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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical

analysis done and interpretation of findings. The researchers gathered and

distributed surveys to 42 students, 18 male and 24 female that are randomly

selected. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the specific

research problem regarding the Level of Awareness of Senior High Students

from Ramon Pascual Institute regarding the Importance of Cybersecurity.

Profile of the Respondents

The first concern of the study is focused on the age range of the female

students of Ramon Pascual. Table 4 on the next page presents the respondent’s

profiles. The profile of the respondents was tabulated and computed according to

their strand and grade level. The overall number of respondents were 42, and

was divided from different strand and grade level.

Table 4
Profile of the Respondents

Profile M F
Grade 11

STEM 3 4
ABM 3 4
Grade 12

STEM 3 3
ABM 3 3

The following student’s awareness were not determined by their grade

level or strand. However, this research is to show whether grade level matters on

the level of their awareness in the said issue.

In the table shown, ** has the highest frequency ranging from grade – to

grade –

Tables on the next page presents the perception of the respondents on

the Viruses

The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon Pascual

Institute in terms of Viruses

Legend: Mean Scale Description

1.00-1.75 Unaware

1.76-2.50 Slightly Aware

2.51-3.25 Aware

3.26- 4 Highly Aware

Table 5

Grade 11 Student’s Level of Awareness in Viruses

Viruses W DE
1. Some computer viruses runs on “.exe, .vbs, .cmd”
files. 2.98 Aware
2. Jpeg, png, and gif, can contain computer virus.
3. Some websites that has ads/advertisement on it has Highly
virus. 3.80 Aware
4. One computer virus can affect thousands of Highly
computers. 3.86 Aware
5. Computer viruses can inflict massive damage to your Highly
computer. 3.95 Aware
6. While downloading files through the internet, you can Highly
also download viruses. 3.85 Aware
7. Computer viruses can make a fake copy of your files. Highly
3.43 Aware
8. There are Different kinds of computer virus like Highly
Trojan, Malware, Ransomware, Worm, and Spyware. 3.84 Aware
9. Computer viruses can get stored in any flash drive 3.87 Highly
and infect any other device that it gets contact with. Aware
10. Some computer games can have a computer virus 3.55 Highly
inside of it. Aware
AWM 3.60 Highly

It can be gleaned in the table that the respondent’s awareness weighted

mean average is 3.60, translated into word interpretation, it implies that they are

highly aware.

On the following tables that will be shown, various awareness will be

presented in order to identify the gap between the awareness of the students.

Table 5.1

Grade 12 Student’s Level of Awareness in Viruses

Viruses W DE
1. Some computer viruses runs on “.exe, .vbs, .cmd”
files. 2.87 Aware
2. Jpeg, png, and gif, can contain computer virus.
3. Some websites that has ads/advertisement on it has Highly
virus. 3.89 Aware
4. One computer virus can affect thousands of Highly
computers. 3.78 Aware
5. Computer viruses can inflict massive damage to your Highly
computer. 3.92 Aware
6. While downloading files through the internet, you can Highly
also download viruses. 3.80 Aware
7. Computer viruses can make a fake copy of your files.
3.35 Aware
8. There are Different kinds of computer virus like Highly
Trojan, Malware, Ransomware, Worm, and Spyware. 3.70 Aware
9. Computer viruses can get stored in any flash drive 3.82 Highly
and infect any other device that it gets contact with. Aware
10. Some computer games can have a computer virus 3.33 Highly
inside of it. Aware
AWM 3.51 Highly

There is a visible 0.9 decrease on the awareness of grade 12 students

than the grade 11 students. Although the description stays “Highly Aware”, there

is a prominent gap that makes difference.

Proceeding to the presentation, Table 5.2 shows the total level of

awareness in viruses of senior high students.

The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon

Pascual Institute in terms of Viruses

Grade 11 Grade 12

The awareness of the senior high students in Ramon Pascual Institute in terms

of Viruses decreased as their grade level goes up.

