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architecture' or text format, as well as two
different word processor programs that
could understand the format. But the univer-
Satellite aids sore fingers
sities never reached the point at which their Munich
software could share files, and the project As anyone who has tried in recent months to It is the first time a satellite has been used
was killed last year. place a call from western Germany to eastern to route public calls between the two parts of
The only concrete product to come from Germany can attest, the two telephone sys- Germany. The satellite, known as Koperni-
the NSF project was a simple text processor tems are anything but unified. A re-dial but- kus, is normally used for intercontinental
called PS-Express, which is now widely dis- ton or a rubber finger is a virtual necessity, calls.
tributed among scientists. It converts a since the few available lines are always busy. But the stopgap use of the satellite does
simple list of data elements (such as 'Last But now the national telephone company little to ease the misery of private and corpor-
Name = Mathis') into a file written in the Telekom is bringing in high technology to ate customers in other regions of Germany.
common Postscript graphics language. widen the bottleneck in at least a few geogra- Telekom, and the Ministry of Post and Tele-
When sent to a Postscript-compatible phic areas until a more thorough upgrading communications to which it belongs, have
printer, the file prints out an entire NSF ap- of eastern Germany's antiquated system can been lambasted in the German press for their
plication form with all data filled in. be carried out. Earlier this month, Telekom sluggish response to the immediate need for
NSF also accepts PS-Express files elec- began switching calls between some eastern more telephone lines between the two re-
tronically, over the Internet computer net- and western cities by satellite in an efficient, gions of Germany. As Telekom has a mon-
work. Some 200 applications have been filed if expensive, attempt to alleviate the situ- opoly on offering basic telephone service,
that way in the past two years. ation. there is nowhere else the customers can turn.
But electronic submission at NSF "is still a From 5 April, Telekom made available 30 Telekom is planning to invest DM55,000
very hand-held process," says Lawrence additional satellite lines between the western million (about $33,000) by 1997 to rebuild
Edwards, NSF senior project manager for city of Hamburg and the eastern city of Dres- the neglected eastern German telephone in-
office information systems. "When we get an den to complement the paltry 24 land lines frastructure. A temporary network, known
application electronically, I print it out, take previously available. as an overlay network, is expected to be in
it downstairs and put it in the queue, just like Hamburg has a population of more than place by July. It will be used as an adjunct to
it came in the mail." 1.6 million; Dresden has 500,000 residents the existing network in eastern Germany,
NSF is now developing a simple 'extract' and is the third-largest city in eastern Ger- most of which was installed back in the
program that will read the PS-Express files many. An additional36 lines are expected to 1920s.
and automatically transfer 20-30 essential be added later this month. Steven Dickman
data elements into the main NSF database, MONEYMATIERS--------------------------
without the need to type it in. That saves
time, and more importantly, errors. GaUSSian curve graces banknote
But more ambitious projects are in abe-
yance until the NIH experiments prove that Gottingen
researchers, administrators, agency officials THE German mathematician YA029863DA6
and the technology are all ready for the leap. and astronomer Carl Fried-
So far, government acceptance of the elec- rich Gauss (1777-1855) is
tronic grant projects has been cautious- for honoured on a new German
good reason. Although the technology has 10-mark banknote issued on
come far in the past ten years, most computer 16 April in Gottingen. The bill
monitors are still barely adequate to display marks the second time in as
an entire application page at once, clearly or many years that a German
not. "I'd hate to read a proposal on the banknote has been issued fea-
screen," Edwards says. turing a scientific luminary.
And at NIH, Mathis is still fighting com- Last year, immunologist Paul

puter phobia. "We're waiting for a gener- Ehrlich was so honoured (see ~ Zehn
ational change," he says. "People keep tell- Nature 347, 415; 1990). z Deutsche Mark
ing me, "John, what you're doing is terrific. I Gauss, for whom approxi- c: e~
just hope I retire first. " mately 50 mathematical laws, n <:. \
Mathis takes the long view. "Everybody formulae and methods have
m ~\}
knows that (electronic grants) are inevit- been named, was head of the
able," he says, "it's just a question of when to GOttingen astronomical ob- ~:!{'- "'[T.
-~;:-r:- [
buy in. If you want to be on the cutting edge servatory from 1807 to 1855.
and to have a lot of fun, you do it now. Other- One of the founders of mod-
wise, you step back and let everybody work em geophysics, Gauss be-
the bugs out." came famous during his life- Gauss is latest in the line of scientists to receive
Bugs or not, cultural resistance remains time for his method of recognition on German currency.
the largest hurdle to electronic grants. measuring magnetic fields in absolute tary orbits and magnetic fields.
Mathis and his staff spend much of their time units, which later became known as gaus- Gauss is latest in the line of scientists to
visiting universities, other parts of NIH and sian units, including the gauss (for mag- receive recognition on German currency.
federal agencies to preach the gospel of com- netic field strength). In 1992, a third figure from German
puterized applications. These "dog and pony In addition to a portrait of Gauss, the scientific history, this time a woman, will
shows", as Mathis describes them, are in- face of the note features the familiar gaus- appear on a new 500-mark note: Maria Si-
tended to create a groundswell of demand. sian distribution. The reverse side features bylla Merian (164 7-1717), who compiled a
Until Mathis and Edwards can convince a 'viceheliotrope', a type of sextant used for famous catalogue of drawings of insects.
university administrators that electronic surveying invented by Gauss to divert a ray The series of notes is designed to depict
grants save time and trouble, the weak link in of sunlight to a distant observer. Circles in great personalities of German cultural life.
the chain will continue to be the human one. the background represent stylized plane- Steven Dickman
Christopher Anderson
NATURE • VOL 350 • 25 APRIL 1991 647
© 1991 Nature Publishing Group

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