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Teaching Fractions: Strategies Used for Teaching Fractions to

Middle Grades Students

Article  in  Journal of Research in Childhood Education · January 2004

DOI: 10.1080/02568540409595034


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Robert M. Capraro
Texas A&M University


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Teaching Fractions: Strategies Used for

Teaching Fractions to Middle Grades
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Emilie A. Naiser , Wendy E. Wright & Robert M. Capraro
Texas A&M University
Published online: 03 Nov 2009.

To cite this article: Emilie A. Naiser , Wendy E. Wright & Robert M. Capraro (2003) Teaching
Fractions: Strategies Used for Teaching Fractions to Middle Grades Students, Journal of Research in
Childhood Education, 18:3, 193-198, DOI: 10.1080/02568540409595034

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2004, Vol. 18, No .3 Childhood Education Internati onal
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Teaching Fractions:
Strategies Used for Teaching Fractions
to Middle Grades Students

Emilie A. Naiser
Wendy E. Wright
Robert M. Capraro
Texas A&M University
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Abstract, Fra ctions are often d ifficult for students to fully comprehend, Teachers
must find a variety of strategies to use in the classroom for teaching fra ctions,
Th is study was conducted to identify effective strategies used by middle school
tea chers in order to find ways to improve fraction instruction. For four months,
data were collected in 12 classrooms, using observation note s, interviews, and
videotaping, Findings are discussed within a constructivist framework.

The National Council of Teachers of Math- are teachers feeling frustrated as they seek
ematics (NCTM, 2000) states that students ways to teach fractions effectively. The Na-
in middle school should acquire a deep un- tional Assessment of Educational Progress
derstanding of fractions and be able to use reports show that fractions are "exceedin gly
them competently in problem solving. How- difficult for children to master" (NAEP,
ever, it seems that just as stu den t s are 2001 , p. 5). Additionally, students are fre-
struggling with learning fractions, so too quently unable to remember prior experi-
ences with fractions from lower grade levels
Authors' Note . Emilie A. Naiser (en a ise r@ (Gr off, 1996). In an effort to increase the is a mathematics education gradu- effectiveness of t eaching fractions , teach-
ate re search assistant at Texas A&M University ers iteratively review and modify the struc-
and currently a 6th-grade mathematics teacher. ture of their lessons on fraction concepts.
Wendy E. Wright ( is a Dorward (2002) confirms that implement-
mathematics education graduate st udent with re- ing new ideas and systematic reflection on
search interests in middle grade students' learn-
student observations facilitates justifica-
ing of r ational numbers . Robert M. Capraro
(rcapraro@coe.t am is Assistant Professor of tions made about what works best for stu-
mathematics education, with re search interests dents' learning. By reflecting on the
in methodological issues and the improvement of different ways teachers implement fraction
mathematical skills of underrepresented popula- concepts, it can be discerned what is work-
tions . The auth ors can be contacted at TAMU- ing and what is not and this information
42 32, Coll ege Station , TX , 77843-4232 ; can be used to improve fraction lessons.
979-845-8007. This research was supported by Dorward (2002) describes teachers engag-
an NSF-JERI grant, 2001 -2006- Improving ing students as active participants in their
Mathematics Teaching and Achievement fraction lessons. Burrill (1997) stresses that
through Professional Development (G. Nel son,
G. Kulm, J. Manon, Co-PIs). We gratefully
good teaching is not making learning easy,
acknowledge the a ssistance of Gerald Kulm, but rather making it active and engaging for
Curtis D. Robert Professor of Mathematics Edu- the students. Making the topic interesting
cation, Texas A&M University. and exciting can improve students' learning.

"Effective Mathematics teaching requires ceptions about the content (Tirosh, 2000) .
understanding what students know and Tzur (1999) explains how students' learn-
need to learn and then challenging and sup- ing offractions can be prompted with real-
porting them to learn it well" (NCTM, 2000, istic situations that lead the students to use
p. 16). Hatfield (1994) describes how ma- their informal knowledge to construct
nipulative use by teachers is low,as compared meaning for themselves. Using authentic
to the familiarity and availability that problems with students can be useful to
teachers report regarding manipulatives. demostrate how the mathematical concept
Additionally, findings indicate that the pri- may be interpreted and applied in real-life
mary reason teachers do not use situations. Manipulatives combined with
manipulatives is because they do not feel real-life problems can interest students in
competent in using them in the mathemat- solving problems, which, in turn, helps
Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 13:05 26 March 2014

