Unit-II Curves

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Surveying II

Prof. P. V. Khandve
B.E.Civil, M.Tech.(Env.Engg.)(Hons.),
D.B.M., D.I.D., D.I.T., D.I.J., B.A.Soc.
M.I.E., M.I.S.T.E., M.I.S.E.T, M.I.S.C.A., M.I.W.W.A., M.I.S.E.F.
Types of Curve
„ Highways and railways route has alignment where to change
the direction of motion curves are necessary in alignment
„ i) Simple curve ii) compound curve reverse curve

Tachometry by PVK 2
Components „ Back tangent
Forward tangent
Simple Curve
„ Point of intersection (PI)
„ Point of curve (PC)
„ Point of tangency
g y (PT)
( )
„ Intersection angle
„ Deflection angle to any
point = back tangent and
„ Tangent distance
(PC to PI) = T
„ External distance (E)
„ Length of Curve = L
„ Long chord
„ Mid Ordinate (M)
„ Normal Chord (C)
„ Sub Chord (c)
„ Right hand curve
„ Left hand curve
Tachometry by PVK 3
Degree of curve 0
(D )
„ Degree of curve is defined as the central angle of the
curve that is subtended by an arc of 100 ft length (H)
„ Degree of curve is defined as the central angle of
curve that is subtended by chord of 100 ft length (R)

Tachometry by PVK 4
Degree of Curve
„ Arc definition „ Chord definition

„ 2 πR / 100 = 3600 / D0 „ Sin (D0/2) = 50 / R

„ R = 3600 * 100 /2 π D0 „ R = 50 / Sin (D0/2)

„ R = 5730 / D0 „ R = 5730 / D0

„ Metric Degree of Curve

„ 2 πR / 20 = 3600 / D0
„ R = 3600 * 20 /2 π D0
„ R = 1146 / D0 For 20m arc length
„ R = 573 / D0 For 10m arc length

Tachometry by PVK 5
Elements of Simple Curve

„ Length of Curve l = πRΔ/180

„ Δ = degree of curve in radian

„ Tangent length = T = R Tan(Δ

„ Length of long chord L = 2 R Sin(Δ

(Δ/2) -1]
„ External distance E = R [Sec (Δ

„ Mid ordinate M = R [1 - Cos(


Tachometry by PVK 6
Setting out simple curve
„ Linear method
– Only chain and tape is used
– Curve is short
– High degree of curve is not required
„ Angular method
– Theodolite + Tape + chain is used
– for Long curve
– High accuracy is required

Tachometry by PVK 7
Location of Tangent
„ Produce two straight to
meet at V
„ Select point E and G at
suitable long distance
„ Bisect EG at point F
„ Measure VF and EF
„ Find VT1 and VT2 as
„ VT1 = R * VF / EF
„ Measure VT1 & VT2 and
mark point T1 and T2

Tachometry by PVK 8
Linear Methods of setting
out curves

„ Offset from long chord

„ Offset from Tangent
„ By successive bisection of arc
„ Offset from chord produced

Tachometry by PVK 9
Offset from long chord

O0 = R − R − ⎜ ⎟2


Ox = R − x − (R − O0 )
2 2

O0 = Center
C offset
ff distance
R = Radius of circular curve
L = Length of chord
x = Offset interval distance
Ox = Offset at distance x from center offset line
Tachometry by PVK 10
Bisection of Arc Method

⎛ ⎛L⎞
CD = R⎜1 − Cos ⎟ = R − R − ⎜ ⎟

⎝ 2⎠ ⎝2⎠

Tachometry by PVK 11
Offset from Tangent – Radial Offset

Ox = R + x − R
2 2
Ox = R − R 2 − x 2
Tachometry by PVK 12
Offset from Chord Produced

O1 = 1

O2 =
(C1 + C2 )

O3 =

On =
(Cn−1 + Cn )

