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FUNDABAC® Filter for the production of

Lithium Carbonate

Lithium is found in very low concentrations in igneous rocks. The largest concentrations of
lithium-containing minerals are found in granitic pegmatites. The most important of these
minerals are spodumene (Li 2O, Al 2O3. 4SiO 2) and petalite (Li 2O, Al 2O3. 8SiO 2). Spodumene has
a theoretical Li20 content of 8.03%. Due to its high lithium content, spodumene is considered
the most important lithium ore mineral.
Lithium can be extracted from spodumene concentrates to form lithium sulphate which is
soluble in water. Typically this lithium concentrate is then used to produce lithium carbonate or
lithium hydroxide which are reagents used within the lithium battery industry.

Lithium Carbonate Production

Within Lithium Carbonate Production
there are two filtration steps:
The lithium sulphate is first treated.
Filtrate from the water leach belt filter
is fed to the 2nd stage purification
tank. There, its pH will be increased
using soda ash and caustic soda. The
pH increase will cause metals such
as Mn, Zn, Ca and Mg to precipitate.
The slurry is then pumped to the 2nd
stage purification filter to remove
the precipitated solids. The filtrate is
pumped to an ion exchange circuit to
remove other contaminants and passes on to lithium carbonate precipitation.
A bicarbonate polishing circuit is used to improve the lithium carbonate purity. In this circuit,
the lithium carbonate reacts with CO 2 and is converted to soluble lithium bicarbonate. Any
unreacted solids (remaining impurities and undissolved lithium carbonate) are removed by
filtration. The filtrate passes on to lithium bicarbonate decomposition. Solids are returned to
the leach circuit or to tailings if they are see separated from the filtrate.

Benefits of FUNDABAC®
Within the lithium sulphate and bicarbonate circuits
it is critical that fouling of the ion exchange and
reverse osmosis circuits does not occur as they
are very sensitive to impurities and metals. The
FUNDABAC® Filter removes 99.9% of solid
particulate 1µm and larger and can ensure that
these downstream equipment are not adversely
affected. Due to the ability of the FUNDABAC®
filter to wash and dry the cake of solids, the loss
of valuable lithium carbonate and lithium sulphate
can be reduced to negligible amounts. This also allows for solids to be taken directly to tailings
rather than returned to the leach circuit.

DrM, Dr. Mueller AG, Switzerland | Tel: +41 44 921 2121 | www. |

Copyright ® DrM, Dr. Mueller AG, 04/2019

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