ics classroom . them construct meaning. This process con-

Putnam and Borka (1999) describe teach- tributes to students' mathematical knowl-
ers shifting their way of teaching to reflect edge base. Perlmutter, Bloom, Rose , and
on a child's mathematical thinking. Teach- Rogers (1997) report using real-life prob-
ers also gain a deeper understanding of lem solving to bring mathematics to life for
mathematics and were more willing to use students. Using manipulatives to solve
manipulatives as they viewed their math- problems allows the children to construct
ematics teaching iteratively through the their own knowledge about the mathemat-
eyes of their students. ics concept. Real-life problem solving con-
Another important aspect offraction les- tributes to students' knowledge regarding
sons is teaching style. Fotoples (2000) mathematical relationships.
stresses that teachers need to be aware that
students learn in different ways. Students Method
can arrive at the same answer from many Participants
different routes. Manipulatives contribute Sixth- (n=178) and 7th- (n=92) grade stu-
toward mediating these varied learning dents from five different middle schools
needs. Kewley (1998) reports that coop- were observed and videotaped during frac-
erative learning techniques have proven to tion lessons. A total of 12 fraction lessons
be very efficient in the classroom, but find- were observed in extant classrooms across
ings indicate that cooperative strategies a four-month period. The student partici-
were only employed 7 to 20 percent of the pants were self-selected and chose to par-
time. Further observations describe teach- ticipate after the district, school, and
ers using direct instruction, wherein they teacher were identified.
dominate the discussion. In contrast, A total of eight teachers participated.
Burrill (1997) describes how the teacher Three of these teachers (two 6th-grade
began to listen more to student strategies teachers and one 7th-grade teacher) com-
and build on their thinking to make the pleted additional interviews . The teachers
instruction more meaningful and engaging were of varied backgrounds. All were fe-
to the students. Furthermore, teachers male and their classroom experience ranged
used strategies that promoted problem solv- from early-, mid-, and late-career math-
ing and application of instruction, rather ematics teachers.
than using worksheets and rote practice,
which do not allow for inquiry learning or Design and Procedure
transfer of content. The data were collected in three forms: vid-
Building on students' prior knowledge is eotaping instruction, observation notes, and
another strategy that teachers can use for interviews. A triangulative method used
instruction. This is an effective strategy cross analysis of the data. Analyzing data
that requires teachers to be knowledgeable from three different sources provided simi-
about the students' conceptions and miscon- lar data for each category. The observation

notes contained an outline of a fraction les- Students use models and manipulatives to
son, including the lesson objective, activity construct and represent knowledge.
sequence, student-teacher interaction, ex- Category IV. Promoting Thinking and
amples, and notes on student thinking and Reflection: What questions and tasks does
reflection. The semi-structured interviews the teacher provide to promote students'
consisted of four questions: 1) How do you ideas and reflection on the topic? This cat-
engage students in the lesson? 2) How would egory was evaluated using the following
you describe your teaching style? 3) What four indicators: 1) Teacher builds on stu-
classroom materials do you use? 4) How do dents' ideas and makes connections with
you promote student thinking and reflection? real-world examples, 2) Teacher provides
higher order thinking questions to promote
The three data sources were analyzed us- students'reflection, 3) Teacher encourages
ing four general criteria organized into cat- students to use multiple strategies for solv-
Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 13:05 26 March 2014

