Amanda Rife Portfolio

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Amanda Rife

Shoot for the moon.

Even if you miss,
you’ll land among the

-Les Brown

10th Grade
table of contents
Cover Letter 1

Resume 2

Dear Michelle Sound Design Certificate 4

Honor Roll Award 5

National Junior Honor Society Membership Certificate 6

Visual Art Scholastic Event Certificate 7

National Spanish Exam Award 8

Scientist Summary 9

After Effects Tutorial 10

Africa Highway Memo 11

Amanda Rife
2206 Prather Lane
Austin, TX 78704

Dear internship person,

I am writing because I want an internship position in your organization. Your organiza-

tion impresses me because of the work your people produce and the level of skill that
they are on. It would be amazing to get the opportunity to be able to work with you all.

I am fit for the job of intern because I have been taking film classes since I started mid-
dle school. I have been taking rigorous film classes these past two years in high school
in particular. I sometimes make films in my own time, and have been selected as a final-
ist in the Lights, Camera, Help organization last year for my animation about my school.
I also go to a film summer camp every year, the Dear Michelle Project, where I help
younger students make films addressed to the first lady Mrs. Obama. I am a hard worker
who can get the job done well and efficiently. My school often relies on me to make
videos and slideshows for events that we are involved in. I am an organized person who
does not let other people down.

I would like to be involved with your organization, and I would like to meet soon. You
can reach me by email at


Amanda Rife

Amanda Rife

1705 Eva St
Austin, TX 78704

Aug 08 - Present
Ann Richards School For Young Women Leaders
Austin TX
Estimated Graduation Year: 2013
I’ve taken film classes every year since 6th grade
Volunteer Service

May 10 - May 10
Art Institute in Austin
AIGA Austin
Grade 9
Total Hours: 10

Helped run a printmaking workshop.

Jun 10 - Present
Austin, TX
Moblie Loaves and Fishes
Grades 9,10
Total Hours: 10

Distributed food to homeless and elderly people.

Jun 09 - Present
Ann Richards School
Dear Michelle Project
Grades 8,9

Extracurricular Activities

Aug 09 - Present
Grades 9,10

Aug 10 - Present
National Junior Honor Society
Grade 10

Aug 10 - Present
Knitting Club
Grade 10
1 Hrs/Week


Mar 10
VASE Compotition
Grade 9

Was awarded a 3 out of 4 on my painting.

National Spanish Exam: Bronze Metal

Grade 9

Apr 09
National Spanish Exam: Silver Metal
Grade 8

AISA AA Heritage Award

Grades 6,8,9,10,11

May 10
AISD Trustee Scholar Award
Grade 9

Jul 10
Finalist in Lights Camera Help Film Festival
Grade 10

Skills/Academic Achievement

Computer Skills
Skill Level: Intermediate

I can use Microsoft Office, GoogleDocs, Photoshop, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, and Garage Band.

Award for sound desing from the dear michelle camp
Award for having a gpa higher than 3.5
certificate of membership in the national junior honor society
Certificate of participation in the visual art scholastic event
silver metal in the national spanish exam
Ernest Rutherford

Ernest Rutherford contributed to the atomic theory by discovering the nucleus of the
atom. The model before his suggested that the electrons of an atom were clumped with the
protons to make one solid mass, but Rutherford discovered that the electrons actually are
located on orbitals around the protons/nucleus.
Rutherford discovered this in 1911, when he conducted an experiment known as the gold
foil experiment. During the experiment Rutherford took a thin sheet of gold foil and shot
alpha particles at it. His results were that some of the particles were dense enough to go
through the foil, and some of the particles were not dense enough so the deflected off off the
gold foil. Rutherford concluded that the nuclei were the particles that went through the foil,
and the electrons were the particles that deflected off of the gold foil.
The downfall of Rutherford’s contribution was that the classical theory was unable to
explain how stable Rutherford’s model was.
A short descroption of who rutherford was and why he’s important

After Effects Tutorial: Creating a Background
1. Before you start your background you have to open After Effects, create a new composition,
and name it what ever you want.

2. Start off with the color you want most of the space to be. Go to Layer on the top tool bar
and click New > Solid. Choose a color. You can either use the eyedropper to pick up a color
from anywhere on your screen, or click the colored box and chose that way. I chose to use Dark
Purple Solid 2.