Tachometry by PVK 13
Rankine’s Method of Tangential
(Deflection) angle

90 × 60C C
δ= = 1718.9
πR R minutes

Δ1 = δ 1
Δ 2 = Δ1 + δ 2

Δ3 = Δ2 + δ3

Δ n = Δ n −1 + δ n

Tachometry by PVK 14
Derivation - Rankine’s method of deflection angle
„ From property of circle
„ Angle VT1A = ½ T1OA or
„ Angle T1OA = 2 * < VT1A = 2 δ1
„ Suppose Arc length T1A = C1 = first chord
„ 2πR
For 3600 angle = Perimeter is 2π
„ For 2 δ1 angle = Perimeter is C1
„ 2πR= 2 δ1 /C1
360/ 2π
„ δ1 = 90 C1/πR degree = 90x60xC1/πR minute
„ δ1 = 1718.9 C1/R similarly δ2 = 1718.9 C2/R
„ δ3 = 1718.9 C3/R or in general δ = 1718.9C/R
„ Angle AOB = 2δ2δ2 Angle AT1B = half of it = δ2
„ Angle
g VT1B = Angleg VT1A + Angle g AT1B
„ Δ2=δ1+ δ2 or Δ2=Δ1+δ2 similarly Δ3 = Δ2+ δ3 and so on.
Tachometry by PVK 15
Field Notes Observation Table

Tachometry by PVK 16
Curve Location from Point of
1 − cos θ
tan α =
tan − sin θ
θ1 =

θ2 =

θ3 =
θ10 = Δ

Tachometry by PVK 17
Two Theodolite method
„ P i i l – Angle
Principle A l between
b t the
th tangent
t t and
d th
the chord
h d
is equal to the angle which that chord subtends in
the opposite segment
„ < VT1A = < AT2T1 = Δ1 <VT1B = < T1T2B = Δ2

Tachometry by PVK 18
Tacheometric Method
„ T1A = L1 = 2 R Sin Δ1
„ T1B = L2 = 2 R Sin Δ2
„ T1C = L3 = 2 R Sin Δ3
„ T1T2=Ln = 2 R (Sin Δ/2)
„ L = f/i s + (f+d)
„ or
„ L = f/i s Cos2θ+C Cosθ
„ Calculate s1, s2, s3, s4 etc.
„ Focus from T1 set staff
intercept = s1, s2 etc.

Tachometry by PVK 19
Problem –
„ Offset from long Chord :
„ Calculate Ordinates at 10 m distance for a
circular curve having a Long chord of 80 m
and versine of 4 m. (Midordinate = versine )
1-Cos = versine

„ Offset from Tangent:

„ Determine the offset to be set out at ½ chain
interval along the tangent to locate a 16 chain
curve, the length of each chain being 20 m.
(Solve by both method)
Tachometry by PVK 20
„ Two tangents intersect at chainage 59+60
59+60, the deflection angle
being 50030’. Calculate the necessary data for setting out a
curve of 15 chains radius to connect the two tangents if it is
intended to set out the curve byy offset from chord pproduced.
Take peg interval equal to 100 links, length of the chain being
20 m (100 links)
„ Solution: Write Given data,
„ Calculate tangent length & Calculate Length of curve
„ Calculate chainage of Point of Intersection
„ Subtract tangent length to get chainage of Point of curve
„ Add length of curve to get chainage of point of tangency
„ Find length of first sub chord (roundup – chainage of PC)
„ Find Length of last sub chord (chainage of PT – rounddown)
„ Number of full chords = (rounddown – roundup)/20
„ Using formula calculate Length of first, last and intermediate
ff t ffrom chord
h d produced
d d

Tachometry by PVK 21
Transition curve
„ It iis a curve off varying
i radius
di introduced
i t d d between
b t a
straight and a circular curve or between two
branches of compound curve or reverse curve.
„ In highway turnings, at the point of curve, sudden
impact of centrifugal force coupled with inertia of
h l causes vehicle
h l to sway outward d and
d vehicle
h l
may overturn.
„ In railways,
railways the side thrust is totally taken by
flanges of the wheel causing wear of rail near
tangent point.
„ To avoid these effects, a curve of changing radius is
introduced between straight and circular curve
called as Transition Curve.

