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1) We learn not for school, but for life

In this assignment, we invite you to think about your own personal trajectory at HSE
University. In the videos of this course, you will learn that the university offers a near infinite
number of opportunities, and the path that you will choose in the coming years depends only
on you.

The student journey map is your map for the next four or five years. The map should be
detailed and reflect your plans in regards to academic, studlife activities, sports, career,
international mobility and other areas of development. Also, imagine what barriers might
appear and what will support you during your studies.

Of course, with the commencement of your studies and closer acquaintance with the
university, your plans will change. Still, I'm sure this assignment will serve as a great
reference for you.

To complete it, I recommend that you use course materials, the HSE Universit’s web portal,
and ask other students for help.

You can read about how to compose your student journey map in the materials for this
assignment and online. In addition, you can create it with the use of one of the online


The Higher School of Economics is famous not only for its endless opportunities for
academic development, but also for its rich student life.
In the second task, Join: STUDLIFE, we invite you to attend three HSE University’s events
online or offline. It is important that these are events offered by student organizations of
different areas, e.g., sports, cultural, and social events.

You can learn more about student organizations and find a calendar of extracurricular
activities on the website in the section of studlife.

Please note that this can be any extracurricular event created by HSE University students,
even if it was not included on the calendar.

After these events, you will need to write an essay in which you must tell what happened at
the event, what you remember the most, and also share your impressions. Be sure to attach
photos and screenshots!

Also, think about which organization you would like to join and what would be interesting
for you to do there.

Finally, we suggest thinking about your own event, project or organization. Describe the
topic, idea, and any possible outcomes.
HSE University has a very active studlife, so don't miss your opportunity to join it!
3) The whole world through HSE University

As you probably know, HSE University cooperates with leading universities around the
world. We offer double degree programmes, and you also have the opportunity to take part in
one of the international mobility programmes.

Universities around the world are now creating their own online courses, which are available
from anywhere in the world. This can also be an option to enrich your educational journey.

In this assignment, we propose that you draw up your own development plan, within the
framework of an international mobility programme. You will need to explore the possibilities
for international mobility. You will also need to draw up a checklist with a timeline for
participation in the programme, including the application stage. And finally, you need to
devise your own personal trajectory, based on massive online courses offered by the best
foreign universities.

For further details, see the presentation for this homework assignment.

4) HSE University for social projects

In the next task, you need to come up with an idea for a social project. It can be helpful for
people or animals, ecology, or educational activities in social area. The project should focus
on a specific social issue currently important in Russia. You do not have to propose a
solution, but must at least consider it.

Note, your project idea should be unique and not duplicate any existing ones. Before
completing the assignment, analyze the market for similar social initiatives.

In the text of the assignment, describe the importance of your project to society, its target
group, how the project will affect people’s lives, and what you expect to achieve. The project
should be possible to implement and contribute to the creation of something new or the
maintenance / improvement of an already existing system or instrument.

5) HSE University for Business Unicorns

HSE University offers opportunities to develop business projects and start-ups. Therefore, we
propose the chance to be come entrepreneur right now. To do this, you will need to complete
a small task: you need to propose a project idea that will be appreciated by the HSE Business
Incubator team and the best projects will get support for their implementation.

Student life is just beginning for you, and there are a lot of good things ahead. You may
propose a concept for your project for students. Moreover, it is important that you would like
to implement and use this project yourself.

It can be related to anything: from the educational process and life in the city, to travel and
startups inside of HSE University itself.
Describe your idea:

1. Who is your project for (who is your target audience)?

2. What problem or need are you solving with your project?
3. What solution do you propose and what does it look like?
4. What will change in people's lives after using your project?
5. Are there any similar projects already in operation?
6. Will people pay money to use your project or product?
7. How do you know if the project works and if its users are happy?
8. How many people can potentially use your project? Does it depend on where the
person lives, etc.?