3. The next thing you need to do is make a couple of planets. Start by creating a new layer (Lay-
er > New > Solid). Chose a color that you want your planet to be. I used Medium Cyan Solid 3.
The layer should take up the whole composition page.

4.Use the Pen Tool to make five points, the last one on the same spot as the first one. Yellow
lines should appear and the color outside of the lines should disappear. Use the Convert Vertex
tool to squash and stretch the yellow lines until it is a circle.

5. Now, to make your circle look like a planet, you have to make dark spots. Create a new layer
(Layer > New > Solid) and choose a color that is a darker or lighter shade of your planet. I used
Medium Gray-Cyan Solid 4. On your timeline, put your circle layer on top of the new color
layer. Highlight the new color layer and use the Pen Tool to cut out swirly shapes that fit on the
circle. You have to make a new layer for each spot you make, and to get the same color just use
the eyedropper tool when choosing your color.

6. Take all of your layers for the planet, organized them so the circle is under the dark spots, and
pre-compose your layers (Layer > Pre-compose). Re-size your planet to the size you want and
position it on top of the purple layer.

7. You can make another planet in a different color using the same method. I made an orange
planet using Medium Orange Solid 7 as the circle color and Medium Yellow Solid 3 for the
spots. Don’t forget to pre-compose your planet when you finish it.

8. Next, you have to make stars. You have to create a circle using the same method used to
make a planet. I used the color Pale Yellow Solid 2 for my stars. After you create your circle,
duplicate it several times (the number depends on how many stars you want). You can then
re-size each star into different, but smaller sizes and spread them around on your composition
(but don’t put stars on top of your planets. You want to make them appear farther away than the
planets). Pre-compose all of you stars into one layer.

9. Once you are sure you’re happy with the positioning of your stars and planets, pre-compose
your stars, planets and background color into one layer. After that you’re done.

10 A tutorial i wrote for after effects in film class (pathway)

To: The World Bank
From: Team Iron Slayer
Subject: Alternate Proposal for “Building a Highway Across Africa”

After analyzing the rejected highway route, our team has come up with a new proposal, speci-
fying in Southern Africa. Our highway section was made to help the people of southern Africa
with some of the issues they may be facing, such as economic struggles and educational dilem-
mas. Four of the stops that our highway will make include: Windhoek, Namibia, Cape Town,
South Africa, Maseru, Lesotho, and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe.
The first location that we propose is Windhoek, Namibia. Tourism and services are the two larg-
est ways that the people of Namibia bring in money into their county. Namibia has a lot to offer
to tourists, as well. Namibia has a vast variety of African wildlife, and there are a lot of safaris
tourists could be a part of. Tourists can go camping on the coast, go whale watching, and enjoy
the natives shops. Namibia also has had recent financial problems, so this highway would be a
great way to bring the tourist to Namibia and add a huge boost to their economy.
The next stop on our proposed highway route is in Cape Town, South Africa. Cape Town would
be a good location for the highway to stop because of the culture of the town. Cape Town is
the oldest town in its country, and has rich colonial history. Visitors could admire the historical
architecture, observe the local people’s lifestyle, and go shopping in the open air markets. Tours
of the town are offered there and visitors could enjoy learning about the town’s history while
observing historical sites.
Another stop for the highway is Maseru, Lesotho. The highway would be a great way to help
the country’s current educational crisis. Most of the children in Lesotho never get their full
education, and the highway could help change that by connecting the county to other locations.
With the highway it would be easier to transport materials to build more schools, as well as
bring school supplies into Lesotho. If the education improves in Lesotho then the country could
be heading toward a brighter future, being better equipped to deal with economic and political
The final stop for the southern region of the Africa Highway Proposal is Victoria Falls, Zimba-
bwe. Victoria Falls is a massive waterfall located in the north-west region of Zimbabwe. It’s a
hot spot for tourists because Victoria Falls is the seventh Natural Wonder of the World. There is
a five star hotel that overlooks the waterfall and a town close by called Livingstone. Livingstone
not only is right next to Victoria Falls, but also has a huge golf course, a national park, water-
front lodges, and an airport to offer to tourists. Victoria Falls would be a nice way to end a vaca-
tion in southern African because visitors could enjoy the breath taking view of the waterfall, and
relax during a nice swim.

A memo i wrote for a project about building a highway through africa


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