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TCVN 6882:2001

Mineral admixture for cement

(this version is for reference only)

Hanoi - 2001
TCVN 6882:2001


TCVN 6882:2001 was prepared by Technical Committee TCVN/TC 74 "Cement and lime"
based on draft of the Institute of Technology, Science and Construction Materials,
proposed by Ministry of Construction, approved by Directorate for Standards and Quality
and published by Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment.

TCVN 6882:2001

Mineral admixture for cement

1. Scope

This standard applies to mineral admixture for manufacturing Portland blended cements in
accordance with TCVN 6260:1997.

2. Normative references

TCVN 141: 86 Cement- Methods of chemical analysis.

TCVN 2682:1999 Portland cement- Technical requirement.

TCVN 3735-82 Active pozzolanic admixtures.

TCVN 6016:1995(ISO 679:1989) Cement- Test methods- Determination of strength.

TCVN 6260:1997 Portland blended cements- Technical requirements.

3. General requirements

3.1 Mineral admixture is artificial or natural inorganic materials used for Portland blended
cements, which do not affect negatively to properties of cement, concrete and reinforced

3.2 Mineral admixture shall be classified into two types: active admixtures and full

4. Technical requirements

4.1 Quality properties of mineral admixtures are given in table 1.

Table 1- Quality properties of mineral admixtures

TCVN 6882:2001

Properties Level

Active admixtures Full admixtures

1. Strength active index with Portland cement 75 -

after 28 days compared with reference sample,
%, min

2. Final setting time of mortar and lime- 96 -

admixtures, hour, max

3. Water resistance of mortar, lime- admixtures Suitable -

4. Content of dust and clay mixtures, %, max - 3,0

5. So3 content, %, max 40

6. Harmful alkali content of admixtures after 28 1,5

days, %, max

5. Test methods

5.1 Sampling and preparation of samples

5.1.1 The sample shall be taken according to lot, from at least 10 different positions of
each lot, at each position at least 2 kilograms. After preprocessing, mix up these samples
homogeneously and reduce it by quartering to obtain an average sample of 10 kilograms.
This sample is processed continuously until the particle size is 10 mm, then drying sample
at 105oC ± 50C.

5.1.2 Taking one per three of sample prepared according to 5.1.1 for determination of dust
and clay mixtures. The rest shall be grinded until the fineness passing the 8 mm sieve, and
the residue from 10 to 15%. The powder shall be divided into two equal portions and
maintained moisture-free, ones for testing according to requirements of this standard, the
rest is for reserve sample. The time for reserving sample is one month.

5.2 Determination of strength active index

. Strength active index with Portland cement after 28 days (IR) is the ratio of compressive
strength of Portland cement sample blended with 20% of mineral admixtures after 28

TCVN 6882:2001
days(RB) and of background Portland cement sample (without admixtures) after 28 days
(RA), calculated in percentage, by the formula:

IR= × 100

Background Portland cement sample shall satisfy requirements of TCVN 2682:1999.

Portland cement sample blended with 20% of mineral admixtures shall be prepared by
mixing up 20 percent of grinded mineral admixtures as Item 5.1.2 with 80 percent of
background Portland cement.

Compressive strength of background Portland cement sample and of Portland cement

sample blending 20% of mineral admixtures shall be determined in accordance with TCVN

5.3 Final setting time and water strength of mortar and lime- admixtures shall be
determined in accordance with TCVN 3735-82.

5.4 Determination of dust and clay mixtures content

5.4.1 Principles

Dust and clay mixtures in mineral admixtures shall be determined by decant of eliminating
clay mixtures dispersed in water.

5.4.2 Equipment, instruments:

- balance with accuracy of 0,01 gram;

- oven;

- cylindrical inox barrel with the dimension of 150 mm x 300 mm (figure 1);

- glass chopsticks;

TCVN 6882:2001

Dimension in millimeter

Figure 1- Diagram of inox barrel

5.4.3. Testing procedures

Weigh out 1 kilogram to the accuracy of 0,01 gram, the sample (m1) prepared as in Item
5.1. Pour the sample into inox barrel, then add clean water to about 250 mm in high.
Submerge the sample for two hours, every 30 minutes stirring one time, at last strongly
stirring one time more and keep it for two minutes. After that, decant turbid water until
about 30 mm waterleft. Add clean water to the vessel at the above level again and
continue cleaning the sample, the water is not turbid.