Tachometry by PVK 22
Function of Transition Curve
„ To accomplish gradually the transition fromf
the tangent to the circular curve so that the
curvature is increased d gradually
d ll from
f zero to
a specified value.
„ To provide a medium for gradual
introduction or change of the required super
„ Super elevation or cant is the amount by
which the outer end of the road or outer rail
iss raised
a sed abo
e tthe
e inner
e oone
e in tthe
e cu
Tachometry by PVK 23
Requirement of Transition Curve
„ It should be tangential to straight
„ It should meet the circular curve tangentially
„ It curvature should be zero at origin on straight
„ It curvature at the junction with the circular curve
should be same as that of circular curve
„ The rate of increase of curvature along the
transition should be same as that of increase of
cant or super elevation
„ I llength
Its h should
h ld beb such h that
h full
f ll cant or super
elevation is attained at the junction with circular

Tachometry by PVK 24
Super elevation or Cant
„ W = weight
i ht off vehicle
hi l P = Centrifugal
C t if l Force
„ V = Speed of vehicle in Km/hour
„ v = Speed of vehicle in m/sec
„ g = acceleration due to gravity
„ B = Width of highway G = gauge width of rail track

Tachometry by PVK 25
Transition curve
„ Tan θ = P / W = V2/gR
„ Centrifugal Ratio = P/W = ¼ for highway
„ 1/8 for railway
„ C
Cant e = B tan θ = B V2/gR/ R = G V2/gR
/ R
„ Superelevation e = 1.18 V2/R cm
„ N = sum of forces normal to pavement
„ T = sum of forces p parallel to pavement
transferred to it by friction
„ f = side friction factor = T/N

Tachometry by PVK 26
Radius of Transition Curve
„ V2/gR = (tan θ + f) / (1 – f tanθ
„ Radius
di for
f Maximum
i Friction
i i (f=0.25)
(f 0 2 )
„ R = 0.03143 V2
„ Radius for Maximum Super elevatiion
„ f=0 R = V2/ (g Tanθ
„ Tanθ
Tan θ = V2/ g R

Tachometry by PVK 27
Length of Transition curve
„ 1] Length of curve require to provide
required superelevation or cant e at
suitable rate n
„ i) Arbitrary
A bi Gradient
G di method
h d
Gradient 1 in n L=n*e
L = 1.18 n V2/R
n=300 or 1200
n =rate of cant = 1 cm in n meter

Tachometry by PVK 28
Length of Curve
„ 2] By Time rate method
„ r = time rate in cm/sec
„ t = time required = L / v
„ Superelevation
S l i attained
i d in
i time
i t=r*t
This should be equal to cant e = r * L / v
L = ((v / r)) e
L = (v/r) * 1.18 V2/R
L = 0.327 V3/R r

Tachometry by PVK 29
Length of Transition curve
„ 3] By Rate of change of radial acceleration
„ α = rate of change of radial acceleration in
m/sec3 = 0.3 m/sec3
„ Time require t = L /v sec
„ Acceleration attained in time t = α * t
„ O α * L/v
Or L/ m/sec
/ 2
„ But radial acceleration = v2/R m/sec2
„ V2/R = α L/v
„ L = v3/αR

