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For 1he Íirst rrbê, an AUTHENTIC CoÁdeGer Mrcrolhooe oÍ outlràldDg
qudtry àt a dow!-to-earur price,
i Plecision-made Capsule.
* lossibility oI lioitilg ResloDse to 6uit iDdividuatneeds.
a Vely sdooth Frequeacy Respo6e êxtêDdjle ovêr the {hore audibte n!gê.
n Feeds.drrectly irro tuy MplirFr/rÁpe lecordpr wrrh a !ádro
or hish
ropeoalce r4Ni - thàdc to its uubuàlly hicn óulput (150óv, ),
* Subst ntially omDi-directioel trut cardioid iÀ dis oI ca!6ute,
r oubut Impêdaace: 600 ohms catàodeioUover.
T_heMICROKIT CoÀdeGêr Mjcrophore rs avá.Iàble as a COMPLETL krr
or parrs. wlth a coElrehêDsive hallal jDcorporaliÀg@ique sreo_bv Sko,.
uq coEprerc wun 6wivel bracket ud tlrpod ada!rcr.

P . ic e : 2 0 g À s.
MICROKIT ColdeËe. MicrophoÉ ready assêmbleddd rested.

P lic ê : 2 5 g 6 .
Both the k ald tne dbembled ver6io! iÁcllde our @que Oue yerr Freê
Replaceme!t/Service c@rartee
We ,a rê ,oN i À a pos i l i oDto à c c e p rv o u ! o ld e r Í o r e a r ly d e t . ! e r J . W r i r e j
ca| or 'phole Ior Iurther details
Distrrblror" ot proÍessiotrÁl Elecuoec Recóráuc Ë;"jfi;,i: -' '

TelephoÀe: CoveDtcardê! 3026 Cables: Kassmusic LoÀdo!

F RE Q UE NCïRE I P O NS E : V e r y sn o o th -
Do Pe* aDdd'ps d D convertiooal
4rcrolnoÀes - oye! the enrLreaudible
s p e . t r u m I t r s p c s ib t e t o t r m it $ e e xte l t
or rnrs covelage by electrical neals. for
s p e c ia rp u r p o s e s jiÍ s o d e s r r e d .
OUTPUT VOLTÀGE: l50mv, ÁDolox.
Io^ravêràgespê€ch Dpur + I! prlctice the
Raoro or hrgn rmpedalce iÀpur of the
iv e r a g e d o h ê s t jc h i- Í r a n p lUr e r o r ta l e
recoroer oay be used wjth e3cellêtri
resurts - vithout bàvils to resolt to
addi!io@l pre-ampliriers o. tractormers.
O UT P I T I M P E DA NCE 6 0 0o hm s)
. cathodeÍolLwer ourput Ir 15lhpreÍore
lossible to !se very ,ons c o De c r h s lê a d s t r n s ó n e c a s e 5 .e v e ow. r F eD e d )
ro! couectlo! tó thê urput ot êI àopliiier or tape recorder.
POLA.R.CHnn-ACTERISTIC:Substaltially obÀi-di!eciioEl, but cardioid i!

R,,Ê IN TE R FLR E N C E S C RE E M NC: l : u s c e p r b ler o R. j

p 'cku p, c aps ure s eu i s êt . c r r o m à B ÀNo
e t ic a, lts c ie e n e d .
in le . Í e r e tr ( e

POW^E R S U P ?LY C ompa c a

l À do e t r - ( o q u r De d llp u r s : llO - 2 2 0 _ 2 45 V.
.aDre Bed lor t ouecijos power supplr !o microphóne.
PROVISIONFOR STAND. Fuled wirh ss rveLbràcker ud provBroÁjor

v;rïffi :?,"ï."trJ1"tr3ff".,.""Hi *', * " tupe)

1,""à.]: vnn!urura
!lN l SH S rardÀ rd* F.uLi oD is m a t r , c h ro m e t r u s h , b u r o r h ê rà L r e r d r i ve
r ro sn s uppri edto s pec i alord e r .
D IM EN S TO À S[,rrc
: rophoE e : 8 ï 1 3 / 4 i6 . (20
P ow erS !@ l y: 4 r 5 i6 L o s . (lo

