athanasios Wave Image Koftis, Prinos


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