Angelique Price: "Rome Was NOT Built in A Day... " "Good Things Take Time"

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Angelique Price

“Rome was NOT built in a day...”

“Good Things Take Time”

Cover Letter.................................1




Exemplarary Work...........................5
February 10, 2011
10445 Doc Holliday Trail. Apt A
Austin, Texas 78753
(512) 552-8035
Dear Internship Recruiter,
I am writing in regards to my interest in your program. I would first like to start out by
expressing my level of intrigue for your program. This has been ever so present since the first
day I was introduced to your organization by one of my peers. I am very impressed by your
company’s outreach programs revolving around health care in our local communities, and I feel
that I do not only have the credentials to be a part of a prestigious program such as this one, but I
also have the skills to help make this program even better than before.
My enclosed resume will outline and inform you of my skills in customer service and public
relations. I highly believe that not only my customer service skills in previous employment can
get the job done, but also my additional knowledge of biomedical science due to my 4 years of
experience in the biomedical pathway at The Ann Richards School, can be beneficial to your
Other strong qualities I have which are not stated in my resume include: integrity, a great sense
of leadership, intelligence, a strong work ethic, and lastly the ability to communicate with
individuals from all types of social backgrounds, and being able to take the initiative when others
Lastly, I would like to take this time to thank you for reading this and also my enclosed resume. I
will make sure to call and set up an appointment with your offices, to further discuss the possible
benefits of a future career with your organization.

Angelique R. Price
Angelique R Price
10445 Doc Holliday Trl # A
Austin, TX 78753

Work Experience Nov 10 - Dec 10 Fashion Consultant

Barton Creek Mall, Austin Texas
Education A'GACI TOO
Grade 10
20 Hrs/Week
Total Hours: 80

I was a Seasonal Employee, with duties as a fashion consultant with, the

urban clothing company A'GACI TOO in Barton Creek Mall in South
Aug 06 - May 07 Barrington Elementary

Barrington Pre-Magnent Young Scientist Program

Volunteer Service Aug 07 - Present Ann Richards Schoo for Young Women Leaders
2206 Prather Lane, Austin Tx 78704

College Prepatory School

Jun 08 - Aug 08 Teachers Aid
References Available Upon Dowling Middle School
Request Grade 8
6 Hours/Week
Total Hours: 48

I helped as teachers aid in a summer enrichment program at a local

Houston Texas Middle School.

Extracurricular Activities Sep 10 - Present Radio host

Televista Ministries
All The Way Live The Source.Fm
3 Hours/Week
Total Hours: 18
NAACP Youth Council
Grades 8,9,10

Youth Council member for 2 years appointed Youth Council Treasurer in

Sep 07 - Present Student Council
Grades 7,8,10

Student body President for 3 terms

Awards/Certificates Aug 10 - Jan 11 Youth & Government
Grade 10
3 Hrs/Week
Total Hours: 16

Attorney Team
2[3/31/2011 10:02:22 AM]

The African American Heritage Award-

Thsi Award is awarded to exemplarary African American Stu-
dents in grades sixth through twelvth, that have shown outstand-
ing academic capabilites and amazing leadership. I was honired
to revieve this awad in sixth grade the youngest grade you have
to be in to be able to recieve such a prestigious award.

People to People-
This award is awarded to special selected Junior High School
students who have shown amazing leadership in their schools

NAACP Youth Council-

In the National Association for The Advandcment Of Colored
People active organization I was elected by my fellow peers as the
Treasurer for 2010-2011 year.


At the Ann Richards School For Young

Women Leaders, we value the art of ser-
vice learning it is imparted into our school
wide mission statement...
“...lead with courage and compasssion,
and solve problems creativly and ethically
in support of our global community.”

So during the four years that i’ve attend-

edn Ann Richards I have dedicated myself
to this cause and by my eight grade year
I had already attained one hundred plus
service learning hours due to my volun-
teering at summer school enrichment pro-
gram and other things around the local
Austin Area.

