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“Do not go where the path may lead.

Go Insted Where There

Is No Path And Leave A Trail”-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Gabby Lopez, 10th Grade
Table Of Contents
Page 1 Cover Letter

Page 2 Resume

Page 3 Latino Academic Achievement Award

Visual Art Scholastic Event Award

Page 4

Page 5 Biomedical Assignment: Epilepsy Power Point

Biomedical Assignment: Epilepsy Power Point

Page 6

Page 7 Love Tones Art Painting

Page 8 “The Clergy” Pwer Point

Page 9 “The Clergy” Pwer Point

Cover Letter

Gabby Lopez Ruiz

2301 Santa Rita
78702 Austin TX
(512) 476-9308 or
(512) 803-1917

Dear Dell’s Children hospital,

In the future I would like to pursue a career in Nursing. My interests are working with
people and helping them with any health problems. In the future I would like to work
with doctors and other nurses and assist with anything needed. I’m really impressed with
the Dell Children’s Hospital. The way doctors and nurses work together to help there pa-
tients, is something really admirable, and eventually it could apply to me.

Your Hospital can benefit from a nurse that knows 3 languages, French, English, and
Spanish. My speaking and writing skills are one of my strongest skills that in the future
when I finish my nursing career I could contribute to my job. I’m a person that likes to
help people, and likes donating things that people needed like clothes, school supplies etc.
Its also really important for me to work with other people. Interacting and challenging
myself to new ideas is an important value for me. I have traveled to other countries, out-
side the United States such as Mexico and, eventually, Costa Rica, and in those countries
I have or will be volunteering with kids and big service projects. With 4 years of experi-
ence working in a biomedical class, there could also be many contributions useful for the
job. For my biomedical class I have done many experiments and labs that have to do with
medical concepts. There has been many basics of the human body, and the way of working
with supplies nurses or doctors use in the real world have been something I have started
learning. Take into consideration that my basic learnings from my biomedical class could
be really useful for medical jobs, and it will be better for a person like me to go into a
medical field like nursing for your hospital, because of the experience.

Take into consideration all the qualities or experiences offered by me to you to make your
hospital a better place and environment. Take into thought how greatly my experiences
have been with working and helping children not just in the United States but also in other
countries. Being interested in speaking with you the values and experiences I could offer
to the Hospital would be a really important to me so you could get a better feel of the kind
of person I’am. You can reach by looking at the information above the left corner.

Gabriela Lopez-Ruiz
2301 Santa Rita St
Austin, TX 78702

Education Aug 07 - Jun 11 Ann Richards School

Austin Texas
from 7th-12th Grade

Volunteer Service Aug 07 - Aug 11 All kinds of things

International Volunteering
Ann Richards School
Grades 7,8,9,10
3 Hours/Week

Extracurricular Aug 07 - Jul 11 Breakthrough Austin

Activities Grades 7,8,9,10,11

8 Hrs/Week

Awards/Certificates Nov 10 Gabby Lopez

Grades 6,7,8,9,10,11

National French Exam Award,and BASE Competition Award, Latino Academic

Achievement Award

Skills/Academic Mar 10 English as a second language program

Achievement Skill Level: Intermediate

Music/Artistic Feb 10 - Present Base compatiton

Achievement Grades 10,11

Leadership I have been part of a program called Breakthrough, where I was part of a group were we were teaching
younger students. I was also the host of a celebration where many people assisted, around 100-200. I
also lead a volunteer group in Mexico when I decided to make a group of volunteers to help people in
need. At my school I'm a big sister to 2 students from middle school.

Additional I'm also a person that knows 3 languages English, Spanish, and French. I also like experimenting
different things and meet new people!
Certificates and Awards

This award was for completing and passing my

exam, that was to test my abilities of English as
my second language. I graduated from that pro-
gram for my ability of understanding English as
my second language.
Certificates and Awards

This award was for participating in an art event, were my art work
was evaluated and judge by a panel of art professionals, and receiv-
ing this award was for participating and getting a good number on
it. The judging was from 1-4, 1 being the lowest and 4 the best, I
received a 3 which was good! This year for 10th grade I received
this same certificate, but with a 4 on my work, which is above excel-
Biomedical Assignment
Biomedical Assignment

This was a research, we had to do for our biomedical

class. We had to research any of the diseases our teach-
er had listed for us, and find out the case of the person
that had that disease, which was Epilepsy.
7 Love Tones Art Piece

This painting is the painting I have used for the art

competition, which I got the highest score, which was
a 4(Above Excellence).
The Clergy Power Point
9 The Clergy Power Point

The clergy is a very corrupt group of religious people. The

monk is a selfish man and is not at all the man who he should
be. The nun should be following the convent religiously, but
she has a lot of freedom and takes advantage of that. The
pardoner takes people's money for his own good and makes
it seem like he is doing it for a worthy cause. The author
writes good things about them because people back in the
day thought that they were something that they were not,
so he wants to show readers how people used to feel about
the clergy.

This power point was an assignment for my English

class in my 10th grade class. We were assigned a
category in the story “The Canterbury” tales. Each
person in my group had to pick a certain character
from that category to research and talk about in a
presentation for the whole class. My charecter was
“The Nun” I did some research on her and talked
about her with the presentation me and my group

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