Class 7 Half Yarly Computer MLZ

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Subject:-Computer Time- 1 2 Hrs.
Class- VII F.M-40

1. Multiple choice questions:- (20)

(a) If then statement is a type of ________ statement.
(i) Iteration
(ii) Selection
(iii) Jumping
(b) BASIC stands for Business All Purpose _____ Instruction Code.
(i) Symbolic
(ii) Static
(iii) Software
(c) _______ is a non-executable statement.
(i) Iteration statement
(ii) Jumping Statement
(iii) Comment Statement
(d) (x,y) coordinates in Draw Ellipse specifies the ______point of the ellipse.
(i) Starting
(ii) Middle
(iii) Ending
(e) To make the text bold in Small Basic, type _______
(i) Bold
(ii) Text Bold
(iii) Font Bold
(f) ________ method to draw a simple line.
(i) DrawRectangle ()
(ii) DrawEllipse ()
(iii) DrawLine()
(g) ______ Method to used to change the background color of Graphics window.
(i) Pencolor()
(ii) Brushcolor()
(iii) Backgroundcolor()
(h) _______ Method is used to hide a Graphics Window.
(ii) windows.Hide()
(iii) Windows.unhide()
(i) A subroutine always start with a :
(i) Mouse
(ii) (ii) Pen
(iii) Keyword
(j) When you open a new flash document, you see a ______ in the Timeline.
(i) Layer3
(ii) Layer2
(iii) Layer1
(k) To make the text bold, you need to select the font_____ option.
(i) Style
(ii) Family
(iii) size
(l) To import an image on stage, select______> import> Import on stage.
(i) Edit
(ii) Insert
(iii) File
(m) _____ is used to hide or display certain parts of the layer.
(i) Mask
(ii) Tween
(iii) Onion skin
(n) One layer can contain _______ animation at a time.
(i) 5
(ii) 3
(iii) 1
(o) ______ Controls the contents over time in layers and frames.
(i) Tween
(ii) Keyframe
(iii) Timeline
(p) You can Transform the shape of an object using _____ tools.
(i) Selection
(ii) Free Transform
(iii) text
(q) _______ is the blend of more than one colors.
(i) Fill color
(ii) Paint bucket tool
(iii) Gradient t Fill
(r) _____ is the illusion of the movement of still images in a rapid sequence.
(i) Animation
(ii) Timeline
(iii) Layer
(s) _____ Means to create the duplicate of an object.
(i) Cut
(ii) Copy
(iii) paste
(t) A trendline is a _________ line shows the overall direction of data.
(i) Solid
(ii) Transparent
(iii) Dotted
2. Write the answers of following:
(a) Explain For loop with Step statement. Give syntax and example. (2)
(b) What is the purpose of show all layers as outlines button? (2)
(c) Write a Program to print a table of 10. (4)
(d) Write a program to reverse a given number.? (4)
(e) How can you display text in Graphics Window Give syntax and Example.(4)
What is the difference between while loop and for loop?
(f) What is the use of Tint Tween? Explain with the of Example. (4)
What is the purpose of changing the color of layers? Write down the steps to perform it.

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