Look around and think about what you are missing in your life now, or what might be absent
in the future in your student life. Remember, maybe you saw something cool in a film and TV
show, but it is not yet here, at HSE University?

To make it easier to complete this task, use the online resources of the Business Incubator.

6) Just research it!

In the video about scientific opportunities, you learned about many tools available at HSE
University to help you to navigate academic world. We invite you to explore these
possibilities better – by checking out laboratories and research centres.

In this homework assignment, you will be able to work out a plan to join HSE University 's
research departments. You need to go to the website about science at the university and find
there 3 departments that are interesting to you. After that, you have to fill in the profile of
each of the departments and compare them. For your convenience, we advise you to make a

Department name;
Explain why you chose this unit;
Describe the unit's activities as if you were explaining it to your grandparents;

What projects / research is currently being conducted by the unit?

What activities are held at the unit for students?
When and how often is the recruiting of new research interns held?

Hint: Usually, news about recruiting people is saved in the news feed.
Assess your opportunities for joining this unit.
What are you missing to get there?
How can this be fixed?
In the end, you will need to determine your priorities for getting into the selected units, while
also assessing your level of desire and the feasibility of its fulfillment.

7) HSE University is people

HSE University is a large university, and each year 1,000s of students enroll in different
campuses in four cities. Usually, during their studies, students interact more intensively with
their classmates, with the guys from their faculty, educational programme. However, various
projects and university-wide events, and courses also allow you to get acquainted with
students from other faculties.

So, the task here is “HSE University is people”. Your task is to talk to three HSE students:
two freshmen and one senior student. Arrange a meeting-conversation or call them using
ZOOM, and then conduct an interview. Prepare questions in advance for the following

General information about the interviewee

Why HSE University? Why this faculty?
Ask a senior student what life hacks can help students cope with the workload at the
Ask freshmen what life hacks at HSE University have they already learned or tried out for
Please also tell me about your expectations from the university and what would your
interlocutor like to do, or are they already doing this at the university in addition to their

Formulate specific questions for each block,and be original.

Based on the results of the interview, you will need to write an essay about the students with
whom you managed to meet.
HSE University is its people, and you will see this very soon.


Topic 1. We learn not for school, but for life

3 points 1,5 points 0 points
there are at least 2 events
in each of the semiannual
Required years of study, describing there are indicated less
directions the individual plan of the than 2 events in one or
(3 points) student in these more semiannual periods;
directions, reflecting the events are not a reflection there are indicated less
capabilities of the of the university's than 2 events in four or
university capabilities more semiannual periods
3 points 1,5 points 0 points

directions there are at least 1 event
(3 points) in the four semiannual
years of study, describing there are indicated less
the individual plan of the than 2 events in one or
student in these more semiannual years;
directions, reflecting the events are not a reflection there are indicated less
capabilities of the of the university's than 2 events in 4 or more
university; 4 or more capabilities; there are 2 or semiannual years; there
elective directions 3 selected elective are selected only 1 elective
selected directions direction
2 points 1 point 0 points
the barriers and support in
Barriers and each of the semiannual
support years of study are
(2 points) indicated, describing the the barriers and support the barriers and support
individual characteristics are not indicated in one or are not indicated in 4 or
of the student more semiannual years more semiannual years

Requirements 2 points 1 point 0 points

for your work all the requirements for some of the requirements all the requirements for the
(2 points) the work are met for the work are not met work are not met

Topic 2. Join: STUDLIFE

2 points 1 point 0 points
3 events of student
Events (2 points) organizations/student
initiatives of different 2 events relate to the all events relate to the
directions were attended same direction same direction
2 points 1 point 0 points

Impression the key points of the the timeline/timecode of

about the events events (timeline,for events is presented in
(2 points) example) are highlighted; general form; the there is no
impressions from the impressions of the event timeline/timecode of the
event are described are described event
2 points 1 point 0 points

