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Lesson Plan

Sex Linkage/Grade 12 B Biology

08th January 2019
A. Lesson Objectives
At the end of the discussion, the students are able to:
1. Know non mandelian genetic and blood type
2. explain sex linkage
3. The function of study inheritance patterns in humans
4. The x-linked recessive pattern
B. Learning Content
1. Topic Sex linkage
2. Resources Chalkboard, video, powerpoint, TV, chalk
3. Methodology Student Center
4. Concepts a. blood type
b. Sex chromosomes in humans
c. X-linked genes
d. X-linked genetic disorders
e. Case study: Hemophilia
5. Skill Explain non mandelian genetic and sex linkage
6. References - Solomon, Eldra P. Etc. General Biology
- Starr, Evers. Biology : Concepts and
Applications 9e

C. Learning Procedure
1. Apperception/Motivation
- Teacher shows a video about sex linkage and asks students their insight for the
topic that will be discussed.

2. Lesson Proper
- Teacher introduces the sex linkage
- Teacher ask students about the relationship between cromosom that they have
known and sex linkage
- Teacher gives explanation about the concept of sex linkage including: types of
genetic variation, Sex chromosomes in humans, X-linked genes, X-linked
genetic disorders, the x-linked recessive pattern, case study: Hemophilia
- Teacher demonstrates how to make pedigree
- Teacher aske the student to make a group consist of three students and gives
them sex-linked pedigrees worksheet
3. Generalization
Ask some students to summarize the lesson
D. Learning Evaluation
Seatwork – directions: answer the questions in 1 whole sheet of paper.
Sex-linked pedigrees worksheet

Background information: pedigrees are used to trace a gene as it is passed down from
generation to generation. You have to know the squeres represent a male and the circles
represent a female. The shaded circles and squeres will repsent having disorder. Make
sure to read each question to find out if a disorder is caused by dominant alleles or
recessive allales. A person can be a carrier of trait,.

1. Hemophilia is a recessive sex linked disorder located on the x chromosome where a

person’s body cannot control blood clotting or coagulation. Write in the genotypes on
the line next to/ below each individual.

H 5
3 4 X Y ...


XHXH ...
9 10 ... 11 12 13

... ... ... ... XHXH

2. Please fill the tabel in here,. You should answer what is the phenotype of individual
or all number and write male or female on the first line, the second write
normal/carrie/ hemophillia.
Number First line Second line
2 Female Carrier

Please write the answers in your booklet
1. Color blindness as inherited in an_______Pattern
2. Albinism, a genetic abnormality characterized by an abnormally low level of the
pigment melanin, is also inherited in____
3. Because of these and other challanges, geneticsts often use historical recods to track
traits trough many generation of a familly. These researcers make standardized charts
of genetic connections is called____
4. Ororo Munroe got an “A” allele from her dad and a “B” allele from her mom. What
is her blood type?
5. A mother has blood Type A and genotype IAi and the father has blood Type B and
genotype IBi. Draw a Punnett square to show the possible genotypes of their
children. What are the phenotypes of the kids?
6. If allele inherited from one parent is + and allele inherited from the other parent is - ,
so the children will have Rh+ type (True or false)
7. What is the probality of children being hemophillia if Father with hemophilia;
mother with normal blood clotting gene? show the final results for the girls
8. What is the probality of children being colorblind if a father has non color blind and
the mother has a colour blind woman? show the final results for the girls
9. The disease causes severe mental and physical deterioration, uncontrollable muscle
spasms and personality changes called_____
10. Which of the following genetic diseases inherited as atosomal recessive traits..
a. Phenylketonuria
b. Huntington’s disease
c. Tay-sachs disease
d. Hemophillia

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