TCVN 6882:2001
After cleaning the sample, drying the sample at the temperature of 105oC ± 50C to the
mass constant, weigh out the residue of dry sample (m2).

5.4.4 Calculation of test results

Clay mixtures in sample (S) shall be calculated by percent followed the formula:

m1 − m 2
S= × 100

m1 is dry mass of sample before cleaning, gram;

m2 is dry mass of the residue after cleaning, gram;

5.5. SO3 content of admixtures shall be determined accordance with TCVN 141:1998.

5.6. Determination of harmful alkali content of the admixture

5.6.1 Principles

When combined with lime and water, mineral admixtures eliminated a defined amount of
alkali. Use flame spectrum analyzer for determining content of alkali eliminated after 28

5.6.2. Instruments and chemicals:

- calcium hydroxide, Ca(OH)2, over 95%;

- chlorohydric acid (HCl), 1+3 solution;

- phenolphthalein solution 1% in alcohol;

- distilled water;

- analysis scale with accuracy of 0,0001g;

- 25 ml plastic vessel with lid;

- palette knife;

- glass chopsticks

- cylinder 100 ml;

- medium filter paper;

- jar;

TCVN 6882:2001
- 500 ml volumetric flask;

- glass funnel;

- porcelain mortar with capacity of 250 ml;

- curing box with temperature stabilizer;

- flame spectrum analyzer.

Note- calcium hydroxide should be protected from CO2, the residue after testing shall not
be reused in the further testing.

5.6.3. Testing procedures

Weigh out 5 grams to the nearest of 0,0001 gram, admixtures sample ground as in Item
5.1.2 and 2 grams of hydroxide calcium. Mix up them using palette knife, then put the
mixtures to 25 ml plastic vessel. Add 10 ml of distilled water, close the lid tightly and shack
the vessel until the sample is homogeneous. Cure the sample at the temperature of 38oC
± 20C in the curing box with closed lid.

After 28 days from mixing with water, transfer all this sample to plastic vessel with capacity
of 250 ml, grinding. Add about 50 ml of water and grind the sample into well-kneaded mud
form, add water to reach 200 ml. Continuously stir the mud with glass chopsticks in one
hour at room temperature.

Filter the mud mixtures with medium flow filter paper, filtered solution is stored in 500 ml
volumetric flash and clean the residue with hot distilled water (8 to 10 times).

Add 1- 2 drops of phenolphthalein solution to filtered solution, neutralize this solution with
1+3 chlorohydric acid (HCl) solution until pink color disappears, add 5 ml of 1+ 3
chlorohydric acid. After that, cool it at room temperature and add distilled water to the
standard level, shake homogeneously.

Concentration (C) of natrium oxide (Na2O) and potassium oxide (K2O) in filter water
solution, in mg/ml, is determined on flame spectrum machine in accordance with TCVN

5.6.4. Calculation of test results Content of natrium oxide (Na2O) or potassium oxide (K2O) is calculated by percent
followed the formula:

TCVN 6882:2001
% Na2O or % K2O = × 100

C is Na2O or K2O concentration in sample solution measured on the machine, in milligram
per milliliter;

V is volume of sample solution of measuring vessel measured on the machine, in milliliter;

g is mass of sample for analysis, in gram. The total content of eliminated harmful alkali for admixtures shall be calculated by
equivalent to Na2O amount (Na2O tđ) followed the formula:

% Na2O tđ = Na2O + 0,658.% K2O

6. Marking, transportation and storage

6.1 Mass of each lot shall be agreed by the seller and buyer.

6.2 Mineral admixtures when displayed for sale shall be enclosed with quality inspection
paper, in which indicating:

- manufacture's name and address;

- type of admixtures, mass;

- batch number and quality certificate;

- this standard number.

6.3 While transportation and storage of the admixtures, it is necessary to separate them
into each type using the measures to prevent contamination of harmful foreign matters.

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