Table 5.2

The Total Senior High Students Level of Awareness in Viruses

Viruses W DE
1. Some computer viruses runs on “.exe, .vbs, .cmd”
files. 3.19 Aware
2. Jpeg, png, and gif, can contain computer virus.
3. Some websites that has ads/advertisement on it has Highly
virus. 3.62 Aware
4. One computer virus can affect thousands of Highly
computers. 3.55 Aware
5. Computer viruses can inflict massive damage to your Highly
computer. 3.74 Aware
6. While downloading files through the internet, you can Highly
also download viruses. 3.74 Aware
7. Computer viruses can make a fake copy of your files.
3.24 Aware
8. There are Different kinds of computer virus like Highly
Trojan, Malware, Ransomware, Worm, and Spyware. 3.62 Aware
9. Computer viruses can get stored in any flash drive 3.76 Highly
and infect any other device that it gets contact with. Aware
10. Some computer games can have a computer virus 3.52 Highly
inside of it. Aware

AWM 3.49 Highly


This table summarized the results that are gathered from the respondents.

It shows an overall weighted mean score of 3.49, or Highly Aware. Therefore, the

data results imply that the senior high students of Ramon Pascual Institute are

highly aware and very knowledgeable in terms of computer Viruses.

Furthermore, the rest of the scores were the result of their confusion to some of

the technological terms, and the technical statistics that were stated. Most of the

facts were book based and research based giving consideration to the findings.
The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon Pascual

Institute in terms of Cyber Attack

Table 5.3

Grade 11 Student’s Level of Awareness in Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack W DE
1. Most of your devices are vulnerable to hacking.
3.75 Highly
2. Phishing, SQL Injection, Fake Websites and Fake
Users that exist on the internet. Aware
3. Someone can watch you through the internet via Highly
webcam. 3.50 Aware
4. Hackers can spread your private information in the Highly
internet. 3.73 Aware
5. Some Emails and Messages sent to you can be fake Highly
and can scam you. 3.61 Aware
6. Web application attack and DDOS (Denial of Service
Attack) attack that is used by hackers to shutdown 2.93 Aware
7. People in the internet can blackmail you using your
own information. Highly
3.64 Aware
8. The government can spy on you.
3.43 Aware
9. Any device that is connected in the internet or WIFI Highly
can be hacked. 3.65 Aware
10. Some people can control your device through the
application or files that you have downloaded in the 3.43 Highly
internet. Aware

AWM 3.46 Highly

The awareness on Cyber Attack of grade 11 students are 3.46, which is

Highly Aware.

Table 5.4

Grade 12 Student’s Level of Awareness in Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack W DE
1. Most of your devices are vulnerable to hacking.
3.80 Highly
2. Phishing, SQL Injection, Fake Websites and Fake
Users that exist on the internet. Aware
3. Someone can watch you through the internet via Highly
webcam. 3.34 Aware
4. Hackers can spread your private information in the Highly
internet. 3.75 Aware
5. Some Emails and Messages sent to you can be fake Highly
and can scam you. 3.70 Aware
6. Web application attack and DDOS (Denial of Service
Attack) attack that is used by hackers to shutdown 2.75 Aware
7. People in the internet can blackmail you using your
own information. Highly
3.74 Aware
8. The government can spy on you.
3.19 Aware
9. Any device that is connected in the internet or WIFI Highly
can be hacked. 3.57 Aware
10. Some people can control your device through the
application or files that you have downloaded in the 3.35 Highly
internet. Aware

AWM 3.43 Highly

There is a small decrease from the previous grade, it went down to 3.43

with the difference of 0.3.

The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon

Pascual Institute in terms of Viruses

Grade 11 Grade 12

The amount 0.3 may be little, it can still be called a gap between grade


Table 5.5

The Total Senior High Student’s Level of Awareness in Cyber Attack

Cyber Attack W DE
1. Most of your devices are vulnerable to hacking.
3.64 Highly
2. Phishing, SQL Injection, Fake Websites and Fake
Users that exist on the internet. Highly
3.29 Aware
3. Someone can watch you through the internet via Highly
webcam. 3.48 Aware
4. Hackers can spread your private information in the Highly
internet. 3.67 Aware
5. Some Emails and Messages sent to you can be fake Highly
and can scam you. 3.76 Aware
6. Web application attack and DDOS (Denial of Service
Attack) attack that is used by hackers to shutdown 2.90 Aware
7. People in the internet can blackmail you using your
own information. Highly
3.74 Aware
8. The government can spy on you.
3.19 Aware
9. Any device that is connected in the internet or WIFI Highly
can be hacked. 3.40 Aware
10. Some people can control your device through the
application or files that you have downloaded in the 3.40 Highly
internet. Aware

AWM 3.12 Aware

This table summarized the results that are gathered from the respondents. It

shows an overall weighted mean score of 3.12, or Aware. Therefore, the data

results imply that the senior high students of Ramon Pascual Institute are aware

and knowledgeable in terms of computer Cyber Attack.