Analysis of the the strengths and

attended events the strengths and weaknesses in the
(2 points) weaknesses in the organization of events are the strengths and
organization of each of the described for two of the weaknesses of the events
events are described three events attended are not described
1 point 0,5 point 0 points

Plans for the work contains a plan the work contains a the work does not contain
extracurricular for participation in the life general intention to a plan for participation in a
life of a student organization / participate in the life of the student organization /
(1 point) initiative: specific activities student organization or initiative; the refusal to
and projects are indicated the refusal to participate participate in the activities
or the work contains a in the life of the student of a student organization /
reasoned refusal to organization / initiative is initiative is unreasoned
participate in the activities poorly reasoned
of the student organization
/ initiative
1 point 0,5 point 0 points
the idea of your own
Your own project organization / project / the idea of your own
(1 point) event is described; the organization / project /
idea is unique and does event is described; the the idea of your own
not duplicate existing idea duplicates existing organization / project /
projects at the university projects at the university event is not described
2 points 1 point 0 points
Requirements all the requirements for
for your work the work are met
(2 points) (including attached photos some of the requirements all the requirements for the
from events) for the work are not met work are not met

Topic 3. The whole world through HSE University

2 points 1 point 0 points
there are at least 2 options there are less than 2
Mobility for international mobility options for international
opportunities (2 (university-wide, mobility (university-wide,
points) faculty-wide, free-mover) faculty-wide, free-mover) /
with a justification for there is no justification for there are no mobility
participation participation options
3 points 1,5 points 0 points
Timeline of the detailed checklist with the general checklist with
participation in a timeline of participation a timeline of participation
mobility (3 in the international student in the international
points) mobility program has been student mobility program
compiled has been compiled the checklist is missing
3 points 1,5 points 0 points
the work indicates at least the work specifies 1-2
Personal 3 courses of universities of courses of universities of
educational plan the world, as well as the the world / provides a the work does not specify
(3 points) rationale for how these general justification for courses / there is no
courses will affect the how these courses will justification for the impact
primary educational affect the primary on the personal
trajectory educational trajectory educational trajectory

Requirements 2 points 1 point 0 points

for your work all the requirements for some of the requirements all the requirements for the
(2 points) the work are met for the work are not met work are not met

Topic 4. HSE University for social projects

1 point 0,5 point 0 points
Issue (1 балл)
the problem that the the problem that the
project will solve is clearly project will solve is not the problem is not
formulated clearly formulated formulated
2 points 1 point 0 points
the study of 3-4 sources the study of 1-2 sources
The relevance of was conducted, the was conducted / the
the issue being conclusions from the conclusions from the the study does not rely on
solved (2 points) research of the market of study contain external sources / the
social initiatives are misconceptions, conclusions from the study
correct stereotypes are incorrect
2 points 1 point 0 points

Target audience the description of the the description of the

(2 points) target audience with its target audience of the
specific characteristics is project is presented in the target audience of the
indicated general form project is not indicated
2 points 1 point 0 points

Project the project plan is

implementation detailed, it contains the project implementation
plan specific steps to the project plan does not correspond
(2 points) implement the initiative; implementation plan is to the description of the
the implementation plan is displayed in general / the project and the selected
realistic project plan is unrealistic problem
1 points 0,5 point 0 points
at least 3 criterias some of the selected
Criteria for the (quantitative / qualitative) criteria do not correspond
success of the are displayed, by which it to the specified project / the selected criteria do not
project (1 point) will be possible to judge problem; the number of correspond to the project /
the success of the project success criteria is less proposed problem; there
implementation than 3 are no success criteria

Requirements 2 points 1 point 0 points

for your work all the requirements for some of the requirements all the requirements for the
(2 points) the work are met for the work are not met work are not met