Tachometry by PVK 30
Clothoid – Ideal transition curve

Tachometry by PVK 31
Transition curve details
„ T = tangent point
„ TA = Initial tangent
„ D = Point of junction of transition and circular curve
„ B = any point on the curve at distance l along the
„ r = radius of curve at any point r
„ φ = inclination of tangent to transition curve at
point b with tangent
p g TA = deviation angle
„ Δs = spiral angle = angle between initial tangent
and tangent
g to transition curve at D at junction
point D
Tachometry by PVK 32
Transition curve details
„ Radius of the curvature r at any point shall
vary inversily at distance l from the beginning
of the curve. Such curve is called as Clothoid
or Glover
Glover’ss Spiral or Ideal transition curve.
„ l * r = L * R = Constant
„ φ = l2 / 2RL
„ For Cubical Spiral y = l3 / 6RL
„ For Cubical Parabola y = x3 / 6RL

Tachometry by PVK 33
Tachometry by PVK 34
Prove that shift bisect Transition curve
and Transition curve bisect shift
„ Spiral angle Δs = L/2R
„ Length BD = R * Δs = L/2
„ When CD is very nearly equal to BD
„ Then we have CD = BD = L/2
„ Hence shift bisect the transition curve
„ Now s = BA = EA – EB = Y – R(1 ( -Cos Δs))
„ = Y – 2R(Sin2Δs/2) = Y – 2R Δs2/4 when Δs is very small.
„ Put Y = l3/6RL and Δs = L/2R then S = L2/24R
„ But CA = y coordinate of c when l = L/2
„ CA = (L/2)3/6RL = L2/48R = (L2/24R)/2 = s/2
„ H
Hence ttransition
iti curve bi
t ththe shift.

Tachometry by PVK 35
Calculations for Compound curve
„ Radius of circular curve V2/gR = ¼
„ Length of Transition Curve = L = v3/αr
„ Spiral angle Δs = L / 2R radian
„ Shift of circular curve = s = L2/24R
„ Total Tangent length = = ( R + s ) tan Δ + L ⎛1 − s ⎞
⎜ ⎟
„ Δc= Δ - 2Δs 2 2 ⎝ 5R ⎠
„ Length of circular curve = πRΔc/180
„ Calculate chainage of PC and PT
„ Calculate length of first and last sub chord
„ Calculate deflection angle δ = 1718.9 C2/R
„ Calculate offset for transition curve y = l3/6RL(Cubic Spiral)
„ Calculate offset from tangent y = X3/6RL ((cubic
cubic parabola)

Tachometry by PVK 36
„ A transition curve is required for a circular curve of 200
m radius, the gauge being 1.5m and max superelevation
restricted to 15cm. The transition is to be designed for a
l it suchh that
th t no lateral
l t l pressure is i imposed
i d on the
rails and the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 30
cm/sec2. Calculate the required
q length
g of transition
curve and design speed. L = v3/αR Tanθ Tanθ = v2/gR
„ A road bend which deflects 800 is to be designed for a
max speed of 100 km/hr.
km/hr A max centrifugal ratio is ¼
and max rate of change of acceleration of 30cm/sec3.
For Compound curve Calculate i) radius of circular curve
ii) required
i d length
l th off transition
t iti iii) Total
T t l length
l th off
compound curve iv) chaninage of beginning and end of
transition curve and jjunction points
p if chaniage
g of Point
of Intersection is 42862m.
Tachometry by PVK 37
Tachometry by PVK 38
Student centered
Learning Activities
„ Question – doubt – Answer
„ Make a pair of 2+2 = 4
„ Write 3 most important questions
„ Share the pages
„ Write a +ve comment on it
„ Write any one question
„ Share the page.
„ Answer the question
„ Share the page again
„ S b it the
Submit th page.
Tachometry by PVK 39
Tachometry by PVK 40
Tachometry by PVK 41
P f P
Prof. P. V
V. Kh
B.E.Civil, M.Tech.(Env.Engg.)(Hons.),
D.B.M., D.I.D., D.I.T., D.I.J., B.A.Soc.
M.I.E., M.I.S.T.E., M.I.S.E.T, M.I.S.C.A., M.I.W.W.A., M.I.A.S.

Tachometry by PVK 42

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