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TGG4M1 Westmount C.

AODA and Universal Design for Websites

Complete the following questions, add them to your DLP (course website) and submit them on
Google Classroom.

Look at the 7 Principles of Universal Design. Go to Ontario How to Make Websites Accessible.

1. How does the AODA apply to websites? Who must make their website
accessible? (2 marks K/U)

AODA applies to websites because it makes it so a private, non-profit organization with 50+
employees, or a public sector organization have to make their new and significantly refreshed
websites accessible to everyone. The people that have to make the website accessible is the
organization that controls the website.

2. Choose two criteria from Level A and two from Level AA and explain how they
make a website more accessible. (4 marks C)

A: Guideline 1.1 Non-text content help make a website accessible by making it so all pictures
and non-text content must have a text alternative that serves the same purpose.

Guideline 1.2.2 makes it so captions must be there for all pre-recorded audio (unless there is a
text equivalent). The point of this it to make the audio accessible to those who are deaf.

AA: 1.4.4 makes it so that all text (minus captions and images with text) can be resized to at
least 200% without affecting the website's functionality. This makes the website more accessible
to people with seeing problems.

2.4.6 makes it so that all headings and labels describe the purpose or topic clearly. The point of
this is to help people that access the website understand its purpose and how the information is
organized with ease.

3. Which principle of universal design do the four criteria you chose from question 2
fall under? (4 marks T/I)

1.1 falls under the universal design of Flexibility in use.

1.2.2 falls under the universal design of Perceptible information.

1.4.4 falls under the universal design of Size and space for approach and use.

2.4.6 falls under the universal design of Simple and intuitive use.
TGG4M1 Westmount C.I

4. Choose one of the criteria you selected in question 2 (or another of your choice).
How would you use the criteria from question 2 to make your Papa Joe's website
more accessible? (2 marks A)

Guideline 2.4.6 can be extremely useful when making our Papa Joe’s website. It gives
guidelines on how to make the website understandable and easy to navigate by having clear
headings and labels that describe their purpose, which in turn can help bring Papa Joe’s more
customers with the ease of the website.

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