The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon Pascual

Institute in terms of Security

Table 5.6

Grade 11 Student’s Level of Awareness in Security

Security W DE
1. Latest and recommended anti-virus applications on the
internet. 3.87 Highly
2. Firewall application inside your computer.
3. You can make a windows system backup inside your Highly
computer. 3.53 Aware
4. You can upload your files through the internet to save Highly
them or make a backup. 3.78 Aware
5. You already have a built-in anti-virus inside your Highly
computer. 3.64 Aware
6. System updates can make your device less susceptible to Highly
computer viruses. 3.25 Aware
7. Mac laptops are less likely to be infected by computer Highly
viruses unlike windows. 3.33 Aware
8. You can clean your computer files using one of the tools in Highly
your computer called “Disk Cleanup.” 3.38 Aware
9. Safe viruses that won’t harm your device and will help
them instead. 3.16 Aware
10. A powerful tool called “command prompt” inside your
computer can be used to fix problems in your computer. 3.47 Aware

AWM Highly
3.49 Aware

The awareness on Security of grade 11 students are 3.49, which is Highly


Table 5.7

Grade 12 Student’s Level of Awareness in Security

Security W DE
1. Latest and recommended anti-virus applications on the
internet. 3.76 Highly
2. Firewall application inside your computer.
3. You can make a windows system backup inside your Highly
computer. 3.15 Aware
4. You can upload your files through the internet to save Highly
them or make a backup. 3.86 Aware
5. You already have a built-in anti-virus inside your Highly
computer. 3.57 Aware
6. System updates can make your device less susceptible to Highly
computer viruses. 3.49 Aware
7. Mac laptops are less likely to be infected by computer Highly
viruses unlike windows. 3.25 Aware
8. You can clean your computer files using one of the tools in Highly
your computer called “Disk Cleanup.” 3.25 Aware
9. Safe viruses that won’t harm your device and will help
them instead. 2.89 Aware
10. A powerful tool called “command prompt” inside your
computer can be used to fix problems in your computer. 2.97 Aware

AWM Highly
3.34 Aware

There is a decrease from the previous grade, it went down to 3.34 with the
difference of 0.15.

The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon

Pascual Institute in terms of Viruses

Grade 11 Grade 12
The awareness of the senior high students in Ramon Pascual Institute in terms

of Security decreased as their grade level goes up.

Table 5.8

The Total Senior High Student’s Level of Awareness in Security

Security W DE
1. Latest and recommended anti-virus applications on the
internet. 3.57 Highly
2. Firewall application inside your computer.
3. You can make a windows system backup inside your Highly
computer. 3.26 Aware
4. You can upload your files through the internet to save Highly
them or make a backup. 3.57 Aware
5. You already have a built-in anti-virus inside your Highly
computer. 3.43 Aware
6. System updates can make your device less susceptible to Highly
computer viruses. 3.38 Aware
7. Mac laptops are less likely to be infected by computer Highly
viruses unlike windows. 3.38 Aware
8. You can clean your computer files using one of the tools in Highly
your computer called “Disk Cleanup.” 3.36 Aware
9. Safe viruses that won’t harm your device and will help
them instead. 3.07 Aware
10. A powerful tool called “command prompt” inside your
computer can be used to fix problems in your computer. 3.07 Aware

AWM Highly
3.32 Aware
The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students in Ramon Pascual

Institute in Cyber Security

The proceeding graph will show the overall awareness of the students in

Cyber Security according to the data that the researchers gathered. It was

thoroughly computed and scrutinized by word interpretation. All in all, the

researchers presented tables and graph that will show easily the data gathered.
The Level of Awareness of Senior High Students of Ramon
Pascual Institute in terms of Viruses

Viruses Cyber Attack Security

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