AD àve.age speakiÀgyoice
à t a di s tec e o112"(30 c m .
córrespords to a 6ouÀd
pressure of alpro:imaiely
with the ever uc.easi4 interest iÀ Hi-Fi,
tape recordine aÀd souEdreproductioí il
sederal, lhe anateur with lieited tiuDcial
means, is well àwàre óf thè eristelce ol
coldelser microphones, but much às he
vould ljke to possesssuch e i6tr!ne!|,
lhe q!êstio! ol price has alwáys beeÀhis
loremost det€rr€Àt.
The MICROKIT coÀdeDsermicrolhone hàs
been developedwitb the uterests oI the
kêeDamàieur iolemost in mitrd ald in some
cases its high !€riormànce mrght véll iutÍil
4aÀy proi€ssiodl rêquir€meÁts- although
it has never be€! the ilteuijoÀ to compete
with those eerr kaóNniifós, soee oI whom
have be€ÀE busiless ior ov€r 39 lears,
e xcl u srv el yu thê s eÍv rc e oÍ t h e
The MICROKIT coÀdeDserdicrolho!€ utilises th€ "classi. lriqciple ói the
plotessjo@1 quality Dicrophoíe &d all n€chàÀical paris afe precjsion óade.
'rh e cà pbul p,s h,c h.s the h e d _ r' o f r h Ê r s 6 a ! \ ' le d t o e r t r em e l y
cl o se tó l el uc es ouLoÍ hrÊ n - s r c d p r ó s 'ay s
t rle
d( n
n j
e í r @ l q s s e m o l,à t r dc d r u s!-
m e Dra rê c arl €d our !o ai ol è r e c e o Í - o ! - I d u ( l m r . , ó o - 0 0 0 1md .)
Th p d r à!hrrgb D arêrÉ r us e d , b e s p ê c r a llrm a Á u Í d c t t r e d t o . t h e I Ur p o se .
wh r cngurà!rÊ ê6 à v ert hrg hd e g r e eo f ! t - b . l. t v o v e r à lo r B t e r m p e l:o d .
'l n e e lec LroE i !(rl c uj U i àl s o u c ó r p o r a t Ê . c lc - s ' c p . iÀ c ip e s , wii\ le g a l i \ê
re e d b à .k rêl àhv -\ l oq rnp p d a b c eo u t p J rc o u p lr dwr r \ à q " r c e p r r o @ l l vh r g h
oltput lor a microphoie (see attachedtechdcal specjlicatió!). This j6ures
t]lat jt is !o lolge! lecessa.y to lidit lhe use oi this microphole with
ê q u rp meor !.óv rded 1rth a s ! ê ( r 4 1m r c r o p h o n e! o u e c r r o r à r d r h Pr d F r Po r ,l
h r shq ul ry ot the s \s rÊ d r" r e L a ile d , s iÀ ' e à d d . t . o u l p r ê - a o p . . Í . è r btu d
hatchilg ira6lorbers- shich geDerauy
coDtlibutê toeards a lesseuÁg ot micÍolhore
qualily, aot to oeÀiio! addiiiolal expeNe -

WheD6ed witl equipEeÀi oI coDra.abLe

high qulity, th€ MICROKIT condeGer
dicrophoqe is cepableoi extremely rea.lisiic
leproduction, with supe.btralsieat r€sloÀse.
It has a very good sig@l-to_loise ratio anl
vUl lot ovêrlord easily, evea in the lresence
ot very hjgh soud plessures.
To cater Ior the "do-it-yolrsell 'i ahÀteurj
thê MlCÊO(lT coldeDser niclolhoÁe is
availablê in kit lorm, with a very comlre_
heEive coEtru.tio! dàlual, iícorlorating
a ioolprool sysien oi 'poini-lo-poiDt"
wirjlg ehich eveÁlhe seai-techlcal laymaÁ
c& Iollov easily, Ody t.I1enost basic tools
are rêouirêd. Th€ kit à1socarries a I vear
iree-'6ervice eurantee à!d lnlidited Dèi-
so@l advtce shó\rldthe codlrucior require
it,. oa aDy aslect ol its co6tructioD, or iis

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