Topic 5. HSE University for Business Unicorns

1 point 0,5 point 0 points

Issue (1 балл) the problem that the the problem that the
project will solve is clearly project will solve is not the problem is not
formulated clearly formulated formulated
2 points 1 point 0 points
the study of 3-4 sources the study of 1-2 sources
The relevance of was conducted, the was conducted / the
the issue being conclusions from the conclusions from the the study does not rely on
solved (2 points) research of the market of study contain external sources / the
social initiatives are misconceptions, conclusions from the study
correct stereotypes are erroneous
2 points 1 point 0 points

Target audience the description of the the description of the

(2 points) target audience with its target audience of the
specific characteristics is project is presented in the target audience of the
indicated general form project is not indicated
2 points 1 point 0 points

Project the project plan is

implementation detailed, it contains the project implementation
plan specific steps to the project plan does not correspond
(2 points) implement the initiative; implementation plan is to the description of the
the implementation plan is displayed in general / the project and the selected
realistic project plan is unrealistic problem
1 point 0,5 point 0 points
Ways to the work contains an
monetize the the work contains a unrealistic plan for
project (1 point) realistic plan for monetization of the the work does not contain
monetization of the project project a project monetization plan

Requirements 2 points 1 point 0 points

for your work all the requirements for some of the requirements all the requirements for the
(2 points) the work are met for the work are not met work are not met

Тopic 6. Just Research it!

3 points 3-0 points
the profile of the
department contains: the
name, description of the
activity, the number of
Profiles of the employees, including
departments research interns, ongoing
(3 points) projects and research, the profile of the department does not specify: the
events for students, name, description of the activity, the number of
connections with other employees, including research interns, current projects
universities or and research, events for students, connections with
departments within the other universities or departments within the university
university (-0.15 points for each of the points)
2 points 1 point 0 points

Motivation (2 the motivation for

points) participation is described for each of the three the motivation for
in detail for each of their divisions, the motivation is participation is not
three divisions described in general form described
1 point 0,5 points 0 points

Style of the description of the the description of the the description of the
presentation unit's activities is clear to unit's activities is poorly activity is not clear to the
(1 point) the reader who is understood by the reader reader who is unfamiliar
unfamiliar with the work of who is unfamiliar with the with the activities of the
the unit activities of the unit department
2 points 1 point 0 points
the work contains a
Personal plan detailed and specific plan, the work contains a the work does not contain
(2 points) as well as an assessment general plan, as well as a general plan /
of the possibilities of an assessment of the assessment of the
getting into one of the possibilities of getting into possibilities of getting into
departments one of the departments one of the departments

Requirements 2 points 1 point 0 points

for your work all the requirements for some of the requirements all the requirements for the
(2 points) the work are met for the work are not met work are not met

Topic 7. HSE University is people

2 points 1 point 0 points
the interview was attended the interview was
Interview by 3 students, attended by 3 students,
participants (2 representatives of different representatives of the
points) educational programs: 2 same educational
first-year students and 1 program / all students are 2 or less students took part
senior student first-year students in the interview
2 points 1 point 0 points
the interview guide
Guide for an partially copies the topics the interview guide copies
interview (2 the interview guide is specified in the task / the the topics specified in the
points) original, the questions guide omits some of the task / the guide does not
cover the topics specified topics specified in the task correspond to the topics
in the task text specified in the task text
2 points 1 point 0 points
Answers to the answers to the
questions (2 questions are detailed, the answers to the
points) accompanied by examples questions are brief, the answers are simple,
and illustrations without details monosyllabic
2 points 1 point 0 points
the work contains a brief
the work contains a conclusion from the
Conclusions detailed conclusion from interviews conducted; the
from the the interviews conducted; conclusion contains
interview the conclusion contains simple and stereotypical
(2 points) ideas about building a ideas about the personal
personal academic and academic and
extracurricular trajectory at extracurricular trajectory there is no output in the
the university at the university work
2 points 1 point 0 points
Requirements all the requirements for
for your work the work have been met
(2 points) (including photos / some of the requirements all the requirements for the
screenshots with the for the work are not met work are not met
interviewees )

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