egories . Each category was composed of ing problems and provides opportunities for
several indicators . students to share and explain the process
oftheir learning, and 4) Teacher dominates
Category I . Engagement Strategies: discussion and provides little/no opportu-
What strategies are used to engage stu- nity for studen ts to reflect.
dents with the lesson? This category was The videotapes consisted of twelve 45-
evaluated according to the following indi- minute fraction lessons. Notes were taken
cators : 1) Teacher uses real-world ex- about the strategies used during fraction
amples that are meaningful to the lessons, describing student-teacher interac-
students, 2) Teacher provides an activity tions, student comments and questions, and
related to the topic in order to help stu- solution strategies.
dents focus on the lesson/theme, 3) Teacher The constant comparison method of
reviews prior knowledge and makes con- analysis was used to organize the observa-
nections to relate new material, and 4) tion, videotape, and interview data into four
Teacher provides math problems unrelated sub-categories: 1) engagement, 2) class-
to the topic . room materials, 3) teaching style, and 4)
Category II. Teaching Styles: What dif- student thinking and reflection. Acriterion
ferent ways does the teacher structure the was developed for each sub-category. The
lesson? This category was evaluated accord- criteria emerged from the data. Within
ing to the following three indicators: 1) each sub-category, a list was made to fur-
Teacher dominates instruction and facili- ther describe the data that would fit into
tates whole group interaction, 2) Activity the sub-categories. The list provided struc-
is student centered and built on student ture to help sort the data.
ideas, and 3) Teacher provides opportuni-
ties for students to use the discovery or ex- Results
ploration learning in order to construct Teachers used several strategies to engage
knowledge and assume ownership as part students in fraction lessons. These included
of the instruction. review problems and practice, real-world
Category III. Classroom Materials: What applications, and building on students' prior
materials does the teacher use to conduct knowledge. Some of the review problems
the activity, and/or what materials does the and practice were not related to the lesson
teacher use to build representations of the at hand. Additionally, other teachers used
concept? This category was evaluated us- the first part of class to check homework.
ing the following three indicators : 1) Interview data indicated teachers also in-
Teacher uses worksheets to provide oppor- tended to use meaningful and interesting
tunities for guided practice; 2) Teacher uses examples to capture the students' attention.
the board and overheads to model, explain, The data reduction strategy employed
and provide examples of content; and 3) yielded the following meta-categories for

engagement strategies related to pedagogi- mal input from students. Other lessons
cal content knowledge: 1) reviewed prob- were observed to be more student-centered
lems (prerequisite knowledge to fractions); and built up on students' ideas. The teacher
2) read a story, recall prior knowledge; 3) allowed the students to explain their think-
practice worksheet (related to fractions); 4) ing process rather than directly telling the
review and practice; 5) review homework; students how to do the problem . Data re-
6) warm-up word problem (r elated to frac - duction yielded the following meta-catego-
tions); 7) review definitions; 8) math puzzle ries: 1) teacher asks questions, 2) teacher
(pr er equisit e skills); 9) real-world applica- directs whole-class question and answering,
tion activity; and 10) introduce meaning- 3 ) students show work on overhead, 4 )
ful/interesting examples. teacher shows examples on board, 5)
Classroom materials varied, depending teacher-directed lesson, 6) whole-class dem-
Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 13:05 26 March 2014

upon the teacher. Several teachers used onstration, followed by individual practice,
manipulatives, including grids , pattern 7) teacher lecture, 8) review material and
blocks, paper folding, fraction strips, tiles, give quiz (limited student/teacher interac-
and base-ten blocks. Some teachers did not tion), 9) students explain process to class,
use manipulatives in their lessons; instead, 10) students make a list of common mis-
students did seatwork, worksheets, or takes on a worksheet, 11) students gener-
watched the teacher work out problems on ate a list of steps to solve a problem, 12)
the overhead. These types of activities did student discovery of rules to fit division an-
not demonstrate students' active involve- swers , and 13) guided practice.
ment in the lesson. It was evident from the Observations also were made relative to
notes and videotape that when students how teachers prompted thinking and reflec-
were not using manipulatives they were tion. Th e teachers encouraged students to
often engaged in activities other than their work similar problems in different ways,
lessons. Students found opportunities to rather than adhering to a structured for-
rummage through desks, engage in off-topic mula. The teachers also encouraged stu-
conversations, and become distracted by dents to sh are their work by modeling it on
activities ofthe research team. A few teach- the overhead or participating in class dis-
ers utilized dry-erase boards to monitor stu- cussions. In other fraction lessons, students
dent progress . One videotaped lesson applied their knowledge to their own real
illustrated a teacher incorporating a calcu- world experiences. Also, teachers com-
lator into her lesson. She used the calcula- mented in interviews that they provide stu-
tor to connect fractions and decimals by dents the opportunity to write their
computing the exact answer to an improper thoughts and ideas in a journal. A wide
fraction. Data reduction yielded the follow- range of qu estioning strategies were used
ing meta-categories for materials: 1) in the lesson s, including asking open-ended
seatwork/worksheets , 2 ) group workl questi ons to promote reflection as well as
worksheet, 3) dry erase boards, 4) overhead asking low-level qu estions that did not re-
5) fraction pie-pictorial representations, 6) quire much thought on the part of the stu-
grid models, 7) student-made pictorial rep- dent . For instance, teachers asked,
resentations, 8) pattern blocks, 9) paper "Explain what you knew that helped you
folding models, 10) calculators, 11) fraction identify what you need to know to solve the
strips, 12) tiles, 13) fraction bars, and 14) problem." These types of questions often led
base ten blocks. to extended discussion and students ask-
The teachers incorporated various teach- ing each other what they thought. In con-
ing styles into each lesson, including direct trast, ''What did you get for question I?"
instruction, student discovery, whole-class often resulted in limited discussion with no
discussion , and cooperative learning. commentary. In the Promoting Thinking
Teachers using direct instruction domi- and Reflection category, data reduction
nated the classroom discussions with mini- yielded the following meta-categories: 1)