Exemplrary Work
Below I have my SOAP notes from a major project I did my sophmore year, through my Biomedical
Pathway for the Distinguished Achievement Program. in this project I basically acted as a Dermatologist
with a patient I examined and diagnoised due to his symptoms.
Dr. Angelique R. Price Dermatologist Report

In the Julio De La Cruz case I was referred to by the patients main pediatrician Dr.
Vasquez . My referral was on the basis of , that the patient had an unexplainable rash that had
appeared to be very serious, and also the possible diagnosis of Scarlet Fever& Dr. Vasquez
wanted the patient on an immediate visit to me the hospitals dermatologist based on the
upcoming severity of the rash& his skin.

As a Dermatologist my main job is to observe the patient in order to come up with a
probable diagnosis& When Baby De La Cruz was brought to me on January 19th, 2010 some of
the first observations I made was that the patient was covered head to toe with an awful red
rash that he complained itched and was very irritated. Secondly I observed that the patient was
35.5 inches in height, 56 lbs, and with all of that I thought the next step would be an urgent
Skin Biopsy on an effected area of skin

After my quick observations I sent a lab request form to the pathology department
letting them know I had an urgent skin biopsy sample that needed to be processed right away.
After completing the skin biopsy, and sending it off, after a 18 hour period the results were in.
And the patient tested positive for Steven Johnsons Syndrome, a disease related to that of a
medication he allergy. And since the patient was taking Tama flu a medication that can induce
severe rash, other diseases such a small pox, scarlet fever etc were ruled out.

After the patients visit with me, and the positive diagnosis of Steven Johnson De La Cruz
had to head to the Emergency rooms Burn Unit at V.B.P and get immediate medical treatment.
Due to the fact that Steven Johnson Syndrome can prove to be fatal if not treated properly and
immediately we wanted to extra precautions with his treatment. De La Cruz was supervised 15
hours out of a 24 hour day to make sure the disease didn’t completely takeover his
integumentary system. And during this one month of treatment, the patient would be visited
by the allergist and his medication form would be processed to understand what medication
triggered the SJ Syndrome.

Below you will see a piece of original piece of poetry written by me, for a project I
was doing in pre-AP english my freshmen year after reading a play by famous black
playwright August Wilson “Ma Raineys Black Bottom”

by Angelique Price
Never did I think my history

the history of histories would be a mystery

to me

that I was just a leftover of my history

taken from my homeland

to the land of the white man

my culture held together by a strand of different colors

praying night in day like a priest

but my belief never cease

that i was just a leftover

casted aside

always the bridesmaids but never the bride

but even in all that

I steal whole pride

in the different pieces of my tribe.

Below you will see an exerpt from my four page fall final in Geography Pre-Ap my freshmen year...
This was a very hard final that took almost two months of planning, this final examination was based
on the unit we were studying that semester, which was the Middle East. And in this project I targeted
two main issues that are shown below and wrote a report to Secretary Of State Hilary Clinton.

Middle East Service Report brought you by the ARP

institute on foreign Policy.

What you’re about to witness is an open report on some issues with our neighbors in
Afghanistan and how we can better solve these issues and get a better understanding. Today
we will be discussing some serious issues and discussing the background information on our
war on Terror in Afghanistan. This information is for the sole purpose of better informing our
Secretary of State Senator Hilary Clinton for her upcoming conference in Dubai. We will be
presenting a brief presentation on two key issues in Afghanistan.


1.) Basic Faith and Fanaticism: The Difference between the two and why this is such a big

2.) Foreign Policy: The United States and Afghanistan and the basics of our involvement
with Afghanistan.


Background information: According to the Webster dictionary the definition of a

Fanatic means to be over enthusiastic or overly devoted. In our case we would be
referring to Militant Islam and everything that refers to that. For example the Taliban,
the followers of Osama Bin Laden, and some religious police are all examples of
Religious Militancy. Religious fanatics basically take basic faith and blow it way out
of proportion. In simpler terms a religious fanatic would be someone who prays and
worships the same way as basic faith but they take it over board when pushing their
beliefs off on other people. Or punishing other religion for what they think is wrong.
An example of basic faith would be a common Muslim, who follows the Muslim
religion and doesn’t use violence to get their religious view across.

Important Points: Taliban rule in Afghanistan for 10 years or more. The Taliban
took over Afghanistan in the mid 90s and by 98 they ruled a little bit over 90% of
Afghanistan. They also had Relations with Osama Bin Laden one of the most known
terrorist of all time. Bin Laden originally form Saudi Arabia helped with the upbringing
of once known mujahideen formally known as terrorist group Al-Qaida.


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