students work problems in multiple ways, ate strip for a task. Teachers were able to
2) students show work on overhead, 3) stu- quickly identify when students were and
dents connect mathematics to their own were not engaged in the task. Furthermore,
real-world examples, 4) writing injournalsl they were able, through observations, to fol-
notes, 5) students share, 6) no promotion of low the students' internal thinking regard-
thinking and reflection observed, 7) ask ing the fraction problem.
open-ended questions, and 8) students re- Teachers may not be using manipulatives
trace their steps and find mistakes. as much as possible because of a lack of
training. This is congruent with Hatfield's
Discussion (1994) research on the low use of mani-
This study was conducted to identify strat- pulatives in the classroom. Yet, teaching
egies used by middle sch ool teachers in or- fractions can be improved by providing
der to describe ways to improve fraction more opportunities for students to work
Downloaded by [Texas A&M University Libraries] at 13:05 26 March 2014

instruction. Throughout this study, vari- with manipulatives.

ous strategies were observed and recorded Fraction lessons are more meaningful
through observation notes, interviews, and when students are allowed to construct
videotapes. This study did not focus on the their own knowledge and ideas. It is im-
content that was being taught, but rather portant for teachers to be familiar with
on the pedagogical strategies that were what the students already know. In this
used to teach the lessons. The findings in- way, they can build on students' prior
dicate that fraction lessons could be im- knowledge. Tirosh (2000) identifies prior
proved in multiple ways. knowledge as helping teachers discover
One area of improvement could focus on what misconceptions students have about
how teachers engage students. Students the content. For example, through open dis-
can be shown how fractions apply to their cussion, teachers can identify when stu-
personal lives. This makes the lesson more dents hold the belief that multiplication
motivating and successful for the students. always yields an answer larger than either
Many teachers did not make connections factor. Listening to students' comments
from the content to real-life applications. helps teachers to discern when students
Many of the fraction lessons were not en- believe that multiplying a proper fraction
gaging nor did they actively involve the stu- by an equivalent of 1 other than III results
dents. Instead, they consisted of the in a larger fraction. Since teachers know
teacher providing examples and the stu- that fraction lessons are usually difficult for
dents practicing. students to grasp, they may be reluctant to
The use of manipulatives was one way trust the students and make the activities
that teachers made the lessons more engag- more student-centered. When students
ing by creating a hands-on experience. have more opportunities to share ideas,
Using manipulatives makes the le sson however, they can learn from one another.
more active and provides an effective way Burrill (1997) suggests that in order to
for the students to represent their think- improve fraction lessons, teachers can pro-
ing. Manipulatives provide teachers with vide students with opportunities to write
more opportunities to understand what stu- in journals, make real-world applications,
dents are thinking by observing what they and reflect on higher-level questions. These
are doing with the manipulatives as well activities could replace worksheets and rote
as how they are constructing this meaning practice. It is not necessary to teach frac-
(h ow they are doing it). When students tions with strict rules. Rather, students can
complete paper-and-pencil seatwork, genu- use problem-solving skills to discover their
ine thinking about the fraction problem is own ways to use or apply fractions . Reflec -
not ensured. When the students were us- tion occurs in many forms , including con-
ing fraction strips, however, it was easy to versation with peers and personal thoughts.
see when they were selecting the appropri- Students can reflect on one's own actions

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